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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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classy gentleman ghost

I'd probably haunt a library or university or something

they'd probably have to call my stylish cap a fedora or something

Edited by Euklyd
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One that manifests every Día de Muertos, and maybe just chill at my grave, wait for and then hang out with my visiting family, and stuff.

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If Integrity were still alive, I'd take care of him as best as a ghost could take care of somebody

If he weren't and he were a ghost with me, I'd drag him around the world on buses and trains and jets to pretty locations I couldn't see while I was alive \o/ Unless ghosts can magically teleport or something that'd be cool so ha I already answered your qotd for you

If he weren't a ghost with me and he'd already moved on, then it wouldn't take an exorcist much convincing to get me going ^o^ They'd just say "hey go find aiku he's in the sky!" and I'd say "okay!!" and go zooooom

Edited by Freohr Datia
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whoa spook number

I'd go around on random locations, sitting on a chair at a train, pushing people away that try to take my spot. Go around seeing things I may have missed in my lifetime.

Or just spook people in their house by being a poltergeist.

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I'll be a helpful but annoying ghost. I wander from place to place, a mysterious force that brings you snacks but also draws dongs on your mirrors.

If the Winchesters came by to try and exorcise me I'd give them a good scolding on ghost rights, though. They need it.

I would be a bathroom ghost

oOooOoOooOooo you were supposed to use TWO pieces of toilet paperrrrr!

how waaaaastefulllll! ooOOooO!

you made me laugh in the school library THANKS OBAMA

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I'll be some sport of interstellar spirit, roaming the cosmos or something like that. I'd eventually settle down and have my own talkshow, that'd be pretty fun. It would be broadcast coast to coast!

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I'll be some sport of interstellar spirit, roaming the cosmos or something like that. I'd eventually settle down and have my own talkshow, that'd be pretty fun. It would be broadcast coast to coast!

I bet you will, Tad

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hell, not a bad showing

my favorite is the simple RACK-TAP-BANG from nu-xcom



Id be that weird shapeshifting ghost that lives in that house in the weird part of town. Sometimes, ill look like a spider like creature and scuttle up the wall and freak out the tenants. Im pretty benign though and dont let myself get seen too much.

I would be a bathroom ghost

oOooOoOooOooo you were supposed to use TWO pieces of toilet paperrrrr!

how waaaaastefulllll! ooOOooO!

Esme is Moaning Myrtle. Confirmed.

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I'd probably be a trickster ghost that would play pranks to scare the living shit out of people.


I'd be a Mexican demon who'd come from children putting pencils in a + formation, and get forced to answer a fucking yes or no question every time i'm summoned.

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I'd be a Mexican demon who'd come from children putting pencils in a + formation, and get forced to answer a fucking yes or no question every time i'm summoned.

Best answer that isnt Shin's.

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