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Yume Nikki Mafia - Day 3


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##Vote: Randa

I just remembered Refa's Randa vote was p weak and seemed to nitpick Randa's scumreads. That actually reads like a perfect bus to me, since he decided to avoid other discussion in the thread and Randa's content itself is lackluster (the only original content from him was 'feeling off' about BBM. BBM's flip makes me feel that was done just for the sake of it honestly)

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sry I fell asleep immediately after making my last post

Good shot Boron. We have a have a Vig and a...whatever Marth is. Cool.

Now that mafia vanilla is a confirmed role, anybody feel like arguing why Shin isn't mafia for just his vanilla claim? EHH BBM??? Though...I guess I feel better about Shin after this Refa flip. I wouldn't have expected Refa push shin so persistantly even when shin wasn't wagon-able

TBH I'm skimming Refa, and will look at things again later on when I'm feeling a bit more rested. However, upon a skim from Refa, something hits me in the gut. I refuse to look into this further until I've cleared my head, but I'm not dismissing a gutread until i can muster up a reason to.

##Vote Eurykins

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Restating reads because of things that have happened:

Poly is no different for obvious reasons, he's still a big scumspect.

Shin is looking a lot better imo. Refa was pushing him really hard, and being kinda passive-aggressive about it, like poking at the flavor and giving relatively indirect opinions considering how intent he was on getting Shin lynched, so it doesn't look like bussing to me.

Also because of this post:

SB, scorri's kinda... well not existed. Her last post shows she's at least followed the general jist of the game, but I'm not feeling any real commitment to anything happening. It's not like she's scummy, but more like a spectator looking in. None of the points are terrible, but either due to being busy or some other force, scorri doesn't feel entirely like part of this game.

I feel like as scum, he would have tried to fake a read, or just said "unmemorable null", rather than actually thinking about it and at least having a detailed lack of opinion. So Shin's a solid townread for me now.

Randa is still scummy for the same reasons as yesterday (no original reads, whiny excuse about not playing well, horrible case on obvtown Raymond), plus Marth makes a good point, 10/10 will sheep.

##Vote: Randa

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Quick summary of my thoughts on players if I get lynched:

Leaning Town- Bluedoom eclipse Elieson Eurykins Kay Refa SB Scarlet Shinori

Null- BBM Mitsuki Sangyul scorri

Leaning Scum- Polydeuces Randa Shin

Okay, so this was Refa's most recent comprehensive "reads" post. I color-coded the three people whose flips we have.

Refa was town reading Scarlet pretty hard, especially near deadline, and I'm more inclined to think Scarlet is town. I don't think scum would buddy with one another in that manner, especially when there was a high likelihood one of them would be lynched. Also, unless Refa was super intent on bussing Shin D1 I don't think Shin is likely to be scum.

I'd like to see more content from Poly this phase. While I'm leaning slightly town on him because of Refa's actions, I'm still not as sure on him because another part of me says that Refa locked himself into pushing Poly for consolidation after Shin became unviable as a wagon.

##Vote: Randa

I agree with Marth with regards to Randa as well. Despite putting Randa in his "scum" column and making a vote on him, Refa didn't have a lot to actually say about him and outright said "I'm sheeping Eury's case on Randa". He was also happy to not mention Randa again after unvoting him to vote Shin unless someone brought it up. (Autocorrect, stop making "sheeping" into "shipping" ;/) Randa himself hasn't been fantastic either. He said he had AP tests and then vanished, not even posting after being prodded. He has been amazingly waffly and non-committal on everything, including his own vote on Scarlet, and empty questions.

Will look at people whom I mostly skimmed over during D1 later today.

Dunno if Scarlet told you anything, but I'm a Town Ascetic.
Good to know because I don't think this was mentioned. Feels like NSFMM4 part 2.
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So 2 townies/1 Scum dead N1, BBM claimed by Marth and Refa death by Sangyul. Finding it a little strange to see multiple shots coming out from town-sided sources... (especially given a game that was to be filled with multiple vanilla roles) but what's done is done.

sry I fell asleep immediately after making my last post

Good shot Boron. We have a have a Vig and a...whatever Marth is. Cool.

Now that mafia vanilla is a confirmed role, anybody feel like arguing why Shin isn't mafia for just his vanilla claim? EHH BBM??? Though...I guess I feel better about Shin after this Refa flip. I wouldn't have expected Refa push shin so persistantly even when shin wasn't wagon-able

TBH I'm skimming Refa, and will look at things again later on when I'm feeling a bit more rested. However, upon a skim from Refa, something hits me in the gut. I refuse to look into this further until I've cleared my head, but I'm not dismissing a gutread until i can muster up a reason to.

##Vote Eurykins

Wait. Where did this vote on me come from, just curious? o.O?

Also, I'm not sure how to interpret Scarlet's subbing out (though the image he posted end of D1 sorta seemed like something a townie would do... but that could've just been an easy facade as well). But recalling that (I think) he was in Big NOCers (and they had an issue with the whole NL'ing D1?), I could see that expressed as frustrated town action. Still, something wrong rubbed me about him last day phase, and the original gut read on that player slot is still sticking around. ;/

- Poly/Randa = haven't changed since cases/posts in D1. Nothing new to say.

- Haven't re-read through Refa yet; will do so tomorrow.

- Would like Elie to elaborate on his (what I see to be) random vote on me whenever he can manage.

- Would like to hear more from Shin- his thoughts wrt everyone else here (since he shouldn't be preoccupied now posting back and forth to people mindlessly tunneling him).

- Would vote for Randa (as I had for most of D1), but the cases are already there and pretty clear by this point (finding no real need to do so atm while votes are already piling on) and I'd rather put my vote to more use elsewhere when I get online tomorrow to re-read people.

Anyways, heading offline for the night; got an aquarium shift in the morning to cover (and still sick, blah), so have a good night guys and I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon.

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Due to family things, I wasn't around for phase end. I'm on for a very narrow window of time, which is an understandable pain in the ass to plan around. Onward.

First off, I suck at typing, the last thing I posted should've said Shinori/Refa, but that's a moot point now that Refa's dead. With flips, I can look at associative reads, and the one that I remember is Refa/Eurykins - they went off on a meta discussion for some reason. This, in turn, reminded me to actually read Eurykins' stuff, starting from this post (that's the first "new" post after I signed off for D1). This also led me to this, which I might as well answer. NOT discussing the main, polarizing issue is suspicious, because that's where most of the discussion is (in other words, it reads like active lurking). Randa's content is bad, but he did put his two cents in about Shin/Elieson during D1, which is why he was listed under Shinori/Refa on the scum spectrum. When I'd posted, BBM's content felt like sound bytes - he posted more after I left. Anyway, after a reread, I like Eurykins less. Her interaction with Refa felt like it was composed more of fluff than content, and she's being quite a bit more nitpicky than I imagined. I won't protest a lynch on her, but I'd like to get a few other things done today.

The only other major interactions with Refa, off the top of my head, are SB (dead) and Boron (who claims she shot him, so she's probably not mafia). In terms of other content, my major scumread's claim would cause me to do more than waffle. BBM's reads were all over the place, but it's a bit too late to ask him now. Shinori needs more major interactions besides Scarlet/FFM, and Randa needs to get back here (yes, I'm irritated that he disappeared). scorri existing would be peachy, as well, given that her content reads like a more rushed version of BBM. Elieson, thoughts about me, since I'm the one that called the emotion?

I can fix one of these problems RIGHT NOW.

##Vote: Shinori

Your D1 content had almost as much excuses as content, and all you really poked at was Scarlet. Was the rest of the game not worth mentioning or something?

Also, hi FFM~!

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Ok doing wagon analysis, and Elieson's starting to ping me again.

Ugh vanilla claims. Must be legit, since op says up to X vanillas may exist or something.

Tbh these walls are taking me wayyy too long to analyze, so I'm left with how I feel after reading them once over, and that puts me at Shin (still from before, not a fan of his responses) and then Scarlet I guess, because of my confused thoughts towards Refa and my zero relevant thoughts to THE AMAZING POLY.

Scarlet is reacting a bit strangely for my tastes, but then again, people are calling me emotional for using the word, bullshit, one time. That Shinori vote was bad though. When Imake votes on ppl because they are here, its stupid early. A reactionary pressure vote at this point with no intent to push it towards a lynch is bad.

##vote Scarlet

A lynch is better than a NL at this point. My vote should at least help bring info in.

Bolded: Why did you have a confused read on Refa? No where earlier in the phase did you even discuss your thoughts on Refa. Or even on Scarlet for that matter. In fact was Scarlet's Shinori vote SO bad that he became a better lynch than Poly, who had been waffling on his read of you and I, whose logic wrt thatgg was bad? You even agreed with Shinori's point on Poly in one of your posts, where you said

Shinori has so many scumreads. However, his point on Poly is more than fair. Poly both called out my vote reasoning entirely incorrectly, posts reasoning against Kay and Scarlet, and says that my Marth thing (which started on page 1 of the game) is bad and was a waste of time and effort. Yea, obviously nothing has happened since I asked Marth that question...I must be scum perpetuating RVS or something? Also his only other post says that Marth is a null tell and will probably flip scum because....littered with self-doubt? This all boils down to Poly's read prioritization being weird weird weird. Not irrefutable pond scum weird, but pretty close.

Scum = Shin >>> Poly > Mitsuki > Eury/Randa*

and before you say it, I've got a meeting to go to, and left off on Randa rereading, so I'll hafta pull that up later when I get back to my PC and can finish notes'ing

How did that close to scum read suddenly become "Zero relevant thoughts" ?

I feel like you spent too much time making a case on Shin and tunneling him that your other reads are seriously inconsistent.

Now that mafia vanilla is a confirmed role, anybody feel like arguing why Shin isn't mafia for just his vanilla claim? EHH BBM??? Though...I guess I feel better about Shin after this Refa flip. I wouldn't have expected Refa push shin so persistantly even when shin wasn't wagon-able

TBH I'm skimming Refa, and will look at things again later on when I'm feeling a bit more rested. However, upon a skim from Refa, something hits me in the gut. I refuse to look into this further until I've cleared my head, but I'm not dismissing a gutread until i can muster up a reason to.

##Vote Eurykins

Italicized: Stuff like that rubs me the wrong way because that sounds waffly on your Shin read and feels like you're waiting for someone to cook up more stuff about scum Shin. Also you too thought Shin's vanilla claim was legit and unvoted, so what is that sentence for?

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I need to reread, answer and reconsider stuff and now I don't have time for that.

I think Eclipse is town because of her switch to Refa here, scum wouldn't go and try to bus their scumbuddies by making them a viable wagon (Refa had 2 votes before that) just because of a post. Also, there were other lynch candidates at the moment.

I don't think FFM would go and claim ascetic if he was scum since Scarlet didn't, but I'm sure that he'd do so as town. BBM's feedback for him in ICBINSFMM4 told him that he should have claimed ascetic, here.

I didn't even read all of that but I guessed it'd happen.

I'll vote Randa, the point I brought up against him isn't that strong, but I agree with the stuff that's being said about him.

##Vote: Randa

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##Vote: Shinori

Your D1 content had almost as much excuses as content, and all you really poked at was Scarlet. Was the rest of the game not worth mentioning or something?

This line is a massive load of horse shit in my eyes and either I'm just really stupid or you didn't read my posts that well.

I mean maybe I am just dumb and I didn't really do as much as I thought I did but I definitely had reads and interactions with a few people, specifically the ones I cared to interact with. If I didn't interact with the entire game that's not my issue. The fact that I focused on scarlet for the last 24 hours was solely because that was my biggest scum read and was also a wagon. If that is wrong to you then I'd question what is right.

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I'm probably going to bed soon but I'll reply tomorrow.

I actually have a lot of issues with eclipse though at the moment but that's possibly just personal bias on a person who basically hasn't done much and has just been mudslinging most of the time she has been here.

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Your response is bad, not in a content sense, but in an emotional one. It's one thing to call out something that you see is wrong, but quite another to word it with that kind of tone. I'd like you to come back tomorrow and respond to me.

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Yeah I have an emotional one cause this game has pissed me off to no end and you have been annoying me by being inactive and then just mudslinging onto me for no reason with stuff like "I'm ignoring the elephant in the room" without saying who I'm actually ignoring. There are plenty of people that are important in this game and have been active. You being vague and bullshitty about what I have or haven't been doing isn't a fucking case. It's just you being vague about who I'm apparently not responding to.


I'm really annoyed I should stop.

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Man, I'm not dead. Neat! Since I'm totally breathing, I'll be more than happy to actually have opinions on people.

Dead chumps

Refa - Nice try, but your COD skills didn't help you here! From what I've read, he seemed pretty happy to lynch myself or Poly but the rest of his "reads" seem fairly uncommitted, such as Scarlet and Randa. There is a half hearted on Randa at one point, but I don't really see much of a relationship between the two.

SB - Defended Eli pretty hard but he flipped town, rage.

BBM - Existed so little it hurt, it's nice to know he likes ice cream!

Not dead not chumps

eclipse - I was generally feeling pretty good about eclipse earlier, but the fact she actually wanted to push for a Refa lynch when other possibilities were still pretty happening seems pretty legit... nobody would hate Refa that much to bus him that hard! This seems pretty town to me.

Marth - His defense of Refa seemed pretty odd towards the end of D1, as if he were trying to discredit the Refa case in favour of Poly. Still, I'm not sure why he'd push for Refa at the last minute as scum, it would have been way easier just to not exist. I was reading somewhat town during the day, and I suppose that's still largely the case. I'm a little iffy about two people with some sort of shooting ability, especially with vanillas about but I feel it's a minor point.

Eli - I really didn't like him early on and even when I took a step back, I still wasn't town reading him. His vote on Scarlet seemed a little out of place, although he didn't manage to exist around phase end, which is fair enough - sleep is amazing. Any reason you're voting Eury? i gather it's because your top two reads seem more towny after N1 but confirmation would be kinda cool. Still leaning at least somewhat scummy, looking back, his tunnel was pretty massive.

Eury - Again the push for Refa at end phase seemed pretty legit. However, she didn't seem to be even considering Refa until that point and the "Let's hope we hit scum" is pretty bad. Surely if people are voting it's because they think someone's scum, not in the vain hope they hit scum by accident. There's also a rather uncommitted Refa low down on her scum read list, but that's for thinking about meta? A mixed bag really, I'm CONFUSED.

Kay - Pretty reasonable when she's actually present. A lot of focus on Randa, myself and Poly, I don't really recall her saying too much about anyone else. The wagon-hop thing she said to eclipse seemed off, especially whe eclipse's vote was the third out of the nine needed. However, the Randa case makes sense, but we can talk about Randa later!

Mitsuki - Looking at her voting pattern, it's massive flipflop between me and Scarlet. Like, does anyone else even exist? A lot of the big posts are full of waffle, and there's a lot of points where she says "I know my vote's not great" which seems to be admitting it before people can point it out. There's also this post. The "I don't see what's so scummy about Refa" is a subtle way to dismiss the case on him.

Poly - Exist bro. More inclined to think he's town more than scum based on what Refa's said about him but there's literally nothing to go off that isn't like 4 days old.

Randa - I was tempted to write a single line about Randa, because it's fittin' rite, but Randa's general pattern's bothered me. At first I was getting a lot of noob!town "I must post something" vibes. But that's continued much throughout the game and none of them really add anything other than a passing observation without any sort of analysis. It gives a sense of reading stuff but not particularly taking anything in. When asked, the justification of said reads were just repeating them. Vote reasons have been weak "I see no reason not to" and "I feel they're most likely to be scum". Generally not good!

Boron - Didn't quite understand the defense earlier, but I guess she was right anyway! The interactions with Refa before N1 seemed genuine and claiming to shoot Refa when nobody's come forward to counter it seem pretty believable. I'm pretty certain she's town. Also B totally comes after R!

Scarlet - I still don't detect very much scum intent. There's a lot of trying to figure me out, best of luck I don't even get myself sometimes, but I get a sense of actually trying to contribute to the game. The constant focus on Poly is something but again, I don't see why scum would swap to Refa to lynch one of their own if someone else turns up.

scorri - What I said about scorri in response to SB yesterday pretty much sums up how I feel. She's kinda sat on a Poly vote for like two days and I'm questioning why she even voted Poly in the first place.

Shinori - First of all, the mudslinging comment seems really petty, especially when a lot of the points against you are pretty valid. Much of your focus is on Scarlet. There are a couple of scattered lines where you say something about someone else or ask a question, but you've done very little other than tunnel Scarlet. This post is the closest he came to talking about other people and yet it still has a section devoted to Scarlet. I have no reason to disbelieve him about his internet, that totally sucks.

##Vote: Randa

Shinori's kinda up there as well, but I feel he's been making more of an effort than Randa. I'm a little eh on Eli and Mitsuki but I'm not as convinced as I was when I was defending the gates of the United Shindom.

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Shinori's kinda up there as well, but I feel he's been making more of an effort than Randa. I'm a little eh on Eli and Mitsuki but I'm not as convinced as I was when I was defending the gates of the United Shindom.

I feel like anybody has made more effort than me. And that's probably because I had to go to Maine to do some work and I had no wi-fi. Not a good reason and I know that I probably should've subbed, but I should be good now. Anyways just give me some time to read while not skimming.
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I'm going out to breakfast, so I will be back later. Don't quick hammer me while I'm gone. And I will finish reading when I get back.

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Okay I don't think I'm gonna get out of this nor do I feel like trying to. So I'll comfirm this now I am Scum.

Yea, congrats you found the easiest one. My teammates are Poly, and Shinori and as you know Refa. The plan was Refa buses the rest of us lurk.

Of the remaining members one is a 1x Watcher Godfather, the other is a 1x BVP ninja. I'm a goon if you care.

And more interestingly Marth you never visited BBM last night, that was eclipse. Is there something your not telling everybody eclipse. I wonder. Thought I don't know why Marth claims the shot.

Oh and I killed SB just in case your curios.

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This is on par with the mod error gambit in EO as an ill-advised gamble.

One that's totally WRONG, by the way. I'm VT, as I believe I already softed earlier.

But whatever, saved me the trouble of re-reading, because this is just so blatantly stupid that I'm not even going to give this a second guess.

##Vote: Randa

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