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is there any setups that have really involved a mafia loudmouth? i cant see the help that that gives town, it really just seems like a detriment @_@

also lemme get a poll (this is super important because j meta is the best meta); who thinks j is scum and can they express why that is based on play?

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prims is the only mod on sf who has ever used loudmouth period, i think

he has no qualms with giving out weird roles to scum though (cy'or1 had a mafia alignment cop)

i think at least one of you and j have to be town based on setup reasons (not enough info roles) but i'm trying to figure out which

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pretty much everyone thought j was scum because there was a random 1x vanillaiser appearance at a convenient time, and then when I came up with a plan to prove if he had or hadn't, he chickened out of it and proceeded to lurk hard

mitsuki also was pretty scummy and had bad mafia interactions while she was still in the game

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Okay, with new information, let's play "where did the kills go?"

Potential killstopping roles:

-Baldrick (Rogue, on J)

-Euklyd (Hijacker, on J->Gorf)

-Randa (Doctor, on Dormio)

Since Gorf is Loudmouth, J would've shown up on the NK even if they were buddies, and Baldrick couldn't have stopped the kill because of the redirect.

So... both factions shot Dormio?

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Massclaim sounds like a good idea.

I'm Town Rogue. Poly targeted Refa N0, SB N1. I targeted Dormio N2, Mitsuki N3 and N4.

I also gained the ability to submit a will on N3.

I guess I'll add that I got the ability to submit a will last night.

'Sup gaiz. IRL shizz too good.

On that note: the above is due to myself/Junk slot. I'm the Town Forger, and I indeed targeted Baldrick/Poly slot N3/Dormio N4. N2 was Refa/Rein slot (thanks for using it so well gaiz. T_T).

I need to go re-read over shizz. Be back in a bit though- IRL too op.

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My role should be fairly obvious by now.

I'm an insomniac, someone that can post at night. I can also tag out and turn someone else into an insomniac for the night at the expense of my ability to post at night and for the first 24 hours of the day phase.

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Mitsuki claimed to get vanillaized N2

it could be an even-night vanillaize but eh

or an alt-night recruit of some sort like in sfmm4 :V

Randa not being dead makes sense since he doesn't matter for lynch control, if scum have a vanillaizer

So, something interesting to keep in mind: why did Randa not get vanillaised until night 4 if it was avaliable?

dunno if this is what you're getting at, but

if we assume Jsuki as town (a pretty large leap):

if scum were afraid of getting watched when vanillaizing Randa, they'd vanillaize the watcher-enabler first

even if the vanillaize was every night, I could see scum vanillaizing BBM and killing Marth N3 I guess (and SK killing BBM)

which means it's more likely that J isn't scum I guess?

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If it was Even-Night, wouldn't someone have said something about it after N0? Basically it seems weird that it doesn't add up. J is still scummy on play from Mitsuki and essentially flaking yesterday when they had no reason to do so, and it's possible it's a scum JoaT or something with a 1-shot vanillaise and they used the real 1-shot to make J's slot look better.

Idk how much of this is just me getting tunnel visioned though, but even if we don't lynch them they are proving their role tonight for real, no more excuses.

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also it's not gonna be a cult because A. why would randa be culted when he has no vote, B. why would all of the cultists claim vanillaised and C. where are all of the extra obviously-not-town kills coming from otherwise?

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Iunno why people are like "oh man J might not be scum" when they so clearly bullshitted their way out of using their action yesterday. This is mylo, don't let yourselves be talked out of lynching obvscum. The rolespec stuff recently isn't great because Mitsuki is essentially a town-controlled role whose target is public and that has no relation to her alignment, so lack of info roles isn't really a thing imo (Both gorf and J could be scum).

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If they're both scum, we only have the horribly nerfed colourblind cop and the librarian (which didn't seem to do ANYTHING past night 0? thanks bear) as opposed to CY'OR1 where there was less scum, and we had a tracker, rolecop and librarian.

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I reread a bit and noticed that kirsche's Mancer interactions are kind of horrible? His ED1 is basically him dismissing Mancer on the grounds of "it's Mancer", and then he constantly has the dude as second or third priority but never really makes a solid push or unique point on him, it's just kind of there? His case on BBM seemed kind of defensive of Shinori too which is kind of irk.

eclipse, can your extra account still vote? If it can't, I'd like to see it vote you or something in order to prove it (since it shouldn't do anything).

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honestly I'm still trying to wrap my head around what the numbers could be when I should be working on HTML

[spoiler=6/2/1]6/2/1 potential MyLo sounds ridiculous; you'd need
scum kills ITP
ITP shoots town
-> 4/2
so you'd need two more kills floating around
or one additional kill + scum!eclipse not having her role turn off in *yLo I guess

[spoiler=6/3]6/3 potential MyLo would be
scum kills town
-> 4/3
some other kill on town or scum!eclipse
but this also wouldn't explain so many kills each night unless scum had like, a collective scumvig or s/t

[spoiler=5/3/1]5/3/1 is feasible I guess? numberswise
scum kills ITP
ITP kills town
-> 3/3 -> endgamed

but that would mean the game started at like, 14/5/2 or 14/5/1/1
which seems uh

[spoiler=for giggles]5/2/2 with cult would be like
cult cults town
scum shoots CL
-> 3/2 if priorities work out

since there have been two kills/night it could be brought to 2/2

but lol

and then I've got this crackpot theory that eurykins giving people last wills is also priming them for an arson sort of thing
the numbers for that work out perfectly and everything!

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'Sup gaiz. IRL shizz too good.

On that note: the above is due to myself/Junk slot. I'm the Town Forger, and I indeed targeted Baldrick/Poly slot N3/Dormio N4. N2 was Refa/Rein slot (thanks for using it so well gaiz. T_T).

I need to go re-read over shizz. Be back in a bit though- IRL too op.

why the fuck did you give Dormio – the actionless insomniac – a will?

also who did you target N1?

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J wasn't on the kill in that case bc Gorf would've shown him visiting

So the kill does get redirected. That's what I wanted to know. It's possible that J's a ninja, but that only works if both J and Gorf are scum. That was the other half of my theory (the first half being that someone else tried to kill whoever Randa targeted).

My role should be fairly obvious by now.

I'm an insomniac, someone that can post at night. I can also tag out and turn someone else into an insomniac for the night at the expense of my ability to post at night and for the first 24 hours of the day phase.

Uh, do we blame Prims for this?

'Sup gaiz. IRL shizz too good.

On that note: the above is due to myself/Junk slot. I'm the Town Forger, and I indeed targeted Baldrick/Poly slot N3/Dormio N4. N2 was Refa/Rein slot (thanks for using it so well gaiz. T_T).

I need to go re-read over shizz. Be back in a bit though- IRL too op.

Oh, so it was YOU. Now that BBM's dead, what are your thoughts?

(also thought that SB was the one that was leaving them, I can read, I promise!)

eclipse, can your extra account still vote? If it can't, I'd like to see it vote you or something in order to prove it (since it shouldn't do anything).

Erm, what? I'm pretty sure I said nothing about if my vote turns off.

Next question, to Baldrick - do you think you'll be around within the first 24 hours of D5? I have an insane plan, but you'll need to be on top of it in terms of watching this game. I really, REALLY wish you had OC with Euklyd so the two of you could arrange it in private.

kirsche - What do you mean, no reads, they're in my ISO (along with WHY I was willing to vote for you). The only unexpected thing was me being gone for the rest of that day phase. If you can't figure out my logic, quote it and tell me what you don't like/understand.

I've got six different scum teams floating around, based off of everything so far.

- J (ninja)/Gorf: This would account for one of the failed kills.

- J/NOT Euklyd: The other person did the kill.

- kirsche/someone else: This is here as a reminder for kirsche to come back and vote, rather than tell everyone else what to do WRT the lynch (which is scummy). I think it's a bit odd to have literally nothing else than miller, since the numbers seemed to be pretty skewed against town. Then again, PRIMS GAME, so WTF do I know?

- Dormio/someone else: This requires Dormio to be the godfather.

- SB/Eury: That tone shift from Junko on D2 is still in the back of my mind, and I'm a wee bit uneasy about SB after that comment about my role. I think out of all of these, this one's the longest shot.

- Something I haven't thought of.

Either way, J deciding not to "attempt" his role, when I was more than happy to be a guinea pig earlier (that's why I said to read Mitsuki's ISO) is weird. I spent something like an hour on this post, so I'm going to go do something else. As for my vote. . .I'll leave that to my alt account.

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@SB: I can't stop a kill at all, I can only self-revive.

Euklyd is probably not faking his action (though I would like to test it at some point if it's convenient) and I don't see why scum hijacker would make someone target his buddy.

Scum!Loudmouth, unless it can be idled, has about the same town benefit as Town!Loudmouth so I wouldn't clear Gorf due to lack of investigation. Invoker is the same, to some extent.

@eclipse: do you mean any time at all in the first 24 hours, or be watching the thread for the whole time? Consider the former already done, the latter... may be doable, but would have to be for a very good reason.

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Baldrick: Within the first 24 hours of the start of D5. Again, crazy theory, and VERY hard to pull, but since I'm pretty sure Euklyd is town thanks to the BBM hijack (and mafia is probably out of roles that screw with other roles, unless there's a jack in there somewhere), it might work.

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