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Reclass Mafia! Postgames are too much effort


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Okay so that changes things. Nobody hammer until we absolutely have to or PK actually gets in here and posts. If the slot gets mod killed we are screwed.

Possible scenarios:

Note: all of these scenarios are assuming PK is town. Obviously they are much better if he is scum, but I'd rather be safe and not wind up in a shitty situation.

3 man scum team, mislynch, no doc so NK goes through. In addition we get hit with a mod kill. 6/3 town/scum. Not good.

3 man scum team, correctly lynch, NK goes through. +Modkill. 7/2 best case scenario if we actually have a Modkill.

4 man scum team, mislynch. See above for the rest. 5/4 we're screwed. LYLO.

4 man scum team, correctly lynch. See above. 6/3. Not good.

So lets give PK some time to show up and post.

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ace: what does surface level actually mean? it feels like you're just using it to justify everything at this point tbh.

Ace, I'm really not sure what you're trying to say there because those are mostly things I myself said were going on within my most recent post. There is nothing wrong with voting for a secondary target in this instance when I think the person who I would like to vote for the most is at this stage not really a viable lynch candidate, especially when we must have the majority of players voting somebody in order for them to be lynched. I was the only person voting for PKLucas and not many people seemed eager to lynch him right now, so I moved my vote to a more useful spot. Furthermore I said at the very top of my post I had lost a previous post and thus did not want to try and reconstruct it when at the time of posting it was 1 AM for me and I slept almost immediately afterwards. You use words like surface-level or shallow a lot, but they don't really mean anything by themselves, or even discouraging possibilities as too obvious or not trying hard enough, especially, as I've noticed, posts about reads that involve you feeling rather dismissive as if someone reading more into things wouldn't think there is a good chance you are mafia or something in a similar vein.

I was not really going to elaborate on FFM much anyway because there is not so much to even elaborate on, I think- my first (real) post mentioned I don't think he is trying to make real content and so far that certainly hasn't changed up until now. All of his comments have been small, off-the-cuff remarks with not a lot to say about much of the game.

While I suspected Randa's early posts for cases that didn't really feel grounded in reality I think that he has not posted like this since then and his posts feel insightful and sincere in comparison to his early posts, so I don't suspect him at this point any longer.

@SB: I should have said weak reads instead of surface level.

@Rein+Juliette: The bolded is a valid point.

(Well this game is starting to take turns for the interesting.)

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So FFM is still scum guys.

His first post was a whole lot of stuff that didn't really relate to scum-hunting and a rather poor SB vote which was a "reaction test". Next was a long post basically focusing on inactives rather than actual active players (Ace at least had votes on people besides inactives) and then another long post where he spend all his effort mostly defending his cases. After his SB reaction test fell flat his Koneko vote felt really random and was pretty much a prod vote. In general his posts felt like he was focusing on people with little content more than people who actually have contributed more. Plus his reaction to my vote felt like OMGUS.

It's a realistic train of thought for Blitz to pursue something he thought was a townslip. And why can't Blitz go after inactives, isn't that what everyone is doing wrt Kinumi? How is this any different? I also don't see why he's bad for having to defend his cases, wouldn't it have been worse to have just fold and drop the cases? Your suspicion on him is really weak.

Bear's posts have been really basic with statements he said he would follow up with unexplained but apparently that's due to his laptop being on the fritz (my condolences) so I'll be checking his sub when he/she joins.

What was the point of this is again?

Randa's post in where he chastised other townies for not contributing enough felt unnecessary and a ploy to appear more "townie than thou."

I considered making a similar post because I'm frustrated with it too. Why does scum!Randa have to keep posting so much when 80% of the game doesn't even bother to show up? And what do you think of the rest of his content?

Beli still doesn't look good. The only thing of note he has done is an OMGUS and then he seemingly dropped off the side of the planet. New players are more prone to OMGUS votes which aren't necessarily indicative of alignment so for now I'll say he's an inactive.

See: his bear comments. This is still blatant padding.

So yeah. Ace's post I was dissatisfied with before really feels like she doesn't look at the context of Juliette's post. Yeah, she was wagoning but we need to do that to lynch and it was pretty heavily implied that they were switching their vote because of consolidation purposes? I also kinda get the feeling Ace is spamming buzzwords to make her cases look better (see: everything is surface level.)

##Vote: Kinumi

Won't be around for phase end and my activity will likely plummet on Day 3 due to irl commitments. Just in case we needed more inactives in this game! scorri should've replaced martyr or something with a vig ;_;

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I will probably be around at deadline so I'm gonna try and give PK as much time to post as possible. I will definitely hammer cause we don't need a no lynch day 2.

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1 hour and 20 minutes left.

Haven't got much to say. Just waiting on Lucas to post or a Kinumi sub to claim. I'd have preferred if Kinumi had claimed before subbing out, but as it stands, her lynch looks inevitable. If Lucas doesn't get modkilled, he might be a viable vig target.

Not convinced that FFM's scum; will have to read him sometime.

Will probably be around for phase end in case the situation changes.

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Okay I've had enough of this. Waiting isn't accomplish anything at this point. They've both had the entire day to do literally anything and nothing happened. I'm sick of waiting.

##Hammer: Kinumi

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Oh right, hammer happened.

So yeah, you decided that Kinumi was lame and so you murdered them. Then you found PKLucas zapped by lightning, all friend and dead.

Dear Kinumi, you are a Female Soldier, Mafia Goon.

You are a lance wielding infantry unit that honestly kinda sucks. Your stats are worse than other enemies and you give less exp. In Fire Emblem Gaiden and FE9/10, you are a playable class, but otherwise you’re just an unplayable enemy.

If there is currently someone dead who belongs to the same set as you as shown in the OP, you may reply to this PM with Night X: Use Second Seal to turn into <user>’s class. This will prevent you from using your night action, but will allow you to attempt to take <user>’s role instead of your own. Whether or not you succeed will depend on who else attempts to take the role and the priority that they have.

You may talk to your buddies here

You are allied with the mafia and win when you achieve parity with the town

Dear PKLucas531, you are a Female Soldier, Town Vanilla.

You are a lance wielding infantry unit that honestly kinda sucks. Your stats are worse than other enemies and you give less exp. In Fire Emblem Gaiden and FE9/10, you are a playable class, but otherwise you’re just an unplayable enemy.

If there is currently someone dead who belongs to the same set as you as shown in the OP, you may reply to this PM with Night X: Use Second Seal to turn into <user>’s class. This will prevent you from using your night action, but will allow you to attempt to take <user>’s role instead of your own. Whether or not you succeed will depend on who else attempts to take the role and the priority that they have.

You are allied with the town and win when all threats are eliminated.

Well those are some mixed results...

It's now N2, you have 24 hours til the end of the night.

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The trumpet sounds to wake you up, but you hear a scream coming from nearby. Rushing over, you find GP staring at the dead body of Blitz.

Dear Poly Blitz, you are a Mage, Town Redirect.

You are a unit who use magic to attack. You primarily use anima magic, although in some cases you may specialize in certain types of anima magic, such as fire, wind, or thunder. Mages' stats have few consistencies, but you will almost always have a very high resistance in place of defense. This and your magical attack make it prudent to use you to block enemy magic users, and avoid direct combat with physical units.

Every night, you may reply to this role PM with “Night X: Direct <user1> to <user2> with Lightning!” You will use your lightning tome to bring down devastating attacks around <user1> until they target <user2> instead of their intended target for the night.

Or, if there is currently someone dead who belongs to the same set as you as shown in the OP, you may reply to this PM with Night X: Use Second Seal to turn into <user>’s class. This will prevent you from using your night action, but will allow you to attempt to take <user>’s role instead of your own. Whether or not you succeed will depend on who else attempts to take the role and the priority that they have.

You are allied with the town and win when all threats are eliminated.

Well that sucks. It's now D3. D3 will end Thursday at 8:30 PM Central Time. With 9 left alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

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I'm leaning scum but not quite dedicated to it.

Oh you. :P

okay, that was as unexpected as it could even get.....

Yeah, I was not expecting a Blitz kill.

So first, FFM. I'd be okay with lynching him. I don't know why but I would.

I'm kinda convinced Randa is mafia at this point. The two people who were pushing him the hardest are the two people dead. Granted this would be hilariously clumsy night killing if true, but as I don't really know how any of you play I'd say it's worth the shot.

However, I'm more zoned in on Juliette. It's not entirely her fault (Koneko has a couple of posts and they're all atrocious), but she hasn't said anything that would convince me of her innocence. Saying things like "I lost my post" or "posting isnt easy" is making excuses for no reason, and her vote for PKLucas when she had a stronger basis for Randa and Ace doesn't make sense to me.

##Vote Juliette

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Man I was all ready to ISO Blitz but now that he's flipped town there's no point.

Ace's reads post is ok but I don't like how he seems to suspect everyone for having long posts. Also his logic falters a bit:

Plus I'm unsure why he wanted a hammer D1 when it wasn't required.

Why would scum want this more than town?

Beli: Started off OMGUS defensive and haste voting Darros for the rest of D1. Generally reads like overcautious, wary town. I dislike how surface level his reads of kirsche and Lucas and the others are more elaborated on. I'm leaning scum but not quite dedicated to it.

He's overcautious and wary town, but because he has two weak reads (all the others being elaborated on), he's more scummy than not? Would you say all of your reads are strong because the impression I get from your post isn't giving me confidence ("not quite dedicated to it", "town feel", "leaning scum", "Could possibly be scum" etc).

Also you forgot about me in the end you JERK.

Not too happy about the overjustifications (why is making a long post scummy again?) and lack of a confident read.

So first, FFM. I'd be okay with lynching him. I don't know why but I would.

This is a fantastically horrendous read. I don't really like the Juliette vote either as at the time she made it clear that she wasn't very certain that Ace's play wasn't just newbtown and that she was undecided on Randa's later content (although I don't apprecaite the waffle much, it's certainly not going "Randa is super scummy" and then voting someone else). If you're convinced Randa is scum based on killspec, why not vote him? Also, you didn't answer me when I asked what makes being unsure of yourself and following other people town behaviour.


I don't really have too much to say other than that, still think FFM is town based on scumhunting effort and I think SB might be tunnelling a bit. Have a joke:

on SF (adjective) (noun) is a feminine name form, like Green Poet, Ace Tactician, Curly Brace and Smug Brit

Don't forget Paperblade! IIRC he even changed his name to AdjectiveNoun once to spite Interceptor. Grill confirmed.

Lynch priority: Beli > Ace >> Juliette > Elie > FFM > GP > SB > Randa >>> Me

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[10:19:23 AM] scorri's cat: people should post in my game :|

not playing

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Hey guys i'm playing!

Will post but upon a preliminary read of things, i've decided that I think SB is scum, because I don't think Kinumi bussed Janus Von Randa. I'll vote when i finish catching up

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not playing

[10:19:23 AM] scorri's cat: people should post in my game :|

not playing

not playing

Obvious scum prod, would vote 10/10

not playing

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Hey guys i'm playing!

Will post but upon a preliminary read of things, i've decided that I think SB is scum, because I don't think Kinumi bussed Janus Von Randa. I'll vote when i finish catching up

This is the only acceptable way to botch my name from now on.

not playing

Obvious scum prod, would vote 10/10

not playing

Already tried that nobody sheeped me.

What you want actual content. Lord helix doesn't agree.


So first, FFM. I'd be okay with lynching him. I don't know why but I would.

Uhhhhm. That's.. Yeah that's something. Is it a gut read or just... I...

I'm kinda convinced Randa is mafia at this point. The two people who were pushing him the hardest are the two people dead. Granted this would be hilariously clumsy night killing if true, but as I don't really know how any of you play I'd say it's worth the shot.

Why are night kills the center of your case.

However, I'm more zoned in on Juliette. It's not entirely her fault (Koneko has a couple of posts and they're all atrocious), but she hasn't said anything that would convince me of her innocence. Saying things like "I lost my post" or "posting isnt easy" is making excuses for no reason, and her vote for PKLucas when she had a stronger basis for Randa and Ace doesn't make sense to me.

##Vote Juliette

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And I'm just gonna say that beli's posts don't really strike me as completely scummy so much as really bad/poorly thought out.

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Getting motivated for this game is really fucking hard.

kirsche, is Randa's "genuine" post and stuff on a dude who flipped town really enough to elevate him to your strongest townread? It looks kinda weird. I also don't see FFM's effort as town considering he's had 10 posts by day 3, and there's plenty of fluff in what he actually does have.

The feeling I'm getting from Beli is basically the same as Randa is getting too, so.

##Vote: FFM

It feels like he has Kinumi as a side scumread constantly but never really presses it. Ace is still a good lynch too.

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