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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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@Hawkwing i'll answer these, but its dark, and im tired, plus jetlag so dont expect answers til tomorrow okay?

1. i like chess. does that count? you mean like monopoly-esque right? im not a fan of those, and card games are something i used to like, but dropped, cos of cost and impatience.

2.like professor layton? not touched those sorts of games in years. forgot my opinion on that style of gameplay.

3. im not sure, as how much i enjoy a fight/ action scenes revolves more around other factors, mostly the strategic planning, animation if applicable, skill at suspending disbelief, all that stuff, which doesn't really happen to be affected by how realistic it is. not gonna go into depth here, but think that really famous cowboy bebop fight, thats awesome and seemed more down to earth, and then think stuff like FMA brotherhood, which is, of course, also fantastic in its fight/action scenes, and then think how massively different factors go in to making fights like that enjoyable to watch.

4. probablyyyy... uhhh. knoll? dunno, hes my favorite fe8 character and he seems like he needs a friend. plus, i might be able to learn some spooky dark magic

5. i would tell my younger self tales of all the STUPID things that he does in the future. he would laugh, as he was an asshole, but he would probably figure out how to not be an asshole, a lot faster, if he gets punched by me telling him what to not do in the future.


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Not into birbs lol. Slow day at the office, so I'm peppering you with these queries XD

The two anime series I've mentioned deal heavily with philosophical themes, and are quasi-police procedurals themselves.

Operation Paperclip" was the name of a program that brought German scientists to America after the end of WWII. Apart from getting the US advancements in rocket science that ultimately helped man land on the moon, the program's seedy underbelly also delved into chemical and biological warfare, which was predicated by the threat of total war with the Soviets. The book by Annie Jacobsen really discusses the program in such expansive detail, more than I can posit myself in a single paragraph. In short, GET IT. It's interesting stuff.

  1. If you can travel back in time to a historical event and been given authority to make a change, which event would it be?
  2. Do you see yourself giving up meat?
  3. Which Fire Emblem character do you least identify with?
  4. Are you a mythology buff too?
  5. Favorite kind of pasta?



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Hey, take your time. We can be patient.

  1. Something you fell in love with immediately?
  2. Something that had to grow on you?
  3. Something (in reality or fiction) that you'd pay good money to see?
  4. Thoughts/opinions on Batman?
  5. Favorite dream you've ever had?
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2 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

you mean, kaiji ultimate survivor right?

Uh, actually I meant Gyakkyō Burai Kaiji (I'm a sub-only guy don't judge me)

  1. Something you’re glad you tried, but will never do again?
  2. Something that seems to bother others, but never/rarely you?
  3. Something you want to like, but can’t for one reason or another?
  4. Something you wish had a sequel?
  5. So, Sub or Dub
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I give up with rap.

@Karimlan's what, fourth set? 

1.i would go back in time and tell intSYS to never make another desert map ever again, after fe4. not because fe4's was as bad as some others, but because all the ones after that, kinda suck.

2.not really.

3. any of the jagens with even a hint of patience and composure.


5 just gonna say it, im an exceptionally picky eater, so i just add butter and MAYBE pesto, but really, don't ask me questions about food. i don't like food.

@Hawkwing's 3rd set? dunnno.

1. splatoon 2 for the switch. big fan of that game, still am.

2. savory pancakes. found it weird at first, now they're the best.

3. an fe8 hack where every enemy is just seth, plus their level ups, minus promotions, and set to cavalry. it would be DISGUSTING. mostly because, every single unit would be directly compared to seth via combat, just to show how ridiculous he actually is. would never be fun, maybe possible, but would be a damn good meme.

4.no opinions on pure comic-strip batman with no interpretation by directors into films. ive seen the dark knight trilogy, and they were great, but never read the comics, so, i wouldn't think i was being fair if i gave you a general opinion of batman.

5.no idea. had loads of weird,weird, dreams. but most of them were bad dreams to be honest.

more @Pengaius.

1.the original fire emblem, dark dragon and the sword of light. 

2.nothing, i am extremely irritable, so it usually ends up going the other way.

3.life probably the act of travelling itself. i kind of prefer just staying at home, and i know that i need to travel to broaden my horizons and all that stuff, but really, travelling is a nightmare.

4.life fe8. i want more Magvel dammit.


"dont ask me for anything ever again"

-mashed-potato sack-o'-rye, the director of playstation all-star battle.

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23 hours ago, Pengaius said:
  • Something you’re glad you tried, but will never do again?
  • Something that seems to bother others, but never/rarely you?
  • Something you want to like, but can’t for one reason or another?
  • Something you wish had a sequel?
  • So, Sub or Dub

...Dude, that's plagiarism. Granted, it's over something frivolous, and I can't bring it to court, but seriously, don't steal.

As for the questions proper:

  1. Do you read any webcomics?
  2. Favorite Newspaper Comic?
  3. Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  4. Thoughts/Opinions on the Elder Scrolls?
  5. Trampolines. Like/dislike/don’t care for them?
  6. First impressions on the new Fire Emblem game?
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@Hawkwing's newest questions.


2. not a reader of the papers, couldn't say. generally, i get my news via other sources, like the internet, or, (rarely) human interaction.

3.there was this disgusting, weird, ridiculously strong olive oil and vinegar dip that i still have burned onto my tongue from when i was twelve, but i went to the bathroom to spit that out. it was somewhere between bitter and acidic, it was horrible. the lack of any sort of unconventional temperature like it being warm or cold made it more obvious that it was never meant to be consumed by mortals.

4. never touched them, unlikely to at any soon time.

5.Hate them. its a long, thoroughly traumatic experience involving the dog, the metal bits on the end(dog is fine dont worry) and more friends than should have been on at once. also, marco polo. on a trampoline.

 6. three houses? none, really. the trailer means nothing, but it seems to give a sort of tellius vibe in its aesthetic but thats about it.

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3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

...Dude, that's plagiarism. Granted, it's over something frivolous, and I can't bring it to court, but seriously, don't steal.

Darn, you noticed, but can you blame me your questions are so much better than the crap I come up with, See exhibit A below

  1. Cheese Yay or nay
  2. Given the chance would you steal Tutankhamens mask
  3. One Punch Man?
  4. Know you what the rokkakka are
  5. Im drawing a blank, so have some knolls:KnollRoll::KnollRoll::KnollRoll::KnollRoll::KnollRoll::Knoll:
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  1. Do you play any mobile games?
  2. Thoughts/Opinions on Indiana Jones?
  3. Oldest book you've read?
  4. Oldest movie you've watched?
  5. Favorite Fictional Villain?
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@Pengaius the (not) plagiariser's questions lol

1.never on its own. if its on stuff like pasta, fine. if its on crisps/chips, fine. pizza, fine, but NEVER just straight outta the bag

2. no.



5. thank you i like knolls.


1.no. not even heroes.

2. none, i don't remember them well

3.animal farm

4.no idea

5. now, this one is hard, because, i have a lot of villains to choose from, just from FE so that's a minor issue. so my favorite villain would definitely have to be either trav/bant fe4 or lyon fe8 ,but my favorite fictional villain not from fe would be something like, shit what was he called... ah! snowball from aforementioned animal farm, and even then its close. again, not gonna go into depth about it, but still, i like me some villains


9. "you like ____ don't you mr ____" never watch spongebob but if we powerscale, then, due to spongebob having no choice but to concede to the fabulous fish guy that definitely isn't from jojos, but is the deep sea king, we can conclude that OPM would beat spongebob.

10. people do good things and get chewed out for it, but people also get away with bullshit, so im not sure as its a little vague. if for example, you meant that there was a person murdered in their apartment, and the passerby noticed, and had forgotten their phone, and had to break in, to call the police, then the crook would be caught, but the passerby would probably go to jail as well. in contrast, if he went to a further away payphone, the crook would have gotten away and never be punished potentially. if i was the passerby, i would have no idea which one to pick to be honest. everyone knows that busting in and calling police ASAP would benefit the greater good, but, honestly, how many people have the guts to do that? thats probably not what you meant, but this is still an interesting moral situation.

Edited by (s)ad touch
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16 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

9. "you like ____ don't you mr ____" never watch spongebob but if we powerscale, then, due to spongebob having no choice but to concede to the fabulous fish guy that definitely isn't from jojos, but is the deep sea king, we can conclude that OPM would beat spongebob.


Yeah? Well, what about One Punch Man versus Kanye West...

As he sees himself?


16 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

10. people do good things and get chewed out for it, but people also get away with bullshit, so im not sure as its a little vague. if for example, you meant that there was a person murdered in their apartment, and the passerby noticed, and had forgotten their phone, and had to break in, to call the police, then the crook would be caught, but the passerby would probably go to jail as well. in contrast, if he went to a further away payphone, the crook would have gotten away and never be punished potentially. if i was the passerby, i would have no idea which one to pick to be honest. everyone knows that busting in and calling police ASAP would benefit the greater good, but, honestly, how many people have the guts to do that? thats probably not what you meant, but this is still an interesting moral situation.

It's not what I meant, but it's a nice thought experiment, I guess. The question is one I invented basically for legislature analysis, you know? Some laws, in order to accomplish their intended function, must also necessarily have collateral.

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  1. If Two men are being forced against their wills to kill one man, and can only be stopped by lethal force, is it morally acceptable to kill the two. 
  2. All-Might Dies in infinity war
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Final set of questions:

  1. Favorite Pixar Movie?
  2. Favorite Fire Emblem Meme?
  3. Favorite Character in Super Smash Brothers?
  4. Who won E3?
  5. Favorite/Least Favorite story trope/cliche?
  6. Favorite/Least Favorite character trope/cliche?
  7. Favorite/Least Favorite gameplay trope/cliche?
  8. Did you enjoy your interview?
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@Hawkwing VS. me 



1.probably up or wall-e. need to re-watch them.

2.i look up the mish-mash absolutely disgusting image at least 3 times a week.

3. i really like pit, but he sucks. really, he just does nothing special ever. my favorite character to actually play would be marth though. helps me practice spacing as well, too.

4. didn't watch the whole conference as only nintendo applies to me, so default to nintendo.

5. in earnest or ironically? because you would get 2 completely different answers then. though i would have to say, that my favorite story trope would be developing doomed characters, but in a subtle way, not like flash-backs during a battle, as thats just a death flag. 

6. straight laced main characters have always appealed to me due to having no sarcasm check in conversations.

7. wall jumps. they're awesome. they just make almost any game, even non-platformers SO much tighter and more intuitive to control and move around in. i think its safe for me to say that most 2d platformers would be A LOT weaker in the movement department if they didn't have wall jumps. like celeste (go play that if you like good games), for example, would have only 1 interesting movement mechanic without wall climbing and jumping.

8/8 great interview m8. 

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