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Realm of Mirrors - Game Over


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8. I will not confirm in thread if the town has reached LYLO or a variant thereof.

So if there's one or two scum, it isn't even known. I guess if it were MYLO though, Manix would confirm it?

If there's two multifaction teams and one of them is BP Follower, then ocean's flip is pretty lame since at this point it'd imply a 10:2:1. Maybe an SK or something that's repeatedly failed (horrible flashbacks to bearclaw stopping me back in CYOUR) but not two teams

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I assumed that Elieson was claiming vanilla before today so that doesn't even bother me. Ugh, going to check Elie/Shin's interactions w/Oceanbourne. If I die tomorrow over SB, lynch his ass (it's more likely than not that he's town considering he went into D2 voting Oceanbourne and I don't see him bussing his only scumbuddy that hard). Don't lynch Junk in LYLO.

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So if there's one or two scum, it isn't even known. I guess if it were MYLO though, Manix would confirm it?

If there's two multifaction teams and one of them is BP Follower, then ocean's flip is pretty lame since at this point it'd imply a 10:2:1. Maybe an SK or something that's repeatedly failed (horrible flashbacks to bearclaw stopping me back in CYOUR) but not two teams

LMAO, I didn't even notice that. I'm assuming Manix wouldn't mention if it was MYLO as well, if that's the case. Considering the kills, I'd buy there being an SK (so either they shot Oceanbourne on N1 or scum shot them and they had some kill protection since there are no other permanent protective roles). SB is definitely not SK though, just because that'd be the world's shittiest fakeclaim for an SK to have.

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i dunno kind of bothers me that elie did not answer himself. Would like to hear his own reason when he comes back. His reasoning does make sense though i guess regarding the SK.

Going to also wait till SB says when he comes. Not really motivated to reread right now,

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oh i don't think i even saw that

shitty town role

I'm Guard, which is equivalent to Vanilla which evidently many others are in this game.

That was me going on about how I dislike vanillas in every sense of their being

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Ocean's interactions with Shin make more sense as scum vi scum (lots of distancing, they both simultaneously townread each other which makes sense if there's only a 2P scumteam). Too lazy to figure out who the SK is, maybe they'll just kill me and save me the trouble of choking in 3P LYLO.

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gg Frey

Hey, I've got to be at work in like an hour but I'll see what I can throw together when I get back. Frey's play really confused me and kinda dismantled the Frey/Eli scumteam but I'm still not entirely sure about Eli. I'm genuinely kinda stuck. At this point, almost everyone except Refa's fair game. I'm kinda wondering why SB's still alive, but he kinda screwed over Ocean so them being a team seems less likely.

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I decoyed Zero which is probably the reason I'm alive right now? Also the scumteams or SK could have been aiming for crossfire too.

I guess the other antitown shot Ocean on N1? I can't see any other reason for a missing kill and nothing else makes sense about it.

Need to think about this a lot so no post is coming until after work probably. Didn't expect these deaths coming into the day phase.

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Why would Zero have been the nightkill? IIRC zero was like, lumped in the lynch pile of Me+Shin+Zero as being one of the last, unclear scum members.

Also, this Decoy claim seems weird to me now that I look at the OP and see a dead Bodyguard and a dead Bulletproof in a 13p game. How many kill stopping roles should exist, when there's already 3 flipped vanillas + me (+ junko? Idr who else claimed vanilla).

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Zerosabers probably wasn't the nightkill, she just bodyguarded SB apparently.

Everyone other than SB claimed vanilla. The dead bulletproof role is scum (which is probably for SK protection).

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Like, I was kind of wary of SB's role too after the flips (because that would mean town would have a Sidekick (basically a bodyguard that redirects everything except kills), a Bodyguard, and a Decoy), but only two of those are kill protection and they don't even stop kills.

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Could Decoy!SB be a viable SK role, to get kills off of him via night while maf!Ocean has BP for their kill protection from the SK?

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On the train home but I need to do some stuff after I get back so speedposting now.

I still feel like it's multiball over SK because of Yellow!Ocean and how similar this setup is to Masquerade.

Shin, coming from someone who is also townreading Refa, why are you completely discounting him here?

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Not unless he like has kill protection from people he decoys (and even then, it'd be a pretty horrible fakeclaim). In theory, he could just be straight up lying about his role but I think he'd just claim vanilla in that scenario. Also who do you think is mafia, Elie?

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I still feel like it's multiball over SK because of Yellow!Ocean and how similar this setup is to Masquerade.

When you say multiball, what exactly do you mean? Yesterday, I assumed you meant 2/2, but then you kind of dropped that after I responded. I could see it being like 10/1/1/1 but Ocean's role had a removed QT link so yeah.

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