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Everyone Is Mafia Mafia 3.1


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Oh, yeah, guys, I got an item that lets me commute tonight, which makes me immune to all actions (like kills, roleblocks, redirects, etc) but prevents me from killing anybody. I'm gonna use it tonight, so don't bother targeting me please. Sure, some of you may think I'm bluffing, but you'd just be wasting your precious kill if you aim for me.

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You find yourselves disappointed by the lack of bodies (and the lack of a comic!) but considering the amount of people left that isn't really surprising.

Elieson, Mafia Scavenger, Killed Night 4!

JB, Mafia Keymaker, Killed Night 4!

Night 5 ends as soon as I have all actions in.

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By the time the night had ended, there were two more dead, and only two survivors.

FFM, Mafia Mimic, Killed Night 5!

Proto, Mafia Goon, Killed Night 5!

Euklyd thought he'd done it, he'd engineered a joint win, but then priorities punched him in the face.

Euklyd, Mafia Arsonist, Endgamed Night 6!

God damn it Cam.

CT075, Mafia Vigilante, Won Night 6!

complaints go here etc (sorry Eli!)

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fun facts:

i'm the one who saved wen n1

i lied about my bpv for the last two nights (it's been intact; idk if it broke on the last night)

my n2 actions got randomed because i wasn't on

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So I made alot of mistakes this game,like probably getting eurykins killed on accident when we agreed to make a truce. Sorry Pascal for not clarifying. I just hope I guessed correctly that Mitsuki had shot me so I shot her. Even if she didn't I still got revenge for that epicmafia game.

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yeah, it did

Cam was the only one with a BPV left.

Cam shot FFM,

Euklyd shot FFM
FFM shot Proto

Proto shot Cam

Had Euklyd primed Cam he would've won though, and had FFM shot Cam Proto and Euklyd could have jointed.


Sorry about some of the mod errors btw, I think the only person it really affected was Eli but he might've been saved had he actually known he was supposed to have a commute, even though there were only 4 people shooting that night and he had 2 BPVs so I probably wouldn't have used it anyway but eh, it still kinda sucks.

Edited by Smug Brit
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Also, throwing up signups for EiMM 3.1 (AnonyEiMM).

Rules are the same, except you'll be targeting an alias instead of players. Playerlist will be revealed, but not who corresponds to who, obviously.

PM me your alias of choice if you want to sign up. Conditions are the same as last time (30p or 1 week.)

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>>Got FFM's night results for N2

>>Was supposed to get a Commute item N3; didn't get told about it until after he died on N4

Thanks SB

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I just hope I guessed correctly that Mitsuki had shot me so I shot her. Even if she didn't I still got revenge for that epicmafia game.

No, I never targeted you with my kill. I knew you'd try to target me sooner or later to kill me though, so I used my role on you both nights. It was supposed to roleblock + kill the person who targeted me and theoretically I'd have been alive by N3 thanks to it, with only my BPV broken, but oh well.

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more errors welp, i got confused by action changes everywhere or something, my bad

if someone wants to co-host and doublecheck errors etc that'd be cool

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in my heart of hearts it was a joint

[7/9/14 3:04:46 AM] Refacism³: who are you killing
[7/9/14 3:04:56 AM] Euklydia: FFM
[7/9/14 3:05:15 AM] Refacism³: what about PRIM
[7/9/14 3:05:15 AM] Euklydia: who apparently maybe killed you?
[7/9/14 3:05:21 AM] Euklydia: PRIM is dead
[7/9/14 3:05:25 AM] Euklydia: I think Proto shot him
[7/9/14 3:05:27 AM] Euklydia: wait no
[7/9/14 3:05:28 AM] Euklydia: was jailed
[7/9/14 3:05:29 AM] Euklydia: meh
[7/9/14 3:05:30 AM] Refacism³: no i mean
[7/9/14 3:05:34 AM] Refacism³: your arsonist thing
[7/9/14 3:05:36 AM] Euklydia: oh
[7/9/14 3:05:38 AM] Euklydia: FFM
[7/9/14 3:05:41 AM] Refacism³: lol
[7/9/14 3:05:45 AM] Euklydia: priming anyone would be a dick move at this point
[7/9/14 3:05:51 AM] Euklydia: "yeah haha about that jointing thing"
[7/9/14 3:05:55 AM] Euklydia: "suckah"
[7/9/14 3:06:04 AM] Refacism³: hahahaha
[7/9/14 3:06:11 AM] Euklydia: it would also draw like
[7/9/14 3:06:12 AM] Euklydia: all the hate
[7/9/14 3:06:19 AM] Euklydia: in any future games
[7/9/14 3:06:37 AM] Euklydia: "can't trust euklyd backstabs people even when there's no gain"
[7/9/14 3:06:45 AM] Euklydia: "policykill"

never again

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