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What would you say are the easiest Fire Emblem games?


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Besides Awakening, which was basicly a huge "screw you" directed at core fans of the series, Path of Radiance was admittedly pretty easy because of that western-exclusive easy mode.

On that note, it actually provided some challenging chapters on higher difficulties.

No, FierceRagnar, FE13 was actually a good game, you just don't like it. Don't project your opinions onto the community. Thanks.

Shadow Dragon did well for what it was trying to do, a revamp of FE1, added reclassing and did fairly well. People just hate it because its simplistic.

The issue is that the game it was remaking has aged horribly. It was poorly designed to begin with. There were times where it felt exactly like FE1 with a better interface and graphics (even though yeah they added weapons and reclassing). Otherwise, people don't hate it because it's "simplistic," people hate it because it almost felt like a re-release of an extremely old game.
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None of the fe can actually be called a screw you. Hell fea is basically a love letter to the loyal fanbase, considering the whole fe all star aspect of the game

Honestly the hate on fea is like hating sayyy gundam build fighter because its not about people kiĺing each other(yes im aware of how shit the story is)

The butchering of fe12 story is the closest to a screw you and this is from a fe12 fanboy.

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Honestly the hate on fea is like hating sayyy gundam build fighter because its not about people kiĺing each other(yes im aware of how shit the story is)

people do hate on GBF for that exact reason though lol

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people do hate on GBF for that exact reason though lol

But its fun :(

Come to think of it its a pretty bad comparison for me since personally i hated awakening story but understand its all star game concept, while i loved gbf in both story and concept

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But its fun :(

Come to think of it its a pretty bad comparison for me since personally i hated awakening story but understand its all star game concept, while i loved gbf in both story and concept

i feel the exact same way you do.

ofcourse to watch build fighers i didn't preorder build fighters for 40 dollars then bought nearly all the DLC.

so for me its buyers remorse in addition to everyone i dislike about it.

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No, FierceRagnar, FE13 was actually a good game, you just don't like it. Don't project your opinions onto the community. Thanks.

"You don't share my opinion, so SHUT UP!" This is you.

I have my completely legitimate reasons to think that Awakening was a poor FE game, both Gameplay and Storywise.

It did have a great main story and a superb soundtrack, however.

Edit: I also respect it for saving the franchise for now, but I wish the devs went back on track again.

Edited by FierceRagnar
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"You don't share my opinion, so SHUT UP!" This is you.

No, actually that was you.

I have my completely legitimate reasons to think that Awakening was a poor FE game, both Gameplay and Storywise.

It did have a great main story and a superb soundtrack, however.

Opposite for me. I thought the gameplay was a lot of fun cause I play a lot of RPGs, and the plot was pretty poor after the first 8 chapters. Still not going to label it as a "big screw you" to the community like you. That's where projecting comes from. Edited by Lord Raven
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I have my completely legitimate reasons to think that Awakening was a poor FE game, both Gameplay and Storywise.

It did have a great main story and a superb soundtrack, however.

Color me confused.

Incidentally, even among fans of Awakening I'm pretty sure it's mostly agreed that its story was one of its weak aspects.

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Color me confused.

Incidentally, even among fans of Awakening I'm pretty sure it's mostly agreed that its story was one of its weak aspects.

The main story was pretty ok. The War, the ancient evil.. but than those cheesy supports. Eh.

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The main story was pretty ok. The War, the ancient evil.. but than those cheesy supports. Eh.

Really? I mean Gangrel was alright, and Walhart was nothing to write home about, but Validar and Grima are easily the worst villains in the series. I mean even Gharnerf and Medeus are more interesting villains than Validar and Grima.

Edited by Monado Boy
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Really? I mean Gangrel was alright, and Walhart was nothing to write home about, but Validar and Grima are easily the worst villains in the series. I mean even Gharnerf and Medeus are more interesting villains than Validar and Grima.

Please, at least let me try to not completely dislike that game, here. Hahaha.

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Storywise Awakening isn't terrible. Writingwise it is. All of it's villains (even Validar) have solid concepts behind them that just weren't expressed adequately during the game. The Valm arc is probably to blame really. If they'd just removed that then they could have focused more on what they'd set up already. Or expand it into two games ala Tellius.

Edited by Jotari
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tbh I too don't know why Validar is doing that crap simply because the game didn't mention like, anything about his reasons, neither about Grima, or about Walhart, it's basically only "lolPower" and "lolWant to kill humans". Gangrel and Yen'fay aren't that bad in that way for me because they have reasons to do those things, or Mustafa for having a visible reluctance to fight Ylisse. The rest of the FE13 antagonists is pretty bland. On DSFE for example, Gharnef and Medeus (and other similar enemies) who are somewhat comparable to Grima/Validar have reasons to do that stuff (because of revenge and darksphere resp), same for most other antagonists.

Edited by Gradivus.
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tbh I too don't know why Validar is doing that crap simply because the game didn't mention like, anything about his reasons, neither about Grima, or about Walhart, it's basically only "lolPower" and "lolWant to kill humans". Gangrel and Yen'fay aren't that bad in that way for me because they have reasons to do those things, or Mustafa for having a visible reluctance to fight Ylisse. The rest of the FE13 antagonists is pretty bland. On DSFE for example, Gharnef and Medeus (and other similar enemies) who are somewhat comparable to Grima/Validar have reasons to do that stuff (because of revenge and darksphere resp), same for most other antagonists.

Validar was raised in a cult worshiping Grima so his reasoning is pretty much the same as Aversa's. As for Walhart, the game doesn't really even depict him as evil. He just has a contrasting philosophy to Chrom about how peace is achieved, believing one should unify the land using their strength, as opposed to gaining strength by unifying the land. That's why in the spotpass he joins Chrom's side, because his philosophy has been proven completely wrong by Chrom's forces. It's all in the game, it just isn't highlighted, especially in Walhart's case since he gets like no screen time until you fight him. Except Grima though, he's just evil dragon because lol, evil dragon, though he's not all that different to Loptous and Fomortiis in that regard.

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Validar was raised in a cult worshiping Grima so his reasoning is pretty much the same as Aversa's. As for Walhart, the game doesn't really even depict him as evil. He just has a contrasting philosophy to Chrom about how peace is achieved, believing one should unify the land using their strength, as opposed to gaining strength by unifying the land. That's why in the spotpass he joins Chrom's side, because his philosophy has been proven completely wrong by Chrom's forces. It's all in the game, it just isn't highlighted, especially in Walhart's case since he gets like no screen time until you fight him. Except Grima though, he's just evil dragon because lol, evil dragon, though he's not all that different to Loptous and Fomortiis in that regard.

Your point on Grima is something I would've said, really - I don't think there was any rhyme or reason to Fomortiis' actions, so it isn't like Grima's alone in that regard.

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I think Awakening had the best gameplay in the series. There's so many various things you can do in any given run. My only real issues are lack of mission variety(all are rout the enemy or defeat boss, except certain DLC maps), Thieves can't steal, and the fact that the Book of Naga is literally the only Light Magic tome in-game. The new class system, the great DLC chapters, the new support system, lack of weapon weight, the multiple difficulty modes, the world map, etc., were all great. And the majority characters were some of the best in the entire FE series, with a lot of depth and personality to them that we can learn about, mainly due to the new way supports work. It's only real non-gameplay downsides are that the plot is kind of meh, and that Robin is a Self-Insert Mary Sue.

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Guess I missed out on Fomortiis and Lopotouso since I didn't play 4 or 8, meh. maybe my experience about that is a bit biased overall since I only played 6 11 12 and 13 by now.

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Validar was raised in a cult worshiping Grima so his reasoning is pretty much the same as Aversa's. As for Walhart, the game doesn't really even depict him as evil. He just has a contrasting philosophy to Chrom about how peace is achieved, believing one should unify the land using their strength, as opposed to gaining strength by unifying the land. That's why in the spotpass he joins Chrom's side, because his philosophy has been proven completely wrong by Chrom's forces. It's all in the game, it just isn't highlighted, especially in Walhart's case since he gets like no screen time until you fight him. Except Grima though, he's just evil dragon because lol, evil dragon, though he's not all that different to Loptous and Fomortiis in that regard.

Lopt/Manfroy are Saturday morning cartoon villains but they get a pass because all the other antagonists are fucking amazing. Even Julius shows something akin to genuine affection to Ishtar despite how evil the guy is. Manfroy also gets a pass based on the magnitude of his accomplishments.

Same deal for Lyon and Formotiis.

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Lopt/Manfroy are Saturday morning cartoon villains but they get a pass because all the other antagonists are fucking amazing. Even Julius shows something akin to genuine affection to Ishtar despite how evil the guy is. Manfroy also gets a pass based on the magnitude of his accomplishments.

Same deal for Lyon and Formotiis.

I honestly don't think a villain without any deeper motivation than power and control is inherently bad. So long as you have other villains to balance it out and they're not taking up the majority of the screen time, some straightforward evil bastards are fine. Manfroy works because he sticks in the background despite being one of the most influential and important people on the continent. It's not all together unrealistic either, you will meet people in life who are just massive pricks without having any freudian excuse. Motivation is only one aspect of a character, if they have enough strength on the others and are in a balanced cast then it's fine. Let them play their necessary role in the plot.

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honestly i can barely get 5 characters transfers.

Wat. On Hard, because of decreased exp, i can understand, but Normal it should be really easy to get at least 7 or more guys for transfer bonuses. You just focus on the team. Plan ahead.

Awakening made too many (wrong) changes and good ideas like the pair-up system were implemented just badly.

Subjective. I actually really disagree with this because the stuff i want to see return (FoW, status effects, etc) can be added to that existing system and be even better. Nothing wrong with PairUp, especially on Lunatic mode where it kinda balances out.

"You don't share my opinion, so SHUT UP!" This is you.

I have my completely legitimate reasons to think that Awakening was a poor FE game, both Gameplay and Storywise.

It did have a great main story and a superb soundtrack, however.

Edit: I also respect it for saving the franchise for now, but I wish the devs went back on track again.


Your opinions are not facts. Do not tout them as if they are.

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he doesn't imply that his opinions were facts; saying that he has legitimate reasons doesn't imply either, given that personal opinions sure are legit, especially in a thread that asks for them.

Edited by Gradivus.
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