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Fire Emblem 11 Mafia - Game Over


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Also thanks to everyone who has added me on skype! I wish to converse with more people because so far the only person I have had a detailed conversation with is Rein(?). I will be responding to PMs sent my way shortly as well!

This is such an odd concept, yet so much fun at the same time.

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Added you on Skype, J. You should like, press "yes" or something unless you SECRETLY hate me (if that's the case uh...whoops).

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Important announcement:

Hey guys, our server is going to be migrated from one data center to another as part of our hosting company’s data center upgrades this weekend. The end result is that we will be down for up to 4 hours between the times of 10PM-2PM Central Time (GMT-6) this Saturday, December 13th. Although I doubt it will take them the full 4 hours to complete the migration, I thought it’d be prudent to give you guys a heads-up. I think this will actually be the first time in our history with this host of there being actual downtime not caused by our own doing. That said, sorry for the inconvenience!

If I'm right, this falls right before phase end, which is kind of terrible timing and considering the phase is only 48 hours long too this might be a problem. SO, If you guys want a 24 hour extension for today, then post ##Extension in the thread, and if half the players agree to it I'll grant it. Otherwise, I'll assume that phase ends at normal time.
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Reason for me is because I will be gone till Sunday due to moving back home from dorms this weekend. I'd also like more time to talk to people since I am finally starting to get places in terms of people.

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To the other players- I haz raid from 8pm-12:30am Sunday so keep that in mind if/when you're trying to get in contact with me then!

Also, I've yet to hear from RockyRyan, Dandragon, and a few others- hit me up on Skype yo!

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Cool mafia game, guys. I might not be as available for the next six or so hours...or I might be! Don't hesitate to contact me (actually, I'd prefer people to contact me because I suck at initiating conversations; my bad), but don't be surprised if I don't reply for like forever.

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Actual votals: Nope.

Extension votals (8): #HBC J, Vhaltz, Elieson, Terrador, Eurykins, Refa, Rein, Mancer

That's enough for an extension, according to the criteria SB set up. I'll leave it up to him to adjust the phase end time.

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