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Mafia - Training Filler - Confirmation Phase


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I can quit any time I want to

But I'll mentor if you need one. I don't do open setups

GMT -5 or something, shino time

Edited by Elieson
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In addition, if you are assigned a mentor, that mentor may post once or twice per day phase. Up for debate, let me know.

Posting in the thread or via PMs? I'd see it more viable of a thing to post via PMs, in terms of the players themselves asking the mentors advice there, and having them play it out themselves in-game/thread. (Since, if everyone had mentors and mentors started posting up reads once or twice a day phase, then I could see the possibility of players sheeping those posts/cases moreso than running their own game [if that makes sense], cases, etc.)

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Posting in the thread or via PMs? I'd see it more viable of a thing to post via PMs, in terms of the players themselves asking the mentors advice there, and having them play it out themselves in-game/thread. (Since, if everyone had mentors and mentors started posting up reads once or twice a day phase, then I could see the possibility of players sheeping those posts/cases moreso than running their own game [if that makes sense], cases, etc.)

I agree with this. Most mentor discussion should take place in PMs to keep the integrity of play. Also seems appropriate that mentors should be assigned to specific (groups?) people so that everyone does not go to the same person for advice.

Edited by Makaze
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[5:47:08 PM] Vashiane: Yooooo~

[5:47:40 PM] ChrisO .: Vishie gonna mafs again~~
[5:48:25 PM] Vashiane: Yup. It's not going to be a OFTEN then, but I want to try it.
[5:49:29 PM] ChrisO .: Weeee not since everyone is mafia mafia have you played!
[5:50:07 PM] Vashiane: Yeaaah, I kind of got uber-intimidated by mafia, but, I may as well try now~
[5:50:56 PM] ChrisO .: Yes! Do it! Prove your intelligence! (clap)
[5:51:39 PM] Vashiane: Intelligence, what, omg. That thing I don't have?
[5:52:28 PM] ChrisO .: Uhh
[5:52:39 PM] ChrisO .: Moe the mafia into submittion?!
[5:52:58 PM] ChrisO .: The power of chibis are compelling you!
[5:54:12 PM] Vashiane: CHIBIS. :D

You heard it here folks. The Chibis have decided.

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i have this really abd feeling i'm going to end up with someone relatively inexperienced (i am thinking of people in particular but no names) as my mentor and never actually contacting them

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i have this really abd feeling i'm going to end up with someone relatively inexperienced (i am thinking of people in particular but no names) as my mentor and never actually contacting them

Thanka cam.

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I can probably /in as a mentor (or otherwise) starting from Tuesday.

also imo mentors should only have one mentee, just so that they can't unconsciously steer a mentee in the "right direction" (so, each mentor should have exactly as much info as a single player).

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HST here, and I can mentor if you're short on people to help. If not, I'll PM Manix and make comments about his hair or something. :P:

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phonebound so hurray fun

@euklyd: the full intent was to assign one mentor per player in the first place

@eury: the intent was one post in thread, and I don't think that limiting mentor private chat is a wise idea. mentors should be acting as a person to bounce ideas off, but not to have the mentor take over the game for the players.

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Training Mafia

The game where everyone secretly wants to be mentor so bad but don't express it.

Edited by Bluedoom
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Training Mafia

The game where everyone secretly wants to be mentor so bad but don't express it.

actually not really. i would feel terribly awkward "mentoring" someone. Especially if they are older then me which everyone is.

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@eury: the intent was one post in thread, and I don't think that limiting mentor private chat is a wise idea. mentors should be acting as a person to bounce ideas off, but not to have the mentor take over the game for the players.

1. Limiting private chat, I can see would/could be a bad thing, so I agree that it should probably kept as OC sort of thing (just between the mentor and player) and otherwise unlimited (Though I'd put limits in what sort of advice you can give; IE. Not having the mentors literally solve/find all the scum slilps, etc. themselves and just have their players copy/paste stuffs into the thread to sheep.).

2. Well, I find the issue with the mentors' posting in-thread = it sorta takes out the aspect of "Trying out a Mafia game on your own two feet" feel to it. Mentors can be asked general questions and whatnot on the OC/PM side, which will aid in what the players manage on their own in-thread. But all in all, I feel it's better to not keep sticking our hands in (as mentors) and directly affect/interfere with the active game itself. Whether it goes good or bad will reflect upon their own individual gameplay and how they choose to apply the advice that they garner from their mentors.

(And if the players don't wish to or otherwise feel the need to ask for help from their mentors, then they don't have to, nor should said mentors feel obligated TO help unless they've been asked for it. 'Cause I don't think all of those signed up are super-new players, and so in that case, may not always need or want a mentor poking through their thought processes or gameplay.)

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In eclipse's Schoolteacher mafia, there were three hydra players - two pairs being a mentor and student hydra pair. The mentor was allowed to make 5 posts each phase (or at least during D1). This game is smaller and is all new players, so the mentor would not have to make more than 1 post or something, I guess?

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