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The Golden Age. Act 1: Discoveries.


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The mages do the windy thing at each other (5, 32) (27, 29). Temlara deals 9 and Mage A deals 8 in return.

10 exp/1 wexp

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Joviana winced as she saw Raz get hit by both the enemies that were in front of them. "Hang on, Raz! Don't move, you're only going to make it worse!"

Joviana moves to C14 and casts gust on archer B.

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Telmara's call to collapse on the nearby mage seemed like a good enough one, the exorcist calling upon her mask as she moved in, feeling the all-too familiar, painful bite. But the mage's bite would be far more painful, as she lunged her blade at them.

Mikhaila to J12, pop the Mask, and attack Mage A with Iron Sword

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random.org is rigged and didn't make this rn for mikhaila's attack. In other news this was a pair of autohits (86, 5) (37, 100) for 15 damage total. 30 exp and 3 wexp for jojo

edit: (4, 37) i didn't think the archer got a counterattack but he does so jojo takes 9

Mikhaila loses 5 HP, but Mage A pays the price for his defenses and takes 11, exact lethal. (7, 63) 30 exp and 2 wexp for her too.

That's two threats down.

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Aaron grunted, clutching the wound That last blow from the mage sure hurt, even if his companions had managed to defeat the fiend a few moments later. "Worry not..." he replied to the snake, voice slightly shaky as he reached for his vulnerary. "This is nothing." he muttered to himself, as he hastily patched up his injury.

Aaron to H13, use vulnerary.

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Raz wasn't exactly the most geared up for combat. It had never been a thing she'd given much thought before. She was an explorer, not a soldier! Unfortunately, that meant nothing when being stabbed by a surprisingly real spear. "Guh..."

What were they? How could they act so human-like when they were just... images? This is more dangerous than I thought... Clutching a hand on the stab wound left on her stomach, Raz started considering her position.

"We can't leave that thing there." They look like they're... fading? But we can't afford to wait it out, it's bad. "Even if I--ugh..." Raz had to stop herself from flinching at a sharp pain as she moved her arm, she glanced at her shoulder. That's right, there's that arrow there... That was not a fun experience. "Aria, can you do something about him? Use your best magic..."

Aria to F14 mind shock soldier B

If Aria hits, Raz to G14, use vulnerary

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Itzal's blade connects with the soldier for 8 damage (72, 66) and he even manages to narrowly avoid a counter (91, 69). 10 exp/ 1 wexp for him.

Aria nodded at Raz's request. She reached her tome quickly, without any of her usual nervousness. "Right! I won't mess up." They're hardly real... that makes it all easier to me!

The created soldier's armor cracks in after a solid hit from Aria's spell (31, 24) for 12 damage. Like those before it, this foe fades to sand. That's 30 exp and 2 wexp for her.

Aaron heals up and so does Raz with their vulneraries, then Raz is restored to full by Kaya. 11 exp/2 wexp to the priestess.

Enemy phase is up next!

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Enemy phase begins.

Unknown uses Warp to move Fighter C to G10!
Fighter C moves to G12 and attacks Kolmar.
Soldier C moves to F13 and also attacks Kolmar.

Knight A moves to G11 and, third time's the charm, attacks Kolmar.

In a refreshing change of pace Mage B moves to H10 but can't attack anyone.
Mercenary B goes to I11 to attack Telmara, who is probably the party member least like Kolmar.

Fighter C smashes Kolmar for 15 (23, 9) using his Steel Axe! Kolmar's return hit (34, 46) for 11 seems unimpressive by comparison.

Soldier C deals 7 to Kolmar (61, 55), but gets thwacked back for 9 (34, 61). Not worth!

Knight A (100, 41) completely whiffs the blow that would down Kolmar. Fortunately for him, Kolmar can't hit on the return either (94, 95). The knight Quickswaps back to his lance.

For his not-dying efforts Kolmar gets 3 wexp and 21 exp. Should've hit the knight if he wanted to level!

Lastly, Merc B cuts Telmara for 8 damage (54, 16) but takes 12 damage on return (15, 9), which is over half his HP. Perhaps not the wisest attack. Telmara gets 10 exp and 1 wexp for her troubles.

"Your resilience is impressive," the cloaked figure spoke. "You are more than capable with dealing with most replica foes thus far. Then I will have to devise a new type to defeat you!"


It is Turn 5.


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Well, the first combination had worked well enough to take out the first magician...if it ain't broke, don't fix it, though Telmara was rather hurt. It might be best to call on the aid of another to execute the plan, though luckily, they had another mage nearby.

"Telmara, you're injured. You should fall back and tend to your wounds." Mikhaila began, before looking over at Aria.

"Aria, if you attack the mage, I should be able to flank him and finish him off, thin the crowd a bit!" She called out, before moving into position, waiting for Aria to initiate before swinging at the mage.

Aria to H12, contaminate Mage B

Mikhaila to I10, Iron Sword Mage B

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"Okay!" Aria responded loud and clear. She reached for her dark tome again. "A sand-person's magic will be no match for mine!"

Aria and the mage do magical combat with the poisonous blast hitting the summoned foe (72, 97) for 11 damage. And while the enemy mage's attack roll is a palindrome (95, 59) and rather aesthetically pleasing, unfortunately for him it doesn't hit. 10 exp/1 wexp.

Mikhaila follows up nicely for 11. (34, 81) The mage falls, and with 30 exp/2 wexp Mikhaila levels up!

(40, 6, 100, 55, 57, 91, 90, 26). Natural HP and strength, and bonus res. Mikhaila pushes ahead as the strongest, and also breaks out of the 3 res group.

Aatroxron (79, 90) smacks the soldier for just the right amount of damage to take him out as well. 30 exp/ 2 wexp makes him just 3 exp from a level up.

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"Khh... Fall back? No, I don't think so." That wasn't that hard of a hit, and she was a potent magic user; her wind cut through these sand men like they were made of paper. And she was going to get the rest of them! "I'll fall back when I can't fight anymore... What's a few cuts, eh?"

Telmara to H10, Gust the knight (who hopefully is still using his lance) (also pls heal snek ; ~ ; )

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Kolmar's aim is true (53, 52) and he deals 12. Nice job merc guy. With 30 exp and 2 wexp that's another level.

(61, 29, 29, 19, 4, 46, 100, 43)

HP, Str, Skl, Spd. Not bad for sure.

The knight laments not having upgraded Quickdraw to counter as Telmara (73, 90) hits for 11. 10 exp/ 1 wexp more for her.

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"Hah... that's the stuff. Thanks Kaya." Raz waved in response to the healing, already moving her feet towards another target. The wave of relief that came with healing magic did wonders, but it didn't heal the fact her mind just caught up a lot of pain. Hopefully that wouldn't mess her up too hard.

Raz to F12, blast the knight with Illuminate. Hope for the BIG CRITS.

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Raz puts the sparkles on the knight for the 18 damage BIG CRIT (36, 2). Too bad she didn't use it on her second attack for weapon exp. 33 exp makes it enough for a level up.

(21, 19, 89, 90, 87, 44, 55, 28) hp str lck and RES for RAZ, a worth growth investment for sure.

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"You should have considered listening to her. Yes you're a strong fighter, but your wounds are nothing to laugh at. Especially if that knight had been smarter about his weapons." Kaya gently tapped the snake woman with her staff as she lectured, watching the wounds knit up with a small satisfied grin.

H-9, heal Telmy

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Itzal slices and dices (95, 47) the fighter dude. 33 exp/ 2 wexp makes one more level.

(92, 90, 56, 56, 53, 98, 91, 74) Itzal's level is a pretty raw deal with only speed on natural RNs! However he gets Skill and Magic for his other two stats gained.

Heals also transpire.

Enemy phase later tonight!

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Enemy phase begins.

"Your skills is remarkable. I wonder if my time is better suited elsewhere," the cloaked figure spoke up. "But first, I will at the least attempt some faster challenges for you."

Unknown uses Greater Conjure one last time to bring in two thieves. But one more enemy arrives.

"Master Timaeus!" a young woman with short blue hair and riding a black steed spoke up as she rode to the battlefield. "The river is useless to us. Only gold, as expected. Since it is of no consequence, I headed towards the forest as soon as I could." Having stopped before him, she looked over the group. "I remember them! They're the ones who accepted the demihuman. So they're strong adversaries?"

"Good work, Camellia," the man-

- addressed her. "They are indeed competent. I had been thinking of traveling towards the mountains for now instead, seeing how most of the images fell so easily. Where is Dimitrius?"

"He's as slow as ever. I still disagree with his philosophies heavily! What use is armor when you cannot be on the field of battle to make use of it? He could be a bit less heavily armored, be very resilient still, and much more swift." Camellia scowled, shaking her head. "Well, I have arrived, at least. Maybe I will turn the tides a bit and be able to fell one of them. Were only we at full strength, this battle would have ended before I was within a mile due to your own skill, I'm sure! But I do have a small objection towards the mountains. Valerie's message said they were doing quite well and on the right track. Mercury is right at home in the rugged environment. Might I suggest Calimdour?"

"Towards Calimdour... perhaps. In time, power shall return to us. I appreciate that you wish to aid in the battle, Camellia, but do not be too reckless. Should you be in danger, retreat- do not underestimate anyone."

"I would never, Master Timaeus!" She saluted him before raising her sword. "Then they would do well not to underestimate me as well!"


It is Turn 6.

begins. Since nobody is in attack range, this will be a quick one, then Turn 7 will be posted shortly.




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