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Famitsu 4th June Leak


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I think Luna is just a new character who "happens" to bear an uncanny resemblance to Severa rather than actually being Severa, since this game takes place in a new setting. I doubt they would have any Outrealm shenanigans with a character so close to one of the siblings, and it's not hinted at in her bio at all.

This is what I'm hoping for. A heavy handed reference to make "awakening fans smile" but without it being a transdimensional gate sort of thing. Bring the VA back for extra appeasement and such.

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This morning I was just thinking, "wait a second, it's not Fire Emblem unless someone (more than one person) can transform into an animal!"

Come on to the forums and Ayyyyyeee~! We got it!

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I agree that Luna is probably just a nod to Severa. We've had characters in the past that are homages to characters from previous FEs so this is nothing new.

This morning I was just thinking, "wait a second, it's not Fire Emblem unless someone (more than one person) can transform into an animal!"
Come on to the forums and Ayyyyyeee~! We got it!

So you're saying that FE2, 4, 5, and 7 aren't real Fire Emblem games?

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^^ uh so 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are not fire emblem games? If we count Npcs/enemies we can remove 6/7/8 i believe though. This assuming you count dragons as an animal, if you don't apparently tellius and awakening are the only games.

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"Nishiki: A (fox thing) youth who lives in a remote region of Hoshido. As the succcessor to his clan following his father, he maintains the order among his comrades."

Maybe there'll be more than just Nishiki to choose from. If that's the case, I hope there's a similar situation in Nohr with a wolf clan.

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Luna is Severa in disguise. Its way too close resemblance on top of the same VA to be just an expy. No no no nono. Theres something weird and plot related there. I could be wrong, but i kinda doubt it.

Nishiki is so cute. Awww! Im really into Belka though.

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"Nishiki: A (fox thing) youth who lives in a remote region of Hoshido. As the succcessor to his clan following his father, he maintains the order among his comrades."

Maybe there'll be more than just Nishiki to choose from. If that's the case, I hope there's a similar situation in Nohr with a wolf clan.

I hope not, split recruitments make me go all ocd.

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I agree that Luna is probably just a nod to Severa. We've had characters in the past that are homages to characters from previous FEs so this is nothing new.

Yeah, like half the characters in FE6, only that game had a different artist from Archanea games, so it wasn't as obvious. It was still pretty obvious though.

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Luna is confirmed to be a mercenary and she's voiced by Saori Seto, like Severa, so... it's getting more and more likely that there something there besides a recycled design.

"Personal Skill [Competitive] When user is the rear unit, if the front unit triggers a critical hit, the user is guaranteed a critical hit (if their attack connects)."

There are so many similarities, I'm thinking there's a chance Severa got warped wrong in an alternative universe, lost her memories and ended up in Nohr, because being born in a future dominated by Grima screws your luck like that.

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Am I the only one that kinda hopes Luna is indeed Severa? It would be cool if (one or two of) the kids shed their own names and began a new life on a different continent, namely Severa and Inigo. It would also make for some interesting conversations with the rest of the cast along with helping to fill up the plot holes that Awakening left us with.

Edited by JothTheConqueror
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I have a sneaking suspicion that the story will drop lots of hints as to Luna's background, but they're never going to come right out and affirm or deny anything, leaving us to forever wonder "Is she or isn't she?"

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Camilla x Rinka, hue hue hue... But no seriously, I'm banking on Luna to be Severa from the good timeline, someone pointed out on a different topic Severa's name being translated to Selene which is the name of the Greek Moon goddess. The Roman's version of the goddess went by Luna. I dunno, I just found it to be a cool connection.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the story will drop lots of hints as to Luna's background, but they're never going to come right out and affirm or deny anything, leaving us to forever wonder "Is she or isn't she?"

even if they do something like that, the Amiibo characters seem to talk even after joining the party, unlike the DLC crew in Awakening, so we should be able to see some kind of interaction between Lucina, Robin and Luna which should give at least a strong hint in one direction or another.

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Am I the only one that kinda hopes Luna is indeed Severa? It would be cool if (one or two of) the kids shed their own names and began a new life on a different continent, namely Severa and Inigo. It would also make for some interesting conversations with the rest of the cast along with helping to fill up the plot holes that Awakening left us with.


I really want Luna to be Severa, but it would be so difficult to come up with a good explanation as to why Severa (or Luna) is even there. And that alone is not enough to turn everyone's mind to accept it.

I hope for good things in tomorrows Famitsu! Let's go Severa Luna!

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Well, I guess that

even if they do something like that, the Amiibo characters seem to talk even after joining the party, unlike the DLC crew in Awakening, so we should be able to see some kind of interaction between Lucina, Robin and Luna which should give at least a strong hint in one direction or another.

I don't know about that.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were like Awakening's Spotpass characters and only converse with the Avatar.

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Y'know, someone else brought up a really interesting point (I was thinking the same), how these Awakening units we're seeing may be the children units born after Grima was defeated. The parents gave them different names to differentiate from the children that came from the future. They're out and about traveling or whatever, and if so, the game won't show us a "canon" father to keep that true to player's head-canon or something.

Ties the two games a bit, but it isn't overbearing.

Or the easiest explanation:


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That's not how to spell "amazing". Unless archers get +hit skills, I'm throwing him out on the front lines!

I like it too. He's definitely going to be one of my first strikers for me, more so than my Pegasi generally are.

I was already planning on using Kazahana because she reminds me of Sumia physically, but with her personal skill their's no doubt she's going to be on my team.

Also find Nyx more attractive to use because of her skill.

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Y'know, someone else brought up a really interesting point (I was thinking the same), how these Awakening units we're seeing may be the children units born after Grima was defeated. The parents gave them different names to differentiate from the children that came from the future. They're out and about traveling or whatever, and if so, the game won't show us a "canon" father to keep that true to player's head-canon or something.

Ties the two games a bit, but it isn't overbearing.

I like this explanation. It's a decent way to connect this game to Awakening, and by extension FEs 1-5, in a loose way. Now if they could only do the same with the other games as well.

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I'm hoping for something like that too. It could also explain why the lookalikes all seem to be in Nohr so far, since they'd presumably be traveling together before being involved in whatever is happening here, so it makes sense they'd all join the same faction. Of course, that's assuming that they're as similar to those Awakening characters as Luna is to Severa, but we don't have clear shots of the other ones yet.

I don't know about that.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were like Awakening's Spotpass characters and only converse with the Avatar.

The castle video showed something similar to those minor bond interactions from the barracks in Awakening. Even though the bonus chapter characters could only support with the avatar, they still had special quotes there, like Chrom and Emmeryn. So, I'd expect some kind of special quote between Lucina, Robin and those characters even if one sided (if they really have nothing to do with the Awakening crew aside from being references).

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Y'know, someone else brought up a really interesting point (I was thinking the same), how these Awakening units we're seeing may be the children units born after Grima was defeated. The parents gave them different names to differentiate from the children that came from the future. They're out and about traveling or whatever, and if so, the game won't show us a "canon" father to keep that true to player's head-canon or something.

Ties the two games a bit, but it isn't overbearing.

Or the easiest explanation:


I think I like the outrealms explination on how they get to the country of Nohr a lot better. Through either:

a.) Alternate versions of the children born and raised in another dimension/outrealm (therefore countries and stuff would be different). Or

b.) the post-Grima-born children (still with their differenttiated names) traveled through the outrealm gate to do mercenary work.

The reason is because I don't think Cho'sin and Hoshido could exist in the same world, being so similar, without a "we're not really different after all! there should be peace! huck huck huck!" message stapled between the two countries. Think about it, two similarly cultured countries existing side by side with eachother without some kind of conflict between them does not exist in video games.

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