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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:


Guess if you don't have G Tomebreaker it's gg

Them's the breaks, sadly. Got anything else to work with?

2 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

Lucina (masked version included) has almost the perfect spread vs. Veronica, incidentally. She only needs 1 more speed (speed seal) to double, and TA-3 or Moonbow is enough to secure the kill on Veronica. (You let Veronica initiate on you for 1 charge, and you double her for lethal).

Should note that this applies to all green mages with high defense (and resistance). Veronica just happens to be the one who always shows up because of the first Tempest Trials and also has boosted stats, especially Lunatic Veronica. Cecilia and Julia are fine since their defense are low and they're also slow or slow enough I have units that can double them. Nino is a bit more troublesome, but she still has low defense. But when Boey, Spring Camilla, Merric, Veronica, and technically F!Robin in the cases where she can show up or generic green mage in GHBs or whatever, my heart sinks.

Blue and red mages are much easier for me since I actually have options, especially in the case of they have noticeably different stat spreads. Linde and Ursula are my primary blue mages, but if I really need them, -Atk M!Robin is fine and even Odin. Greens have F!Robin with Merric and I think maybe 3* Cecilia could work. Then again, most of the blue and red mages don't have high defense or bulk. Off the top of my head, it would only be M!Robin and he's kind of a joke to Linde and F!Robin. Other than that, the others either are fast enough to not get doubled and killed, but that can also get them one-shotted by some units. Celica against ranged units and Odin are the only ones that come up as really bulky blue and red mages to me. Also, Reinhardt in specific cases and Leo too, but Linde is faster and Ursula has R Tomebreaker, so... baiting him basically means he's dead.

Raigh is arguably my best answer since he's at least balanced enough that I can use him for other stuff, but he's only a 3* and I don't have much to give him other than "expensive" stuff like Quick Riposte. His resistance also doesn't become really good until he's a 5* compared to someone like Lilina who has 29 resistance as a 4* which doesn't happen for Raigh until he's a 5*; 4* Raigh only has 26 resistance. The worst part is that both neutral 4* Raigh and hell if I will promote you now, 4* Sophia get doubled by Lunatic Veronica. Both will die since 4* Raigh caps at 38 HP with HP +4, but he takes 20x2 from her while Sophia takes 19x2, but only has 37 HP. 3* versions of them are even worse. Then again, the only red mages who can survive getting doubled by Veronica is neutral 5* Lilina -- 4* misses it by 1 HP -- and Sanaki while Celica and Tharja are fast enough to avoid getting doubled and Henry's default G Tomebreaker stops him from getting killed.

My real option is to somehow brute force it which works for the hard version of the trials, but not really for the lunatic trials considering the other beefy units around. +Res, -HP Lucina and if I have a dancer, Alfonse, Eldigan, +Atk, -Res 4* Eliwood, +Def, -Res 4* adult Tiki, and 4* Zephiel. Xander's not on the list since he's still in training from promoting him a couple days ago and training a bunch of other units. This does assume that I can bait Veronica or there aren't any other threatening units left to deal with for the others since Alfonse, Eldigan, Xander, and Tiki have low resistance and Alfonse, Xander, and Tiki get doubled, so... Eldigan doesn't -- yay, +Spd and Fury 3! :p

Lucina avoids getting doubled from any version of Veronica and Zephiel's a beast. My other red options are Eirika, Olivia, Palla, and Selena. They are not what you would call hard hitters, especially to Lunatic Veronica's 66 HP and 36 Def. Hell if I'm going to try using Lloyd, Navarre, and Stahl for this.

Arvis, Aversa, Lyon, whatever red mage GHB can't come sooner for me. At least I like Aversa and Lyon, so I'd be willing to invest in them and Aversa would definitely be able to get at least a Goad Flyer buff from Palla. Aversa could literally show up with her normal difficulty join stats, except for HP and I would be okay with that. 31 Atk, 32 Spd, 21 Def, and 28 Res puts her at 112 BST which if we go with Spring Camilla's 148 BST, means Aversa only has 36 points left for HP. Huh, that would make her a flying Raigh... Yeah, cool with this. Go, go, flying honey trap! :p

Whatever, I think I'll stick with doing the hard difficulty Tempest Trial or maybe the first lunatic option which I've managed to complete like once.

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So I've come to the conclusion that my +1 +ATK/-RES Soren is superior or equal to all variations of Nino. My +RES/-DEF is completely eclipsed by him actually...

I've settled it. I'm going to blow 40k feathers. The first 20k to make a *5 Nino and feed her Gronnblade to Soren and give him the Fury/Desperation build.

Then I'm going to build another Nino and give her a unique build. Should be fun.

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13 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So I've come to the conclusion that my +1 +ATK/-RES Soren is superior or equal to all variations of Nino. My +RES/-DEF is completely eclipsed by him actually...

I've settled it. I'm going to blow 40k feathers. The first 20k to make a *5 Nino and feed her Gronnblade to Soren and give him the Fury/Desperation build.

Then I'm going to build another Nino and give her a unique build. Should be fun.

Soren's a pretty good choice for the Gronblade tome. Soren's SPD at 5 stars is the same as a -SPD Nino I believe which can kind of hurt. A +SPD Soren will have 36 SPD which he can get to 39 or 41 with Fury 3 or LaD 3. +ATK gives him 33 SPD (or 36/38 with the same skills). Meanwhile a neutral SPD Nino can reach 39 with Fury or 41 with LaD and a +SPD Nino reaches 42 or 44.

So I wouldn't say Soren is completely superior even if he'll do pretty darn good. He'll do about the same or a little bit better than certain variations of Nino. But SPD is one of the most important things to consider with a desperation build. You've gotta be able to double, and that's something Nino (especialy +SPD Nino does well). It's also why Tharja and Linde make such good -blade tome users. 

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10 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Soren's a pretty good choice for the Gronblade tome. Soren's SPD at 5 stars is the same as a -SPD Nino I believe which can kind of hurt. A +SPD Soren will have 36 SPD which he can get to 39 or 41 with Fury 3 or LaD 3. +ATK gives him 33 SPD (or 36/38 with the same skills). Meanwhile a neutral SPD Nino can reach 39 with Fury or 41 with LaD and a +SPD Nino reaches 42 or 44.

So I wouldn't say Soren is completely superior even if he'll do pretty darn good. He'll do about the same or a little bit better than certain variations of Nino. But SPD is one of the most important things to consider with a desperation build. You've gotta be able to double, and that's something Nino (especialy +SPD Nino does well). It's also why Tharja and Linde make such good -blade tome users. 

The 1 extra speed taking him up to 34 is what makes the difference for me really. He's already a bit bulkier than Nino and hits just as hard as she does, but with that extra point he's only 2 points behind a Neutral speed Nino while having the power of a +ATK one. Even less with the speed seal. A +SPD Nino is probably the only variation superior to him but even that Nino doesn't hit quite as hard so it evens out.

Still, if this game decides to give me a +SPD/-RES or DEF Nino before I get my current one boosted up to feed to Soren, I'll legit have to make a decision.

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15 minutes ago, Zeo said:

The 1 extra speed taking him up to 34 is what makes the difference for me really. He's already a bit bulkier than Nino and hits just as hard as she does, but with that extra point he's only 2 points behind a Neutral speed Nino while having the power of a +ATK one. Even less with the speed seal. A +SPD Nino is probably the only variation superior to him but even that Nino doesn't hit quite as hard so it evens out.

Still, if this game decides to give me a +SPD/-RES or DEF Nino before I get my current one boosted up to feed to Soren, I'll legit have to make a decision.

Nonsense. If you get a +Spd Nino your decision's already made for you :P

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5 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Nonsense. If you get a +Spd Nino your decision's already made for you :P

Not if she's -Atk. :O

Then she'll join the ranks of my +Spd/-Atk Tharja and Bride Caeda. No damage speed sisters unite!

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Not if she's -Atk. :O

That's fair. Other than that though, +Spd Nino is amazing. She's honestly the only reason I'm able to consistently do deathless runs of Lunatic Tempest. 

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

That's fair. Other than that though, +Spd Nino is amazing. She's honestly the only reason I'm able to consistently do deathless runs of Lunatic Tempest. 

I felt that salt on my wound just now... If this comes around next month or the month after I'll be ready for it.

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Y'know, I remember when I said "I hope I get a Mae some day" last night. THIS DOES NOT MEAN TODAY, GAME!!!

Two more summons from the Bridal Blessings since I wanted to try and get bride Cordelia. Three 5* summons, all new, and none of them were red mages. Cool, right? There were 3 total red orbs and all of them were in the first summon and 0 in the second summon. They were: Hinata, Laslow, and wait for it... another Sophia. GAAAAAAAAME!!! *goes into a corner and cries*

So... Now I have a 5* bride Lyn, Mae, and Soren. Oh, and Nino finally came home! Yay! *still goes into a corner and cries because no other red mages*

For those wondering, bride Lyn is +Spd, -Res, Mae is +Spd, -Atk, Soren is +Def, -Spd, and Nino's a 3* and +Spd, -Def. Huh, Mae's boon and bane gives her 33 attack and 34 speed. That's exactly 2 points under Linde's neutral attack and speed. And hilariously enough, if Mae's neutral resistance was 1 less than normal, she'd also be 2 points over in defense and resistance. The only stats they tie is HP. So... she's basically a slightly tankier Linde now... Whatever, I got my bundle of energy. But she'll never love me because she's fated to be with Boey.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

bride Lyn is +Spd, -Res

That's actually really good. 37 Spd means she's pretty much never getting doubled even in the Arena, and you can just run Atk +3 to improve her damage a bit.

Meanwhile, mine is +Res -Atk...

3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Whatever, I got my bundle of energy. But she'll never love me because she's fated to be with Boey.

Not if you kill off Boey. YOU HAVE THE POWER

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47 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

That's actually really good. 37 Spd means she's pretty much never getting doubled even in the Arena, and you can just run Atk +3 to improve her damage a bit.

Meanwhile, mine is +Res -Atk...

I'd argue that -Atk is the best bane a healer could have since you really care more about their survivability than anything else, Wrathful Staff shenanigans aside. Not to mention even among healers, Lyn's attack isn't particularly impressive. 

@Kaden I personally would opt for HP +5 to help keep her alive instead of Atk +3, but of course the decision is ultimately yours. 

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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'd argue that -Atk is the best bane a healer could have since you really care more about their survivability than anything else, Wrathful Staff shenanigans aside. Not to mention even among healers, Lyn's attack isn't particularly impressive. 

But I want my Lyn to eat a sheep daughter and make things explode... She has excellent Spd, so she can double I guess.

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

How DARE you D:<

Hey, I'm not laying my fingers on your sheep daughter. Not my type. Bride Lyn might be But my Lyn would appreciate the staff lessons.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Hey, I'm not laying my fingers on your sheep daughter. Not my type. Bride Lyn might be But my Lyn would appreciate the staff lessons.

Quite frankly it doesn't matter to me whether it's you or Lyn. Nobody hurts my daughter.

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

Quite frankly it doesn't matter to me whether it's you or Lyn. Nobody hurts my daughter.

Well she hasn't come to my castle yet, so rest easy, man. Though, I am sniping Colorless for Bride Cordelia, and I've had two random 5*s, Jeorge and Jakob, wander into my altar already. I can't guarantee anything...

Speaking of Genny, I've had so much fun making headcanons for her. There's the one about her being Saber's daughter, then the one that she's actually Sumia's previous life...

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well she hasn't come to my castle yet, so rest easy, man. Though, I am sniping Colorless for Bride Cordelia, and I've had two random 5*s, Jeorge and Jakob, wander into my altar already. I can't guarantee anything...

Speaking of Genny, I've had so much fun making headcanons for her. There's the one about her being Saber's daughter, then the one that she's actually Sumia's previous life...

Why Sumia specifically? Genny doesn't strike me as a lovestruck clutz (though I'd of course love her if she were). 

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

Why Sumia specifically? Genny doesn't strike me as a lovestruck clutz (though I'd of course love her if she were). 

Well, it's really just a joke with my friend. He married Sumia in Awakening, and thought Genny looked cute. Both Sumia and Genny are voiced by Eden Riegel, so I just said "lol what if". Now it's canon.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well, it's really just a joke with my friend. He married Sumia in Awakening, and thought Genny looked cute. Both Sumia and Genny are voiced by Eden Riegel, so I just said "lol what if". Now it's canon.

Oh, that's cool. I played Awakening with JP voices, so I actually had no idea Sumia and Genny share a VA. 

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4 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Why Sumia specifically? Genny doesn't strike me as a lovestruck clutz (though I'd of course love her if she were). 

Well, it's really just a joke with my friend. He married Sumia in Awakening, and thought Genny looked cute. Both Sumia and Genny are voiced by Eden Riegel, so I just said "lol what if". Now it's canon.

@MaskedAmpharos tfw Galeforce

I play with JP voices too, so my friend had to tell me who Eden Riegel was too.

But now there you have it. All the people who waifu'd Sumia (including Chrom!) are now after your daughter.

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