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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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[11:02:54] SB: so am i posting my game or no
[11:07:06] Euklyd: not with that attitude, at least
[11:07:07] Euklyd: need more CONFIDENCE
[11:07:22] Refakitty³: yes
[11:07:35] Refakitty³: go for it
[11:10:46] SB: YEAH
[11:11:11] Euklyd: YOU FEEL GREAT
[11:11:21] Euklyd: YOU CAN WIN
[11:13:37] SB: http://prntscr.com/95kdcs
[11:13:40] SB: never mind i cant do this


Not actually a Zelda mafia.

1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs.
2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise.
3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise.
4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs.
5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill.
6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed.
7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose.
8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen.
9. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people.
10. Have fun.

1. This game starts on Day 1.
2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience.
3. After Day 1, a hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the number of players alive in order to hammer.
4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur.
5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target.
6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be.
7. Players who die will have their alignment and role flipped in thread, but the full role pm will remain hidden.
8. This game is not bastard.
9. Play against the setup at your own risk. Setup gaming is unlikely to take you very far.
10. In addition to their role, players will belong to one of four categories. They may be a part of the Trinity of Power, Trinity of Wisdom, Trinity of Courage or be a Wild Card. All of these groups, aside from the Wild Cards, know all other members of their group.

Living (1):
8. Rapier Lord Gaius Oceanbourne - Mafia Goon and part of the Trinity of Power - Survived

Deading (12):
5. ClarinetsandOboes - Town Bodyguard and Wild Card - Lynched Day One
2. The3rdCorinthian Refa - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Killed Night One
1. eclipse - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Courage - Killed Night Two
11. Tiny Goddess - Mafia 2-shot Self-Omniguard and Wild Card - Lynched Day Three
4. Boron - Town Modified Roleblocker and part of the Trinity of Power - Killed Night Three

9. MancerNecro - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Courage - Lynched Day Four

3. Izhuark Elieson -Town Modified Neighbouriser and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Killed Night Four

12. Omega - Town Modified Mayor and part of the Trinity of Courage - Killed Night Four

6. BBM - Mafia Question Asker and a Wild Card - Lynched Day Five

10. Shinori - Town Activist Vigilante a a Wild Card - Killed Night Five

13. Crysta - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Power - Lynched Day Six

7. Roxas Quote Paperblade - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Endgamed Day Six

Edited by SB.
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