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Bluedoom [8]: Gaius, Snike, Prims, Mancer, BBM, Polydeuces, Shin, Kaoz

Eurykins [7]: Gaius, Snike, BBM, Bluedoom, eclipse, Shin, j00

Strawman [5]: Gaius, kirsche, Snike, Reinfleche, Shin

Euklyd [5]: kirsche, Bluedoom, eclipse, Proto, j00

Shin [3]: Prims, Mancer, Polydeuces

Snike [3]: Reinfleche, Polydeuces, eclipse

Mitsuki [3]: BBM, Bluedoom, Proto

Nightmare [3]: Reinfleche, Euklyd, Refa

Green Poet [2]: kirsche, Proto

Proto [1]: Prims

Balcerzak [1]: Paperblade

Baldrick [1]: j00

It is Bluedoom's turn.

Edited by Kaoz
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Alright then. Too bad I can't hammer myself. ;-;

Hi, I'm Bluedoom/Marth, IRL they call me Abhijeeth. I'm 19 years old and live in India. I initially joined SF after seeing the old FE12 tier list and getting interested in drafts, but then I got sucked into SFMafia because I felt it was more fun than drafting. My first game was apparently Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Mafia, but I don't remember signing up for it, probably because I subbed into a mafia slot that was about to get lynched. I consider my first game to be Golden Sun Mafia, where I was a powerful scum JoaT, but I messed up by trying to get the almost-cleared!Quote lynched.

So, what's up?

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1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

posting these now because BBM sucks. will try to think of other questions later but I'm bad at this thread now. I had more questions for j00 then forgot all of them, not even kidding.

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1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?

2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?

3) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

posting these now because BBM sucks. will try to think of other questions later but I'm bad at this thread now. I had more questions for j00 then forgot all of them, not even kidding.

1) and 2) : Well I've never really thought about it. Honest.

Maybe uh BBM, Paperblade, Quote, Manix, Prims, PSYCH, Eli, Refa, Boron, SB, Eurykins, KAOZ. Don't care whether its OC/NOC, really.

3) wat is a 2hu

Via wasn't clear in GSM IIRC? It was D1 for one thing.

why did you change your name from Marth to Bluedoom?

Something happened which made them obv!town or near clear, for sure. I just don't remember what was that.

When I joined SF my name was originally Blues(and Proto's the only one who calls me by this). I changed it to Marth because I'm an Archaenea fan and he's its lord and HE HAS BLUE HAIR! Then I changed it to Bluedoom because it was the name I went by in the last forum that I used to frequent.

EDIT: Oh and there was that one weird incident where I couldn't log into SF and I kept typing Marth as my account name when I forgot that it was bluedoom. It was during one of those big drafting tournaments and I made another account while trying to figure out why I wasn't logging in.

Edited by Bluedoom
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1) do you play smash bros? if so, which is your favorite?

if 1) is true:

2) who do you play as? who are you good as?

3) why?

4) what question(s) do you want to be asked?

also Kaoz for the record you missed a Snike vote on me as well (not that it mattered at all)

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1) do you play smash bros? if so, which is your favorite?

if 1) is true:

2) who do you play as? who are you good as?

3) why?

4) what question(s) do you want to be asked?

also Kaoz for the record you missed a Snike vote on me as well (not that it mattered at all)

I'm new to the series and I haven't played competitively. Because I love rum.

Also, Melee is the only game I've ever played.

2) and 3):Well I mostly play as Link because... I dunno, I like his attack animations and his voice. Oh and I guess I like Shulk too. I used to like Captain Falcon but I think I just got too annoyed with how poor his jumps are. I think I play best as...Link, actually, since I use him the most. I think I've used Marth and Roy decently, though.

4) Aww man, this is a tough one. Hmmm...

"Why do/did you have <Insert present or former avatar here> as your avatar?"

Also any questions related to the Final Fantasy series. Or the Ace Attorney series. Preferably FF6.

"Are you the evil that lurks within Serenes Forest Forums?"

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5) why did you have Buu as your avatar? forgot I had ever been wondering that one

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Majin Buu is one of my favourite characters from DBZ. I like having menacing avatars sometimes, but I wanted to go for something like the evil smile from Fat Buu.

Like this one: Buu2.jpg

I ended up finding evil buu showing the finger and I thought that was cool enough to have as my avatar.

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how does it feel to have probably hosted the game with the most undeserved town victory in sfmafia history


What's your favorite Black Widow quote?

"I'm used to it, darling. Happens all the time. I suppose it is something like, how you say, my super power." - in response to Iron Man and Thor staring at her romantically. -From the comics.

Oh also in general the entire part in The Age of Ultron movie where the Avengers are trying to retrieve the mind stone from Ultron in - she's p badass in that but its a lot to describe hehe.

My avvy was originally gonna be Hawkeye but I felt like I was lacking in female avvies so she took the spot instead.

Rank the Ace Attorney games from favorite to least favorite

Favorite case?

Favorite character?

1) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney >= Trials and Tribulations>Ace Attorney Investigations>Dual Destinies(have only watched LP though)>Justice For All> Apollo Justice(The last case is the exception though).

2) I'm going with 3-5 for this one. Runners up: 1-4,1-5,3-2

3) Phoenix and Miles. Hey, come on! They're the most developed and I like their personalities!

Runners Up: Larry Butz, Dick Gumshoe, Shi Long Lang, Young!Mia.

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Can you rank your favorite blue-haired lords, from best to worst, in terms of Your Opinion of Them? :P:

(this counts Lucina, despite the fact that she doesn't net a Game Over if she dies)

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Chris for top tier, obviously.

1. Sigurd, because they show a lord's take on politics the best with him, and his story's alright and at least they don't make him some self-righteous lord that gets everything right. Oh and he's so powerful.

2. Ike, at least FE9 Ike. FE10 Ike has no personality but FE9 Ike is pretty nice, its nice to see him grow up into a fine young warrior. There are also tidbits like how he is naive about the laguz-beorc hatred, and his story with Soren, which I like.

3. Marth. Shadow Dragon fails to deliver any sort of character development, but FE12 does better in this department, and you get to see a lot more of Marth's personality. He's got a good balance of courage, patience and cleverness, IMO. He fights if you back him into a corner and doesn't make a fuss about it, but he's not arrogant or downright stubborn and stupid, like say, Hector.

4. I would probably tie Hector and Eirika. I'm not amazed by Eirika's character but I like a lot of her supports and I think most of them are cute except for the one with Forde, which is so dumb IMO. Hector is a great unit and I like his personality when compared to like, Lyn or Eliwood, but I just don't really get the angry types. They're a PITA.

5. Chrom/Lucina/Avatar: I haven't played FE13 so I have no opinion of them.

If Ephraim counts as a blue haired lord, then I'd put him above Eirika/Hector since he's Marth Lite and he kicks ass in his game.

EDIT: OH and I forgot Celice. Well, now you know what I think of him. 8)

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1. Favourite player (other than yourself)?

2. Favourite setup and why?

3. What is your strongpoint?

4. What is your weakpoint?

5. How could I improve as a player and what am I doing right?

Edited by Makaze
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1) do you play dissidia? if so, which is your favorite?

if 1) is true:

2) who do you play as? who are you good as?

3) why?

4) which FF character isn't on the roster but should be IYO?

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1. Favourite player (other than yourself)?

2. Favourite setup and why?

3. What is your strongpoint?

4. What is your weakpoint?

5. How could I improve as a player and what am I doing right?

1. Favourite player as in person I feel comfortable talking to? Elieson/Refa

As far as playstyle goes, I like Town!Paperblade. And BBM.

2. This is a difficult one... I like the idea behind the "Choose Your Own XYZ" because it adds the element of customization, to an extent. Also Nostalgia Mafia for the same reason.

3. I don't know. I know that my scum game has improved to the point where I can avoid looking scummy. Also I seem to have higher chance of getting accurate reads ED1. My town game is erratic because it heavily depends on my mood IRL while my scum game is more controlled, I think.

4. I easily throw away my reads because I entertain the possibility that I'm wrong a lot of the time, then when I feel like I'm being too lenient I go to the other extreme and tunnel on someone. Also, while I have better reads ED1, I think the way that I go about scumhnting looks scummy to many players. I also take certain stuff in the game for no reason as an offence but thankfully I haven't blown up in mafia games. Usually when this happens I take a break from mafia.

5. I've only played one game with you, so its hard for me to judge. In AM/PM 2 you were quick to think Snike was clear because Refa wasn't killed but that isn't a good reason to clear him. The scumteam thought Refa was the vig too but they didn't kill him over SB(and we chose SB over him since we were banking on him throwing away the game.) I feel like you suddenly tunnel on a player but you don't explain yourself too well. So you probably shouldn't do that.

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1) do you play dissidia? if so, which is your favorite?

if 1) is true:

2) who do you play as? who are you good as?

3) why?

4) which FF character isn't on the roster but should be IYO?

1) No :(

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