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2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

It is day 8XX

Rebecca still has no bowstring in her attack art

Foolish mortal! You dare assume a goddess needs a bowstring to fire arrows!?


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Regarding weekly revival banners... what if they do a mass demotion of many Book 1 5*s? Like, not all of them such as Lucina, Sigurd, Lyn, etc., but ransoms like Nephenee, Lute, Genny, etc. 


I can only imagine how angry people might get, though, if that were to happen...

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Yes, I'm sure people will be angry about it. I'll be pretty upset about the inherent scumminess of putting in the revivals right before dropping some of the units, but they should still be demoted anyway because very few of them are worth 5-star rarity anymore.

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I'd be pretty mad if that ever happens. Alternately I think they might just create an extra branch of 5☆ pull rate, like Gen I 5☆, Gen II 5☆ and Focus 5☆ rates. Personally, I'd just prefer them to make a massive upgrade on Gen I 5☆s, improve their skills and give them a +5 BST to make them match newer 5☆s.

On another note, I just got pity broken by Owain, making him my +3, which is cool because merges are fun but I wanted at least either Helbindi or Laegjarn for TT, because waiting for Ylgr will be lame.

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On 6/24/2019 at 1:52 AM, SockPuppet said:

Regarding weekly revival banners... what if they do a mass demotion of many Book 1 5*s? Like, not all of them such as Lucina, Sigurd, Lyn, etc., but ransoms like Nephenee, Lute, Genny, etc. 


I can only imagine how angry people might get, though, if that were to happen...


i don't see why people would be mad. it would be easier to finish off +10 projects. considering some 3-4 star units i never get anyway - I am legit tempted to pull for Caeda on her BHB because i NEVER get her. 


in other news. i don't think i've ever been so disappointed before. I honestly thought Flying Olivia would be on the banner, and i'd finally get her. 

Big fat nope.


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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

i don't see why people would be mad. it would be easier to finish off +10 projects. considering some 3-4 star units i never get anyway - I am legit tempted to pull for Caeda on her BHB because i NEVER get her. 

It's easy. Certain 5* characters have a certain prestige through that, even Mist has.

I think a bit about Deirdre this way. A demote would make all player who want her profit. But I spend a considerable amount of Orbs and it takes a bit of time for an f2p to save up for 5* exclusives. Of course I would feel slight salt because this makes me feel like my decision was dumb and I just should have saved up further. If one really wants to have something guaranteed not to demote saving up for seasonals, legendaries and mythic heroes is the choice. 

On the other hand Effie is more difficult for me to merge than Deirdre because I pull her almost never, I didn't keep track on how many Effies I truly got, but with the lack of space in the past I send home quite a few and now I feel a bit punished by not getting her anymore. And there are some of those heroes I just do not get. A few but there are some. Athena also took me over a year to +10. And I started to merge her from the beginning as she came out.

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2 minutes ago, Stroud said:

It's easy. Certain 5* characters have a certain prestige through that, even Mist has.

I think a bit about Deirdre this way. A demote would make all player who want her profit. But I spend a considerable amount of Orbs and it takes a bit of time for an f2p to save up for 5* exclusives. Of course I would feel slight salt because this makes me feel like my decision was dumb and I just should have saved up further. If one really wants to have something guaranteed not to demote saving up for seasonals, legendaries and mythic heroes is the choice. 

On the other hand Effie is more difficult for me to merge than Deirdre because I pull her almost never, I didn't keep track on how many Effies I truly got, but with the lack of space in the past I send home quite a few and now I feel a bit punished by not getting her anymore. And there are some of those heroes I just do not get. A few but there are some. Athena also took me over a year to +10. And I started to merge her from the beginning as she came out.


Well i sort of get that. I finally got enough Ests to +10. (well +9, i ran out of feathers, and I don't know if i want her +spd or +atk). Cordelia's are rare as heck for me, Caedas rarer still.(as in SO rare. I am legit considering summoning on the Marth/Caeda BHB banner to actually try to get her). For me, I'd love for some units to Demote (and people always go "omg imagine Wrath in the 3-4 * pool) but like everyone i play already has it so it wouldn't be that big of a deal for me if they dropped OP skills. (same with swift sparrow. i'm still surprised it's not in the general summoning pool). 

so if they demoted (even trying to get them at 5* sure it would suck. but it would suck more not trying to go for them when you had a chance and they don't demote). (it's also why i am treating these as they won't repeat, or cycle. so it's get what i want or just hope for a random flyby unit iwant (Ie: Deidre). 

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8 hours ago, Stroud said:

It's easy. Certain 5* characters have a certain prestige through that, even Mist has.

I think a bit about Deirdre this way. A demote would make all player who want her profit. But I spend a considerable amount of Orbs and it takes a bit of time for an f2p to save up for 5* exclusives. Of course I would feel slight salt because this makes me feel like my decision was dumb and I just should have saved up further. If one really wants to have something guaranteed not to demote saving up for seasonals, legendaries and mythic heroes is the choice.

I mean, the initial reaction to 5-star exclusives suddenly demoting after the game tried to milk people out of their orbs for them would be salt, yes. And that is a reasonable reaction. That doesn't mean that they should stay 5-star exclusives forever.

Certain characters like all the CYLs, Sigurd, Deirdre, and Ayra (maybe Celica, Hector, and Takumi) could probably stay as 5-stars since they are still really good even now and have premium fodder. Meanwhile, someone like Mist, who isn't extremely popular, has a poor stat line, and nothing premium to offer as fodder needs to be out of her 5-star pool. Luke, too, since he is not popular and IS didn't even deem him worthy to have another focus banner until this upcoming one in a couple of weeks. Sanaki and Young Tiki could also stand to drop -- they did what they did very well back in the day, but now the red pool is filled with characters who can do what they do just as well. I also think Linde and Katarina should drop due to having competition in both the red pool and the blue pool.

Also, the only thing keeping characters like Lyn, Ike, and Lucina where they are is their popularity, because Lyn and Lucina have terrible fodder and always have, Ike's heavy blade is now available on Jamke and as a seal, and none of them have spectacular stats anymore. Unless old units get an exclusive old unit stat/skill boost, very few if any of them really belong up there anymore. I can give a slight pass on popularity, although it's kind of stupid that less popular characters with more powerful skills are better than these fan favorites by virtue of coming later and the old units in all their not-as-greatness are still up there with them.

So yeah, someone's always going to be salty that they demoted 5-stars, but people will be salty because they didn't demote undeserving 5-stars either. At this point, they really need to do something other than milk these old units for their non-worth because the 3-star pool is stale and summoning sucks and it's not good for the health of the game if such a big part of the game is not fun to anyone who's been playing since launch or close to it.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Meanwhile, someone like Mist, who isn't extremely popular, has a poor stat line, and nothing premium to offer as fodder needs to be out of her 5-star pool. Luke, too, since he is not popular and IS didn't even deem him worthy to have another focus banner until this upcoming one in a couple of weeks.

And Luke has an atrocious FEH face. Not to mention Japan-only. It's been slightly more than two years since his banner FYI.

Mist I am still disappoint is Infantry. I think Valkyrie when I think of her.

Though I'm not sure which is current doing better on the whole, Infantry or Cavalry Staffers?

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Luke has an atrocious FEH face. Not to mention Japan-only. It's been slightly more than two years since his banner FYI.

Mist I am still disappoint is Infantry. I think Valkyrie when I think of her.

Though I'm not sure which is current doing better on the whole, Infantry or Cavalry Staffers?

I could go on a rant about how much I hate Luke's face. It's not just him, though, I hate Matthew's attacking pose face as well. There's just something about that stupid toothy shark-teeth grin that pisses me off so much.

At least Mist's seasonal alt is better than her current version. Green tome cavalry, even if it's a bit crowded, is still always nice to have. Besides, I could see an actual valkyrie Mist on horseback as a justified alt for her one day, since RD!Mist looks very different from PoR!Mist.

Cavalry staffers are probably still better off than infantry, due to their ridiculous mobility. That, and the best healer in Heroes in general is cavalry (Veronica).

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30 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Green tome cavalry, even if it's a bit crowded, is still always nice to have.

I've got 6 of those on record, half Seasonal (Mist, Lilina, Sandwitch Leo), one Legendary (Gunnthra), and two in the standard summoning pool (Cecilia and Unnecessary-and-not-Blessed-Sword-Olwen).

Blue Tome Cavalry has 7 units, three Seasonal, one GHB, and three in the standard summoning pool. Easily the most accessible.

Red Tome Cavalry has only 3 units. It has one Seasonal (GDTitania- who is accessible as a TT unit), and two in the standard summoning pool in the form of Leo and I-Hope-the-20-Wt-of-the-Tome-Crushes-Her-Eirika (both 5*s). Azelle if he ever comes, better come promoted, he is practically our only good hope if Miriel can't steal a stallion (who is Miranda, Princess of Alster?). 


"Crowded" is a relative term, although I guess that due to the difficulties of allocating their low BST from being horse and ranged, that it's hard for Tome Cavalry to try be anything but offensively oriented. Thereby limiting what roles they can fulfill and making them easier to saturate.

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Maybe "crowded" isn't the right term, considering that infantry swords and flying lances are the worst offenders when it comes to that. There's still a handful though, I guess. Of all of the green mage cavaliers, I think Valentine's Lilina is the only one I'm missing. She did not want to show up. That said, my Mist and green Olwen are both -spd, which made me sad.

Leo could stand to demote, since he is just not ... that good, especially if you don't luck and get the exact nature or natures that he needs. (My first Leo is +atk -spd, which works very well). And since Titania is free, the fact that there are only three red cavaliers shouldn't keep him stuck to 5-star. Also, we need someone to drop QR to 4-star unlock, it's really stupid how no one has dropped that. (Even seasonal Leo didn't have the decency to have QR as 4-star.)

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True, some characters like Mist and Luke only keep their prestige through being 5* and nothing else. xD I could get behind that some characters with nothing special would demote. Or they just give them something special. I just don't believe in refines for Healers until I see it. I also hope that they give blue Olwen something to be better, for now its still just easier to merge Reinhardt. One good thing is that Olwen profits from merges slightly more. But I just never see her... 

Welp now we are stuck with these banners I don't think it will happen to soon. But it could still happen in future.  

And we get the Legendary Banner announcement tomorrow? Hope there is something good hiding in.. But we will see...

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Switching topics to not break @Anacybeles chain of Summer Fred summons. ; -) 

19 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Yeah, I haven't merged yet because I've been having serious trouble deciding between +atk or +spd for her... Her being 5-star exclusive makes it feel like a super important decision, even though it probably won't make much of a difference in the end.

Oh yeah, that's a tough decision for Summer Tana. I usually tend to +SPD for my units, but that's more of a personal preference.

@XRay and the other experts in the "Ask FEH questions" topic know how to use the mass simulations best. 

22 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

 I wish I could use him in Allegiance Battles, but I don't have a pair up legendary and the one free pair up I get has to be used for a colorless unit if I want to optimize my score... My main gripe with that mode is how much of an emphasis it puts on having one or both of only two units in the game. The mode would probably be way more fun if I had one of those legendaries, but I'm not exactly drowning in orbs after my recent summoning, so I doubt I'll get the one that's coming in a few days either... Though I would gladly welcome that miracle if it were to happen!

Yeah, I consider myself lucky with my L!Alm. AR as a mode is not bad, but I really dislike the arena scoring and this mode is just the newest reincarnation. 

At least it can be done faster than the weekly arena streak with it's tedious score fishing. 

Good luck getting a pair-up unit soon! I bet we'll see the next one on Friday.





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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Switching topics to not break @Anacybeles chain of Summer Fred summons. ; -) 

Haha, no worries, I stopped for the time being anyway. XD And the pull thread is for all our pulls, not just mine. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Haha, no worries, I stopped for the time being anyway. XD And the pull thread is for all our pulls, not just mine. 🙂

We were going off-topic (not anymore n summoning related), that's what I meant.

Seeing forward to your final Freddy. :- )

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51 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

We were going off-topic (not anymore n summoning related), that's what I meant.

Seeing forward to your final Freddy. :- )

Oh okay, that's fair too.

Great! Though don't you mean "looking forward to"? XD

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5 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

Yeah, sure hope the next one isn't seasonal as well.

Yeah, I haven't merged yet because I've been having serious trouble deciding between +atk or +spd for her... Her being 5-star exclusive makes it feel like a super important decision, even though it probably won't make much of a difference in the end.

I figure if she's working in a flying team it doesn't matter much. to be fair I have a +atk tana, and one time mine died to a +spd Tana (but i don't remember if there was a hone/goad whatever applied). if it were me, truly i'd want +atk so she has a 36/36 spread. 


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9 hours ago, Stroud said:

True, some characters like Mist and Luke only keep their prestige through being 5* and nothing else. xD I could get behind that some characters with nothing special would demote. Or they just give them something special. I just don't believe in refines for Healers until I see it. I also hope that they give blue Olwen something to be better, for now its still just easier to merge Reinhardt. One good thing is that Olwen profits from merges slightly more. But I just never see her... 

Welp now we are stuck with these banners I don't think it will happen to soon. But it could still happen in future.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Olwen. At this point she really needs to drop. Because of their stats, Olwen doesn't use Dire Thunder as well as Reinhardt, and is harder to merge anyway so no advantage on that front. Giving her another tome makes her lose the gimmick only she and Reinhardt can do, and since L'Arachel and Ursula exist she'd just be another blue cavalier mage option, just more expensive without having excessively better stats.

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9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Switching topics to not break @Anacybeles chain of Summer Fred summons. ; -) 

Oh yeah, that's a tough decision for Summer Tana. I usually tend to +SPD for my units, but that's more of a personal preference.

@XRay and the other experts in the "Ask FEH questions" topic know how to use the mass simulations best. 

Yeah, I got some helpful answers in that thread. In the end I decided to go with +SPD, so now she is finished!



I think I'll make my first post in the +10 compendium thread tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who helped me!

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2 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

Yeah, I got some helpful answers in that thread. In the end I decided to go with +SPD, so now she is finished!

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I think I'll make my first post in the +10 compendium thread tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who helped me!

Wooo,+10 S!Tana, impressive! Congrats!

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