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But FE11 is super-fast! BRB suspending you so that you finish it :P:

If you were a role in one of the Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia games, what role would you want to be?

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Drats. I guess I should revive one of the draft threads. Maybe.

If you were a role in one of the Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia games, what role would you want to be?

Town Loser, thanks SB.


I'd probably see myself as something like a town commuter (with my pretty bad activity overall, and a short tendency to sub out I had), kinda like the Rapier role in one SFMM (was it Rapier? or was it Ether? someone that had to 'sub out' a number of times for an itp's wincon). Or maybe some weird variant of town vengeful, like a townie that turns SK when shot because they can't bear to lose a mafia game again. (actually... that sounds bad to balance, but I hope the idea was understood)

I'd like to be surprised if someone ever made me a role in an SFMM after me, though. I actually kinda wonder how the mafia community sees me as a mafia player sometimes. :P:

Edited by Xinnidy
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BBM [7]: Junk, kirsche, Polydeuces, SB, Eurykins, Prims, Bluedoom

Psych [7]: Elieson, Reinfleche, Randa, SB, BBM, Refa, Bluedoom

Elieson [6]: Junk, kirsche, SB, BBM, Eurykins, Bluedoom

Eurykins [3]: Elieson, Reinfleche, Polydeuces

Refa [3]: kirsche, Polydeuces, Eurykins

Bluedoom [2]: Elieson, Randa

Weapons [2]: Reinfleche, Randa

Manix [2]: BBM, Prims

Vhaltz [1]: Prims

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BBM [8]: Junk, kirsche, Polydeuces, SB, Eurykins, Prims, Bluedoom, Radiant Dragon

Psych [7]: Elieson, Reinfleche, Randa, SB, BBM, Refa, Bluedoom

Elieson [6]: Junk, kirsche, SB, BBM, Eurykins, Bluedoom

Refa [4]: kirsche, Polydeuces, Eurykins, Radiant Dragon

Eurykins [3]: Elieson, Reinfleche, Polydeuces

Weapons [3]: Reinfleche, Randa, Radiant Dragon

Bluedoom [2]: Elieson, Randa

Manix [2]: BBM, Prims

Vhaltz [1]: Prims

It's BBM's turn.

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Hi guys. I'm 19 years old, in my third year of engineering. I've specialized into energy, and am probably going to focus further into nuclear energy in my fourth year. But I'm most likely going to do a 1-year internship before my 4th year, so that won't be for a while yet.

As for MAFIA, my first game was Golden Sun Mafia, which was more than three years ago (wow it's been a long time). I joined because I liked Golden Sun and I thought the premise of mafia was cool. And even though Golden Sun's setup was, uh, questionable, I still had fun so I joined the next game (and the next one, and the next one...). Other than SF I play sometimes on MotK, though mostly anonymous games now. I also joined a few games on NSider, but let's not talk about those.

Ask away!

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How do 2huforum's players and games compare to sf's?

Your favorite scum game?

Favorite town game?

Any themes for mafia games that you'd like to run eventually?

Thoughts on early night phase ending?

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MotK generally has smaller games with less roles. Largest game I've played on MotK had 16p, and that was also one of the only full role-madness games I've played there. As for the players, I think there's a large disparity in skill levels, which is probably why scum had such a large winning streak going at one point. Once the good players die (if they're town), the rest of the players have trouble scumhunting well.

My favourite scum game was probably SHINING FORCE 3 because Refa and Iris were cool scumbuddies. Spellcard was also fun with Manix, Scorri, and Xinny, but I didn't win that one.

Favourite town game is Kirby because quickhammers rule, but most especially when you hammer scum. I feel my reads were generally good that game and the gimmick was cool.

Well firstly there's Vigilante Mafia, which is completed and ready to run but on hiatus indefinitely until I Feel Like It. I still need to run some more Pokemon Adventures games at some point... I also have a bunch of larges I've started and not completed planning with SB and Paperblade (Pokemon Yugioh TCG and FMA Brotherhood)

I don't have any real opposition to night phase ending early as a player, but I find it's a hassle as host.

Edited by BBM
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