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Mafia Question of the Whenever - LYLO


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Question 14: The game is in LYLO and you're one of the last players left in the game. What are your thoughts on making it to LYLO as town? What are your thoughts as scum?

As town: "I'm still alive...crap."


Alternatively both parts of this:

Town LYLO: "So it appears I'm actually terrible at this game"

Scum LYLO: "Please don't be Loved"

For the current question, I've talked about it enough in scumchat but I never get around to doing so because town really hasn't put us in a position where it would be very useful.

EDIT: If I needed to I would probably (attempt to) bus the buddy I could make a case on without flip-flopping completely unbelievably. Or Refa; I've always wanted to actually bus him.

Edited by Euklyd
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I bus pretty much when I feel like it and don't bus when I don't. I prefer bussing early to bussing late because even though the latter is better in most scenarios, an early bus lets you coast for a while and also when it's 5p LYLO or whatever I just want the game to end rather than trying to bus my buddy for a win in 3p.

just wanted to remind you how much you suck for villains 2 D2 Edited by Prims
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real answer: bussing in forumafia sux but on EM it's my only way of winning except for that really cool game where i buddied xinny

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I'd bus SB.

Idk I like to keep a variety of interactions with my buddies when I'm mafia so that scum!meta doesn't screw up my teams. Sure, even if you have a bussing scum meta you can still try to WIFOM, but some players don't automatically discard things just because they could be WIFOM and are probably going to catch on eventually.

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just wanted to remind you how much you suck for villains 2 D2

hey we still won!

also your point could technically have been proven better by villains 2 D1 but you bussed DNA too.

Edited by BBM
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Forum Mafia; I haven't really played any other forms besides EpicMafia (which is really fun, but not quite the same also it makes me rage more).

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Depends on the scum buddy. If they are especially bad at the game, they're gone.

I actually kinda disagree. If they're just playing badly and garnering some unwanted attention that way, they can be coached behind the scenes; whereas if they're genuinely looking scummy, that's when they're best bussed.

Like in Healer, Eury was playing badly at first and getting people on her, but then she picked a 1v1 with one of the few people she couldn't do so with since their claims (Watcher for Eury, Stungun for Shinori) were so similar, so she looked super-scummy and ended up lynched.

Edited by Polydeuces
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Forum mafia! It's easier to lie when I have time to think about what I want to say and how I want to say it. . .it's also easier to tell the truth, too, and I'm less likely to snap at people for whatever reason.

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It really depends on how involved the people who you play with are and what you feel like doing at the moment.

If I feel like taking the game seriously it's forum mafia > IRL mafia > Epicmafia (those are the 3 types I've played), but if I don't the best is Epicmafia.

IRL mafia can be awesome when you're playing with people who actually think about who they are voting, but if there are too many people it's way too hard to keep track of all of them. Also, when people don't actually care about the game, which is most of the time, it's impossible to scumhunt and scum tend to always win.

It used to be my favourite kind of mafia even after I played two forum mafia games, but then I played my third game with people who actually took mafia seriously and changed my opinion. Maybe I would change my opinion back if I played IRL mafia with people who were as motivated as me, though.

Epicmafia is always so fun, but I think it's hard to scumhunt with information other than roles because of its format. Roles also make it way too townsided, winning as scum is so hard...

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It really depends on how involved the people who you play with are and what you feel like doing at the moment.

If I feel like taking the game seriously it's forum mafia > IRL mafia > Epicmafia (those are the 3 types I've played), but if I don't the best is Epicmafia.

This but without the IRL mafia; haven't played it.

Except that EpicMafia in the "official" lobbies has always been aggravating for me, so I prefer private games.

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This just in, forum mafia players prefer forum mafia

tomorrow we dig deepr and ask gays how they feel about gay marriage

also stop slacking and post more questions, im looking forward to making a giant questions post wall

Edited by Shadoweh
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Honestly, this is progressing kind of slowly and since Prims more or less disappeared from the topic, I feel like it might be more "productive" if we got started on that The Well topic he mentioned in HQ.

ftr, The Well was a series of threads on smogon where people would vote for a person to be interviewed, then that person would post a short introduction of themself then answer questions for a week

Assuming people would actually want to have a thread like that of course.

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I like forum mafia the best because it generally requires more people skills and less rolepuzzle-solving skills than EM.

That said epicmafia with the people here is also very fun, mostly due to the mix of unearthly setups, fooling around like dumbs and actually playing the game. Winning as survivor in Australia is priceless.

IRL mafia is more meh, like Mitsuki said people tend to not take it very seriously and barely scratch the surface of mafia logic the way it is usually used in forum mafia. It's fun in the very rare occasions when you gather people who do take it seriously.

EDIT: Also since there are no questions around I might as well ask. Aimed at those who dislike rolling vanilla town, why? Is it just rolling vanilla in role madness setups or is it bothersome to not roll some kind of power role in general?

(Shadoweh is not required to answer this question for obvious reasons)

Edited by Vhaltz
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I dislike rolling vanilla town simply because I feel it's less "exciting". Even rolling a power role that has no actions (such as PGO or nexus) or a power role that's pretty much worthless (courier) seems "better" to me than rolling vanilla town, mainly because I just feel more motivated. I guess I can't explain it.

Another reason I dislike vanilla town is because my alignment never wins when I roll it.

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I'm fine with rolling VT because it means nothing really changes when I die.

It's more irritating to me rolling a weak role in role madness than it is getting an outright VT in a non-role madness game :V

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Honestly, this is progressing kind of slowly and since Prims more or less disappeared from the topic,

yeah after I flaked multiple times I just felt like it'd be weird trying to continue it. Sorry!

This is now mafia question of the Whenever

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Well, rolling vanilla feels like rolling the least special thing you could be.

@Shadoweh: I've played way more IRL mafia than forum mafia and for a longer period of time (altough now I hardly ever play), and I prefer forum mafia.

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