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honestly I'd rather just be contacted over PM, I don't like skype for OC because then people will contact me when I don't feel like mafia.

But my skype is primsdfghjkl if you absolutely need to reach me.

[4:26:13 PM] 【Prims】: [4:25 PM] RayFa³:

<<< rein gives scum fakeclaims anyways man

wait does he?

[4:26:18 PM] RayFa³: yeah

[4:26:22 PM] 【Prims】: ok I just townslipped

[4:26:25 PM] 【Prims】: now you have to actually claim to me

Claiming town who townslipped btw, get at me.

3. No inviting people to conversations they weren't in from the start, with the exception of subs.

why is this a rule btw?
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##Vote: Refa

As common knowledge states, Refa has a 50% chance to roll scum 100% of the time.

Also just an announcement that hitting up PMs with me is probably a good idea since in Wednesdays and Fridays I am usually never home until late night but can still use the computer labs in uni during some of my free time, so.

Objection! There is a clear contradiction within your statement!

##Vote: Xinnidy

Also studying for math, will only be active tomorrow so deal with it bros.

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I don't like complaining about people behind their backs so I'm just going to come out and say that after some thought, Randa's claim bothers me. I have no doubts that he's telling the truth, but it just seems like something that'd be more likely to be a scum role over a town role (since IIRC, Rein doesn't like safeguards; not exactly the same thing, I know, but I got a good feeling!).


##Vote: Randa

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Walrein serious question, do you think in-thread scumhunting in OC is inherently bad?


##Vote: Elie

Serious Votes are now in play which means anybody who makes a jokevote is basically confirmed scum. But seriously why wagon Refa?

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@Larsa: other players don't have experience with OC as well, so don't worry. This is my first serious OC game.

##Vote Refa

How can he /not/ be scum, guys?

Scum post
#Vote: Elie
(serious vote)

Prims stop spoiling my content

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I don't like complaining about people behind their backs so I'm just going to come out and say that after some thought, Randa's claim bothers me. I have no doubts that he's telling the truth, but it just seems like something that'd be more likely to be a scum role over a town role (since IIRC, Rein doesn't like safeguards; not exactly the same thing, I know, but I got a good feeling!).


##Vote: Randa

Am I the only one confused by Refa's thought process here. It's just as likely, if not more likely, that ascetic is used to prevent the doctor from protecting a power role, which I'm not saying I have, as it is to be a protective role added to scum. Also safeguard =/= so I don't know how reins opinion on safeguards affects my role. Not scummy though just graspy and bad logic IMO.
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But refa claimed scum to me guys

But refa claimed scum to me guys

This is my first serious OC game.

Lies. EiMM is entirely serious because all mafia is all serious all of the time.

Also i literally have nothing and have pretty much only made an effort to respond to the small handful of people poking me in OC (read: 3)

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Am I the only one confused by Refa's thought process here. It's just as likely, if not more likely, that ascetic is used to prevent the doctor from protecting a power role, which I'm not saying I have, as it is to be a protective role added to scum. Also safeguard =/= so I don't know how reins opinion on safeguards affects my role. Not scummy though just graspy and bad logic IMO.

Ordinarily, you'd be right; if this was some other dude's game, I'd be more inclined to take in the possibility of there being an ascetic at face value. However, your role is pure negative utility and that's what makes me suspicious of it (not because it's purely negative utility but because ~mod meta~ concerning things like that); ascetic is basically a safeguard on yourself. Like it's obviously not the same thing, but the issues are still there. Like I'll admit right now that this doesn't make you confirmed scum or anything (and your character claim throws some doubts on that as well), but it's the strongest lead I have to go off on at the moment.

PEdit: Actually I'm being dumb...again. Uh...IGNORE ME.

But refa claimed scum to me guys

But refa claimed scum to me guys

Nope. I don't get why people think you're scum but making stuff up isn't going to help your cause dude. Less haste, more speed.


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Walrein serious question, do you think in-thread scumhunting in OC is inherently bad?


##Vote: Elie

Serious Votes are now in play which means anybody who makes a jokevote is basically confirmed scum. But seriously why wagon Refa?

scumhunting in OC is not inherently bad, but it's a lot less productive (in my experience) than a village that organizes its information and makes lynch decisions based on things other than scumhunting (such as sketchy role claims, etc.)

My problem with RVS in OC is that there's literally no point to it. The reason RVS exists in NOC games is to eventually provide something to spark actual discussion and get the ball rolling, because otherwise there would be nothing to talk about. Since the game is a lot less isolated in OC, there should be something that happens outside the thread (such as one user's conversation with another, or someone stepping up to lead) that acts as a catalyst in its place. TL;DR RVS in OC = pointless filler.


serious question: who the fuck is elie

edit: if it wasn't obvious, don't claim your role to random people who ask for it unless you have a very, VERY good reason to trust them

Edited by Walrein
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Oh I forgot a rule on editing.

Editing is allowed. Don't edit votes for any reason except a typo. If you edit something out of a post tell me what it was in PM. Don't edit after you die.

Added to the rules on page 1 as well.

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Kindly requesting contact via PM, and maybe IRC if you happen to see me (hint: you won't for a bit, because someone thinks Tales of Xillia 2 is better than SF).

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OK, obviously fuck all has been accomplished since this game has started. I aim to change that. Town needs a leader (who is actually an esteemed member of FOXHOUND, none of that scum leading town bulllshit) and he is I. Everyone should claim to me if they want this game to be anything other than a scum sweep because town couldn't get their shit together. I know you got problems claiming to someone who isn't cleared...hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line.

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##Vote: Mancer

I don't like how he really do anything in our conversation except ask me to claim and then pretty much disappeared after without really asking what I thought of the game? It feels more like he was concerned with collecting claims and stuff than actually finding scum.

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