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Conspiracy Mafia - End of Days


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Weapons are you just ignoring me.

self-meta is terrible and whatnot, but: lol

really what is this here for

"he sounds hesitant I hope that's his scum meta" like you're just throwing that in there


For humorous effect. (it worked!)

I'd really like if you'd say something other than "I agree with people".

I'm sure there must be more to your blitz case other than little things other people called him out for. Vhaltz is like the only one on blitz's wagon whose blitzread you voiced support to too, I guess you really liked their explanation?

If you could explain what exactly is your read of eclipse in more detail (if even what points you agree with specifically) it would also be Nice.

What makes her lazy scum and not just lazy town? This vote is way too easy.


Wary of Eclipse, but I'd say she's just null-leaning-scum. So Cam should get posting.

I'm not exactly happy with this.

If you think eclipse is leaning scum, what has she done that you find scummy and think would be legit if people called her out on?

Just look at where she was claiming a scummy role before that is not scum duck you auto correct didn't read just have internet for a few minutes lets lynch someone else

I would have cared more about a role with negative utility if this weren't bastard.

I say we crash the NA LoL server so shinori starts playing the game.

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Also @Prims EM chat also said Shinorikins were having some sort of issues with Eury not actually staying at Shinori's anymore or something. They will probably have content soon as opposed to other unpredictable slots and Shinori is an easy read anyways so if you're going to shoot an inactive I don't think it should be them.

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Lurkers aren't going to get lynched D1 because lynching lurkers on D1 is dumb, unless they get content before deadline; in which case we're lynching them based off that content and not based on how much worse their lurking was compared to the other lurkers before they stopped lurking.

If you want my thoughts about Prims it's that I can't see anything ~scummy~ he's done since what I voted him for ED1 but his tone feels weird to me; which is why I've been periodically questioning him the entire time since then about things I didn't like. If I don't state otherwise it's generally pretty safe to assume that my vote is on the person I find scummiest. I didn't have as much on Eclipse mid-D1 bc there was a fairly long time gap between when she left ED1 and when Cam subbed in, but that doesn't mean I found her less scummy and I've been finding Cam scummy since he subbed in too. I also have no idea why you think that my Eclipse/Cam case is weaker than other people I've spoken about since then because I haven't actually spoken about anyone else in-depth other than Prims and maybe you? And neither of you are getting lynched today so I'm really not leaving my options open at all, other than like a one-liner I made about Weapons way back.

btw speaking of Cam, after saying that there were scum pushing Blitz he voted someone who wasn't pushing Blitz. I still think this slot is scum.

time to go reread Euklyd I guess.

PS- I did read your sentence Weapons ha

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Sure thing. This is the post I was referencing.

Let's go.

1. Negative utility roles exist. I am one of them. Bad things happen to whoever targets me.
2. I somehow got out of page 2 with a few weak town reads and a bunch of null ones. You guys are the worst.

##Vote: Paperblade Blitz

The "discussion" right now feels like town infighting.

I have a few ideas as to what her role could be, and I don't see why she'd claim any of them as scum. Like the negatives of having to explain her action/not being targeted (non passive/passive role) outweigh the possible town cred she'd get from that. I mean, I guess she could be lying about her role but...why?

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Lurkers aren't going to get lynched D1 because lynching lurkers on D1 is dumb, unless they get content before deadline; in which case we're lynching them based off that content and not based on how much worse their lurking was compared to the other lurkers before they stopped lurking.

Not true because people with sparse content like Psych have gotten lynched D1 before and I was talking about people with sparse content like Proto and Kay along with the more no-content-ish lurkers. I don't like that you've been weighing cases in relation to whether or not people are getting lynched today (end lynch targets should have been fairly unpredictable in the 24 to 48 hour window of the day with the votals so spread out), but fair enough wrt the rest.

I'm pretty sure we're staying home for most of the afternoon so we'll be around for deadline and checking the thread every now and then.

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scum Ascetics claim all the time; your reasoning is faulty

I don't remember that being the case?

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guh effort is a thing that I can't muster anymore

tbh I'm not liking Vhaltz too much because it seems like he's trying to actively get an inactive lynched from what I've seen of his recent posts? if I'm reading into it wrong then fine

Blitz's last post is kind of bad too, because he makes a bunch of points then drops a post on a lurker when he seems to have an actual read on other people. like, that seems incredibly counter-productive to what we're trying to do (read: lynch scum), especially since plenty of people had suspicion on you and it doesn't seem like you're doing anything to dispel those suspicions.


##Vote: Blitz

idk if this is scum!Blitz or just regular ol' town Blitz but w/e this is what I'm scum reading most

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also if for whatever reason people decide to lynch ecam and the slot flips scum I'd look into possible scum!Refa since he seems to be defending that slot a bit more than I think he would defend anyone as town

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also also if anyone's voting Weapons I'd suggest they go off of him and onto someone else (like Blitz)

Proto could maybe be scum but I didn't read Proto too well so I'll see if there's anything that bugs me about Proto later

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I don't remember that being the case?

spellcard and inception off the top of my head; there should be at least one more

and fuck it, I am not going to let Blitz be mislynched D1, even if the consequence is that one of us gets culted.

I am a Mason 2-shot vanillizing neighbourizing Cop who used his actions on N1 and N2 to target Blitz and User X (identity not currently relevant). Blitz is town.

yeah yeah bastard game Blitz could be scum but I was prepared to claim to save Blitz like 24 hours ago and he was the one who pushed for me to not do so, so that he could get reads off people voting him and analyze his wagon, which is a big towntell. In addition to that his play has been really townie IMO regardless; to the extent that I wouldn't vote for him even if I was something else.

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Also fwiw I think that a Mafia Mason Infiltrator in a 3p Masonry is dumb as fuck balance-wise because it essentially tells the mafia 2 town roles at the start of the game, giving them not only great targets to shoot at for two nights but also narrows down targets for the scum investigative role to find the town investigative/protective roles.

reread Euklyd; I guess Prims's reasoning for why Refa's townmeta on Euklyd isn't valid is fair. The most suspicious things I see is that in #42 he talks about how Blitz is wrong with the setupspec and whatnot (which is correct and something I also communicated privately to Blitz) but then afaics uses that as the basis for a weak scumread in #56 even though his setupspec being wrong has no scum intent in it (or at least Euklyd didn't try to explain why it did). And then when his Blitz vote comes he votes Blitz for his post sounding contrived and cites VM's reasoning. But VM only spoke about Blitz's Proto read; even if that paragraph sucked you can't call all his posts contrived. and #scuminteractionswithoutaflip his Eclipse suspicion has no backing and there's no explanation as to why Eclipse was worse than Weapons even though he's said a lot more about Weapons.

Overall, would vote if Cam wagon doesn't take off.

It's also been 20 minutes since I told everyone about how Blitz is town and I see no unvotes. ;/

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wait what

bbm, you're a cop too?

the fuck is this-oh right bastard game

I'm still not buying it but w/e

does your cop scan have any modifiers?

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Don't think that's a fakeclaim, it's too risky, elaborate and actually gives a purpose to D3 start from a mod standpoint since I don't think using "theoretically town neighbors" as an alternative would've worked for the "you should doubt everything" flavor that this game seems to have. I didn't get any info from N1 and N2 actions but I'm guessing my role doesn't really need any?


I'm going to go reread now because idk if there's any other real lynch alternatives to Cam. Why did you wait until 4 hours to deadline to claim this? (this is not a real question)

Also did you ask Paper/SB if you would've theoretically vanillized a godfather/investigative immune with that role? Having scum in a pseudomason QT like that would be incredibly bastard but I could see it happening if there's a particular kind of investigation role that could out them.

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my rolename is actually Mason I thought VANILLIZER NEIGHBOURIZER COP was such an obvious joke that the accompanying Mason in strikethrough would make it obvious

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wait what

bbm, you're a cop too?

the fuck is this-oh right bastard game

I'm still not buying it but w/e

does your cop scan have any modifiers?

what the fuck even if you believed the joke cop claim it literally had three modifiers right there

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it's not a cc, I'm just hella confused by the whole thing

masons seem believable for this game tbh so ##Unvote


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BBM what the actual fuck

I can see vhaltz's disagreement towards eclipse's question to weapons but I think it was moreso a "Do you think I should vote for Refa?" rather than pressuring weapons so I do think it was fairly scummy.

Don't see how Cam's recent posts are scummy. If anything his "asking for ISOs is a scumtell" is bad logic but I don't really see scum intent in his posts.

I'm pretty sure he was joking.

I honestly don't see the meta where cam defends large wagons as town but in my head cam's meta is to be apathetic as both allignments...

Not fond of the slot still.

I think BBM is twisting something logical into something scummy here. There were 30+ hours left in D1 at the time I posted so there was no reason to work under the assumption that lukers weren't getting lynched, specially considering that the wagons were nowhere near being consolidated. His reason to argue my eclipse read is also literally just the same argument I used for eclipse!town not feeling the need to switch votes (because of case strength being similar) only reversed into a reason why she is scum with barely any explanation.

I had a bad feeling about his earlier interactions with Prims and disregarded it because D1 scumteamspec is dumb, but I found it odd how he voted Prims and immediately found somebody else to go after once he posted, he dropped stating priorities after his #78 and I can't tell what he thinks of Prims anymore. His eclipse read in particular feels very weak considering that he's voting her above other suspicions he's been voicing since, which feels like scum leaving their options open with deadline approaching.

Also wrt spending time with Mitsuki it might seem obvious that playing mafia together should count as spending time together, but actually making posts (me) and reading/reviewing/adding stuff (me/Mitsuki) take very different amounts of time so Mitsuki is generally reading, doing other stuff or getting really bored while I'm making up my mind and typing up the preliminary posts. Hydraing IRL is not an easy task.

scum Ascetics claim all the time; your reasoning is faulty

"Faulty reasoning" sounds too convinct but I agree that I don't think the negative utility claim on the first post should affect the slot positively.

I honestly thought blitz was just some easy lynch being set up because I thought his proto case is genuine hardcore metaspec and honestly felt natural if a bit bullheaded and now there's


this shit.

...I'm going to believe this shit.

Pedit: Oh it's mason oooooooooooooooooh

also also if anyone's voting Weapons I'd suggest they go off of him and onto someone else (like Blitz)


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