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Huh, I just realised the cooldown banner is all Tellius units. Also they're from a different banner in their first appearance.

@mampfoid You mentioned you don't really have much character bias in summoning. So does that mean you have *some* bias for some characters? Who would that be?

Also I personally nevered played FE4 so bias for Julia/Deirdre isn't that strong as well. But they do have a great niche in this game, and have nice art. Sure Nino is speedy, but I like having a nice Restank as well. Too bad Dragons are superbuffed these days so they're not complete counters to Nowi anymore.

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I only had to give HNY!Azura Iotes Shield SS to win the battle.

I can't remember why, but she was at some point able to survive one Clarisse attack with 1 hp, but I wasn't able to replicate it since.

BTW water team is Marth +Spd -HP, Setsuna +Atk -Def, HNY!Azura +Atk -Def, and Fjorm +Atk -Def.

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Neat that they're moving up to Infernal difficulty.

I sent in Fjorm, BK, Christmas Robin, and Hector, which made for a pretty easy victory. It's fun how Wary Fighter means Hector can face off against reds as dangerous as Katarina and Athena without fear.

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Used Fjorm with BK, LA!Eliwood and OG Hector. There isn't much room to move anyways and I needed black luna to pummel my way through some of the dumb BST here.

I'm holding on to 54k feathers and 280 dew until FEH channel just in case there's a character I want to promote/invest in coming soon, and if Forblaze has a good refinement.

Edited by Korath88
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Note to team Kagero: 




Why did you let yourselves slack in the round with team Alfonse? We literally almost let them get the upper hand against us. We could have been 5 whole billion points ahead of those guys. If it’s because we used all the flags, fine. But in our round with team Lucina, try not to fall into the trap of “Oh well, they’re so far behind us. Guess that means we’ve won already.” Thanks guys. 


Edited by ElectiveToast
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Alright, figured it out. Had Arvis as my mage (could 2-shot Legion because of enemy Fury, Arvis doesn't have it), Norrin as my bow counter, Nohrzura to dance and Fjorm for tanking the reds and repositioning as needed.

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That black background on the button that said "Water: Sanctuary" filled me with dread. Fjorm brought Marisa, BK, and Genny along. Neither Marth nor Alfonse could survive both Legion and Clarisse, and I didn't have enough SP on hand to throw Axebreaker on one of them.

Side note: Now have all fliers GHB quests done, and also completely done with Michalis.

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33 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Now have all fliers GHB quests done, and also completely done with Michalis.

Congratsulations. Wish you luck in succeeding in the other emblem team quests

How many orbs have all of you got right now? 470 for me

Edited by silveraura25
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9 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Any idea of how to deal with Xander’s quest with cavalry units? I don’t have Sigurd, and the keen gronnwolf mage kills my Xander. I’m using Rein/BLyn/Xander/Cecilia (gronnblade)

Ooh. I completed those when they came out which was a long time ago. Barely remember. Which unit is to the right of the mage?

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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Ooh. I completed those when they came out which was a long time ago. Barely remember. Which unit is to the right of the mage?

Is the cavalry mage that is next to Xander, so you have to tank both of them

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1 minute ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is the cavalry mage that is next to Xander, so you have to tank both of them

Oooo. I member. I had brave Roy buffed and moved him right under the infantry mage. Infantry mage didn't die so the cavalry mage couldn't try to attack Roy. The slaying edge guy isn't that threatening if you can avoid doubles. He was bulky and fast enough to survive. 

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@mampfoid You mentioned you don't really have much character bias in summoning. So does that mean you have *some* bias for some characters? Who would that be?

Also I personally nevered played FE4 so bias for Julia/Deirdre isn't that strong as well. But they do have a great niche in this game, and have nice art. Sure Nino is speedy, but I like having a nice Restank as well. Too bad Dragons are superbuffed these days so they're not complete counters to Nowi anymore.

Since Heroes is my first FE game, I became accustomed to Sharena, Anna and to some degree Alfonse. Also Veronica and Xander gave me some recordable moments, I'm looking forward to Veronica's playable version and Xanders spring version is just hilarious. I like Cordelia, also in Awakening (the only main title I've played so far). Roy has got a fabulous haircut and the best vanilla skillset, even if his (brave) clothes are a little large. 

I also like some of the underdogs, Donnel for example. He surprised me with his strength in the last TTs. I'm going to give Oliver and Henry some attention after I finished my arena team, because they gave me some good laughs as well. 

Even if she is mainly considered as the impersonation of FE merchandising, I like also Lucina. 

Michalis has been my first 5* promotion and his moody quotes are still strong, followed only by Valters creepiness. 

While I don't like to play armors, Arden, BK and Hector got style. Hopefully we'll get non-armor alts of them. 

These are already a bunch of characters. I'm not biased to all of them, but if I like a character it's more probably that I'll oversee some of their gameplay flaws. 

2 hours ago, ElectiveToast said:

Note to team Kagero: 

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Why did you let yourselves slack in the round with team Alfonse? We literally almost let them get the upper hand against us. We could have been 5 whole billion points ahead of those guys. If it’s because we used all the flags, fine. But in our round with team Lucina, try not to fall into the trap of “Oh well, they’re so far behind us. Guess that means we’ve won already.” Thanks guys. 


Can speak only for myself: It's weekend and great weather. 

Ended up with 900 feathers (plus 500) n round 2, but when I checked I didn't see any multipliers. 

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20 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Any idea of how to deal with Xander’s quest with cavalry units? I don’t have Sigurd, and the keen gronnwolf mage kills my Xander. I’m using Rein/BLyn/Xander/Cecilia (gronnblade)

I based mine on Pheonixmaster's almost-F2P strat. The key element really is just jamming the one non-F2P unit Titania on the left corridor to either kill (5-star) or occupy (4-star) the lancer and the healer. Xander himself needs G Tomebreaker 2 to kill the Gronnwolf on player phase.

The other units in the original strat were 4* Ursula and 4* Sully but I subbed Camus in for the latter just fine. I screwed up Ursula's skills so she couldn't get the kill, but it wasn't a problem with Camus there to finish him. Reinhardt plus any decent lancer should do as substitutes with this in mind.

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I thought I was going to have problems with the Water Sanctuary after seeing that it is Par 7-3, but it turned out to be a non-issue. ToD!Jakob ended up one-rounding everyone except Clarisse, who ToD!Henry promptly took care of instead.

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7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

My Rezzy (I don’t have Titanias) had to take the Atk+3 seal from Ursula, but my Ursula is 5★, so she did just fine without. Pheonixmaster1 is the man.

17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Even if she is mainly considered as the impersonation of FE merchandising, I like also Lucina. 

I like Lucina for her design (you don’t need to show skin to be attractive) and personality (hilariously serious and yet huggable for how much shit she’s taken in her timeline).

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I like Lucina for her design (you don’t need to show skin to be attractive) and personality (hilariously serious and yet huggable for how much shit she’s taken in her timeline).

Yep, her design is nice. Skin is also nice sometimes, but not necessary to make a good character. Her seriousness is part of her unique attractiveness. 

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At first I liked Lucina and even married her in my first playthrough of Awakening, but over the past few years I've grown to dislike her. I dunno why

Ah man. Can't wait for the Feh channel. I guess I'll make a bingo

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I'm not a fan of girly girls, the kind usually seen in Japanese media, so Lucina breaking from that tradition helped me get into the game. I'm someone who will drop a game pretty quickly if it's not to my tastes, be that from the gameplay or from the storytelling, so Awakening did pretty well on that front. It helps that the other game I'd been playing heavily was XCOM (Long War) so it scratches that same sort of itch. If my introduction to the FE series had been something like Caeda fighting in a miniskirt, I might not be here today playing this game, that's not to my tastes at all. (And yes, I know I had Palla there on the left. That's kind of an in-joke with my sister who also plays FE and is the youngest of three while I'm the oldest)

Actually, the beginning of the story is that I bought a new New 3DS on impulse, having never owned a handheld console before, and I asked for a few suggestions from another forum I frequent. Awakening was one suggestion, the others were Bravely Default and Monster Hunter. Frankly, I didn't like either of the latter two, BD was a drag to play and the characters thoroughly unlikeable. Monster Hunter I didn't get the point of at all, dropped it like a hot potato. To this date, I've only finished three games on the 3DS and they are Awakening (good), Fates (okay), and Echoes (bad). I probably would have dropped Echoes if I was playing it alone, but I was playing it alongside my sister a chapter a day so we committed to finishing it (but no interest in any DLC or any of the post-game content).

So yeah, I'm an Awakening baby but admittedly played Smash before that so I already knew Lucina's deal. Still like her design though. Bear in mind the last JRPG I had played at the time was FF7, so it's not a genre I have any affinity with.

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Just now, mampfoid said:

@Humanoid interesting! What didn't like in Echoes? I'm still not sure if to play Echoes or Fates after Awakening. 

Echoes had bad map design. That's the common opinion. Everything else was either okay or great

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 Don't know if it's been said, but someone on Reddit stumbled upon Nintendo's patent for FEH's gacha system.

More deatils from the USPTO: 


Co-director Shingo Matsushita is credited for the gacha system.

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Humanoid interesting! What didn't you like in Echoes? I'm still not sure if to play Echoes or Fates after Awakening. 

I’m currently in progress of a Conquest playthrough (on Ch. 25 out of 28) after finishing Birthright, after finishing Awakening.

I’m also in progress of a Gaiden playthrough. Yep, the original one. It’s cute.

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