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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ursula's art especially seemed off because I always remembered her as being really levelheaded but loyal to her duty, and calm-spoken. Heroes portrayed her as pretty much the opposite of that, and she talks about serving perfection far too much.

And I think Heroes!Ursula's artwork will become more iconic, which means she'll just be this crazy person now.

yeah that's the big problem I have with both of these

i didn't like how they added that whole "perfection" gimmick to ursula and her new art and dialogue all made her seem super crazy whereas before she was just a fairly calm and loyal assassin who sonia sends to kill nino. i'm all for making characters who had less dialogue more interesting, but I think they should at least keep what little they had before

lloyd I feel has a similar problem. thankfully going by his voice lines, his character doesn't seem to have changed much, but the big difference between him and his brother that he was the calm, reasonable one. his art is completely the opposite of that, he just looks crazy and angry. like with a lot of the other characters who've had... less than great art, it's especially disappointing because of how good his cipher art is

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2 minutes ago, Sias said:

I dunno about the banner, but regarding the map I fully expect a bazillion of annoying Cogs of Destiny valkyries.

Wrathful Staff 50 Atk Gravity Troubadours intensifies

Seems like they'll follow the usual pattern with enemy GHB bases though, so that might not happen sadly.

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I'm so sad that Lloyd's art just looks so ugly in both attacking and damaged. He looks really old in both of those and nothing like Lloyd in the games. He looks more like a thug than he should, in my opinion. Definitely disappointed there :(

I don't much like Genny or Mae's art. I don't like how Genny is standing in her normal art, particularly, and the moe style just looks awful for Mae. Give her a nose. Just give her a nose already -.-

Celica's art looks fantastic in all three and I have no complaints about Boey. 

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Celica's art is fantastic, and Mae's is almost as good too. (looks like same artist?) Boey's looks pretty meh. Feels too flat and simple. Lloyd looks like he's on some drugs and just walked out of a homeless shelter.

Edited by Alkaid
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35 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Yeah, Ursula just looked like a crazy person. Or a high person. Which is a bit of a head scratcher, I don't think neither Ursula nor Lloyd came off as insane, deranged people in FE7.


Yeah i find Ursula unique in FE7 for being the one of few villainous character in the Black Fang that is perfectly sane at the same time which kinda makes it jarring


She's ruthless, and she's arguably obsessed, but she's practically the only one on the group that had zero indication of being anywhere near crazy.

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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Wrathful Staff 50 Atk Gravity Troubadours intensifies

Seems like they'll follow the usual pattern with enemy GHB bases though, so that might not happen sadly.

Anything that hits hard enough to purge these memories from my brain please. D:

But yeah, this skill opens up quite a few nasty possibilities for future lunatic battles/maps. You can't even reduce the damage through WTA unless you bring a Raven tome user. Fun times.

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What've they done to the Four Fangs? Like really, Lloyd and Ursula look like deranged/crazy/maniac people when they were illustrated (both aesthetically and personality-wise) in a different way. Like, compare FE7 Lloyd to Heroes


He even looks fucking handsome and cool.

Now look at Ursula:


I can get they won't be illustrated the same exact way, and that some twists/variances in their depictions might be refreshing and all, but they look terrible in Heroes.

i need to play fe7 again oh god

Edited by Quintessence
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27 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


Overall the banner art looks fantastic imo, especially Celica and Genny. 

As for Lloyd....we don't talk about Lloyd.

I'm probably in the minority.  I really like Celica and Boey's art, but the other girls' doesn't really do it for me.

Lloyd's would be okay, if I wasn't already used to his old look.  His head looks a bit too big or something here.

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7 minutes ago, Ralphophoulous said:

Lloyd's art is a pile of crap. 

They need to hire better artists... 

It's bad, but at least he's still not as offensive as Arthur's.

You gotta look at the bright side!

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Just now, Alkaid said:

It's bad, but at least he's still not as offensive as Arthur's

Honestly I think it's much worse. In arthur's they gave him a dumb style, in eliwoods they gave him terrible eyes, but in this.... (as in ursula's) they just morph the character in to something horrible that they were not! AND the art is bad too....

The desire to rapidly tap the artist on his head with a marker and scold him intensifies.  

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Just now, Ralphophoulous said:

Honestly I think it's much worse. In arthur's they gave him a dumb style, in eliwoods they gave him terrible eyes, but in this.... (as in ursula's) they just morph the character in to something horrible that they were not! AND the art is bad too....

The desire to rapidly tap the artist on his head with a marker and scold him intensifies.  

Fair enough. I can say I probably won't end up using him unless he's REALLY good just off that art alone. And don't remind me of Eliwood's eyes.. or Laslow's.. they both cause me pain.

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Do you think this improves on Lloyd's face?



10/10 would recruit again. Look on the bright side however: Just imagine all the beautiful things they might do to Linus!

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Do you think this improves on Lloyd's face?

you work fast

jk what have you done

I'm dying 

Am I the only one who kind of likes Lloyd's Heroes art? It's not great but I can't help but like it.

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3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

What've they done to the Four Fangs? Like really, Lloyd and Ursula look like deranged/crazy/maniac people when they were illustrated (both aesthetically and personality-wise) in a different way. Like, compare FE7 Lloyd to Heroes


He even looks fucking handsome and cool.

Now look at Ursula:


I can get they won't be illustrated the same exact way, and that some twists/variances in their depictions might be refreshing and all, but they look terrible in Heroes.

at least jaffar looks okay? his english voice sounds way too old but his japanese one is good so I guess that's more the fault of the english voice director. really hoping they get linus right.


3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

It's bad, but at least he's still not as offensive as Arthur's.

You gotta look at the bright side!

what's wrong with arthur's? it's well drawn, the style fits him, the poses are nice, it's recognizably him, and his design isn't changed.

with lloyd, the face is completely off, his expressions don't fit him at all, he looks too young, his pose is super weird, his fingers look fucked up, and his facial hair is barely visible.

like, comparing this to this, you can hardly tell it's the same character

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2 minutes ago, unique said:

what's wrong with arthur's? it's well drawn, the style fits him, the poses are nice, it's recognizably him, and his design isn't changed.

with lloyd, the face is completely off, his expressions don't fit him at all, he looks too young, his pose is super weird, his fingers look fucked up, and his facial hair is barely visible.

like, comparing this to this, you can hardly tell it's the same character

Well for me, I hate the Code Name Steam art style and I think it's jarringly out of place against the rest of the art in Heroes. I get that the comic book superhero look fits him thematically, but I just can't do it. Lloyd looks pretty shit but at least overall he looks like something from this game. Still bad, but I'm not as taken aback as when I first saw Arthur's.

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21 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

It's bad, but at least he's still not as offensive as Arthur's.

You gotta look at the bright side!

*gasp* How dare you! Justice deserves the look of a cheesy superhero art style!

Also, Arthur's was done in a style similar to Code Name: STEAM which Intelligent Systems developed and that featured superhero-esque characters as far as I know.

I'm not seeing the whole Heroes Ursula is deranged part other than maybe her attack art where she looks like a very happy sadist. Otherwise, Ursula looks like Ursula to me. Dialogue-wise, it's been a while since I played Blazing Sword, so I can't comment on that.

As for Lloyd, heh.


My name is Lloyd. *cue edgy backflip off the building*


I have no idea what made Dante look that bad in the early trailer other than it was a rushed, CGI teaser.


Edited by Kaden
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Lloyd's new art is so bad. He used to be really hot, what happened? His chill demeanor and the rest of his look just vanished, now he looks like some random nerd.

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8 minutes ago, unique said:

what's wrong with arthur's? it's well drawn, the style fits him, the poses are nice, it's recognizably him, and his design isn't changed.

I'm personally not a fan of the style, but I don't think that's a reason to critique it. 

What does bother me is context. The art might be fine in a vacuum, but when juxtaposed to the rest of the Heroes cast, the artstyle is jarring and out-of-place. He doesn't look like he comes from the same game as someone like Sharena or Lucina. 

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14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Am I the only one who kind of likes Lloyd's Heroes art? It's not great but I can't help but like it.

I don't loathe it like everyone else, but it's not my favorite. Then again, I never got far enough in FE7 to encounter him. But I do think his head is a little big.

I love all the ones from Celica's banner. Celica's art is turning into one of my favorites. Boey's is aight, I remember that artist doing a Celica cipher with her starting team. Amagaitaro did good with Genny. Mae's has a nice moe style, but they have a weird place in Heroes.

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