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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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i thought too long and now i don't have time to before sleep :(


how the fuck have we not done this



QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY: What do you do to keep yourself awake?

when you need to pick your mate up from the airport at like 3 am

what do you do

Coffee. Lots of it.

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the joke is i can't keep myself awake :(

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE: If you went into business with a partner, who would it be?

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I mean, unironically you

You're the hardest working person I know who is smart and charismatic and helpful and gets shit done

just be sure to let me know what I need to improve when I'm dragging you down

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you lol

we work amazingly as a team and you know it

and if you don't answer me then i'm breaking this team up you terrible human being

EDIT: i decided to be nicer to you :(

Edited by Specta
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You're sorta in something approaching in business with her right now though, right?

In a manner of speaking, I suppose.

it can never be unsaid i'm already sending her pictures

You're way too excited
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uhhhhh probably one of my IRL friends

we've already run a camp store together for several years now, and that worked pretty well

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