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Dot.hack//The World:R1 Mafia(Game thread)


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Oh, I just noticed a post above mine. That's like, totally not my fault, it just appeared out of nowhere! Randa, what are your like, scumreads? Dude, do you even have any?

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Argh. Sorry for being busy/unable to post yesterday, guys- I have an interview in a few hours (approx. 4:15pm CST), so been prepping for that and such. Will be catching up on what's been happening, but likewise expect me to be unavailable during the time (I'd assume an hour or two, if not longer, depending on how it goes) of said interview. >_<;;

Time to re-read and catch back up to speed.

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Actually he did justify the 180 since he explains that Rapier's defence of his vote on me was BS and scumy enough to warrant a Rapier vote, I just find that justification inadequate in this instance.

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Oh, I just noticed a post above mine. That's like, totally not my fault, it just appeared out of nowhere! Randa, what are your like, scumreads? Dude, do you even have any?

i said i had only skimmed. i'm doing an actual read and ISO's right now.

anyways what i was going to post before Refa cut me:

why are we not lynching Terrador atm. the only thing of significance he's done is tunnel Kirsche. he drops a bunch of one liners on everyone else in the game, but he doesn't actually say anything meaningful in that post. the most significant points in that post are about me and Refa being scum reads, but the justification for those reads are way too little for two out of three scum reads when he's been as active as he has. now BBM makes a valid point, most scum would not tunnel for this long.on somebody that flat out won't be lynched today won't happen. but at the same time town wouldn't waste their time tunneling for this long, hopefully, and the part that makes me feel that terrador is scum, is that in tunneling for this long there is a built in excuse for lack of content or posted opinions on the rest of the game.


##Vote: Terrador

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Like, dude, I get what you're getting at, but I don't think you're getting what I'm getting at, you get me? That's justification for his vote, but it doesn't explain why he 180'd, as he never actually addressed his town read in that post (so it just sort of...vanished, like some kind of magic act, bro).

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Your Terrador case is fine, but like...is there anything else? Like dude, you know there's more than one scum, right?

also can someone TL;DR the Ciraxis cases. i'd rather focus on BBM's ISO tbh.

Ciraxis has like one post, do it yourself bro.

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Like, dude, I get what you're getting at, but I don't think you're getting what I'm getting at, you get me? That's justification for his vote, but it doesn't explain why he 180'd, as he never actually addressed his town read in that post (so it just sort of...vanished, like some kind of magic act, bro).

this at me or marth?

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okay quick thoughts:

Paperblade: idk. i remember him lurking as scum a lot, but at the same time he hasn't really been that active in his last few games iirc. so null? be easier to read please.

Marth: Question 3 is still valid. aside from that i don't really see anyway Marth is scum tbh. i feel like i'm the only person dumb enough to have no content with a shit ton of posts when i'm playing sucm, or town, or itp, or hosting, or as an io.

Weapons: I have no problems with weapons at all. i'm actually rather confident he's town. i mean yeah he's kinda tunneling rapier, but it's weapons i mean come on, i expect somewhat scummy actions by town! weapons.

more reads later.

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Everyone seems to be bugging me about the ISO thing--Christ, for all the "read this game" y'all do, it seems to be scarcely remembered that I do that as every alignment.

re: tunneling kirsche: it's almost like it's Day 1 and I'm playing with people who are largely much better at the game than me, so I didn't feel that confident about other reads yet! Who would've thought that's possible.

And Refa, I don't ever actually get a read on kirsche, just discredit his claim? Sure, I do a lot of tearing down what he's pretending is logic for the sake of this game ( :/ ), but I thought it was patently clear that I'm voting him because he's playing hyper-aggressively and trying to strongarm town into claiming to him on grounds any sane person would know aren't enough for a full claim. Claims are coming in on WIFOM, not proof, and that seems sketch to me. His play's been bugging me less lately in general, but idk, I was under the impression he knew my meta a lot better than this?

Rereading recent posts, gonna ISO Paper, Baldrick, BBM a bit, see if anything pings me as shady.

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hey guys, I exist (but I wish I didn't after seeing 15 MORE PAGES TO READ and especially not if Eury is in the game, lol)

give me a bit long time to catch up and make a post

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Couple more thoughts. (Most of these will be short for obvious reasons)

Hugh: Doesn't exist

Blitz: also doesn't exist


Proto: Jesus how many flakes do we have in this game and I'm not even counting people like myself and Eury who are catching up.

anyways to talk about someone who actually exists.

Kirsche: I'm still not going to claim to you, because i still don't see why i should trust you. no offense meant i just don't feel sold on you being town. now that being said i have my doubts about my earlier read on you. i feel like your recent content is towny. but i'm waffeling here. anyways i still have my second e-mail right now. so while yes i did waste one on marth, i havent wasted the other one yet. realtalk tho i don't play OC so i have no idea what to do with the e-mails. also please explain the why paper is town. just curious.

baldrick: the slot you subbed into was the most obvtown i have ever seen in my entire life and you ruined all the hard work he put into this game. :P:

real talk tho i got nothing new to add. don't like the 180 on rapier, but he does mention he likes weapons case on so its not like it came with no reason, but still seemed kinda random. null overall.

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SF just ate my post-in-progress... :/

> [starting off at around Page 10~11 in terms of posts/content.]

Page 10:

- This Rapier vote on Kirsche was okay, but the tone towards Weapons did mildly strike me as a bit odd. Secondly, though the cases/notions against the people pinging me (at the times of my posts) were small, there were still cases I had within my posts (and working to update them currently).

- While I can understand his standpoint, Terrador's tunnel on Kirsche is real.

- For his first post, the tone/vibes seem fair.

Page 11:

- I feel like this comment is mildly hypocritical of Bluedoom given that he seems to made side comments of "half the game is still yet to contribute significantly" (when he himself hadn't put much at all on the table during that time). Also: Your Terra notions assumes that scum!Terra wouldn't tunnel so hard on someone- does this imply that only townies would risk tunneling hard on someone?

- Dis wallpost though... Taking the time to read through everything, I could follow her logic/responses, and found them reasonable as a whole.

- What was off on her meta vs in Code Geass that contributed to this notion, Kirsche?

- Don't care for GX's post- tone/content just seems to scream more sheepiness than anything.

Page 12:

- There's something about this post that rubs off a bit odd to me- the notion towards Kirsche to "compromise" seems like he's moreso trying to appease him than anything? Given that Randa openly doesn’t trust Kirsche, it makes little sense.

- Good post imo.

- So those who claim to you are in a better light than those who don't?

- Why ask me to email an inactive player slot? o.O?

--- TBC

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So, you got zero scumreads out of that?

Are you paying attention to the rest of the game? What are your thoughts on Marth's various posts?

and what of it?

explain yourself

I can guess what Marth is trying to do and if he is doing what I think he is, he is more likely town

what makes you think I am not paying attention?

@Refa, regarding your question to why the townreads, I didn't feel any malicious intent from either their posts at first, until the post of Poly I just quoted, so, allow me to take back what I said about Poly.

I am just gonna be lazy and make smaller posts, so, I feel less guilty for ignoring the game (I have a thesis to deal with and it isn't writing itself and with the net finally back, I should get some work done)

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Continuing on:

Page 13:

- Sorta... followed Rapier's logic? But while the notion of "Refusing to vote during RVS is not indicative of scumminess" is true, what you did wasn't "refuse to vote", but "double-backed and voted anyways despite you saying you were choosing not to" just the post before, for what seemed like little reason. (Blatant contradiction is the problem here.)

- Terrador pls. Don't care for the Cult spec, and spoiler windows made me cry inside.

- Is asking people their thoughts before posting their own necessarily a scum tell? Also, why is getting voted by a few people (in this case 3) cause for becoming defensive (at least to the point to where people are taking note of it in a negative light)? Refuting points against you is one thing, but you seemed to be squirming more than necessary in this case.

- Ohsnap Proto post- I feel like the Kirsche elaboration is initially OK, but then takes a wonky turn (and seems fluffed) when it boils down to "it would be nice if he had more D1 content....But eh, Kirsche and D1 generally don't mix very well so I'm not surprised." So, are you implying that Kirsche generally doesn't deal with D1 matters well, therefore questionable posting/content on him (during D1) is a null/void tell or otherwise void of any suspect? Rapier read is likewise easy, utilizing the blanket statement of "Rapier is weird, and does stupid stuff as either alignment".

- You complain a lot over Terrador, and yet don't vote him, Refa. Reasons?

- Trying not to wallpost, Bluedoom thing was explained, and Randa's tone/content read fine to me.

[sF eating post argh. Stahp] TBC.

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some more quick thoughts before i go onto people who actually have anything i can go off of.

gaius: don't know, don't care tbh. i have no scum vibes hear. don't know why, don't care why.

gp: pretty confident she's town, the content is good even though it all exists in three posts.

via: what is there to say. about as obvtown as there is in this game.

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Reading ISOs is quicker than the thread.
Paperblade - I think his votes have mostly been sheepy and sort of weird? A lot of his posts feel weird too (Via could be SK, yes, but why bring that up?) and he dropped BBM instantly which is weird, even if the read changed.
Bluedoom (Marth) - I don't think he would randomly claim as town and I haven't really had any issues with his content earlygame. Also I don't feel like he would want to claim vanilla as scum for meta reasons because he thinks people view them as expendable, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to appear that way.
WeaponsOfMassConstruction - His content has been sparse but decent. I guess I have a weak townread on the slot but I wouldn't commit to it.
Blitz - Not really sure. I didn't have any issues with his early content but I dunno what to think about him after his disappearance.
Kirsche - I have no idea. His general playstyle seems similar to CYOU'RE and I have no idea why I suddenly became a higher priority lynch than Terra but it feels sort of different at the same time? Mafia sucks. Need more time to get a good read here.
Baldrick - I feel like his content has been underwhelming for a sub and it feels like his reads just come out of nowhere? Marth had a good point about his read on Rapier changing drastically too that I don't get. Basically it feels like he's just going with the flow which iirc is how he described him scumgame in the past? So yeah.
Quote/Levity/Viata/August - I don't think Via is scum on role and I feel like they're having too much fun with the messages and stuff to be scum.
BBM - Ciraxis' content was kind of iffy and I think BBM's vote on me is weak but I thought his replace in was fine so the slot's pretty much null to me atm because I'm not sure what to think of it overall.
Blackhawk Stinger (Polydeuces) - I thought he was town early and then he disappeared for 48 hours. Help. (I still think he's probably town because his scumposts generally have a different kind of energy to them, but yeah.)
Refa - My generally feeling about the slot is town because I haven't had any glaring issues with his content and he generally struggles with motivation when he's scum unless he has a fun scumteam or something. His play seems pretty similar to DC too so I don't really have any issues with him.
Crissaegrim (Rapier) - My opinion on him generally hasn't changed because the only new thing I see from him is waffly thing on Weapons so yeah. I think he's less scummy comparatively though?
Lord Gaius - His content seems okay and I don't really have any issues with him. Kind of town I guess?
Terrador - The kirsche tunnel was null on its own but when he comes out of it with a bunch of weak reads on the rest of the rest of the game and his only scumreads are one liners so meh. From what I remember in SF3 his reads there were a lot more developed too?
Randa - I have reservations about his play in places but I don't think he would try to actively seek out kirsche's Mason buddy as scum? Even if he got the info it would be easily traced back to him and it matches his play in Mystery 2. I can see him being paranoid about mason claims after that game too.
Green Poet - General feelings about the slot being town haven't changed.
Eurykins - I skimmed her new wall and don't really have any issues with it. Yeah.
I think I deleted some people who I had literally nothing to say about but yeah.

Priority is roughly Baldrick > Paperblade > Terrador > Rapier and I feel pretty good about townreads on Marth, Via, Poly, Refa and Randa.
I'm kind of conscious that my strongest scumreads are on my wagon but at the same time the wagon itself really sucks.
##Vote: Baldrick
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Page 14:

- First BBM post: Fair, but want to see/read more; vote on SB: Not sure if based on "SB meta" or not (but kept getting caught up on that "donut" typo...)

Page 15:

- IDEK what this post was about.

- Oh, so NOW you vote srsly on Terrador? Took you long enough Roofa.

- What do you make of Randa messaging you?

Page 16:

- BBM #311: So why do you think people suspect Kirsche vs when you conducted the townlead in CYOR1? And does people objecting to Kirsche mean anything different than people supporting you in the other game?

- Why would via be okay as playing as a wolf, as opposed to mafia? (why would the latter stress her out moreso over the former?)

- That's an odd thing to say/want.

Page 17:

- I'm gettin' to it Kirsche! And the bluedoom vote was already explained earlier- I didn't care for his obvious contradiction in what he said/did. Simple as that.

Page 18 skipped (nothing interesting)

Page 19:

- I'm actually wanting to re-read this/go back over Baldrick to see how I feel about his slot.

- Case has its warrants, sure, but the post in itself feels pretty tunneled, Randa.

Aaaaaaand... speeding up to the last page or two:

> Awaiting the incoming reads from Terrador, as most of what I've seen/garnered from him seems like hyper tunneling on Kirsche issue (so mildly pinging me as odd coming from him).

> Randa's list reads kinda.... came off as vauge/almost forced? Most of his reads are "Obvtown/null/nonexistent players" and otherwise doesn't seem to have much depth minus the Kirsche blurb. Not really liking this player slot.

Priority atm:

Randa = Rapier > Bluedoom > Terrador


##Vote Rapier

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Found this while going through bbm's ISO.

yeah I forgot that via was one of the people who voted ciraxis; the case looks good at a glance except it's on me now so time to unvote via :B):

my problem was with like a bunch of posts that seemed like you weren't even really saying anything between the rapier and ciraxis cases and a few posts after the ciraxis case like 'posts are intimidating' idk I'll be more coherent and use actual punctuation and stuff tomorrow

if you guys can't tell I'm drunk... ON HYDRO POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could say something to the people voting my slot but I was honestly half expecting to sub into a scum slot because I agreed with the cases so anything I try to say will be insincere

I'm obvtown as fuck though people who drunkpost are always town according to myself in SFMM3 and AM/PM (and if I said it as both town and scum then that must mean I believe it amirite)

Guitar mafia. That's all I'm gonna say.
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