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Is anyone on these boards propiterly athletic in any way?

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Aspiring professionals, semi-pro footballers, state-level sprinters; people, this is a place to brag about your sporting achievements

assuming you have any which i for one do not lol

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Well I'm not looking to be a professional but I am good at basketball and I've been told to try cross-country by a few people, a couple times. I'm not much of a bragger though ^^'.

Edited by Zephyr
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in the fifth grade i was picked for the school team despite not having a club, so basically I'm the Australian Guillermo Ochoa, especially because I think I saved a penalty which is important news for I am eligible for England sign me up Hodgson

mostly though we did the usual thing of the really-good-but-individualistic kids up front and the scrubs behind though, I kicked people a lot because I fancied myself with sliding tackles for some reason but this one time I kicked the ball really hard and scored somehow, the sole highlight of my life pre-2012

(I was goalkeeper some games but not others for reasons I do not remember - I think one of the good-but-individualistic kids was a goalkeeper for his club though so we rotated)

also fuck drummoyne primary they beat us 12-0 somehow

Edited by Parrhesia
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Speaking of football, I once crushed another kid's shinbone into a fine pulp while playing. We were both sliding for the ball, and our feet contacted it at the same time. I guess he wasn't drinking enough milk or my bones are made of adamantium. Ever since then I've never really gone all out in any sport. I was always somewhat unconfident when playing, but that just solidified it, I guess.

I also played basketball a bit as a kid. But I was asthmatic when I was small, and I sucked really badly. I sometimes scored for the opposing team.

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I've been recruited to play college football, only d3 but whatever, can run a 5.13 40 and bench 300+ pounds. Kinda athletic. I dunno some of my freinds are complete physical monsters though so I'm never really sure.

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I used to play as a centre back for a football team though I just eventually lost interest. I wasn't that great, either. I would've preferred to play as a midfielder, but apparently I was best (?) as a defender.

i can't remember but I think I got into a fight with someone from a girl's team who were at least four years older than us because they were beating us like 9-0.

I remember scoring this individual goal in high school though just running up and taking on like 5 people before scoring. I am decidedly non-athletic now.

Edited by Tryhard
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Sporting achievements... don't really have any but I was captain of the distance track team in HS and I play club-level Ultimate (essentially means you play as a member of a college/uni against other colleges/unis, but it doesn't get the same level of attention as sports like football or soccer). There's also club-level ultimate that isn't college-based and basketball but I the former I don't have time to do and the latter I just don't do (couldn't get started in HS due to personal reasons so I never got to be good so now I just play recreational... it's fun though).

if we're talking eSports, I made it into Masters league of StarCraft II at one point, and I won my high school Smash tournament... and did decently in others... and then there were the ones where I got wrecked jk eSports =/= Sports

in short, there is a reason I am a self-proclaimed geek: because I am not good enough at sports for them to be anything more than another hobby lol

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Once my friend tried to push me into a pool

I reflexively judo threw her in with the momentum instead and I was fine

I guess if anything my reflexes are pretty damn good

also i scared a bunch of guys at the leg press in high school because I leg press a lot more than they do that counts right

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Once my friend tried to push me into a pool

I reflexively judo threw her in with the momentum instead and I was fine

I guess if anything my reflexes are pretty damn good

also i scared a bunch of guys at the leg press in high school because I leg press a lot more than they do that counts right


Sounds hilarious though, what was her reaction?

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