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6 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Just one week to get Julia on the last Hero Fest banner was bad enough…

Oh, don’t remind me. I got fully drained by Celica, and thus Julia eluded me yet again.

1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Do we know when the Tempest and/or version 1.9 are supposed to go live?  I was sort of expecting 1.9 to be today.

The tempest starts on the 20th, the patch apparently releases on the 27th.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Oh, don’t remind me. I got fully drained by Celica, and thus Julia eluded me yet again.

The tempest starts on the 20th, the patch apparently releases on the 27th.

Sad, another Monday start.  I always like getting a head start on those during the weekend.  I guess we're getting the Bondage Hero Battle tomorrow then, or is it the Michalis rerun?

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Oh, don’t remind me. I got fully drained by Celica, and thus Julia eluded me yet again.

The tempest starts on the 20th, the patch apparently releases on the 27th.

And here I was hoping the barracks upgrade would come asap so I don't have to spend precious orbs for things like extra Michalises or new pulls :/

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

@Kaden: Fjorm also has DC of some nature. It might come from her pokestick (which would be lame) or from her special, Ice Mirror (which would be cool).

Yeah, I know, but having it come from Ice Mirror wouldn't make sense since when she was attacked by the red mage, it activated and had the no damage clang sound. Considering she took - damage instead of 2, it's probably a unique version of the Holy Vestment skills.

And I forgot to put this in my previous post, but I really, really do not think Fjorm's summonable or if she is summonable, then I don't get why she's summonable. I already talked about this in another post here, but considering Fjorm is a story character who is apparently the focus of Book Two, then it makes me wonder what about Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena? Those three are screwed out of merges and boons and banes, but Fjorm isn't? That's just strange.

In the English livestream, Feh's says:



There's a Legendary Hero Summoning Event coming soon! A mysterious new hero (Fjorm) arrives from a land spoken of in Askran legend. Alongside this hero, eleven other heroes are part of the summoning focus. Some special heroes you've seen before will be coming back... (focus rate stuff)... There's a rumor that this legendary hero has a special ability too. I wonder what she's like? The Legendary Hero Summoning Event is scheduled to begin 11 PM Pacific Time on November 27th. Oh, I can't help dreaming about the possibilities; I wish I knew more about you, legendary hero. Well, we should move on... There's just one topic left and it's marked with a mysterious symbol. *Book Two trailer plays*

Wh-what's this!? A new challenge for the Order of Heroes? The main story enters its next chapter; Book Two is coming! Book Two focuses on Fjorm, princess of an ice kingdom. King Surtr of a flame kingdom opposes her. Surtr looks really scary. But I'd love to snuggle with Fjorm -- she's so pretty. I'm sure she and Sharena will be best friends in no time. And summoners who are just starting out don't worry. You can jump into the story straight from Book Two. Chapters one and two of Book Two will be available right away with more chapters coming in future updates.

Ah-ha! that reminds me. I forgot to bring up something super important. That legendary hero I was talking about a little bit ago? Guess what! It's Fjorm! If you clear chapter one of Book Two, she'll join you as a 5* ally! There's so much going on that I'm losing track of it, but that doesn't matter -- I'm just happy that I'll get a change to make friends with Fjorm! You'll be able to find out more about her special ability a little bit later on. (https://youtu.be/bC5mWqotK10?t=730)


So, of course, she was just revealed and nobody will know until November 27th 11 PM PT and it really doesn't matter if she's summonable or not since everyone is guaranteed her, but if she is summonable, I still find it strange for the reason above.

If she is not summonable and the Legendary Hero Summoning Event is meant to commemorate the introduction of Fjorm and Book Two, then the way she was revealed was poor in my opinion since it makes it seem like she's summonable, but Feh never says she's summonable. She only says Fjorm "arrives from a land spoken of in Askran legend" and that alongside Fjorm, however she joins us, there are other heroes who are part of a summoning focus or foci since eleven heroes being on one banner would be silly. And when Fjorm is shown, Feh talks about how she will join us after clearing chapter one of Book Two. Of the characters who've joined us in Heroes and were explicitly shown to do so, it was only Anna, Virion, Alfonse, and Sharena; the Askr trio joined because they're the main characters and Virion is a tutorial and explanation for summoning. Matthew and Raigh stealth join after Alfonse's join chapter. No other characters thus far has been shown to join us through story maps as everyone else is either summoned or obtained through quests, GHBs and TTs.

It wouldn't have been as exciting, but I think the Legendary Hero Summoning Event should have played after Book Two's trailer where they're explained as being part of the new book's introduction and then the "surprise" of Fjorm joining as a 5* unit is shown since with her being in the trailer and on our side, people would expect her to be playable, but probably obtained as a 3* or 4* instead of a 5* let alone her special abilities and whatnot. In this sequence of events, we'd know there'd be a new chapter to the game, there's a new Askr ally, there's a "Hero Fest 3", and finally, that Askr ally will join us as a 5*.

Whatever; whatever happens, happens.

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I never thought I would say this a few months ago, but...

I just spent a few stamina potions to grind for Great Badges.

I felt unclean just typing that.

10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Oh, don’t remind me. I got fully drained by Celica, and thus Julia eluded me yet again.

I could say the exact same back to you, except switching Celica and Julia's names, haha. Julia also took away my chance at getting Tana, which was another disappointment.

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


I never thought I would say this a few months ago, but...

I just spent a few stamina potions to grind for Great Badges.

I felt unclean just typing that.

I could say the exact same back to you, except switching Celica and Julia's names, haha. Julia also took away my chance at getting Tana, which was another disappointment.

I've done that once or twice.

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7 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Yeah, I know, but having it come from Ice Mirror wouldn't make sense since when she was attacked by the red mage, it activated and had the no damage clang sound. Considering she took - damage instead of 2, it's probably a unique version of the Holy Vestment skills.

Couldn't the damage reduction just be from Shield Pulse?

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3 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

I've done that once or twice.

I had been hoping to avoid it if I could (especially since I need all the help I can get for the Tempest), but I just really wanted that Squad Ace D Seal. It's finally upgraded to level 3 now, though, and I'm not that interested in the other blue Seals right now (except the Deflect one, but I can wait on that one), so hopefully I'll be okay without grinding for a while. Finally, I can start to work on my pseudo-Cordelia Catria build again.

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11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Kaden if you check the announcements board they show who will be summonable (oh and also to correct the video error and say normal Ike is a focus and not Brave Ike)

so yeah she is summonable

6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Kaden: Fjorm auto-joins after your clearing C1 Book 2, but you can also summon more of her on the legendary banner.

Well... Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena are in rougher spots now. Fjorm's the only story character who has access to merges and boons and banes. RIP +Atk, -Res Alfonse running Folkvangr, Death Blow 3, Desperation 3, and a Brash Assault 3 seal being able to do 65x2 at <=50% HP (38 base attack + 16 Mt, +5 attack at <= 50% HP,  and +6 attack on initiation). Instead, we have to settle for 62x2 attack. :p

8 minutes ago, Refa said:

Couldn't the damage reduction just be from Shield Pulse?

Shield Pulse only works with defensive skills. Shield Pulse 3's description is: "If unit's Special triggers based on a foe's attack, Special cooldown count-2 at start of turn 1. Unit takes 5 less damage when Special triggers."

Offensive skills cannot trigger based on a foe's attack.

Edited by Kaden
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Just now, Kaden said:

Shield Pulse only works with defensive skills. Shield Pulse 3's description is: "If unit's Special triggers based on a foe's attack, Special cooldown count-2 at start of turn 1. Unit takes 5 less damage when Special triggers."

Offensive skills cannot trigger based on a foe's attack.

Ice Mirror is a defensive skill...

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Well... Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena are in rougher spots now.

Shield Pulse only works with defensive skills.

Poor Sharena indeed. Ice Sharena comes to not replace her in my heart.

…except Ice Mirror is a defensive skill.

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3 minutes ago, Refa said:

Ice Mirror is a defensive skill...

Yes? Ice Mirror and Shield Pulse would both reduce damage. This assumes Ice Mirror is a version of the Holy Vestment skills or that it does reduce damage.

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Just now, Kaden said:

Yes? Ice Mirror and Shield Pulse would both reduce damage. This assumes Ice Mirror is a version of the Holy Vestment skills.

Assuming Ice Mirror reduces damage is a faulty assumption.  It could theoretically do so, but nothing in the video points towards that being the case.

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Yes? Ice Mirror and Shield Pulse would both reduce damage. This assumes Ice Mirror is a version of the Holy Vestment skills or that it does reduce damage.

A mirror is something that reflects something. It would make some sense to assume based on the name that Ice Mirror reflects damage back at the attacker.

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I rewatched the video and from what I saw it seems Ice Mirror adds the damage you take into your counterattack (only for magic probably). Fjorm has Shield Pulse which reduces the damage the unit takes by 5. In the video the mage was supposed to do 2 damage but the reduction from Shield Pulse made it 0 (techincally -3 but that becomes 0 instead of healing). By this logic it makes perfect sense for Fjorm's lance to have in-built DC, otherwise Ice Mirror would be useless unless she had DC on her A slot.

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

Assuming Ice Mirror reduces damage is a faulty assumption.  It could theoretically do so, but nothing in the video points towards that being the case.

1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

A mirror is something that reflects something. It would make some sense to assume based on the name that Ice Mirror reflects damage back at the attacker.

My line of thinking is that reflecting damage is a way of reducing damage. Instead of taking whatever damage, you're sending it back to the opponent; you're taking 0 damage because that damage was reflected. That's how the Reflect spell works in Final Fantasy, reflect gadgets like Fox's Reflector in Smash, the Mirror Shield and shield bashing projectiles in Zelda, or the Franklin Badge, etc. Or how Miracle would reduce fatal damage to severe damage where instead of dropping to 0 HP and being dead, the user would drop down to 1 HP and be close to death. Is my thought process just strange?

Of course, this doesn't mean Ice Mirror actually reduces damage, but guessing on what it does, it would kind of be crappy if it needed Shield Pulse to reduce damage since Ice Mirror would kind of be like the Retribution skills, but if it activated based on the opponent's attack and range since it didn't activate against the lance dragon. It would be even worse if Ice Mirror only worked on mages.

Edited by Kaden
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