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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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You can't stop double exp grinding.

Basically, I don't really have anything concrete that makes me think that you're scum. (RE: Baldrick)

It's more a combination of gut and sheeping SB/eclipse. (Sheeping the SK lol)

It's just that I don't really see Eurykins flipping scum and Gorf is a thing which leaves you.

Like, I guess if I were to try to put my gut into words, it would go something like this.

I feel that you don't really have any content that's particularly questionable but that's just it.

It feels kind of sterile and you only really started moving during the past two days where your survival became paramount.

As for the Eurykin cases, I don't really agree with yours all that much. More on that after DotA.

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Man, so tired... I suppose wiping 38 times on Imperator Mar'gok in a raid over 2-3+ days will do that to you. Amongst other IRL situations and other shizz happening elsewhere. Also, I may or may not be around for phase end, depending on internets and whether I knock out early tonight cuz tiredness and other matters OP.

#Vote: Baldrick

D6 – I can’t make any sense of this whatsoever. Why did you not put down a vote when you were around? Why weren’t you aware of when the phase ended in your local time? Prims puts the time remaining in votals, which was one of the most recent posts when you turned up.


During the time that I was more active in D6 (from what I recall) I wasn't interested at that point in time in dropping any votes, ergo I didn't.

Italicized: So here's the awkward part- I used to live in CA, ergo my forums are still set to PST time, when I'm actually in CST. So I was a bit slow in picking up on that, and was constantly wondering why posting times seemed to be so different/odd. Secondly, I derped, and didn't fully register time/votals prior, hence me flipping out like crazy when I actually managed to get back online (was after a raid night no less, so was trying to blast through whatever had happened as time wound down).

So it was a mix of, "Didn't care to," earlier, and then, "ohgodpanicmodemixinguptimedifferencesinpostingfreakingout" sort of reactions. Though, at this point, I don't regret whom we chose to lynch D6. I don't exactly like the idea of running around like a headless chicken, but as a whole, things still worked out well enough for us townies that day. Now we just need to crack down/eliminate the last remaining scum and end the day on a good note.

The rest lies in Dormio's and Gorf's hands- probably the most useful thing I did all game = give Clipsey that will, and even then, Junko slot did that, not me, lol.

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It was a protown SK, though

Do you disagree with what I said in response to SB?

@sterile; that's the trouble with long periods of time where the lynch isn't up for discussion (D3/D5). By the time I had shaken off my D3 lethargy on D4, the activity had dropped off to the point we couldn't even secure a lurker lynch. I really don't think my play picking up at this stage of the game shows scum intent; historically, SF tends to lynch more active people playing badly. I had had a slow start, so my dropping off wouldn't have raised eyebrows like Eury did last phase.

(I don't really know how to argue this without going even further into self-meta, so I'll leave it at that.)

It is possible for town to lose following a mislynch today!

@mods: is it MYLO, or potential MYLO?

cut by eury, bear with me

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During the time that I was more active in D6 (from what I recall) I wasn't interested at that point in time in dropping any votes, ergo I didn't.

With the state of the non-eury wagons as they were, why did you think it was a good idea to not apply any momentum to your counterwagons?

Italicized: So here's the awkward part- I used to live in CA, ergo my forums are still set to PST time, when I'm actually in CST. So I was a bit slow in picking up on that, and was constantly wondering why posting times seemed to be so different/odd.

It never occurred to you to check when the exact phase end time was, especially since you had planned to be away from the thread for several hours?

ngl, this doesn't even make sense for scum!Eury. Usually you're meticulous to a fault.

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yeah it's deadline, I feel it would be really really lame to just end the game because Gorf seems to have flaked though, the universal loss rule is mostly for situations where lots of people are alive but none of them are actually playing.

I could end the day in NL I suppose.

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When I was young

I never needed anyone

And mafia was just for fun

Those days are gone

Posting alone

I think of all the players I’ve known

But no matter how much I moan

Nobody’s home

All by mysellllllllllllllllllf

Don’t wanna be

All by mysellllllllllllllllllf


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