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FE6 HM 0% growths, with commentary (complete)


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I always find final turns like this kind of funny. It seems like you still have so much to do and couldn't possibly do it in that turn, but then you kill the specific enemies, visit the village, and barely get Lilina to Garrett and proceed to end the map.

the power of lalum

i'm actually really confused as to why i didn't move perceval 1L instead of 2U 1L on the last turn...

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It kind of looks like you accidentally clicked up as well as left, ended up with the cursor on the Merc, and then just decided from there to move the cursor one space up rather than down.

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What I find funny in the videos is that there are often 3/4 of the enemy units still alive. It's as if they want to gang up on your units, but Roy's all like "Sorry, I seized the throne, suckers." I mean, look at that final turn near the castle!

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Omg. OMG. It's him. It's Percival!

He's just so... Wow. It's as if Seth dyed his hair, took pity on Roy and teleported to Elibe in the name of Anna to help him out. Entertaining as always.

Edit: also, rest easy Rutger. Dude put in so much work. He's earned his retirement.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I really am curious on the level of preparation that goes into things like these 0% growth play-throughs. The few times I try to really analyzing something it simply takes a long time. Consulting so many resources its annoying. I remember having tabs for average stats, weapon, enemy data, terrain data, bonuses, calculations reference, map information, objectives, etc. There is quite a lot of information to process I cannot imagine not only trying to get through one map, but plan for the later chapters as well. Making such calls as do I really need all Durandal uses? Oh, and some things I am always certain about until I get there. Usually enemy movement AI being the biggest one.

Dondon keeps making moves I think some enemy will target this user only to find out that it has a priority in AI that says to heal over using bolting or some random promoted Sniper on the first manakete level never moves from in front of that breakable wall. A lot of props to you on this. DD151, favorite LTC user.

What I find funny in the videos is that there are often 3/4 of the enemy units still alive. It's as if they want to gang up on your units, but Roy's all like "Sorry, I seized the throne, suckers." I mean, look at that final turn near the castle!

Fire Emblem 6 is not a war game. Its capture the flag. You kill roy or have your flag stolen.

Edited by Vorena
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So now that Percival the Great and Amazing has joined the party, the next burning question regarding recruitable units I have is whether or not Zeiss actually saves any turns at any point in the run. I'm curious.

well, i don't know, you should wait and find out.

I really am curious on the level of preparation that goes into things like these 0% growth play-throughs. The few times I try to really analyzing something it simply takes a long time. Consulting so many resources its annoying. I remember having tabs for average stats, weapon, enemy data, terrain data, bonuses, calculations reference, map information, objectives, etc. There is quite a lot of information to process I cannot imagine not only trying to get through one map, but plan for the later chapters as well. Making such calls as do I really need all Durandal uses? Oh, and some things I am always certain about until I get there. Usually enemy movement AI being the biggest one.

i have number data for things like terrain and weapon MT memorized. average stats i obviously don't care about, enemy data i usually don't use, and basic arithmetic i always do in my head.

FEWoD is a great resource for maps and whenever i have to solve a particularly difficult seize map, i download a map image and draw stuff on it in paint. their enemy stats are sometimes helpful, but they don't normalize the stats by using a fresh reset, so often they're slightly off.

the best assets are experience and experimentation. even a meticulously planned playthrough is probably going to make some resource mistakes the first time through unless you basically stole strategies from another playthrough (this is what i did in FE5). you'll remember which chapters gave you trouble, and usually you'll remember why. you'll also remember how often you needed to use some limited weapon, which helps in making decisions about whether that weapon needs to be conserved early on. a general rule of thumb is to always use the most expendable weapon for a job, but at the same time there should be no hesitation to unload whatever is necessary. the AI stuff can only be figured out with experimentation or with looking in a hex editor, but even if you were to look in a hex editor you wouldn't be able to figure out how they move.

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Chapter 16 is completed in 11 turns.

Chapter information


New characters

Fae (ファ) - Manakete L1
16 HP | 2 str | 2 skl | 3 spd | 2 def | 6 res | 7 luk | 1 con | 5 mov | ---

I get a manakete of my own? That’s fantastic! Except that Fae’s base HP is so low that she has trouble surviving any round of combat, and her mobility is abysmal.

Her divinestone1.png Divinestone confers a massive +20 res bonus, which lets Fae eat weaker long range magic and dodge status staves like it’s nothing. That is, if I can get enemies to target her, which is surprisingly easy to do.

Hugh (ヒュウ) - Mage L15

Hugh’s stats would be better if I paid the full 10000G for him, but he would be no more useful. He costs at minimum 5000G to recruit, and all that money is going straight to the bench.

Zeiss (ツァイス) - Wyvern rider L7
37 HP | 19 str | 13 skl | 11 spd | 15 def | 3 res | 9 luk | 10 con | 7 mov | D lances

Zeiss can’t hope to compete with Milady, but he proves to be a very solid flier because he’s so bulky, and he has a big str stat as well. It’s a big step up from Tate.

Cass (キャス) - Thief L5

Benched! Cass, do you even lift?

Important weapons and items

51.gifLongbow (長弓)
D rank bow | 2 ~ 3 rng | 10 WT | 5 MT | 55 hit | 0 crit | Eff against fliers

The one remarkable feature of the Longbow is its ability to attack from 3 range. It’s otherwise a thoroughly lackluster weapon, with high WT, low MT, and low hit.

115.gifMember Card (メンバーカード)
The Member Card grants its holder the ability to enter secret shops.

FE has this neat, recurring feature in the series called secret shops. Secret shops exist in select few chapters, are invisible on the map, and require the Member Card to be accessible. They sell items that are not otherwise obtainable in normal armories or vendors.

In FE6, the chapter 21 secret shop sells all stat boosters and promotion items.

delphi.pngDelphi Shield (デルフィの守り)
When held by a flier, the Delphi Shield negates the holder’s bow and Aircalibur weaknesses.

The upcoming chapters feature an obnoxious amount of ballistae that would do a number on any flier who does not have the Delphi Shield - it’s a required item for survival.

Edited by dondon151
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Cass lifts useful things out of chests, sadly. . .and you can't kill her to get any weapons she steals, too.

Edited by eclipse
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never forget boots douglas

Do you think Hugh could be useful at all with his best bases? He'd at least have 6 more MT with Bolting than Cecilia, but I guess other than that he's not doing a whole lot.

I know its definately not worth the gold (since you'd essentially have to pay to promote him too) but was just curious if there were any other scenerios where a higher magic bolting user would be useful.

Surprised you didn't talk about Zeiss's horrible weapon rank.

Edited by General Horace
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Haha that was enjoyable. I was playing through HMC18 Sacae today(your PT got me in the mood for some FE6) and I realized how much of a drag it would be to complete it on 0% growths. I've never played through Ilia though, so watching you play through it will be a first for me.

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i have a save after finishing the prep menu, from which i can reload and begin recording if i mess up.

no I mean I understand that but after saving you soft reset the game for (apparently) no reason I was just questioning why

like after saving you could've just pressed A to return to the preparations menu and start the map but instead you rebooted the game, loaded the save, skipped the intro dialogue, and started the map, it seems curious and wasn't explained in commentary

Edited by Maruhai
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I'm going to guess he wanted to take a breather after (finally) getting a good preparations segment. Or he fucked up the proceeding chapter segment and replaced that with a proper segment in editing, which can look like a reset.

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Wow.. You're really great at this game DD >_>

This run does inspire me to finally finish this game on HM. Won't care about stats to much anymore, seeing some units can be used pretty well with just base stats >_>

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Wait, he doesn't rig stats for enemies? But I'm pretty sure he had to rig the archer in Chapter 1 to have one less defense, as I remember trying out the strategy dondon used, and the archer would end up living with 1 HP until I reset enough times to have it proc 1 less defense.

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