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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

As much as I want to, got to have self control. I'll never pull a perfect nature Takumi again more than likely. I have never foddered off the only copy of a *5 that I have, not even for my favorites. I may start one day, but not today.

Well, you already quit once. I thought this would weaken your collector's pressure a little. 

I can only say that I got all units back that I foddered off, with the exception of winter Lissa (I'm not missing her much). 

1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Selena... there's really no way of knowing what they'll do with her. I'll probably be a refined armorsmasher which is fine but she's so versatile they could do anything. She's speedy, her bulk is surprisingly good also. Her ATK sucks though, it'll likely try to patch it up.

Perhaps another candidate for a Bladetome-effect? 

1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Now... time to sleep.

Good night! 

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Well, like I said in the Voting Gauntlet: Beach Ballot Battle! topic:

" Both Nohrian & Sketchy Summer banners have pretty popular characters, being 6 from Fates and 2 from Shadow Dragon. Maybe IntSys didn't want to rerun them yet so the Three Houses Banner can have more time to shine. They need to sell the new characters."

Also, about the refinement update...

I am predicting a FEH channel soon, since IntSys only gave us the Weapon Refinery info, and not the Version Update info. It's teh same situation as early June, when we only got the refinery info, and then we got the Concert Hall, Weekly Banners and Rokkr Sieges info in a Feh Channel.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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And Frederick is STILL getting passed over in the weapon refinery department. How much longer am I going to have to fucking wait... I'm getting impatient. I've been waiting at least a year at this point. Sigh...

There's nothing I can do about it though. Just going to have to go with the idea that he's never getting one and just play the game. If I'm wrong and he does eventually get one, I'll be happy. But for now...yeah.

But now that I think about it, I'm surprised at how long it's taking Gunter and Jagen to get refines too. They're some of the ones in most dire need of it imo. And them + Frederick would make it a Jagen themed update. Maybe that's what IS is waiting to do.

Edited by Anacybele
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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am predicting a FEH channel soon, since IntSys only gave us the Weapon Refinery info, and not the Version Update info. It's teh same situation as early June, when we only got the refinery info, and then we got the Concert Hall, Weekly Banners and Rokkr Sieges info in a Feh Channel.

My thoughts exactly~

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Oh, a Feh Channel is guaranteed. It's about to be Heroes's two and a half anniversary and the game always celebates half anniversaries as well as full ones.

On another note.


I made my Lukas a stacker of stances! 😛 He's practically an infantry version of Silas. He'll be a great second option for a lance tank in a situation where I can't or shouldn't use Silas.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, a Feh Channel is guaranteed. It's about to be Heroes's two and a half anniversary and the game always celebates half anniversaries as well as full ones.

On another note.


I made my Lukas a stacker of stances! 😛 He's practically an infantry version of Silas. He'll be a great second option for a lance tank in a situation where I can't or shouldn't use Silas.

Steady Breath is a great skill for him. Bonfire in every counterattack!

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Steady Breath is a great skill for him. Bonfire in every counterattack!

It would, but it'd be forever before I'd be able to give it to him. I merge every Brave Ike I get and I'd do so until he's +10. So unless we get another unit who comes with Steady Breath, yeah. xP

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Well, you already quit once. I thought this would weaken your collector's pressure a little. 

I can only say that I got all units back that I foddered off, with the exception of winter Lissa (I'm not missing her much). 

The great Irony there is that W!Lissa is the unit I'm probably the least attached to out of all the units I could fodder off. I pulled 2 of her and they were both +HP/-ATK. I foddered off one of them to ToD!Jakob but I kept the other. I grinded SP with her (by using her as an auto battle unit in TT) but I never could bring myself to build her up. I'll likely never use her so I really could just give Bold Fighter to someone.

Then there's my -SPD S!Cordelia. You can get Close DEF from Joshua so that'a  waste but Dull Close is the perfect skill for Luke now with his refine. Problem is the only Luke I have is +SPD (I pulled him recently, the previous one was -ATK) and it feels like a waste to use Dew on him when I have options like Hrid, B!Roy, Swordhardt, Ares, L!Eliwood, NORMAL Eliwood, Xander or even my +ATK Cain that I could refine if I wanted to with the option of merges. I'd be more than willing to fodder her off, it's just not worth it really. Luke needs to demote. He has no unique value at his point.

So yeah, I've loosened up a bit, giving up my optimal nature units has always been a tough sale though, still is.

8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps another candidate for a Bladetome-effect? 

Seems lazy. I wouldn't have done that for Matthew (even if the results are nice). I hope they go a more unique route than to just make her worse Laevatein with an ArmorSlayer++.


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@Anacybele and now I giggle because your Lukas is almost exactly like my P!Lukas. I just gave him Atk/Def Link with Pivot instead. 

But no, my shining physical cav is Dimitri. 


His attack stat is just plain ridiculous. I need to rack up SP so I can equip Rouse Atk/Def. Together with Drive skills and putting a Tactics on his seal slot, he can get the boosts he needs while bolstering his allies as well. A true team player. 

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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

The great Irony there is that W!Lissa is the unit I'm probably the least attached to out of all the units I could fodder off. I pulled 2 of her and they were both +HP/-ATK. I foddered off one of them to ToD!Jakob but I kept the other. I grinded SP with her (by using her as an auto battle unit in TT) but I never could bring myself to build her up. I'll likely never use her so I really could just give Bold Fighter to someone.

I really like her art, but she is an armor unit. When I really have to use a green armor, I take the stronger ones. 

8 hours ago, Zeo said:

 Then there's my -SPD S!Cordelia. You can get Close DEF from Joshua so that'a  waste but Dull Close is the perfect skill for Luke now with his refine. Problem is the only Luke I have is +SPD (I pulled him recently, the previous one was -ATK) and it feels like a waste to use Dew on him when I have options like Hrid, B!Roy, Swordhardt, Ares, L!Eliwood, NORMAL Eliwood, Xander or even my +ATK Cain that I could refine if I wanted to with the option of merges. I'd be more than willing to fodder her off, it's just not worth it really. Luke needs to demote. He has no unique value at his point.

Cordy gives Sturdy Blow, not CD. 

I wouldn't even waste a Cordy (or dew) for Luke if he was merged and with a good boon. I'm glad he got kicked out of the "new units" pool.

Don't know if you missed that many 5* units got kicked out of the permanent pool and are only summonable from banners with old units, like the revival banners:


A shame that Celica and Roy got kicked. :-/ 

9 hours ago, Zeo said:

 So yeah, I've loosened up a bit, giving up my optimal nature units has always been a tough sale though, still is.

Optimal nature on an sub-optimal unit doesn't help, favs aside. I'm more and more inclined to use all my resources to have fun. 

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40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I really like her art, but she is an armor unit. When I really have to use a green armor, I take the stronger ones. 

Exactly. When I need a green armor, I use Hector. If I'm not using Hector, I'm using best warping girl. Otherwise I might use M!Grima if I had him but other than that there's no real place for W!Lissa. Honestly you're making me want to revisit the prospect of finding someone to give Bold Fighter. I might just do that.

40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I really like her art, but she is an armor unit. When I really have to use a green armor, I take the stronger ones. 

Cordy gives Sturdy Blow, not CD. 

I wouldn't even waste a Cordy (or dew) for Luke if he was merged and with a good boon. I'm glad he got kicked out of the "new units" pool.

I actually meant Dull Close... that would be the perfect B skill for Luke. Heh, It really has been half a year, hasn't it?

40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I wouldn't even waste a Cordy (or dew) for Luke if he was merged and with a good boon. I'm glad he got kicked out of the "new units" pool.

He was the pitybreaker literally no one wanted and I didn't think it would happen to me but it did. He was even -ATK. Talk about horrible. I did pull a +SPD one after coming back but lol as if I care.

40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:



A shame that Celica and Roy got kicked. 😕

I think I remember seeing this. Units like Eldigan, Karel, Sanaki, Lucina, Olwen (BLUE), Amelia, Ike, Elise, Jaffar and I hate to say it: Lyn kind of made sense. They're outdated and for the most part obsolete. But getting rid of things like the CYL1 units or the only freaking source of Close Counter in the normal pool is downright nonsense.

They should have done a mass demotion instead of just deleting everyone from the New Heroes banners. Not the way I would have gone.

40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Optimal nature on an sub-optimal unit doesn't help, favs aside. I'm more and more inclined to use all my resources to have fun. 

A good perspective to have, and one I understand a lot more after quitting. I find I've sat on quite a bit of premium fodder I just never ended up using because I was indecisive and didn't want to feel like I was wasting it. We're probably going to change that soon enough.

Edited by Zeo
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9 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Exactly. When I need a green armor, I use Hector. If I'm not using Hector, I'm using best warping girl. Otherwise I might use M!Grima if I had him but other than that there's no real place for W!Lissa. Honestly you're making me want to revisit the prospect of finding someone to give Bold Fighter. I might just do that.

Short reminder of who ate her: 


12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

He was the pitybreaker literally no one wanted and I didn't think it would happen to me but it did. He was even -ATK. Talk about horrible. I did pull a +SPD one after coming back but lol as if I care.

I don't remember when I got the first copy of him, but at one point he was kicked out of the "new units" pool. Shortly after that, I pulled from the CYL1 revival banner to make Roy +10 ... and got TWO Lukes from that banner. ^^

14 minutes ago, Zeo said:

They should have done a mass demotion instead of just deleting everyone from the New Heroes banners. Not the way I would have gone.


The weekly revival banners with 4% focus rate really help to complete catalogs though (if you are interested in such things). I got my first Julia from those. 

16 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I find I've sat on quite a bit of premium fodder I just never ended up using because I was indecisive and didn't want to feel like I was wasting it. We're probably going to change that soon enough.

That's still the case for me, since I have good fodder but not the perfect recipients. My favs are mostly build plus additional 10+ GF units. 

When I need a skill for a clear, I don't waste time to kill of fodder though. 

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Short reminder of who ate her: 


A bold choice (Ha! Get it?). I like my vanilla L!Hector. I could put it on OG Hector or something if I wanted to though, or even Vector. Amelia is a good choice but I can't bring myself to remove her WoM.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I don't remember when I got the first copy of him, but at one point he was kicked out of the "new units" pool. Shortly after that, I pulled from the CYL1 revival banner to make Roy +10 ... and got TWO Lukes from that banner. ^^

What are the odds of pulling the same unit off-focus twice on the same banner?... that's just evil.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

The weekly revival banners with 4% focus rate really help to complete catalogs though (if you are interested in such things). I got my first Julia from those. 

Unfortunately I had just come back around the time Lyn's banner dropped so I didn't have any orbs for merges. Sucks, It would have been the perfect chance to +10 her had I been around.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

When I need a skill for a clear, I don't waste time to kill of fodder though. 

That's what I've discovered has been my biggest trigger. Right there.

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29 minutes ago, Zeo said:

A bold choice (Ha! Get it?). I like my vanilla L!Hector. I could put it on OG Hector or something if I wanted to though, or even Vector. Amelia is a good choice but I can't bring myself to remove her WoM.


I think Amelia would prefer special fighter and OG Hector is good with the omni breaker set. I saw many annoying Jakobs with Bold Figher and Cecilia can be made really good as well. (don't listen to me, I'm no armor expert) 

32 minutes ago, Zeo said:

What are the odds of pulling the same unit off-focus twice on the same banner?... that's just evil.

Well ... I pulled 2 Sabers as well back then. Overall I pulled from the same banner (5% focus rate) 5 BH!Roys, 1 Siegbert, 1 Lethe (new), 1 Owain, 2 Lukes and 2 Sabers (new), horse Chrom and 1 Laegjarn. That was perhaps the best 5* rate I ever got from a banner, even if not all of them are useful. 

49 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Unfortunately I had just come back around the time Lyn's banner dropped so I didn't have any orbs for merges. Sucks, It would have been the perfect chance to +10 her had I been around.

How many merges do you have on OG Lyn? 

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13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


I think Amelia would prefer special fighter and OG Hector is good with the omni breaker set. I saw many annoying Jakobs with Bold Figher and Cecilia can be made really good as well. (don't listen to me, I'm no armor expert)

Special Fighter is definitely the best option for her because she has the speed to run it. If I ever run a B skill instead of WoM, that will probably be it. In an imaginary world where premium fodder is abundant however, I wouldn't mind trying Wrath on her.

15 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well ... I pulled 2 Sabers as well back then. Overall I pulled from the same banner (5% focus rate) 5 BH!Roys, 1 Siegbert, 1 Lethe (new), 1 Owain, 2 Lukes and 2 Sabers (new), horse Chrom and 1 Laegjarn. That was perhaps the best 5* rate I ever got from a banner, even if not all of them are useful. 

That's pretty amazing. I find that the bigger my barracks get the harder it is to satisfy me, but I'm learning to look at things better in terms of potential fodder because of it. For one thing, the only reason I'm pulling on the Mythic Banner is for L!Lyn and maybe Sothis for units. Otherwise I'm pulling specifically for fodder.

if I was only going for new units I could probably skip the banner altogether. Caineghis looks amazing though.

19 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

 How many merges do you have on OG Lyn? 

She's only +2. It was a really, really good time to get merges.

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12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Special Fighter is definitely the best option for her because she has the speed to run it. If I ever run a B skill instead of WoM, that will probably be it. In an imaginary world where premium fodder is abundant however, I wouldn't mind trying Wrath on her.

I'd kill my only BH!Ephraim for Amelia if she wasn't -SPD. 

18 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I find that the bigger my barracks get the harder it is to satisfy me,

That's pretty much my current experience. Only very few times I have the feeling I'd need a unit, more often I pull out of boredom. 

19 minutes ago, Zeo said:

For one thing, the only reason I'm pulling on the Mythic Banner is for L!Lyn and maybe Sothis for units. Otherwise I'm pulling specifically for fodder.

 if I was only going for new units I could probably skip the banner altogether. Caineghis looks amazing though.

I'll pull 1-2 full circles. After all, CYL3 is around the corner and a dancer banner perhaps? 

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9 hours ago, silverserpent said:

and now I giggle because your Lukas is almost exactly like my P!Lukas. I just gave him Atk/Def Link with Pivot instead. 

Well, they are pretty similar statwise, so I'm not surprised to hear that someone built a picnic Lukas similarly. XD

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Well, they are pretty similar statwise, so I'm not surprised to hear that someone built a picnic Lukas similarly. XD

yeah, his armor BST boost all went into defence, especially as he's +Def. Here.



Double Steady Stance is stupid. If I had Steady Breath or a spare Surtr, Lukas would get one of those.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

yeah, his armor BST boost all went into defence, especially as he's +Def. Here.



Double Steady Stance is stupid. If I had Steady Breath or a spare Surtr, Lukas would get one of those.

Dang, that's on the level of my Frederick and Silas's defenses. XD And we both got +Def Picnic Lukases, awesome! Mine is -HP rather than -Spd, so you got the slightly better deal in the end, but yay for extra Def! 😛

I should also give him Dragonflowers soon. I need to finish giving GD Ike the rest of what he needs first though, he just needs one more. But after that I definitely don't mind using flowers on this guy next. Lukas is one of my favs. It's funny how Greg Chun voices three of my favorite characters in this series. XD Ike, Ephraim, and Lukas. And Ike and Ephraim are my favorite lords. Greg Chun just gets to voice the best dudes, it seems!

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6 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Just realized there are already more Three Houses exclusive characters than there are Thracia exclusive characters. :o!

That was going to happen eventually considering the fact Three Houses it's more relevant and was going to at least get the same treatment Echoes got (at least).

But yeah, it's a bit funny.

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