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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Maybe like a total of 2 miles lol? I don't really know to calculate the distance that I've walked. It's possible Ein and I walked for a bit, but again, I don't know the exact number. Probably not a lot in any case.

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I think... seven or so miles on very hilly terrain in one day? I feel the urge to go on an honest-to-God trek somewhere one day, but I've never followed through. Eh. I'm young. I know a few folks who like walking, maybe I'll borrow one for a ludicrous walk someday.

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well hell, there you have it

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETEEN: What's the furthest you've ever walked?

Gosh i dont know. About 6 miles maybe? Whenever that was, it was easily over a decade ago...

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Two hours straight walking- I don't know the exact distance though.

Edit: I have a rough estimate of 4.5 miles- and I probably walked for more than 2 hours.

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i went and did the checking on google maps to make sure and it was approximately 12 miles

walked from my hotel to the munich zoo and got a little lost on the way then walked all around the zoo then walked back to the hotel but got lost and ended up at viktualienmarkt and did some shoppying and then got dinner and made it back to the hotel

also sorry late qotd GUILD WARS TWO HEART OF THORNS is out \o/

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY: Let's get it out there: cats or dogs?

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Doggy for me

I'm less allergic to them than cats for one \o/

When I was younger I used to prefer cats, but eventually I started preferring dogs. They're just so happy

I guess that also shows in that when I was younger my favourite animal was the cheetah and then eventually it became the red fox and VULPIX AND NINETALES

but of course this isn't saying that I don't like kitties toooooo

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Dogs man... Cats are just too much attitude for me, I want a pet, not some jerkass roommate who craps in the house, treats me like I should be honored to serve them and never acknowledges my presence/needs/wants. :\

But Cat videos? Awesome! :D

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