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22 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

I think Arvis is super good but honestly i feel he only reach max potential on EP squad with Healer Arvis build

That or i wish he had speed ploy lol. If i can remake him id drop his res decrease to speed tbh


I thought about that to, but I feel like he best supports Reinhardt and all Brave weapon users, and the speed drop might not necessarily do anything if triggered on the wrong unit or with the wrong team.

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Yeah, Arvis is too balanced to be a good red mage. He’s a nice welfare unit for people who don’t have a good one trained up yet, but there are other red mages more specialized than he is, where Sophia has Rawrraven and Tharja / Nowi have Rawrblade

In the Prf world Celica has her tome, so even there Arvis isn’t terribly unique.

Spending feathers on merging is really only if you like Arvis a lot and plan on using him as an arena unit every week. And even then, there are better choices for improving your arena score

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7 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Spending feathers on merging is really only if you like Arvis a lot and plan on using him as an arena unit every week. And even then, there are better choices for improving your arena score

Or if you need him to hit 40 Res with just his default stats, Fury 3, and Res +3 SS.

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Or if you need him to hit 40 Res with just his default stats, Fury 3, and Res +3 SS.

That’s cute. I’ll take 40 Def over 40 Res anyday though since I won’t need to worry about accounting for +16-30 bonus damage before weapon advantage :^)

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

That’s cute. I’ll take 40 Def over 40 Res anyday though since I won’t need to worry about acconting for +16-30 bonus damage before weapon advantage :^)

Hey, I'm not saying that it's a GOOD reason. Most 40 Res will add to the Ploy list is +Res Wrys, and nobody uses him.

Besides, why do I feel like everyone not really feeling Arvis as a unit try to use him in direct combat? I've gotten the best results from him when he is in the back ploying everyone and letting Bridelia and Reinhardt clean the map getting kills they would have barely gotten otherwise, and when I do use him in combat it's against Hector, who he kills in two hits, Brave Ike, who can usually fall in one hit after a ploy, and Cecilia, who usually runs Gronnraven+ TA3 and dies in one hit as a result.

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He is still better than trash Sanaki or Lilina though who are only good for 1-hit Blade tome builds ... which are god awful in the current meta. Sophia kinda suffers the same problem since Red is the worst color for TA+Raven build.
I would rather take him over them for his ability to potentially triple-ploy in case he doesn't have any favorable match-up.
Still worse than the 'good' Redblade users like Tharja or Katarina or Ragnarok!Celica but that's pretty decent all things considered.

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42 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hey, I'm not saying that it's a GOOD reason. Most 40 Res will add to the Ploy list is +Res Wrys, and nobody uses him.

Besides, why do I feel like everyone not really feeling Arvis as a unit try to use him in direct combat? I've gotten the best results from him when he is in the back ploying everyone and letting Bridelia and Reinhardt clean the map getting kills they would have barely gotten otherwise, and when I do use him in combat it's against Hector, who he kills in two hits, Brave Ike, who can usually fall in one hit after a ploy, and Cecilia, who usually runs Gronnraven+ TA3 and dies in one hit as a result.

This pretty much sums it up. I just used Arvis +2 on Arena Assault against +10 units  wiht other units being barely 5 Star +1 or +2. The Triple Deploy debuffs of Arvis coupled with his healing capability make him a very good backline support unit.

It was a flier emblem Team with +10 S!Camilla +10 S!Corrin +10 Palla and +10 Minerva and Arvis +2+ Julia +3+ Inigo + Sigurd were able to decimate them mostly thanks to Arvis deploys and his ardent Sacrifice (i had no brave boy archer left... ¬.¬)

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:



Sophia can't run blade, Celica doesn't need to run blade, and they both seem to be better picks. Why sit there and ploy when you can kill or eliminate threats instead?

Y'know who else tanks green mages




The latter 2 are the highest attack mages in the game*

Like I said, you can sit there and debuff everything or I can sit there and actually kill people. Why the heck should I be tanking when I can kill them instead? 

I've actually killed Arvis with Nino a few times. His low HP and speed basically make his Res non-existent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean this pretty much says it



I am still waiting for the moment where I wish I had a red mage to tank this Nino/Julia/Drdre hit  :Kappa:

You kinda missed the point. Sophia's case is super situational as she's only needed to tackle colorless and physical greens. The rest of the red mage cast are full offense except for Henry, which... let's put him as a worse Sophia, but none of them offer the utility and support Arvis offers in terms of debuffing and healing. For instance, why would I conform myself with only buffs and spurs/drives when I can have debuffs, buffs and spurs and drives? Ok he's outclassed in 1v1 on Arena by Celica, Tharja and Katarina but he proves to be one of the most solid red mage choices in other modes like TT and CC because he helps any team the most, and is flexible enough to amplify team composition.

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32 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I conform myself with only buffs and spurs/drives when I can have debuffs, buffs and spurs and drives?

right, take out a slot with power to add debuffs. If your units aren't getting the job done, then maybe ploying everything is the solution or something, which I doubt. 

You can have your fun with ploying everything and Ill have mine destroying everything. Hmph!

36 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Sophia's case is super situational as she's only needed to tackle colorless and physical greens.

And ranged greens*

Even then, Sophia is still more useful than Arvis.

And you know what's funny

Sophia is also a constant bonus unit since she is in the hero battle rotation

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Besides, why do I feel like everyone not really feeling Arvis as a unit try to use him in direct combat? I've gotten the best results from him when he is in the back ploying everyone and letting Bridelia and Reinhardt clean the map getting kills they would have barely gotten otherwise, and when I do use him in combat it's against Hector, who he kills in two hits, Brave Ike, who can usually fall in one hit after a ploy, and Cecilia, who usually runs Gronnraven+ TA3 and dies in one hit as a result.

Because knocking stuff silly in a single hit is better than debuffing then attacking with another unit?

49 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Ok he's outclassed in 1v1 on Arena by Celica, Tharja and Katarina but he proves to be one of the most solid red mage choices in other modes like TT and CC because he helps any team the most, and is flexible enough to amplify team composition.

You said it yourself. He has a niche in PvE modes. But that’s literally it. Being able to roll through static PvE content just as easily as fluctuating PvP content still tips the scale in favor of offensive units like Tharja and Celica.

1 hour ago, Hilda said:

I just used Arvis +2 on Arena Assault

Stopped reading after this. Kidding.

I don’t want to downplay that match, it’s really cool to see a unit put in that kind of work, but in AA you can counterpick every single team you come across and be fine.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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46 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Ok he's outclassed in 1v1 on Arena by Celica, Tharja and Katarina but he proves to be one of the most solid red mage choices in other modes like TT and CC because he helps any team the most, and is flexible enough to amplify team composition.

That's the point. If you want him for Arena runs... There are other better options if we're talking about PURE damage, but I always look for the better options in my teams so... Arvis for me is good for Arena runs and TT or CC too.

I think he will be my next upgrade. I read all of you and now i want to prove his potential ^^.

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I'm really hoping 1.9.0 increases the HM cap to 5000 or so.  I have 26 capped units, most of whom continue to see constant use.  I really enjoy using those units, but I don't like feeling like I'm wasting potential HM gains... 

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

right, take out a slot with power to add debuffs. If your units aren't getting the job done, then maybe ploying everything is the solution or something, which I doubt. 

You can have your fun with ploying everything and Ill have mine destroying everything. Hmph!

And ranged greens*

Even then, Sophia is still more useful than Arvis.

And you know what's funny

Sophia is also a constant bonus unit since she is in the hero battle rotation

As if there isn't enough power in the game, in Arvis and in other units? I mean, you're acting as if lacking a blade user goes in detriment to the player. Besides, the player in question already has Tharja, and having Arvis as 5☆ doesn't hurt, nor it hurts having Sophia. I'm not arguing Arvis is the best of best, just that he is underrated and overlooked in favor of a meta that is slowly expiring.

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8 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You have to realize that using Blade tomes is the only strategy Arc knows

It's the only strategy that matters. > : (


(Says me, who doesn't actually run a -blade tomer on his normal team, because I don't have a Takumi to make the Reinhardt build worth it. Dire Thunder offenses are on par with -blade, it's only -blade's bulk and counter-kill that pushes it over the edge.)

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

It's the only strategy that matters. > : (


(Says me, who doesn't actually run a -blade tomer on his normal team, because I don't have a Takumi to make the Reinhardt build worth it. Dire Thunder offenses are on par with -blade, it's only -blade's bulk and counter-kill that pushes it over the edge.)

Which are the skills and suggested nature for Bladehardt?

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15 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You have to realize that using Blade tomes is the only strategy Arc knows


Changing the topic, predictions for tonight's stream?

My logic self says something along the lines of FE4 Gen II, TT and GHB featuring Julius @Vaximillian

My idealistic self says something along the lines of MICAIAH

Also, wow we lack some GH units from FE11, FE13 and FE14 like Lorenz, Gangrel, LOBSTER, Aversa (I'd like her over seasonal nowi), Iago, Hans. Heck, even Elibe would like Linus, Lundgren, Darin, Ephidel and Brunya. or even eric

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1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

My logic self says something along the lines of FE4 Gen II, TT and GHB featuring Julius @Vaximillian

I don’t want Julius, he will remind me of the fact that I’ve never got Julia or Deirdre. I want Ishtar instead. We (and by that I mean me) need more infantry blue mages with glorious thighs.

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I'm pretty hyped and I have at least some orbs. I still hope they don't drop an awesome banner. This could diminish my chance for Christmal banner.
Hmm, prediction..

My idealistic idea would be the first true antagonist in a new mode. I have certain characters I really want. (FE3 and 6)
I also would like to see Aversa.
Some other mode to gain more feathers would be also nice.

But honestly, this time I have no idea. CYL2 is very unlikely for now. But maybe something like a gift. Choose your favorite Character who won a Voting Gauntlet.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:


I think the grapplers wouldn't be tomes at least. Grapplers like Daimon, Brian, Tizoc and King of Dinosaurs would probably be axes...just because axes are usually associated with bulky or physical units.

The weapon users would be interesting though. Chang would definitely be an axe user because he swings that ball and chain around. Choi can either be a sword or dagger unit (maybe flying because of his air combat?) because of his hit and run style. Whip can be something ranged, maybe dagger (she also has a gun and bullets are close enough), and the debuffs could be similar to how painful whips are (lol)? Oswald can be a dagger unit with his playing cards. K9999/Nameless would be a lance unit because of the drill arm. Maybe Lucky Glauber can be a dagger with his basketballs? lol. Elizabeth would probably be blue tome actually because light magic is mostly associated with blue and it fits her XIII colour scheme.

Chizuru would probably be the closest to a staff user just because of the priestess thing in the story. Mature use scratching attacks with her nails, so probably sword but dagger might also fit. Vice would be an axe user though because it fits her personality and bone-crushing attacks.

Mai would either be a dagger unit because of her fans, or red tome because of the flames, and flying because of her air combat. Bandeiras would be a dagger as well because Brazilian ninja fanboy..maybe Andy is similar enough, too. Kula is an obvious blue tome ice user. Duck King would be some kind of refresher with the Dance Assist. Oh, maybe Athena can have the Sing assist, Red Tome Refresher!

As for bosses, Rugal (and by extension Adelheid) would be green tome because of wind-like Genocide Cutter kicks and Kaiser Waves. Geese would be some kind of tome, maybe blue and would have Close Counter and Quick Riposte because that guy counters anything. Krizalid would be Green since his kicks make cutting wind slices, although Axe would fit as well because axe kicks. Goenitz is easily a Green Wind Tome user- I think Orochi Yashiro is probably the only Orochi Heavenly King who's not clearly a tome user- I think Axe fits his Earth element grapples. Magaki is probably Blue Tome with his eye-blinding psychedelic fireballs...close enough to light magic I suppose.

Samurai Showdown and Last Blade characters would probably be easier to convert to Heroes though, although there'll be even more swords! haha

Units like Chang, Tizoc, Brian have to be armored units due to their sheer size. Chizuru as a staff is actually genius. Mai would probably be a Red Tome, Dagger is a good alt though.

SamSho and LB would be great but sadly yes, it would be a swordfest. Seriously though. Haoumaru, Nakoruru and Hibiki are all you need.

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