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13 hours ago, Zeo said:

Realize that you're covering only one spectrum of the playerbase. new players, mid point ones and veterans. Veterans already have most of everything and have likely tried everything. Mid point players while they may or may not have given these units a chance it's more than likely they've pulled at least one (if not) multiple copies of these units (except in the case of Bridal Caeda in which case, even the newly released Bruunya is a better unit overall). That leaves one third of the playerbase which is the only that would likely be excited or even interested at the prospect of using these units.

I have nothing against the characters, but as far as units go there were far more interesting choices.

As a veteran who has played the game since Day 1 and hasn't missed logging in even once, there's PLENTY of launch units, Gen 1 seasonal units, and the like that I still don't have and have never tried. Bride Cordelia and Spring Chrom, for instance. The choices are fine.

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Merric in the Hall of Forms? Cool. He'll have, like, six personal weapons to choose from. And none of them make him viable.

Jk, he'll be the low-key carry of the team. I guess the weapon of choice would be the unique vanilla Excalibur. Flyer coverage plus Atk/Spd +5 when within two spaces of bride caeda. Not bad.

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23 hours ago, Zeo said:

Really not a fan of the Hall of Forms selection. Groom Marth is meh, Bride Caeda is one of the most underwhelming mages in existence at this point. Draug is massively outdated without a prf and Merric is just meh. I like the theme they went for. It's just... this mode is a good chance for people to try out units they'd otherwise never try and well... everyone has tried these units or simply doesn't need to.

At the very least if I get lucky with RNG I could finally try Firesweep Axe on Marth. Not many ax cavs in the game, and 5*-locked Firesweep Axe is ehh so if I somehow get that combo I can at least try that out for fun.

Also gonna try and make speedy Draug happen. DC is a must for his A skill though.

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On 12/20/2019 at 8:02 AM, Zeo said:

Groom Marth is meh, Bride Caeda is one of the most underwhelming mages in existence at this point.

Groom Marth is the fastest axe cavalry in the game and beats out Titania in both Atk and Spd. Even accounting for being unable to have an Asset, he ties +Spd Titania in Spd after getting his merge bonus and still beats +Atk Titania in Atk.

Bride Caeda ties Kliff as the fastest infantry blue tome in the game (and among all blue tomes, is only beaten by Winter Nino), and her slightly-below-average Atk stat isn't really an issue since she has access to Blarblade.


22 hours ago, Baldrick said:

For example, if there was an armour with a personal Threaten Spectrum skill, that would be really scary.

Surtr's Menace says hi.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Surtr's Menace says hi.

Huh, it does work like that. Still, it could be worse. It only affects strength, speed, defence and resistance and leaves your HP intact.

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2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Huh, it does work like that. Still, it could be worse. It only affects strength, speed, defence and resistance and leaves your HP intact.

All Threaten skills leave your HP intact, even tier 4 Threaten skills. Surtr's Menace is exactly identical to a tier 4 Threaten Spectrum.

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

All Threaten skills leave your HP intact, even tier 4 Threaten skills. Surtr's Menace is exactly identical to a tier 4 Threaten Spectrum.

(Psst... the next line is "but what about Sinmara?")

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I’m excited for the Hall of Forms team. I never really used Arden or Merric seriously, and I would love the chance to build on Groom Marth with some crazy skills! I am also one of those day 1 players who tried so HARD for one copy of  Bride Caeda... only to have a lovely +3 Bride Charlotte in the barracks... 🙃 this will be my first time using her, so I’m excited to play storytime with them all!

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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

I’m excited for the Hall of Forms team. I never really used Arden or Merric seriously, and I would love the chance to build on Groom Marth with some crazy skills! I am also one of those day 1 players who tried so HARD for one copy of  Bride Caeda... only to have a lovely +3 Bride Charlotte in the barracks... 🙃 this will be my first time using her, so I’m excited to play storytime with them all!

Draug. Unlike Arden he actually has Speed so i’m looking forward to getting access to some skills that would use that like Special Fighter. 

Never tries Bride Caeda as well so that will be interesting, her art is gorgeous but her stats + sharing didn’t make me want her enough to pull

Edited by mcsilas
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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Groom Marth is the fastest axe cavalry in the game and beats out Titania in both Atk and Spd. Even accounting for being unable to have an Asset, he ties +Spd Titania in Spd after getting his merge bonus and still beats +Atk Titania in Atk.

Perhaps it's worth to mention that Bunny Alfonse (with SPD boon) ties with Groom Marth in SPD while beating him in ATK by 4.

I know he is hard to merge, but I prefer using him over Marth because of his low HP (thanks bane) and high ATK at +0.

Sadly both are unlikely to get a prf. I really wish we could get an Axe Cav on Brave Roy's level. 

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Hall of Forms is fun as usual, though I wish they would've done something about the restrictive stamina. I get that they don't want us to play it until we're bored but at the same time it's the best mode in the entire game and we're not allowed to freely enjoy it, which bothers me. 

As for future banners, I'm predicting kimono Sigurd, Deirdre, Lucina, and Severa on the banner, unless they pull a fast one on us and do a Book III seasonal like they did with Book II. That'd truly be the darkest timeline.

I wonder who the next Legendary will be.

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I got some mixed skills in Hall of Forms...

  • Groom Marth is Lv30+1, with Slaying Axe+ (Spd), Death Blow 4, Atk/Def Rouse 3 and Sturdy Blow 2 seal. It took a while until he wanted to get a weapon that was not Emerald Axe.
  • Bride Caeda is Lv25+1, with Blárblooms+ (Spd), Rally Def/Res+ and Distant Def 4. She is becoming a supportive, ranged tank unit... kinda. If against ranged foes, she can get Def/Res+11.
  • Draug is Lv30+3, with Geishun+ (Atk), Reposition and Ignis. None of the passive options were good for him. I am still waiting for Armored Boots seal.
  • Merric is Lv 25+1, with Excalibur (Eff) and Rally Atk/Spd+. Not much... I will probably give him 1 or 2 skills tomorrow.

I had to replay some levels to get some skills, so I ended this first day in Chamber 10.

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Bride Caeda has been quite the MVP. My main has her with Juicy Wave + Brazen Atk/Res with Swift Sparrow 3 (was Atk/Res Push 4 before). Second account got Blardblade really quickly and has Mirror Impact and Time's Pulse + Glimmer. Fun stuff.

Draug has been weird since the selections weren't great. He has Cake Cutter with Fierce Breath so that +4 Atk in both phases I suppose. Glimmer has been his best offensive special which isn't much but the rest were AoEs. Alt account has Barrier Blade + Vengeful Fighter. Still waiting on other Fighter skills. Needed a position skill badly, and had to settle with Draw Back.

Groom Marth is the other MVP. Main account has Wo Gun + Noontime. Has Atk/Spd Link for Caeda if she ever gets Bladetome but sadly no positional skills yet. Alt account still has a Silver Axe though while I wait for Firesweep Axe to appear. 

Merric....exists. Main has Gronnblade (Excalibur appeared once but I needed a positional skill for my team so I picked Draw Back. I want Dark Excalibur anyway so I passed on the weapon for now...then the next team was an all flier map...). Alt account sill has Rexcalibur but he has Joint Hone Def to help buff Caeda;s blade tome at least.


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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps it's worth to mention that Bunny Alfonse (with SPD boon) ties with Groom Marth in SPD while beating him in ATK by 4.

Groom Marth actually beats +Spd Spring Alfonse in Spd by 1 point and loses in Atk by only 3 points due to Marth's neutral merge bonus going to HP, Atk, and Spd.

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Somebody give us a heads up if any of the Tap Battle stages give orbs. Between coins replacing the orb on the first stage and the usual orb rewards being replaced with accessories that I already have, I see quite literally no reason to play it at all unless there are orbs or Sunglasses hidden away in one of them.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Somebody give us a heads up if any of the Tap Battle stages give orbs. Between coins replacing the orb on the first stage and the usual orb rewards being replaced with accessories that I already have, I see quite literally no reason to play it at all unless there are orbs or Sunglasses hidden away in one of them.

The wiki lists the full rewards for this re-run (and the ones for the original run) here: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Illusory_Dungeon:_Legendary_Heroes

No orbs listed. Other than the coins, the only other meaningful reward looks to be 10 refining stones. Blah.

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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

The wiki lists the full rewards for this re-run (and the ones for the original run) here: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Illusory_Dungeon:_Legendary_Heroes

No orbs listed. Other than the coins, the only other meaningful reward looks to be 10 refining stones. Blah.

Better something than nothing, at the very least.

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

The wiki lists the full rewards for this re-run (and the ones for the original run) here: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Illusory_Dungeon:_Legendary_Heroes

No orbs listed. Other than the coins, the only other meaningful reward looks to be 10 refining stones. Blah.

Thanks for the heads up. Looks like this one's a skip. Just going to grab the coins and stones and I guess that's it. A little disappointing, but between 2 almost back to back Tempests, a new year celebration and then the anniversary a month after, I guess they don't want to be too generous with orbs.

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23 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Thanks for the heads up. Looks like this one's a skip. Just going to grab the coins and stones and I guess that's it. A little disappointing, but between 2 almost back to back Tempests, a new year celebration and then the anniversary a month after, I guess they don't want to be too generous with orbs.

I'm pretty sure reruns of Tap Battles have always had no orbs, and it seems they've been alternating between reruns and new Tap Battles (though I haven't been keeping tabs).

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17 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm pretty sure reruns of Tap Battles have always had no orbs, and it seems they've been alternating between reruns and new Tap Battles (though I haven't been keeping tabs).

They have (been alternating, I mean, not the orbs). And honestly, they're getting a bit boring. Not just the reruns, but also the new additions.

It used to be fun to go through Tap Battle, but now all they do is the same thing they do for the main game: add new gimmicks that only make it harder for everyone else to enjoy the game. Adding in songs with hyper-irregular tempos, slowing down or speeding up songs in a way that makes you wonder if they're even trying to hide it....

It seems less like a game mode now, and more like an excuse to delay other quality game modes. Considering how allergic IS has been recently to community feedback and positive change, I don't think delaying anything would do anything except make the community that much more dissatisfied.

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