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English Name Thread!


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Yeah maybe the person who came up with the name was a Miry Silas fan...

The Japanese really are terrible at romanizing names. They release their own romanizations of the Japanese names on media such as official artwork and come up with gems such as Flolina, Eliwod, and Rebacca...

Ahahahaha. I forgot about funny the romanized 'Flolina' and 'Rebacca' were!

I am really confused over "Arthur." I don't see why Harold was bad. The reference was genius too.

Harold is most definitely a western name. I guess they wanted to reference Camelot's Arthur? But shouldn't they have known about Genealogy's Arthur?

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Yeah maybe the person who came up with the name was a Miry Silas fan...

The Japanese really are terrible at romanizing names. They release their own romanizations of the Japanese names on media such as official artwork and come up with gems such as Flolina, Eliwod, and Rebacca...

I imagine Eliwood was teased mercilessly about it as a kid.

Erik: Nice going, 'Eliwod'!

Eliwood: ....Hector, break his arms.

Hector: With pleasure!

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I quite like the name Corrin, even if I'll be giving them my own names. Like it better than Robin, actually.

I also see Effie as an improvement. Joker/Jakob I don't have a preference, Silas is just Cyrus pronounced western-y. But Arthur... why?

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Why Jakob?! I like Joker and I prefer Jack/Ace too! Argh! Names...

By the way, someone asked about the blue-haired maid's name, it's Flora... at least there's a huge chance that is her name.

I swear if they really did change it to Effie just for FE pun, I'm gonna facepalm myself so hard...

Arthur... I don't really get it either.. Because King Harold and King Arthur? :/

Silas... I don't even know xD I thought it's "Sea-lahs" not "Sai-lahs" until I heard the woman say his name.

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So Joker become Jakob... Eh, strangely enough, I can live with. Joker is better though.

I guess Harold become Arthur because Arthus is more 'heroic'. Cyrus become Silas... why ?

All in all, still prefer the original name. Why do they feel the need to change name that doesn't need to be changed ?

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So Joker become Jakob... Eh, strangely enough, I can live with. Joker is better though.

I guess Harold become Arthur because Arthus is more 'heroic'. Cyrus become Silas... why ?

All in all, still prefer the original name. Why do they feel the need to change name that doesn't need to be changed ?

Because maybe that was what the devs who worked on it had in mind for their actual names? Remember, the translations Rey and Kiro did, while good work, is still unofficial. Furthermore Silas makes a lot more sense than Cyrus because the biblical reference fits so perfectly with his personality. Someone before me already explained but Silas was a biblical figure that followed Paul on his first and second missionary journeys. Cyrus pretty much mimics this and follows Kamui around all the time.

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Is this what it was like with past fire emblems when folks here learned what the localized English names were? This is pretty funny.

Edited by Jacien
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So Joker become Jakob... Eh, strangely enough, I can live with. Joker is better though.

I guess Harold become Arthur because Arthus is more 'heroic'. Cyrus become Silas... why ?

All in all, still prefer the original name. Why do they feel the need to change name that doesn't need to be changed ?

They didn't change Silas.

It was always Sairasu. Ra = R/L

Just because a lot of people assumed it would be Cyrus, doesn't change the fact that it was not an official name and that Silas was just as valid a translation.

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Joker doesn't make sense as an actual name. I'm ok with Jakob - although I wish it was spelled Jacob.

Harold doesn't really sound particularly 'heroic', per se, but it would be nice if they went with something other than Arthur. Reusing names is nothing new for FE though.

Effie sounds overly cute, but since she's about the same age as Elise it sort of makes sense.

Silas is good, but it was sort of surprising.

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Is this what it was like with past fire emblems when folks here learned what the localized English names were? This is pretty funny.


Some of them i like, some of them im really displeased with.

Im ok with Ryoma and Kaze. But i feel these to be rather lazy. Like, why not just leave them be? In Suzukaze's case, i felt like his name being changed to Susanoo would have been cooler. (unless theres already a Susanoo we havent met yet.) Ryouma, did that u scare people or something? Ehh.

Silas is one im very fond of. Cyrus is ok but its found in so many RPGs, its almost a cliche.

Effie is kinda lame but it could have been worse so i accept it.

Jakob cheeses me off a great deal. I wanted his name to be one of the following: Jester, Jasper, Jack. Jakob looks and sound fucking dumb and im disappointed as hell at the localization team. Its close to Raquesis tier.

Harold to Arthur sucks too. His personal skill was a historical pun that is now lost. Dammit.

Xander is...pretty terrible tbh. The Buffy jokes will be endless and omg :facepalm: What was wrong with Maxwell? Or Maximilian? If they wanted the conquest angle, what the hell was wrong with Alexander?

Leo is ehh. Id rather his name stay Leon, but i was secretly hoping it would become Theon.

Any further real changing of Hoshido names, im gonna get salty. But ill tell you what, if Corrin is the default name for Kamui...


fucking shit.. please let that just be the name that one person chose...

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In Suzukaze's case, i felt like his name being changed to Susanoo would have been cooler. (unless theres already a Susanoo we havent met yet.) Ryouma, did that u scare people or something? Ehh.

Perhaps his twin brother Saizou?

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Im ok with Ryoma and Kaze. But i feel these to be rather lazy. Like, why not just leave them be? In Suzukaze's case, i felt like his name being changed to Susanoo would have been cooler. (unless theres already a Susanoo we havent met yet.) Ryouma, did that u scare people or something? Ehh.

Yes, don't you know? Ryouma was just too British for an American audience, it's like colours. :P:

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I've not heard of, them, no.

Interesting, looks like it hasn't been a widely used name since the 1950s? (idk how reliable the site I was looking at is though)

Names come and go. . .I see them in our incoming students. However, revealing such stuff is a gigantic breach of confidentiality (as they're not particularly common names), so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Corrin... I've heard "Corinna" but I've never heard Corrin, either. To be fair, the only unisex name I can think of with a C or K is K/Cameron and I'm not sure how fitting that is for the game. They could've been funky with the spelling (like Jakob) and used K/Camryn, but ehh.

Kamui isn't exactly easy to localize... Still wish they kept it the same, but I knew that probably wasn't going to happen.

Kelly, Kerry, Kim and Casey want a word with you.


Don't mind Cyrus to Silas at all. Thanks to whoever pointed out the Effie pun; I'm a lot more at ease with her name~! Harold to Arthur leaves me puzzled. . .not upset, just puzzled. Lastly, despite my dislike of "common names with funky spellings", I'll live with Jakob.

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I have a weird hatred for K's in names in general.

I find spellings like Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, Katherine, Jakob, Kaleb (this one looks like the word "kebab"), Kristian, Kody, etc hideous looking.

It just looks wrong to me.

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Kamui's default sword was renamed to 'Yato'.

...Okay. Sazukaze is one thing, but is Yatogami too hard to pronounce?

At this stage I'm just expecting some of the things we've seen localized will change again as it marches on.

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