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The specific setups I liked a lot: .hack, Touhou NOCfia, Pokemon Adventures and Badass. Also LotR mafia on smogon seemed like a cool setup even though that's offsite and I didn't play in it.

I thought .hack was interesting because of the thread system and I also like multiball a lot, even if I was kind of terrible in that game.

Touhou had interesting roles and was probably the first time I saw a small, strong scumteam actually work out fairly well and Boron's role meant that I never really knew what to expect while I was playing along.

I thought the Red role and Blaine/Mewtwo dynamic in Adventures was really cool (even if Red never did anything) and I thought the rest of the setup fit around them fairly well too. I'm still salty about that MYLO though ;_;

Badass was just an all around good setup that I enjoyed playing. There wasn't any specific standout role here like in the other setups, but unlike in the others before this the play wasn't completely terrible either.

I really liked the idea behind the Frodo role and wolf pair in LotR both meant to be moles in different factions, and the Rohirrim was a neat way to implement a vig even though it didn't do shit in the actual game.

In general, I like setups that start with an interesting role or general design choice and build the setup around it in a way that it's easy to tell that they were the central role? After you've been playing for a while just seeing stuff like the standard cop/doc/vig town core vs godfather/roleblocker/rolecop scumteam gets kind of boring so it's nice to see things mixed up.

The roles I find most interesting as a host tend to be either multipurpose roles like joats or just two part roles or linked roles that rely on others within the setup in order to work but at the same time they can be really hard to balance in a way that isn't either completely useless, overpowered or telling of the alignments of those involved.

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Touhou had interesting roles and was probably the first time I saw a small, strong scumteam actually work out fairly well and Boron's role meant that I never really knew what to expect while I was playing along.

but wich one wuld u fuk
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why wasn't your intro post

also it's going to be cool when our rep introduces themself with "Hi I'm not really good at mafia but everybody else was busy."

did thingyman or whoever change it again?

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How did you become Shin's boy?

Bad life decisions.

Would you be horrimad if I changed your avatar to your puppy? :P:
Mod abuse whoa. Probably not?

but wich one wuld u fuk
I already answered this question!

so then why do you have a dinosaur avatar???
Because I'm the best. Isn't it obvious?

why wasn't your intro post
did thingyman or whoever change it again?
I'm pretty sure I was like "wow I have nothing to put here" and decided not to sugarcoat it or something. I don't remember and don't really want to remember.

1. Why is mafia so fucking dead?
2. Would you run a Ruby Destiny campaign in PTU or any other system?
1. I dunno. I'd be cool with starting it up again soon but I dunno how other people feel about it.
2. RUBY DESTINY WHY. I'd probably play a normal PTU campaign if the players were good though. I dunno about running because I am lazy and running two RPs at once is for crazy people like Haspen on bay12 (he runs like 4-5 RPs at once wtf).

Also how much did that game suck?
I try to purposely block it out from my memory.
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Whats your next terrible game to LP through?

Can you answer the above question with a dinosaur comic?

Why do you still even put up with us?

What themes do you want to use for future mafia games, but just haven't gotten around to pencilling them together yet?

Do you prefer 48 hour days, 72 hour days, mandatory hammer (for D1-> or for D2->), Early Nightphase ending (the way I do it, cutting the phase by 1/2 or 1/3 if all actions are in) and vote-altering roles of any kind?

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I'm pretty sure I was like "wow I have nothing to put here" and decided not to sugarcoat it or something. I don't remember and don't really want to remember.

I actually meant intro post for this thread

I'm SURE you said that you submitted that but the fascist mods changed it

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1) Whats your next terrible game to LP through?

2) Can you answer the above question with a dinosaur comic?

3) Why do you still even put up with us?

4) What themes do you want to use for future mafia games, but just haven't gotten around to pencilling them together yet?

5) Do you prefer 48 hour days, 72 hour days, mandatory hammer (for D1-> or for D2->), Early Nightphase ending (the way I do it, cutting the phase by 1/2 or 1/3 if all actions are in) and vote-altering roles of any kind?

1) Probably going to take a break and then maybe some other terrible Pokemon hack? Really I started all of my LPs on impulse and I think it works out better that way.

EDIT: Alternatively, FE12 sucks.

2) I tried but it kept coming out terribly so I gave up.

3) I don't even know dude.

4) Besides SFMafia's Greatest Hits which is nearly done already, I kind of want to make some kind of Pokemon themed mafia at some point? I don't really have an idea beyond Choose Your Own Pokemafia right now though and I'd probably want to make it a large, meaning it's a long way off.

5) 72 hour days, 24 hour nights with no nighttalk. It gives the players enough of a break that they don't get burnt out. If night ending early is a thing everyone should have to send an activity check to stop gaming online times (although I don't know if anyone actually does this?), and tbh having phase end times fairly consistent is better for the host anyway. Vote altering roles are fine as long as it isn't scum unlimited lpv or scum lynch redirects because they're dumb as hell.

1) What's your favourite FE9 non-mounted unit?

2) What's the picture that Mitsuki drew I don't remember anymore

3) What's your favourite pokemon rom hack and why is it Ruby Destiny

1) This answer is hard because ngl all of the FE9 unmounted units are unmemorable to me. I guess it'd be Boyd or something?

2) http://i.imgur.com/fylFdqO.jpg

3) SURPRISINGLY IT'S NOT. I haven't actually played a Pokemon hack that isn't RD in a long time though. Iirc Brown was pretty good?

I actually meant intro post for this thread

I'm SURE you said that you submitted that but the fascist mods changed it

I'm pretty sure I didn't so maybe you're probably misremembering?

SB if I ever finish a game will you make a surprise LP of it?

Maybe? It probably depends what it is/how easy it is to screenshot.

Edited by SB.
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