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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Virion is no Takumi, dude. xP

Virion's stats are almost identical to Takumi's, but Virion has more HP and less Res. The only thing that made Takumi scary back in the day was Close Counter, which doesn't matter for Cecilia.

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Just now, Alkaid said:

Reinhardt tickles Cecilia with TA.

I can't get an image of Reinhardt tickling Cecilia with miniature dire thunders and then Cecilia pecks him to death with Gronnravens.

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Spent like 7 minutes on this training tower map with flight team because "oh 2 healers, an axe and a sword? i got this!"

didn't got this

Sheena with her signature skill but also renewal 3? get out of here. Flight team only Caeda could do damage and she did 3x2. clarine with 30 def, 38 speed, and 42 attack and threaten attack? also get out of here. She serpentined around the map and slowly pecked away especially once she got close to sheena meanwhile no one could get close in return.

I should have just backed out like at the start of the map but i was too focused on the hana & priscella to actually stop, look at the stats and go "oh this was unwinnable from the start"

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@Anacybele I can literally prove to you right here and now with calculations that Cecilia with T-Adept (and with that being the only inherited skill) can OHKO both Takumi and Reinhardt.


  • Neutral Takumi has 40 HP, 46 Atk, and 18 Res
  • If he attacks Cecilia first, he deals 6 x 2 damage to her for a total of 12 damage (which is actually only 6 damage bc he never gets the second hit since she OHKOs him on the counter)
  • 46 atk x 0.6 (because of WTD and T-Adept) = 28
  • 28 - 22 (Cecilia's defense) = 6
  • On the other hand, a unit with a raven tome and T-Adept 3 would need 42 atk to OHKO him
  • 42 x 1.4 WTA = 58
  • 58 -18 (Takumi's res) = 40
  • Neutral Cecilia has 43 atk, so she would OHKO


  • Neutral Reinhardt has 38 HP, 41 Atk, and 25 Res
  • If he attacks first, he deals 0 x 2 damage to Cecilia
  • 41 x 0.6 WTD = 25
  • 25 - 29 (Cecilia's res) = -4 for 0 damage
  • Cecilia deals 35 x 2 damage to ORKO Reinhardt
  • 43 atk x 1.4 WTA = 60
  • 60 - 25 = 25
  • Since Cecilia has 25 spd and Reinhardt has 19, Cecilia doubles him

tldr - With only Triangle Adept 3 and no other inherited skills, Cecilia can tank both Takumi and Reinhardt (she takes a total of 6 damage from both of them combined) and ORKO both of them. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Just now, Arcanite said:

I can't get an image of Reinhardt tickling Cecilia with miniature dire thunders and then Cecilia pecks him to death with Gronnravens.

Or just tickling with his little hands, no less.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've actually used her too, you know. She was required for the seal quests, remember?

Virion is no Takumi, dude. xP

But you didn't give her T-Adept, did you? No, you didn't. Pretty sure you didn't promote her either because she's "trash" right?

Writing off some unit because you can't be arsed to give them the proper resources doesn't validate your opinion.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've actually used her too, you know. She was required for the seal quests, remember?

Virion is no Takumi, dude. xP

Besides, I still never use her on any teams, so there's not even a point to this argument.

Uh, so? Neutral takimi has 40 hp and 18 res in which case she will still one shot him mercilessly with hone attack. I'm not arguing whether you include her on your team or not because that's up to you, but rather we're showing you there are simple ways to counter those common enemies and showing evidence she isn't the crap most people say about her. As I said in past posts, anyone saying a unit is bad is someone unwilling to invest on them.

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Just kill him in one hit and you don't have to worry ;)

granted, this wasn't in arena but still. camilla could kill him too. try buffing cecilia more! you'll find that gronnraven and TA3 is good!

I already said, I don't use her. Also, you do realize your Catria there would get killed by that Hector on the next turn? You don't have a dancer to move her away or anything, it appears.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I already said, I don't use her. Also, you do realize your Catria there would get killed by that Hector on the next turn? You don't have a dancer to move her away or anything, it appears.

I didn't actually use her to kill him. I just used Bunny Camilla

Well, what other options can you add to your team to deal with Reinhardt/Takumi? Does anyone have high Res to bait Reinhardt?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I already said, I don't use her. Also, you do realize your Catria there would get killed by that Hector on the next turn? You don't have a dancer to move her away or anything, it appears.

Hector only moves 1 space, he wouldn't reach her.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I already said, I don't use her. Also, you do realize your Catria there would get killed by that Hector on the next turn? You don't have a dancer to move her away or anything, it appears.

Hector is 1 Mov....

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I already said, I don't use her. Also, you do realize your Catria there would get killed by that Hector on the next turn? You don't have a dancer to move her away or anything, it appears.

Catria is 2 squares from Hector at the end of the turn. She's fine.

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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Hector only moves 1 space, he wouldn't reach her.


2 minutes ago, Otorio said:

Hector is 1 Mov....

My bad, I thought she'd be within one space of him.


2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I didn't actually use her to kill him. I just used Bunny Camilla

Well, what other options can you add to your team to deal with Reinhardt/Takumi? Does anyone have high Res to bait Reinhardt?

No one has high res. I've never pulled any 5 stars that have high res either.

EDIT: Too many people are posting at once again... I can't keep up...

Edited by Anacybele
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Just now, Alkaid said:

Hector only moves 1 space, he wouldn't reach her.


Just now, Otorio said:

Hector is 1 Mov....

My bad, I thought she'd be within one space of him.


1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

I didn't actually use her to kill him. I just used Bunny Camilla

Well, what other options can you add to your team to deal with Reinhardt/Takumi? Does anyone have high Res to bait Reinhardt?

No one has high res. I've never pulled any 5 stars that have high res either.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Wings of Mercy lets him teleport to spaces his allies were defeated. Catria is screwed. Kappa.

That'd be Wings of Death tho! New skill hory shit

Edited by Quintessence
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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

You have received 3 copies of Cecilia.

She also has a Nino.

Both of them would have been able to take Takumi and Reinhardt with ease. 

The problem isn't that she doesn't have the units, it's that she isn't using what she has. 

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