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3 hours ago, Kaden said:

And now I'm wondering why Lachesis wasn't spelled as Lakhesis when the name was transliterated into English and whatever other languages way back then. When I see "ch" I think of a "chuh" sound rather than a "kuh" sound. Basically, if I saw Lakhesis, I don't think I would have thought the "khe" sound to be "chuh" like in Lachesis. I'd just wonder how the heck I would even pronounce Lakhesis. Whatever, words and names will be words and names.

Well Lachesis is presumably an old English transliteration, despite it not being the most accurate. Like Japan. We should call it Nihon or Nippon, but "Japan" has been used for so long, it's the standard. Rarely does English ever correct such an error. Germans do not call themselves German, it's Deutschland and the people are Deutsch. The one major exception is China (although "China" itself was not corrected), owing to the swap from Wade-Giles to Hanyu-Pinyin, which one of my professors is furious at.

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18 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


I had SP all grinded out for Lilina, but I decided to finish her instead. @Vaximillian @Rezzy @Fei Mao @Arcanite

Nice! d(・∀・○) having two ploys is nice to ensure the target's weakest stat is always lowered. Any particular reason you went for Felicia instead of Lilina? (If you don't mind answering)

Edited by Fei Mao
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2 minutes ago, Fei Mao said:

Nice! d(・∀・○) having two ploys is nice to ensure the target's weakest stat is always lowered. Any particular reason you went for Felicia instead of Lilina? (If you don't mind answering)

The stars aligned and I had both 20k feathers and 200 dew, so I decided to finally stop procrastinating on building her.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

The stars aligned and I had both 20k feathers and 200 dew, so I decided to finally stop procrastinating on building her.

Congrats!  I meant to respond earlier, but it was a busy day.  There's a few pitybreaker units I have sitting on my bench I should probably get around to raising.  Most of them have crappy natures, so I was waiting to see if I got another off-focus with a better nature to merge into, but now that most of the 4-5*s are gone now, that probably won't be happening.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well Lachesis is presumably an old English transliteration, despite it not being the most accurate.

It's because using the standard transliteration of Greek into English, "Λάχεσις" becomes "Lachesis" for the same reason the spelling of the name of the letter χ is "chi".


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like Japan. We should call it Nihon or Nippon, but "Japan" has been used for so long, it's the standard.

"Japan" derives from the same base etymology as "Nihon", but through different means. When Marco Polo returned to Europe, he reported the name of Japan as "Cipangu" or "Zipangu", approximated from the pronunciation of the country's name in Chinese.

It's actually not too dissimilar to the etymology of the word for "tea" in various languages. Languages whose first encounter with tea was through a land route from China or a sea route from northern China, such as Japanese, Hindi, Turkish, and Russian, universally have a word for tea similar in pronunciation to "cha". However, languages whose first encounter with tea was through a sea route from southern China, such as English and most of western Europe in general, have a word for tea similar in pronunciation to "te". This is due to the difference in dialect between the southern coast and inland and northern China.


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Germans do not call themselves German, it's Deutschland and the people are Deutsch.

That's because the words "Germany" and "Deutschland" have different origins.

"Germany" originates from Latin "Germania", referring to the geographic area of land occupied by modern-day Germany.

"Deutschland" originates from German, roughly meaning "the land of our [German] people".


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The one major exception is China (although "China" itself was not corrected), owing to the swap from Wade-Giles to Hanyu-Pinyin, which one of my professors is furious at.

That's because the origin of the word "China" far predates any of the modern transliteration systems used for Mandarin Chinese. "China", first translated to English from Portuguese, is believed to derive from Persian, and that from Sanskrit from India.

Furthermore, on the topic of the switch from Wade-Giles to pinyin as the standard for the transliteration of Mandarin Chinese, much of that is simply in the names of geographic locations which have always been subject to change as the culture demands. Take, for example, the major cities of India, which recently (if you call 20-odd years ago recent like I do) had their names officially changed from their Anglicized British colonial names back to their native names (for example, Bombay to Mumbai).

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Today I learned Nanna has some of the most revealing damaged art. She nearly shows her butt Catria got nothing on her.

Also, excited for this.


Saias gives Speed Ploy at 4*!!! Hallelujah! This should be very helpful for my Lilina.


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14 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Today I learned Nanna has some of the most revealing damaged art. She nearly shows her butt Catria got nothing on her.

I was wondering how exactly they would have her show leg because her dress is quite long. Kokon Konfuzi didn’t disappoint.

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19 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Today I learned Nanna has some of the most revealing damaged art. She nearly shows her butt Catria got nothing on her.

Almost like she is intentionally trying to show them it, and chances are she has no underwear on. I don't get why'd you do that on a horse.

Reminder we need more guys shredding their stuff off.


And @Ice Dragon, thanks for the info.

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Completed all the lunatic CC. 538 orbs

I hope I don't get Reinhardt. Leif is calling for me

Edited by silveraura25
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Am I the only one who thinks Surtr has been overused as a plot device to create "despair" at this point? He just runs in and basically does whatever he wants, and there's absolutely nothing the heroes can do about it. Killing Gunnthra is sad and I'd rather she become a free unit, but you could have killed her off in some many different ways, creative (Loki pulling strings, Laegjarn and Laevatein doing something etc.) or not creative (Gunnthra dies from the Ritual of Ice). But it just has to be teleporting Surtr.

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4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Am I the only one who thinks Surtr has been overused as a plot device to create "despair" at this point? He just runs in and basically does whatever he wants, and there's absolutely nothing the heroes can do about it. Killing Gunnthra is sad and I'd rather she become a free unit, but you could have killed her off in some many different ways, creative (Loki pulling strings, Laegjarn and Laevatein doing something etc.) or not creative (Gunnthra dies from the Ritual of Ice). But it just has to be teleporting Surtr.

Dammit, is Surtr the new flashstep champion?

Also yeah, you're not wrong. I'll say that this chapter was definitely less compelling. Partly because it was spoiled (I blame myself), but her death was still pretty cliche anyway. It also allowed for the dumbest thing that Fjorm has done, so that didn't help.

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Yay. Got all the units I wanted + mothereffin neutral Reinhardt. Didn't want him, but having him is okay I guess. Got a pretty optimal Olwen, so that's nice. Leif is finally mine, so yippee!

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GHB elite 2 is actually pretty easy. Having full control over what units you can use and only needing to do lunatic makes this much more manageable than GHB elite 1.

Pulls were all uneventful but I wasn't pulling on the Thracia banner anyways. The alts kinda killed my interest in the banner.

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Am I the only one who thinks Surtr has been overused as a plot device to create "despair" at this point? He just runs in and basically does whatever he wants, and there's absolutely nothing the heroes can do about it. Killing Gunnthra is sad and I'd rather she become a free unit, but you could have killed her off in some many different ways, creative (Loki pulling strings, Laegjarn and Laevatein doing something etc.) or not creative (Gunnthra dies from the Ritual of Ice). But it just has to be teleporting Surtr.

I think it's good to have a strong presence for the central antagonist. If the protagonists constantly outfox him, it's diminishes his threat value. I do think his teleporting is unreasonable, and it kind of spits on all the strategy and time it took to get to Gunthra. I'm sure it will be revealed that "Loki is super smart and knows things, that's how she knew where Gunthra is, and told Surtr", which is a major cop-out. 

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I liked Surtr as a force of nature, overwhelming and impossible to be reasoned with. But wildfire doesn’t just materialise on its own. What they did there was exceptionally stupid.

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Welp, we can use other units that canonically die, so why not Gunnthra, ey? Multiverse, ho! Story was a bit flawed (enemies pretty much doing whatever they want), not gonna lie, and Sutr is kiiiinda getting on my nerves during his maps, considering the otherwise obvious ease of obliterating him without his plot shield. I truly hope we won't get a pacifist ending, where Sutr is spared because "we would be as horrible as him if we killed him"; I really hate that line of thinking. Still, I'll gladly continue following the story for now.

No Thracia unit in my first and only session, and it doesn't bother me considering the upcoming TT, huh. The improvements have an early effect, I see, since I don't need to care for a 40% unit anymore. This is... refreshing. Time to save up on orbs, once more.

I also miss the fun and challenge of the first GHB quest rotation with this second one, but I cannot deny how frustrating they would have been on infernal (especially some of the newer ones in the future, like Takumi), seeing that blessings cannot be easily changed without proper resources, so lets hope my core (water), horse emblem (fire), bladetome squad (wind) and Team Tactics (Earth) prevail in the upcoming battles.


Has there been any word on the Sacred Seals for the next TT yet?

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