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Everyone Is Mafia Mafia 3.1


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Ilaria, Mafia Delayer, couldn't put off their death any longer

Khan, Mafia Role+Player Cop, khan't keep going. hahaha shoot me

Vholtz, Mafia Loverizer, was definitely not Vhaltz and definitely not accidentally killed by a bus driver.

ZT14HV, Mafia Hider, was also definitely not Vhaltz but is still definitely dead.

Dead Players:

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there's a star trek joke that could've been made

I'm just not sure what

maybe 3-space vs 2-space

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BBQ Ribs, Mafia Safeguard, was eaten alive.

Jackolantern, Mafia Commuter, decided living was 2spooky.

Magento, Mafia ???, has completely vanished.

Vindicate, Mafia Prophet, was crushed by 8/10 jokes.

Dead Players:
You have 24 hours to send in actions. This is probably the last night phase.
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And that's it.

Elacyna, Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner, doesn't have to worry about me misspelling their name any more!

Sky Runner, Mafia Macho Bulletproof, had nowhere else to run.

Foucault (Juliette, Mafia Hitman) Red and Blue (Refa, Mafia Doppelganger) and Magento (Euklyd, Mafia Rogue, who wasn't actually dead) win.

Complain away.

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Sorry Rein (who I didn't betray but couldn't get to survive) and a list of people I totally betrayed.

-Bluedoom (this one was on accident though)





Also postgame please.

Edited by Refa
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I already told SB my complaints but stuff like the 3BPV, Rogue, Commuter, and Doppelganger are not good in this environment because they're inherently selfish roles in a game that should require effort and coordination. All of them lived extremely long, and though the Rogue wasn't actually very strong earlygame 2 night immunity is pretty much bullshit. Being harder to kill in a game about surviving is a huge advantage that really messes with fun.

Outside of that Delayer was dumb because it was a worse roleblocker in almost all situations, and also my role was probably too strong but you at least had to put some effort in. Also I don't think roles like Paper's are good for design either but I don't think people generally agree with me on it.

I'm glad for Juliette though. She doesn't want to join another round because she wants to maintain a perfect win record.

Edited by Reinfleche
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at least euklyd managed to win.


Do ya'll wanna justify your Alias choices?? For Lulz?

I would, but Pants Man requires no justification. Plus, nostalgia and old entertanining web comics. You all know I like that old stuff.

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