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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. What is your favorite song?

2. Which dead person's ghost would you most like to be haunted by?

3. What do you think it is about football that draws you to it?

4. Which Jeopardy! category would you be able to clear most easily?


The fact that a single goal matters so much.

uhhh... ?

1) After the cruel failure of your last noble effort, do you have any future plans to campaign for election to an important political office?

(aka moderator of Serenes Forest dot Net)

The campaign never dies. Victory will be mine in the end.

when pronouncing your name, is there a very loud tongue roll on the rr part?

Not necessarily, but I enjoy it when there is.

1. Favorite Book?

2. Favorite Color?

3. Play any Instrument?

I can never decide between Das Boot and Catch-22.


Haven't done since uhhh... 4th grade clarinet? With the school band? Nothing since then.

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Most bizarre thing you've ever eaten?

Most hated TV show?

Hell, I mean, seafood in general.

I don't really hate any shows. I don't watch much TV as it is, I don't really have time to watch things I hate.

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Do you remember our fun times on L4D2?

Favorite video game franchise?

Favorite type of drink?

Would you run for a political office?

Do you like going camping or the outdoors in general?

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Do you remember our fun times on L4D2?

Favorite video game franchise?

Favorite type of drink?

Would you run for a political office?

Do you like going camping or the outdoors in general?

hell yeah i should do more of that

Hm... maybe Saint's Row? There really aren't many series' I've played more than two of.

Ciders in general. Apple, pear, non-alcoholic... all of them are great in their own way.


I like the outdoors in the specific sense of 'outside my door' - urban or at least civilised environments. Not really a fan of camping, but there's worse things.

Edited by Parrhesia
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what's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

African or European?

what has been the fully sickest period of your life? in terms of having a lot of fun, a lot of cool stuff happening, getting breaks, etc.

oh man

so back in 2012 our drama crew took a production to the city of Adelaide, in South Australia, as part of the Fringe Festival. It was fully sick, and like we might have been amateurs from a literal college production but we still got, like, badges and shit for it. So we played mostly in a bunch of local schools and IIRC this one small local theatre, and even though the production had... a lot of issues in how it was written it was still pretty well-received! Thing was, though, that wasn't the main part - the thing is that it was just a lot of time spent with people, kindred spirits, in a small space (since we were lodged in a youth hostel). I went from not really fitting in along the fringes of 'guys I knew from high school I didn't really get along with' to suddenly being entrenched in the core of the acting group, and honestly it's the single experience that truly changed my life for the better.

Tell us fun stories about weird people from old SF question mark. I don't have any actual questions for you but this was the reason I voted.

i'm just gonna keep telling fun stories about as often as i remember them - I'll just scattergun it for now.

That said I'm not that old SF - and when I was I was basically ... kinda like how the HHH guys are today? With those little kinda tight-knit groups of new people? I can't remember any amazing ones right yet...

Right, weird people - well the first guy who like commented on my main page or whatever was this guy called Tatsumaki? and it was so nice to feel part of a community already :D with this older guy befriending me :D this is gonna go great :D and like iirc he was like some site veteran or some shit :D

motherfucker got banned like three days after I joined, I forget what for. But IIRC his avatar was cropped from some FE smut so, hell, probably not a leading light of society in the first place. I do remember that I kept hearing all this bad shit about him though, like the first guy to comment on my page was basically like the weeaboo antichrist, fuck

he came back with an alt like a week later and didn't get found out for like eight months or some shit

ugh I vaguely remember some drama concerning some fecally-obsessed kid named Luminothe, was he the guy who was the alt of some reactionary from Serious Discussion ? Or something? my memory is sketch as fuck on the details but I'm sure someone will fill you in.

There's the story of how I ended up quitting mafia for the first time I guess? that's mostly just 'people shouted at me' though, not so much a story as such.

fucking hell my memory is focused around RP and Crash because both were utterly, utterly terrible people.

guess i could start talking about the inglorious beginnings of do5 lol

man idk give me a name or a theme and i'll say what i know, people get unlimited shots at this, i feel bad for my weak answer ;.;

If you could make one thing a rule on SF, what would it be?


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All I remember for absolute certain about Luminothe was that they literally just made about eighty topics with the word 'poop' [not paraphrased] thrown somewhere in the title in FFTF for like a month and never got banned for it.

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Oh dear~

Hey Ciaran can you tell us stories of old SF people being super cool too? =D I ask of somebody who's been here shorter than me

But really I have like no memory and also didn't get around that much (and still don't) so I can't really contribute

WHAT IS your favourite plant?

WHAT IS your favourite scent?

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I'm down for a crash course on Crash since I knew like nothing about him

Why do you hate Par? That is like his least favorite subject, next to RP.

Also he is like the worst person to ask to explain Crash because he hates him lol.

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Oh dear~

Hey Ciaran can you tell us stories of old SF people being super cool too? =D I ask of somebody who's been here shorter than me

But really I have like no memory and also didn't get around that much (and still don't) so I can't really contribute

WHAT IS your favourite plant?

WHAT IS your favourite scent?

hmmm i will get to this one when I get home!

I fucking adore frangipani. It's so pretty and it reminds me of home and doesn't seem to grow in Canberra so I get all nostalgic and shit whenever I see it.

Man there's this particular way that Canberra smells some mornings - maybe it's wattle? But there's nothing else like it. I wish I knew what caused it.

What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Crash at least had some laughable moments amidst the transphobic racist bigotry. RP was just a nerd and then he was a sexual predator. I'll come up with some Crash stories when I get back, I guess.

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Parrhesia, afaik, you were once or are still interested in creative writing projects. If this is true, please share which project, completed or not, whose basic idea/premise/plot/setup/whatever appeals to you the most. Actually, if you have anywhere from 2-5 ideas which appealed to you greatly, please share up to five ideas and count each idea listed as an answer to one of my 5 questions.

Also, do not take offense at the irregularities of whether I spelled or used digits for numbers in the above paragraph.

EDIT-If you just don't like the idea of sharing your ideas, that's cool.

Edited by Severlan
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reminder that y'all get unlimited questions

what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?

This one time in Year 10 Drama we'd finally gotten this massive awesome painted backdrop - like this painted wooden thing. I think it was either bought or direct from the art department. And I don't remember why - someone dared me, maybe? - but I ended up seeing it and jumping over it fsr

i wore boots

fucking imagine if i had stacked it

5. What's the first thing you'd buy with lottery winnings?

I'd aim to test the theory whether or not money can, in fact, buy you love. After that failure? In general I'd try not to live differently to how I do now - just... with a gigantic safety net.

Parrhesia, afaik, you were once or are still interested in creative writing projects. If this is true, please share which project, completed or not, whose basic idea/premise/plot/setup/whatever appeals to you the most. Actually, if you have anywhere from 2-5 ideas which appealed to you greatly, please share up to five ideas and count each idea listed as an answer to one of my 5 questions.

Also, do not take offense at the irregularities of whether I spelled or used digits for numbers in the above paragraph.

EDIT-If you just don't like the idea of sharing your ideas, that's cool.

Few of my projects have gotten far. The one that's absolutely captured me over the years, the world that has survived for a fucking long time in various forms, is Ill Winds. It's survived the fact that the thing I evolved it from (which was once on this forum!!) was fucking terrible and had massive tone, pacing and planning issues. It's in the same setting as Shattered Honour (though some retcons have been made since) and Frontier, to give an idea for anyone who's been in fully sick RPs on SF.

where did the name furetchen come from and why have you abandoned it?

The etymology is a mixture of the Italian (furetto) and German (frettchen) words for ferret, since at the time I'd picked it up I'd just gotten my first one and was hella stoked once he stopped biting me. It kind of also works for French too seeing as the natural short form, Furet, is French for ferret.

I abandoned it mostly because I was tired of it, it reminded me of my past, I felt like I needed a blank slate and also for people to not call me 'Fur' ever since I'd been made aware of Some Parts Of The Internet.

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unlimited questions? well gosh, uhh:

You mentioned drama. What's the best production you've been involved with?

What's the last thing you drew a picture of?

If you could instantly be fluent in any one language, which would you pick?

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