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Rhomphaia is exactly the same as Wing Sword. Even the refine

Camilla's axe is basically swift sparrow near fliers and cavalry. Also has goad fliers/cavalry that boosts stats by 3

Corrin's is I'm unsure of. All stats +2. Refinement is that he gives +4 to all stats except HP to a ally he's supported with

Edited by silveraura25
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Yato gives +2 to all stats now, and the unique refine gives a drive effect to a unit supported with Corrin of +4 to all stats. The unique refine isn't the best unless you have specific synergy you want. Going with the normal stat refinement might be his best option.

Rhomphaia is Wing Spear. Straight-up the same as Caeda's Wing Sword, right down to the unique refinement.

Camilla's Axe gives Atk/Spd +4 if within 2 spaces of Cavalry of flying ally. Unique refinement is Drive Atk/Spd +3 effect to Cavalry and Flying allies.

I like them all but nothing seems to be game changing.

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9 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:


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Of course the new male OC looks pretty grotesque and obviously evil. Should I be surprised? Because I'm not.

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10 minutes ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

There's also that Heavy Blade skill for those desiring to use Galeforce on more than just one unit on a team. 

Well, you specifically cited Aether as a reason for him to remain a 5* exclusive when it isn't a sound one when Chrom is not only in the 3*-4* pool now but has been available as a 4* pull since day 1. If you had brought Heavy Blade up first, then I wouldn't have felt the need to interject.

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Also, I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever see Bruno again. Sure, his arc was wrapped up pretty neatly, but if they don't bring him back at all, it'll pretty much be a massive waste of his character.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Cool, i never pulled a good Caeda so my +Spd Clair would love her Flashing Blade Rhompaia :D

althoufh is +Atk generally better?

I would say +Atk because it is a super boon and gets her to 30.


Hey did you friend request me on 2 accounts?

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever see Bruno again. Sure, his arc was wrapped up pretty neatly, but if they don't bring him back at all, it'll pretty much be a massive waste of his character.

If he does show up again, I'm willing to bet he'll bring a deus ex machina with him. At least, that's about what I expect from IS's writing at this point.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


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Of course the new male OC looks pretty grotesque and obviously evil. Should I be surprised? Because I'm not.


Yeah, I'm not too impressed with the designs here. My favourite OC designs are still Gunnthra and the older fire sister whose name I forgot. The others are just so generic... or just bad in Loki's case. 

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12 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Yato gives +2 to all stats now, and the unique refine gives a drive effect to a unit supported with Corrin of +4 to all stats. The unique refine isn't the best unless you have specific synergy you want. Going with the normal stat refinement might be his best option.

Rhomphaia is Wing Spear. Straight-up the same as Caeda's Wing Sword, right down to the unique refinement.

Camilla's Axe gives Atk/Spd +4 if within 2 spaces of Cavalry of flying ally. Unique refinement is Drive Atk/Spd +3 effect to Cavalry and Flying allies.

I like them all but nothing seems to be game changing.

welp yatos refine might as well not exist at all because its effect wont be on in Arena Defense and for PVE there is better options.

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

welp yatos refine might as well not exist at all because its effect wont be on in Arena Defense and for PVE there is better options.

Oh yeah. Get rekt son. Still, a shame for those that like Corrin

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I saw that art on the subreddit and assumed it was some silly fanart showing Surtr and Fjorm 10 years ago or whatever. Amazed it's official art.


As for the refinements:

Rhomphaia is nice in that I only need to spend the SP then merge my terrible Clair into a 4-star pile. Will hold off on the refinement as it's relatively unimportant.

I don't have a decent Camilla but even if I did, I'm not sure I would refine her axe either, primarily because she remains third choice axe in a Flier Emblem team behind Airzura and Cherche (and if I ever get Minerva...). Funnily enough she might have an easier time fitting into Horse Emblem because of the paucity of axe options there.

Yato is disappointing, because just like all the other existing Legendaries which got their baseline benefit improved with refinement, you have to actually refine it to get the new version or else be stuck with Darting Blow 2. I have a 4*+5 Corrin but I don't think I can justify both 20k feathers and 200 dew before getting anything decent out of him. I think the wiser move might be to wait for Legendary Hero Corrin with a completely different version of Yato and let that be unlocked for old Corrin.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Hawk King time to hope for Atk boon clairs then :D

i was just about to give my new Marth his Rainbow Spur as well!

My Clair is Atk/HP :3 Time to build another Caeda, I guess.

It’s absolutely worth it. Go for it!

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And Corrin still sucks... yay xDU

Camilla's weapon is more less what I expected

Clair's weapon is even more similar to the Wing Spear than expected xD

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20 minutes ago, Hilda said:

welp yatos refine might as well not exist at all because its effect wont be on in Arena Defense and for PVE there is better options.

+6 to all stats for an S-supported unit is pretty powerful. The only drawback is that it is only for player controlled modes. Arena Defense and lending the unit to your friends are the only time it doesn't exist.

18 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Oh yeah. Get rekt son. Still, a shame for those that like Corrin

+2 to all his stats is pretty good. Especially when paired with a Spd refine. That's 5 HP/Spd and 2 Atk/Def/Res.

17 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Hawk King time to hope for Atk boon clairs then :D

ah yes, i did. Up to you if you have space though? 

@Zeo Chrom, Marth and Lucina can get Sealed Falchion!

i was just about to give my new Marth his Rainbow Spur as well!

I have space, It's just that I usually only accept tier 20 and or +10 units when I get requests. When I saw your leads I was like how the heck were they able to send a request, and that's when I saw the names and realized you must have gotten my ID from here. I make exceptions for SF users. You're added.

13 minutes ago, Troykv said:

And Corrin still sucks... yay xDU

He effectively has a BST of 166 now. And uses a 16 might weapon with the refinement of your choosing. His versatility just sky-rocketed.

Edited by Hawk King
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Clair's weapon is nice but if I were to use it I'd have to change her nature to +Atk instead of her actual +Spd because effective damage means that Atk is everything. Eh...I'll stick with Slaying Lance+ for now because I love her ridiculous Res.

Camilla's refine is interesting. She buffs and gets buffed at the same time, it'll be quite good for Flier/Horse mixed teams and pure Flier Emblem. 

M!Corrin...He's just a crappier Marth so he'll remain as feathers forever.

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I mean, Corrin's refinement isn't the best thing ever, but there are certainly worse ones. I won't say no to +2 to all stats, either. With a speed refine, neutral speed Corrin hits 37 speed. With the darting blow 3 I gave him, he hits 43 on initiation. Since his support partner is PA!Azura, he can potentially get +3 to all stats after getting sung for, and +2 to all stats if he's right next to her.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with Corrin's refine. Possibly enough to make Yato my next refine.

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