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RIP Muhammad Ali


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i do wonder about the surprisingly high number of people that said "wait, he was actually still alive?"

rip regardless

Edited by Tryhard
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i do wonder about the surprisingly high number of people that said "wait, he was actually still alive?"

I'll be honest. I was thinking that.

Well, regardless, that's still bad...

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I seriously dunno who it is but RIP he must have been a good dude

Famous boxer, formerly Cassius Clay.

It's sad that he died, but he lived a full life.

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If I recall correctly, he began having mental issues in recent years. It's sad that someone like this can fall ill to such things, but it just shows anything can happen to even the best of us.


This picture of him has been hanging on the wall by the boxing ring at my local gym even before I started going there over 10 years ago. It's a great picture.


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I'm pretty sure you've asked me this before but no, I'm not.

I just don't really keep up with sports is all.

Dude was very, VERY famous.

Anyway, RIP. And everyone go watch Lord Raven's clip, it's quite the gem.

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If I recall correctly, he began having mental issues in recent years. It's sad that someone like this can fall ill to such things, but it just shows anything can happen to even the best of us.

He had Parkinson's, yeah.

He apparently became a Ravens fan after meeting with them around the 2012 season. Also he apparently inspired them during their legendary 2012 Super Bowl run (I say legendary because a) I'm a homer and b) because that run had 2 major upsets in a row in the AFC playoffs).

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I'm pretty sure you've asked me this before but no, I'm not.

I just don't really keep up with sports is all.

Dude was very, VERY famous.

Anyway, RIP. And everyone go watch Lord Raven's clip, it's quite the gem.

Rest in peace.

I don't keep up with sports either, and I knew that he was a boxer.

He's kind of transcended boxing fame.

I only really follow Baseball, but I knew about him.

Sort of how even people who don't follow baseball know who Babe Ruth was, or basketball and Michael Jordan, or tennis and the Williams sisters, etc.

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Ali is also particularly notable for having a fairly substantial political presence, at least around the Vietnam era. He's associated with the anti-war movement, the civil rights era, and, within the civil rights movement, the black power movement (his name was originally Cassius Clay, I believe he changed it when he or after he converted and joined the nation of islaam). Like many famous people he has his fair share of one-liners and pithy remarks IIRC.

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I am actually rather lowkey sad. Ali was an activist and he would often challenge the system. He spoke quite a bit about civil rights. He was not just a great boxer, but a true hero. :( RIP Muhammad Ali. I want this year to stop taking heroes, thanks.

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I seriously dunno who it is but RIP he must have been a good dude

what the fuck

Anyway, it was one of those things where you saw on Facebook that morning that he was suddenly on life support and you just thought... this might really be it for him. The Guardian is running tributes on him, including a set of iconic photographs. I have a poster of him up on my wall, actually - I suspect it was taken a seat to the right and a second later than the truly iconic one posted earlier, but it's still a wonderful illustration of his power and presence. He truly was the Greatest.

I've heard a passing reference that When We Were Kings is on some regions of Netflix, and I highly recommend everyone watch it - it's about the Rumble in the Jungle, a genuinely iconic sport documentary.

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