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I could understand the Binding Blade not having dragon effectiveness back when the game launched because having dragon effectiveness as a second bonus effect was exclusively a Falchion thing, but then Naga joined it immediately and that justification stopped working.

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43 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

The Binding Blade kinda got screwed, since it should have been both Distant Counter and Dragon Slaying.

Naga kinda got screwed since it should have had +20 Spd, +20 Def, +20 Res, and Loptyr-effectiveness, both on player phase and enemy phase.

Legendary weapons are necessarily weaker in Heroes than in their original games to prevent them from making their users capable of making all other units obsolete. In the original games, this wasn't an issue because legendary weapons usually had a limited number of uses, typically had very poor availability due to being usable only near the end of the game, and maps have too many enemy units for a single unit to handle safely in a timely manner.

Binding Blade could have been given Distant Counter, but then it would literally be identical to Raijinto, Siegfried, and Ragnell. Dragon-effectiveness has the issue of severely limiting the viability of dragon units, who have few advantages over other units to begin with and few options to counter effective weapons (fliers and cavalry have access to Brave weapons and better stat spreads on top of Iote's Shield and Grani's Shield as worst-case-scenario options, and armors have high stats in general and access to Svalinn Shield).

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Naga kinda got screwed since it should have had +20 Spd, +20 Def, +20 Res, and Loptyr-effectiveness, both on player phase and enemy phase.

Legendary weapons are necessarily weaker in Heroes than in their original games to prevent them from making their users capable of making all other units obsolete. In the original games, this wasn't an issue because legendary weapons usually had a limited number of uses, typically had very poor availability due to being usable only near the end of the game, and maps have too many enemy units for a single unit to handle safely in a timely manner.

Binding Blade could have been given Distant Counter, but then it would literally be identical to Raijinto, Siegfried, and Ragnell. Dragon-effectiveness has the issue of severely limiting the viability of dragon units, who have few advantages over other units to begin with and few options to counter effective weapons (fliers and cavalry have access to Brave weapons and better stat spreads on top of Iote's Shield and Grani's Shield as worst-case-scenario options, and armors have high stats in general and access to Svalinn Shield).

Until I leaned many of the Manaketes higher stats being due to trainee status, I thought their higher stats was an innate feature of being dragons.  If they just have the same BST as any other Infantry, it's kinda weird that they need any weapons effective against them.  The only thing they really have going for them is relatively easy access to distant counter, but with that being trainable on anybody lucky enough to get an extra Hector, it seems odd.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Until I leaned many of the Manaketes higher stats being due to trainee status, I thought their higher stats was an innate feature of being dragons.  If they just have the same BST as any other Infantry, it's kinda weird that they need any weapons effective against them.  The only thing they really have going for them is relatively easy access to distant counter, but with that being trainable on anybody lucky enough to get an extra Hector, it seems odd.

It's not so much that they "need" weapons that are effective against them so much as those weapons have both effective damage against dragons as a signature effect (obligatory reminder that Loptyr is a dragon stuck in a book). In particular, both Mediuth and Julius had weapons that halved their opponents' damage before Def/Res calculation, meaning the effective damage from Falchion and negation of the effect from Naga were one of few ways to even deal damage to them.

Fortify Dragons should negate effective damage.

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28 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Naga kinda got screwed since it should have had +20 Spd, +20 Def, +20 Res, and Loptyr-effectiveness, both on player phase and enemy phase.

Legendary weapons are necessarily weaker in Heroes than in their original games to prevent them from making their users capable of making all other units obsolete. In the original games, this wasn't an issue because legendary weapons usually had a limited number of uses, typically had very poor availability due to being usable only near the end of the game, and maps have too many enemy units for a single unit to handle safely in a timely manner.

Binding Blade could have been given Distant Counter, but then it would literally be identical to Raijinto, Siegfried, and Ragnell. Dragon-effectiveness has the issue of severely limiting the viability of dragon units, who have few advantages over other units to begin with and few options to counter effective weapons (fliers and cavalry have access to Brave weapons and better stat spreads on top of Iote's Shield and Grani's Shield as worst-case-scenario options, and armors have high stats in general and access to Svalinn Shield).

Would one more weapon with dragon effectiveness really be that debilitating? Especially on Roy, of all people? They went ahead and added another (magical, even) dragon effective weapon of a different color.

I also don't see what the big deal would be about making it simialr to Raijanto etc would be? There's enough variance in legendary swords that they could have added it to the boy and it'd be fine. 

At the very least it would have been nice if it was like...+4 defense? Or -4 attack? Sort of an opposite of his dad's sword or his game's main villain's sword. +2 defense & res just feels too little. Actually, while I meant for it act as threaten attack, a weapon that treated the opponent's attack as 4 lower when being attacked could be novel. 

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1 minute ago, r_n said:

Would one more weapon with dragon effectiveness really be that debilitating? Especially on Roy, of all people? They went ahead and added another (magical, even) dragon effective weapon of a different color.

There are a few problems with giving Binding Blade dragon-effectiveness. First off, that begs the question of why the rest of Elibe's legendary weapons are not effective against dragons. Currently, they're consistent in that none of them are effective against dragons and none of them have Distant Counter. Second, Triangle Adept has terrible synergy with weapons with effective damage. Finally, dragon-effectiveness is not a very valuable effect for a unit to have because opposing dragons are rare, but it's a huge deterrent to using dragon units, especially because they have so few advantages over standard infantry.


If anything, I think Binding Blade should have gotten its current effect plus Renewal 2. Those have decent synergy with each other.

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For those questioning why dragons are special (special enough to give specific weapons dragon effectiveness), I think it's the fact that they're 1-range magic users with Physical infantry stats. Tomes have BSTs that match colorless, so as magic users, they basically have an extra "bonus".

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6 minutes ago, KongDude said:

For those questioning why dragons are special (special enough to give specific weapons dragon effectiveness), I think it's the fact that they're 1-range magic users with Physical infantry stats. Tomes have BSTs that match colorless, so as magic users, they basically have an extra "bonus".

That's because stats are determined by attack range and movement type only, not damage type. Units that can only initiate attack at melee range are at a severe disadvantage against units that can initiate attack at range, and that difference is far greater than the difference between targeting Def and targeting Res.

All melee-range units within the same movement type have the same base stat total and growth rate total as each other, and all ranged units within the same movement type also have the same. Excluding the bonuses and penalties for trainee, veteran, and dancer units.

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6 hours ago, Oboro! said:

If he does get added, it'll just be "hatchet" that doesn't have the "+" so it's not passable. Otherwise, people would have Hatchet+ Axes on horses and which would mean teams of triple distant counter for each color with Reinhardt just in case anything bad happens 

Or Reinhardt and triple distant counter for each color just in case anything bad happens heh

Ross of all characters wouldn't get a prf weapon. If he did he'd be the Garm wielder (+5 Speed I think on FE8) and there's no reason to give a sacred weapon to him. If he did Hatchet as a prf then it would be 16 MT as that is the standard would basically make him axe Ike depending on his stats (Heavy Blade + Quick Riposte + Luna or Bonfire = gg if you can't double AND 2HKO him) which they would never do for a unit as unimportant as him.

Hatchet+ would have a much lower MT as a general weapon and really who cares if they beef up axe cavalry? Everyone is running Blade+ Cecilia anyways. Eventually an Axe cav will pop up with it as a prf weapon anyways and it'll be worse because it'll be a personal weapon with 5 more MT, on top of that eventual horse cavs to basically rip up the current meta and render fliers unusable. 

Cavalry Emblem is ridiculous with or without Boss Ross, I don't see the need to gimp other unit's chances at a Distant Counter axe because of a team type that already destroys everything anyway.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If anything, I think Binding Blade should have gotten its current effect plus Renewal 2. Those have decent synergy with each other.

The developers probably wanted to keep the built-in Renewal effect exclusive to the Falchion. Speaking of Falchion, unless they add a Warriors/SD version of Marth in a future banner, the only Falchion users that could somewhat make an appearance in FEH would be...Anri, Rudolf and Itsuki. Rudolf as a mounted Falchion user would be pretty interesting. Chances are he'd have the Emperor's Lance instead, though. As for Itsuki, his starting sword was the Falchion and he gets the Exalted Falchion and True Sword Falchion, maybe his Exalted Falchion could have different effects. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's because stats are determined by attack range and movement type only, not damage type. Units that can only initiate attack at melee range are at a severe disadvantage against units that can initiate attack at range, and that difference is far greater than the difference between targeting Def and targeting Res.

All melee-range units within the same movement type have the same base stat total and growth rate total as each other, and all ranged units within the same movement type also have the same. Excluding the bonuses and penalties for trainee, veteran, and dancer units.

I know that, but my idea was that they're the only 1-range magic units available without CC (a fairly unique trait), so two Prf weapons are given effectiveness over them. I just have bad wording.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sharena/Celica first, pleeease!

Unfortunately, I've already finished this one, or at least a rough sketch to satiate my momentary motivation.

One-and-a-half-hour sketch. Mechanical pencil (2B) and paper. You can tell exactly what parts I like drawing and what parts I don't like drawing (fuck hands).

Anyways, behold your average Village Tomboy:



I'll do a better job later. Maybe. Not before I do my Sharena×Celica, though. Maybe. Drawing two people is hard.

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

(fuck hands)

Yay, Ice Dragon drawing! Sweet!

Isn’t he a bit too much anime here? (not that I have even a lick of artistic talent, mind you)

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yay, Ice Dragon drawing! Sweet!

Isn’t he a bit too much anime here? (not that I have even a lick of artistic talent, mind you)

That's just how my style is. Faces and hair are anime style, though I typically go for less bunchy hair (it's just that Donnel's hair is all bunchy like this). Eyes are basically ripped off of Kantoku's style with a bit of my own older styles poking out here and there. I try to do below the neck as realistically as possible, but line art can only go so far, especially when I'm sketching and being lazy.

Also, who's this "he"? This thing's got boobs, mind not very big ones. And a waist. And out-of-frame hips.

I can't draw males worth squat. Unless they're effeminate-bishie (e.g. Wanijima Akito) or evil-looking (e.g. Solf J. Kimblee). I'm so bad at non-female eyes.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's just how my style is. Faces and hair are anime style, though I typically go for less bunchy hair (it's just that Donnel's hair is all bunchy like this). Eyes are basically ripped off of Kantoku's style with a bit of my own older styles poking out here and there. I try to do below the neck as realistically as possible, but line art can only go so far, especially when I'm sketching and being lazy.

Also, who's this "he"? This thing's got boobs, mind not very big ones. And a waist. And out-of-frame hips.

I can't draw males worth squat. Unless they're effeminate-bishie (e.g. Wanijima Akito) or evil-looking (e.g. Solf J. Kimblee). I'm so bad at non-female eyes.

Maybe that is how Donnel looks when he goes hunting. A good trap catches more animals. And he caught many, many animals.

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2 minutes ago, JSND said:

@Ice Dragon Celica x Sharena next or "Rare footage of Ice Dragon actually angry" next

I thought you have that footage in your signature. Roy looks like he is in real pain.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, KongDude said:

Does anyone else get really excited when the teaser video is less than a day away? Those days are the ones that I have the most trouble sitting through.

I was hoping it was today actually

Now i need to wait more. Definitely want to see if i should save or try for Gray while i still have the chance because i don't have good luck pulling red orbs 

also just when i thought i escaped colourless sniping hell getting summer Frederick i have to dive back in for more Kleins :/


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1 hour ago, KongDude said:

Does anyone else get really excited when the teaser video is less than a day away? Those days are the ones that I have the most trouble sitting through.

Yesssss, totally.  :lol:  

I feel like such a nerd getting all excited about it, but whatever!  Life is good when you can get excited about the little things, right?  ;):

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12 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Same, I was sitting at 11:59 waiting for what seemed to be the longest minute ever to pass and nothing... (Cali boy)

The daily refresh happens when I finish work, do I had double the reason for anticipation haha

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