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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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favorite music genres?

favorite music artists?

thoughts on Jojo?

first and current impressions of moi?

thoughts on this vid?

Edited by Shockmaster
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1: Have you ever tried chicken feet?

2: If so, how did you like them?

3: If not, would you be willing to try them (not counting some extreme situation where you really needed to eat them just to survive).

4: If you could add a single emoticon to SF's internal emoticons, what would it be?

5: If you were joining a team to terraform a planet in our solar system, which one would you choose? You can choose a moon or w/e instead if you want. (I know this isn't that good a question because it lacks context, but w/e.)

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1. Classic Or X series?

2. Favorite toppings on Pizza?

3. First and current impressions of me?

4. Favorite books?

5. Who do you have the most and least fun with in smash bros?

6. Now that you played them, thoughts on the dmc series?

7. Well, this isn't really a question lol. Hope your SRPG goes well! If you need help I got ya~

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1: Top 5 RPGs?

2: Current smash mains?

3: Do you just like Hoshido more, or do you dislike Nohr more?

4: Cats, Dogs or other pets?

5: How do you accessorize?

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1. Have you ever

thought about playing Touhou

2. What's your favorite fighting game seires

3. How do you feel about Konami not doing much with Gradius

4. How do you feel about Nintendo not doing much with F-Zero

5. What're your impressions of lil' ol' me

1. I have played a Touhou game sometime back. Imperishable Night, it was fun also really dug the music, then I learned it was like the easiest game in the series lol. Needless to say I wanna try others, but I have backlog.

2. If Smash Brothers counts then that by a long shot, if it doesn't then I have to say I really enjoy Fatal Fury the most of any fighter, the characters, the awesome moves and the lore of the series (plus the pretty good OVA's and movie) hooked me on Terry Bogard and the rest of the gang. I wish they had more of an impact in the KoF series though.

3. I'm not too fussed on Gradius as a whole. It's fun, but I'd rather them get their heads back in the game in general right now. Thanks Iga for making something akin to Castlevania

4. I am saddened by it, we need another F-Zero much like we needed a new Starfox which I'm glad they are doing. (Heck I'd even take an F-Zero beat em up at this point).

5. You're a really chill and awesome guy, I sadly don't talk to you very much, but from what I recall we have some passing similar interests. We should chat more

Favorite color?

What genre(s) of music don't you like?

Do you believe your astrological sign fits you?

What flower do you think describes your personality best?

Another first and current impressions of me bandwagon question...Let's pretend that was a question. :x

Green! I've loved green since I was a child.

I'm not to big on dubstep and rap (there are exceptions to these rules though). Also autotune bugs me.

To an extent I do believe Taurus fits me, I'm stubborn and I think down to earth and loyal, although I'm not all that good with money! I am quite persistent, but not very patient unless the situation really calls for it. So its a bit of a mixed bag really.

I actually had to ask some others for help on this one, but after some research I'd say an Alstroemeria

Very shy and adorable. Didn't post too much. Now I think you are really sweet and very supportive of others, a shining light to those who need it.

1. Who do you think is the best Three Kingdoms figure and why is it Cao Cao?

2. Who is your favourite Jedi?

3. Who is your favourite superhero?

4. What is the worst book you have read?

5. How is progress on your SRPG going?

Partial credit to SeverIan.

1. Contrary to popular belief my favorite figure isn't Cao Cao, but he did do alot of great things after Dong Zhuo usurped the Han Dynasty, defeated Lu Bu, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao etc, all while keeping his home and the emperor safe. Some of his methods were questionable but I think he's a pretty cool figure.

My actual favorite is the young Sun Ce, who after his fathers death at the hands of Liu Biao's forces, joined Yuan Shu for a time, then used the imperial seal and his fathers name to barter troops, which proceeded to allow him into Jiang Dong and conquer it, his charisma and youthful spirit always inspired me, still sad of his early demise, I think he could have changed how the era turned out to a degree.

2. Luke Skywalker, yeah sure he's kinda whiny at first, but he learns and I think that growth into a hero was part of what always made me like him, Obi Wan is a close second because he's awesome. Kyle Katarn is close too, and if you know who that is I don't think I really need to explain how badass he is.

3. Batman! Always has been, I think its really cool how he's super without powers. Just his own martial training and smarts

4. I don't really recall many books I've read being bad, but I did find the first Eragon book dull (I think the others improved although they still needed work).

5. Sadly not too much, been really busy with life and stuff even if i'm out of job corps now.

favorite music genres?

favorite music artists?

thoughts on Jojo?

first and current impressions of moi?

thoughts on this vid?

Rock, Metal, Pop, Jrock

Crush 40, Rise Against, Hoobastank, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Queen.

It looks like a cool series and I heard endless amounts of it from Lumi, Timp and now Terrador. But I don't have a current opinion on it, need to see it first

quiet but nice guy, reminds me of myself. Now; Someone who just needs a bit more confidence, I feel you'll do great things. Really kind, kinda dorky but eh.

10/10 best thing I've seen in a very long time hahahaha

1: Have you ever tried chicken feet?

2: If so, how did you like them?

3: If not, would you be willing to try them (not counting some extreme situation where you really needed to eat them just to survive).

4: If you could add a single emoticon to SF's internal emoticons, what would it be?

5: If you were joining a team to terraform a planet in our solar system, which one would you choose? You can choose a moon or w/e instead if you want. (I know this isn't that good a question because it lacks context, but w/e.)

1. Nope

2. See 1

3. I would be willing to try it yes.

4. Ar8UyE6.png Because of all the music people on here listen to.

5. I think the Jupiter moon of Ganymede would be pretty cool! Although with how close it is to Jupiter it might not be the best idea! half rock half ice if I recall correctly, so it would be just an interesting experiment I think, we could also study Jupiter better then ever before (if we don't freeze).

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What it do?

Why is your fav Lord your fav Lord?

First and current impressions of me?

First and current impressions of the impressions question?

Who do you consider your most challenging opponent in Smash Bros?

What level of terror is the Sonic fanbase, anyway?

Will you join the side of truth that is Hoshinohri?

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3) favorite sith?

2. I sadly do not, every time I want to make one its like.. I have too many to list.

4) in that case, what are your top five animus and mangos? (combined list or 2 separate lists, I don't care). bonus points for a blurb about why

5) what question(s) would you like to be asked?

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You can now have any light saber of your choosing, what color do you pick?

Are you hyped for Force Awakens? How hyped?

What is it about FE6 in particular that makes you like it so much?

Any video game spin-offs you think would be a great idea but haven't happened?

First/current impressions?

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1. Classic Or X series?

2. Favorite toppings on Pizza?

3. First and current impressions of me?

4. Favorite books?

5. Who do you have the most and least fun with in smash bros?

6. Now that you played them, thoughts on the dmc series?

7. Well, this isn't really a question lol. Hope your SRPG goes well! If you need help I got ya~

1. I started with the X series, and it kinda stuck, I just love the struggle against the Mavericks and the lore, although I got into the classic series later, I do really enjoy it. Just not as much as X.

2. Pepperoni how I love it so.

3. First, really nice guy, who happened to hang with PKL a-lot, and was crazy and loved Super Thracia, Now; best sparring partner I could ask for in smash who has a heart of gold. Keep on being positive buddy!

4. The Bible, but also The Lord of the Rings Trilogy always has a strong place in my heart. Among other such things like Narnia, Shannara, Harry Potter, etc.

5. Most fun; Ike. Least fun; Olimar

6. Absolutely fantastic trilogy, need to play 4. But I loved 3 and 1, 2 was ok even though. I need to get way better with Vergil in 3, currently leveling up trickster and gunslinger, meanwhile in 1 i'm trying to find those damned secret missions.

7. Thanks bro!

1: Top 5 RPGs?

2: Current smash mains?

3: Do you just like Hoshido more, or do you dislike Nohr more?

4: Cats, Dogs or other pets?

5: How do you accessorize?

1. 1. Ogre Battle 64 Person of Lordly Caliber

2. Final Fantasy 4

3. Radiata Stories

4. Shin Megami Tensei IV

5. Star Ocean Till the End of Time

Lots of love for these games, and tons more.

2. Hmm current mains. Sonic, Roy, Ike, Metaknight, Peach.

3. I like Hoshido more, but Nohr has some cool appeal to me. Hoshido just has aesthetics and character designs that draw me in (like their many bows, and yay Takumi has good stats).

4. Dogs, but I also like Cats. I had a dog named Duke when I was little, he and I practically grew up together, but one day due to the various moves I had to.. well let him go.. I haven't been able to have a dog since, because I can't bring myself to replace him.. eventhough that was like 10+ years ago.

5. Um I typically don't wear anything fancy, but I do love scarves quite a bit. I'm pretty boring when it comes to accessories.

What it do?

Why is your fav Lord your fav Lord?

First and current impressions of me?

First and current impressions of the impressions question?

Who do you consider your most challenging opponent in Smash Bros?

What level of terror is the Sonic fanbase, anyway?

Will you join the side of truth that is Hoshinohri?

It does the things and the whosamawats it.

Eliwood is my favorite lord because I aspire to be like him, honorable, noble, kind. But with a fire that won't let people hurt my friends, always looked up to the guy.

OH RIGHT, you were an aspiring signature maker and asked me for all sorts of advice. That was fun, I wish I could do that again.

Now, I think you've got a good head on your shoulders, you don't make any hasty judgments and are generally kind, just believe a little more in yourself.

I like it, although i'm horrible at answering it because I talk to alot of people around SF. So some first meetings blur together.

Yoshi, bar none because of this player called Robotnik, his Yoshi is stupidly good.

Over 9000, it didn't used to be bad until the post-SA2 era when everyone starting disagreeing on everything.

4. If you had the choice, would you choose between knowledge without happiness or happiness without knowledge?

5. How well would you say you follow your goals?

6. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

4. Knowledge without happiness so I could help others get happiness.

5. Semi decently, it would help if I had more clear goals in my life..

6. I tend to hear. "You're sweet" and " You're so nice!" quite often.

3) favorite sith?

4) in that case, what are your top five animus and mangos? (combined list or 2 separate lists, I don't care). bonus points for a blurb about why

5) what question(s) would you like to be asked?

3. Vader, tragic backstory, good resolution and character dynamic. I just wish they portrayed Anakin better in the prequels to make it more believable.

4. For anime we have

Yu Yu Hakusho: Because its different from your usual Shonen and even the arcs play around with the formula alot to the point there isn't really a status quo, also the whole team is competent and wins fights by themselves.

Dragon Ball/Z: First anime I really got super into, love the characters the fights, the comedy, but I have a huge issue with the power creep later in the Cell Arc that continued to now. Early DB keeps this up on my list, and nostalgia as well.

Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann: Incredibly awesome mecha series, love the character dynamics and development, the fights are off the wall and the series is surprisingly deep considering what kind of series it started as, the 2nd arc being quite different from the first also helped keep me invested. Music is hype. ROW! ROW! FIGHT DA POWA.

Busou Renkin: Great series, shame it was cut short in manga form, cutting its anime self a bit in quality at the end BUT, this is a quality series with AWESOME weapons and great characters. Kazuki is one of my favorite protagonists in an anime, Tokiko is also badass.

Sailor Moon: Mostly nostalgia here, but I was that guy who liked the "girly" show, it was flashy, it was cheesy, but thats why I like it so much, its characters are good and at times amusing, there is a charm that keeps me rewatching it. Plus as Roy Mustang would say... TINY MINISKIRTS.

Shout outs to: Azumanga Daioh and The Slayers

For Manga we have

Negima: A comedy series that turned shonen, I didn't know what to think of it at first with its more ecchi like comedy. But the characters shined through and Negi is one of the most believable protagonists in manga, props to him for choosing an nontraditional path too. P.S Setsuna is the best.

Rurouni Kenshin: Me liking a series about a samurai? Nowai, Kenshin is an older protagonist and his kindness and dark past tend to clash. The morals, the depth, the epic fights, just keep you reading more and more, as you learn more about the protagonist you sympathize with, and see he wasn't always the wise hero he was. It gives him quite a bit more depth then your traditional hero.

Yu-Gi-Oh: Unlike the anime this series was Dark, had tons of variety in its games and Yugi was a bit more chaotic with his dark half at first. The characters such as Jonochi and Honda, being street thugs that Yugi befriends makes their dynamic alot more interesting then in the anime where they just started as pals, Anzu also shines here more realistic and down to earth. No wonder Yugi likes her so much. Also this is the series that inspired me to want to make games.

The Slayers: The light novels are quite awesome, the comedy and seriousness is always kind of a bit jarring, but the world is interesting and Lina is a bit of a psycho protagonist.

Fairytail: Quite the awesome shonen, huge amounts of cool powers and magic, with some nice arcs and development. Lucy being kind of more a supporting protagonist is interesting as well.

5. Questions I'd like to be asked? generally stuff about myself, thoughts on games and older history stuff that I may know about. Also food maybe lol, or just "what would you make or what would you have as a sword design" odd things like that

You can now have any light saber of your choosing, what color do you pick?

Are you hyped for Force Awakens? How hyped?

What is it about FE6 in particular that makes you like it so much?

Any video game spin-offs you think would be a great idea but haven't happened?

First/current impressions?

I'm gonna go with Viridian, because that color is cool.

I'm on the fence, I want to be hyped but I also am keeping wary.

I like elibe in general and I have a vast amount of headcanon that ties into their canon for the characters, I like the map designs and I like how difficult hard mode is. I also for a side note have used every character at least one time in a run.

I think Knuckles needs a beat-em up/treasure hunting spinoff game.

First impressions, oh a chill guy who asked me for a signature.

Now. Someone I'd like to talk to more, seems pretty awesome overall and is a fellow Arizonian. still feel bad about job corps making me unable to help with that Tag team lol

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First and current impression of me?

Favorite old school PC game

Do you want to build a snowman?

One of my first friends on SF, bit silly. But means well

Now, I dno much. We haven't talked in a bit, but you seem more.. mature.

Jagged Alliance 2 for sure. Love the tactics and the management you have to pull to get your mercs to win. (and you gotta pay them by the day too!)

I would if it wasn't 100+ degrees out.

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Green! I've loved green since I was a child.

I'm not to big on dubstep and rap (there are exceptions to these rules though). Also autotune bugs me.

To an extent I do believe Taurus fits me, I'm stubborn and I think down to earth and loyal, although I'm not all that good with money! I am quite persistent, but not very patient unless the situation really calls for it. So its a bit of a mixed bag really.

I actually had to ask some others for help on this one, but after some research I'd say an Alstroemeria

Very shy and adorable. Didn't post too much. Now I think you are really sweet and very supportive of others, a shining light to those who need it.

Autotune bothers me too, which my friend said makes no sense because I listen to Vocaloids.

What a flattering opinion thank you. ;w;

Do you sing or play any instruments?

How many languages do you know?

Imagine that you have a peach tree in your backyard. It always produces delicious peaches. Then one day you find an apple along with the peaches. Your thoughts on the matter?

Then you decide to eat this apple because why not. You find that it tastes like a plum. Your thoughts?

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Do you sing or play any instruments?

How many languages do you know?

Imagine that you have a peach tree in your backyard. It always produces delicious peaches. Then one day you find an apple along with the peaches. Your thoughts on the matter?

Then you decide to eat this apple because why not. You find that it tastes like a plum. Your thoughts?

I play the recorder/flute, or I used to more like, although I just found my old korean made recorder so I may start again ^^;.

I only know english, and a little bit of spanish, boring I know haha.

I would be quite confused and probably just stare in wonderment before picking it.

It would be quite odd! If it produced such an apple again though I could try to sell it for profit. (and i'd wonder what the hell I fed the tree).

1.Impressions, etc

2.Favorite Star Wars movie from the prequel trilogy

1. That strange guy who kept making one off comments.

Cool dude to chat about Gurren Lagann about, also seems to be a bit of a jokester, fun to talk to.

2. Revenge of the Sith, because everything was more believable albeit rushed, Anakin actually came off as the Knight, Obi Wan describes in episode 4 to an extent. Among other things.

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No limits eh?

1. Hey Jedi?

2. Have you ever had paella? if so what did you think of it?

3. Favorite fruit? Can you juice it?

4. Favorite songs in each DW you've played?

5. What features would you like to see in DW9?

6. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

7. Did you pursue Lu Bu?

8. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours do you like the most?

9. Genesis or Snes?

10. Who do you think would be a good addition to the Jin roster in DW?

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No limits eh?

1. Hey Jedi?

2. Have you ever had paella? if so what did you think of it?

3. Favorite fruit? Can you juice it?

4. Favorite songs in each DW you've played?

5. What features would you like to see in DW9?

6. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

7. Did you pursue Lu Bu?

8. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours do you like the most?

9. Genesis or Snes?

10. Who do you think would be a good addition to the Jin roster in DW?

1. Sup Sol? How's life?

2. Never had Paella sorry ^^; it does look tasty though

3.Strawberry, and i don't think you can lol, but then again I'm ignorant of a few things.

4. Ok this is gonna take a bit. Not gonna count empires or Xtreme Legends lol

DW3: Sacred Ground

DW4: Heavy Gauge

DW5: Great Red Spirit

DW6:The Battle Without Justice

DW7: Entrusted Hope

DW8: The Inherited Fang

5. Hmm, I'd kinda like to see the old duel mechanic come back, personally I found it really cool in 3/4

6. Kindness if not done in moderation, becoming a doormat is not a very good life choice, helping those in need is more so.

7. Yes, and it ended very badly the first time, now I can do it alot more effectively!

8. Leo always was cool to me, because it was the symbol of the Lion and i'm very into like knights and stuff so that kinda merges with that.

9. I had a Genesis when I was younger, not a SNES. Did have a NES. Overall I like both libraries, but nostalgia says Genesis.

10. Wei Guan could be an interesting character for DW.

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First and current impressions of me?

What traits do you prefer in a girl looks-wise? (Eg: long hair, sincere eyes, etc.)

Who would you say your weirdest crush on a fictional character was/is?

Are there any game companies whose opinion you have of them has greatly decreased over the years?

So in Mario spinoffs like Mario Kart and Mario Party, what characters do you like using the most? (for this question, ignore stats and in-game performance for the characters)

Are there any fictional game characters you hate particularly strongly?

Has there ever been any instances on SF where someone actually flamed you back in response to a heated post of yours? Because I noticed no one ever challenges your anger (something I kind of envy about you).

If you've watched The Flash (2014 series), what's your opinion on Harrison Wells and how he's such a kind, caring father and mentor figure to The Flash yet murders some of The Flash's enemies secretly?

If you had bloodbending from the Avatar series (being able to conrol the movement of blood within a person's body, so you could move their limbs and body, or even mess with their organs), would you use that power? If so, how often would you use it and would you try to only use it for good or would you do the occasional evil act with it?

Edited by Randoman
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1. Sup Sol? How's life?

Life's pretty dull, but good enough.

11. What do enjoy doing? Do you do it often, why or why not?

12. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

13. Which event in history would you like to witness?

14. What kind of final battles do you like; one on one or group battle?

15. Favorite weapon?

16. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)

17. If you could grant one wish(for yourself or the world), but it had to have a negative effect of equal standing, what would those be?

18. What super power you give to your closest friend and why?

19. Who do you think would be a good addition to the Wu roster? and why is it Kan Ze or Cheng Pu

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1. First and current impressions of me.

2. Kid or Squid

3. Favorite Pokemon generation

5. Why did I not write the above in the form of a question?

6. What happened to number 4?

7. What's your favorite smell?

8. What's your favorite Smash game?

9. If you could only have one sense for the rest of your life, what would it be? (taste, touch, smell, sight, hear)

10. what is the meaning of life?

11. What do you consider to be your most crippling flaw?

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First and current impressions of me?

What traits do you prefer in a girl looks-wise? (Eg: long hair, sincere eyes, etc.)

Who would you say your weirdest crush on a fictional character was/is?

Are there any game companies whose opinion you have of them has greatly decreased over the years?

So in Mario spinoffs like Mario Kart and Mario Party, what characters do you like using the most? (for this question, ignore stats and in-game performance for the characters)

Are there any fictional game characters you hate particularly strongly?

Has there ever been any instances on SF where someone actually flamed you back in response to a heated post of yours? Because I noticed no one ever challenges your anger (something I kind of envy about you).

If you've watched The Flash (2014 series), what's your opinion on Harrison Wells and how he's such a kind, caring father and mentor figure to The Flash yet murders some of The Flash's enemies secretly?

If you had bloodbending from the Avatar series (being able to conrol the movement of blood within a person's body, so you could move their limbs and body, or even mess with their organs), would you use that power? If so, how often would you use it and would you try to only use it for good or would you do the occasional evil act with it?

Ngl, first impressions were that of a sour smash brothers fan who didn't like 3rd parties invading his Nintendo franchise. Now; you're a good dude, fairly awkward though, I think your heart is in the right place though.

I have a tendency to like blondes, but that slowly shifted to black hair, I tend to like freckles too, glasses are quite an attractive thing to me. I tend to go for personality above looks, I can't really say looks in particular haha.

Ummmm probably Tea/Anzu when I was younger and reading Yu-Gi-Oh but thats not really all that weird.

Capcom and Konami seem to be giving the middle finger to quite a few of their gaming fans the last few years and I really don't appreciate it. It's partly why we have Mighty No.9 and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

I tend to use Mario, Toad and Rosalina in the spinoffs, sometimes Daisy to annoy people.

Sephiroth and I have a long history, I tend to strongly dislike him because he slew my favorite character in ff7 to the point I fight him in every game I can, I did like how they built up his character in Crisis Core though.

Oh yes, believe me PM's have been made. Less the said the better.

I have no experience with the new Flash series

I'd try to limit my use of it, I have a feeling if I tipped too far I may become a bad person.

7. If you received enough money to never have to work again, what would you spend your time doing?

8. What is your greatest fear?

9. What is your greatest weakness?

7. Talking and hanging out with the people I care for most.

8. Being alone.

9. I'm incredibly insecure.. So yeah that.

Life's pretty dull, but good enough.

11. What do enjoy doing? Do you do it often, why or why not?

12. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

13. Which event in history would you like to witness?

14. What kind of final battles do you like; one on one or group battle?

15. Favorite weapon?

16. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)

17. If you could grant one wish(for yourself or the world), but it had to have a negative effect of equal standing, what would those be?

18. What super power you give to your closest friend and why?

19. Who do you think would be a good addition to the Wu roster? and why is it Kan Ze or Cheng Pu

11. I enjoy quite a few things, but mostly games. I do it pretty often because I can get away from the chaos that is life.

12. An Aurora Borealis

13. Clarify past or possible future event please.

14. One on one feels final and personal. A struggle in a rainfall.

15. Swords for sure. Especially Katanas and Rapiers

16. My experience at job corps, which made me more independent in general, ups and downs was overall good.

17. I would like my friends to have all medical problems cured, sadly it would probably affect me.. But as long as they don't have to suffer..

18. Healing, so they could do what I am unable to.

19. Cheng Pu! We need all 3 veteran generals of Wu on the roster :P

1. First and current impressions of me.

2. Kid or Squid

3. Favorite Pokemon generation

5. Why did I not write the above in the form of a question?

6. What happened to number 4?

7. What's your favorite smell?

8. What's your favorite Smash game?

9. If you could only have one sense for the rest of your life, what would it be? (taste, touch, smell, sight, hear)

10. what is the meaning of life?

11. What do you consider to be your most crippling flaw?

1. A dork who loves pokemon

Nowadays, I see alot of similarities, we lead different lives but have similar worries and flaws. It's almost like your my twin brother or something. You are awesome, don't put yourself down.

2. I'm a KID at heart.

3. I like Gen 3 personally, alot of cool designs came in like Blaziken, Zangoose etc.

5. Because you wanted to make it DEEP.

6. It was pulled into the void as 4 means death in Japan.

7. I love the smell of roses, like the romantic I am. Also the ocean

8. Smash 4 for sure. I like all the others too.

9. sight, so I could continue to be in contact with you lot on SF and those I know online. I could also see the sights of the world and my friends and family still..

10. 42 To be the best man/woman you can be in this chaotic world and do the right things, and hopefully lead a good life.

11. My insecurity, and also persistence which tends to bite me in the ass especially when it comes to women..

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Oh! Question 13 was past historical events.

13. I'd love to actually witness the battle of Chi Bi from the sidelines.

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Seems like a funny person/Who are you :P

I used to! I was a big player of Ragnarok Online for quite some time.

I like the looks of it! Gameplay and character wise, the skinship stuff is a bit.. eh but I'll live.


Its unavoidable, and such, but people who truly appreciate the product should try to at least buy it.

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