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ODMGUADTMAS - LyLo afterparty


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I agree with Iris' statement. Also I said this in skype but I was paranoid scum!me benefitted too much from an SB kill and I would have gotten flak for that. In retrospect it was the optimal play yeah.

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I had no time to post the rest of the PMs when I made the ending post so here you are:

Welcome, SB! You are the town Fibonacci-night courier.

Every night that matches one of the Fibonacci sequence numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8...), you may send a letter to a player, which can be up to 500 characters long. You may send a letter to two different players on N1, since we take Fibonacci very seriously here.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

"Nerfed courier sucks" complained SB. Except until day 5 you have the same total amount of letters to send than a regular courier, you just send two D1 and none D4. And this game wasn't going to last longer than that lol

Welcome, Dmnt! You are the town unofficial hydra maker.

You know all those times you've been talking about a game you're in with someone and you've wished they could say something, but they can't? With this role you may select a friend to talk with about mafia, and they will be able to comment their thoughts with you as well.
I've sent this PM before the others to give you the opportunity to contact anyone when other players still haven't had the chance of spoiling them. Send me confirmation of your partner agreeing to cooperate with you; I'll announce in-thread that nobody should contact them during the game unless given permission.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Marth was on the subs list so no need to announce that people shouldn't contact him, if you're wondering. Chats between Refa, Marth and Dmnt (who popped up sometimes) were the best.

Wait, aren't we forgetting about one guy?

Welcome, Strawman! You are the town mod.

Talk about all those times you've wanted to lynch the mod for making a shitty setup or not posting votals for several days in a row. Now you, and only you, can make any mafia player's dream come true.
Since you rolled mod, you get access to several exclusive abilities:

  • You may shorten or extend a day phase by 24 hours. You only have one shot of each of those, since you don't want to drive the playerlist mad.
  • You may change hammer rules from majority vote to player with the most votes gets lynched at the end of the day. Again, you may only use this ability once, since you don't want players to go lazy.
  • You may post votals to your heart's extent.
Careful! None of these works in LyLo!

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Let's take a moment to remember the dude who extended the phase D1, which made lynching scum possible. Too bad for Elieson, I guess!
It'd have been fun if the mod had been lynched, subbed out or modkilled.

I want to thank everyone who joined this game for playing. A lot of cool people took part on it (thanks Iris) and every signup and sub was really appreciated.
This was a very interesting game to follow as a mod. Most people played really well and it showed.

I'll explain some things about the setup in a while, but I should at least say this: Game over, town wins!
Congratulations to Spain and SB!

Graveyard QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/rjXFzFvrkrsyh

Scum QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/PVnq5h6MCaL

Unofficial hydra QT (before it became a Skype chat): http://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/3A2rCzDhJWe

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When I designed this setup, I had two things in mind:

- Coming up with roles that I hadn't seen before, or present them in different ways than usual.

- Making a setup that wasn't breakable by claims.

To achieve the second point, what I did was coming up with 12 different roles that could go to town and randomize who got which one between town and scum. That way, scum would have believable fakes. There were 2 roles that weren't randomized though, since they were too crucial: Suicidal reviver and doublevoter. But suicidal reviver is not provable until you actually use it and then you're dead, and either way having two clears in a setup with these numbers is ok.

So roles were mostly there for the laughs and to create telling content, instead of being telling by themselves. Mafia roles looked like they did something but in a setup like this they were mostly useless.

As most people imagine by now, doublevote could only go to town. This was to grant town a safe second mislynch in spite of numbers. Either way, scum getting the doublevote would have been really bad for them most occasions since I'd have had to announce LyLo earlier and they'd become confscum. But next time I'll just make a setup with better numbers instead of resorting to stuff like this.

I've received complaints about the SK but honestly, since the setup is almost vanilla I don't think it's unbalanced. CPR Doc SK was designed so that whoever rolled it could play SK in a different way than the usual. You could lead town and be "obvtown", granting yourself cred, and then protect yourself if you thought that scum could kill you. Or you could play the usual SK way and protect yourself only when necessary, any number of times if you guessed right. I realize that it's a role that's hard to play as though, even more than usual SK. But I think it allows for better outcomes if you manage it well, specially because you can adapt it to your play as town.

What may have been a little unfair to the SK was the inclusion of the macho VT, who cannot be protected. So the CPR Doc SK couldn't doc him, making it effectively town's only protective role. This role deactivated if mafia died (which is why Prims/Gaius could kill BBM), and if both mafia and SK targeted BBM the same night he'd have died (since he blocks the "protection"), but still.

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This was fun to read. I remember one PM in specific being hilarious but I can't remember which, I'll look back and check.

EDIT: The Macho VT PM was my favorite for sure.

Edited by Clarinets
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so I was actually a SK-only BPV but only if mafia is alive. that's kind of cool I guess.

gj SB and gj Mitsuki; I'll sheep everyone and say the flavour was great and the roles were all funny too.

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Was fun playing with you guys again, especially Strawman, eclipse and Manix who it feels like I haven't played with in ages. Sorry for snapping at you D2, Refa, I don't really know why I did.

My lack of presence early on didn't have so much to do with me being SK so much as me just not having the same energy for mafia anymore. Come D3 I was legitimately demotivated because I don't like playing SK, but before that was just me being me and hanging back because I didn't have strong reads. If people start voting me when I'm town because of this game I'll be very annoyed. I dunno if I'll join future games for a while though; depends on playerlist. I don't feel like I should be spending time on mafiers anymore honestly.

Thanks Gaius for subbing in; you did a good job even if you didn't make it in the end.

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Mitsuki made my new favorite role - will-writer.

That was an interesting game, and one that was pretty amusing. Thanks for killing me when you did, Prims~! :P:


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kind of want to join another game to re-establish meta actually but I'd probably roll scum and well that would just make things worse

if you roll scum, just say "I'm mafia" at the beginning of each day phase and not post for the rest of the day.

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Also can I just point out that Cam went 2/2 on D1 despite having no confidence in his reads whatsoever

basically i come back to sf, and cam is now god at mafia??? cam is the new prims 2k16

Mitsuki made my new favorite role - will-writer.

That was an interesting game, and one that was pretty amusing. Thanks for killing me when you did, Prims~! :P:


ugh i feel bad that i couldn't play this game. and i could join the next game but you can't join bc you checked it.

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Also can I just point out that Cam went 2/2 on D1 despite having no confidence in his reads whatsoever

they call me the wandering mafia legend

("they" referring to myself, obviously)

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