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13 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

right. which makes him fodder. 
though. i honestly just think he's sucky. but that's me. but i know you like him - and it wasn't a dig, honest, i just never like the guy but if i ever get him (again) he gets fed to my units that can benefit from that sweet sweet DC.

Yeah, I do have much bias for him. He's my favorite Heroes OC. I just think he's really cool, very handsome, and has the potential to be pretty deep and interesting. I just wish he'd been explored more, and if he was, he'd totally be a top favorite. But because he lacked that proper exploration as a character, I couldn't put him up with the likes of Ike or Sylvain or Frederick.

And I know you weren't trying to insult Hrid or anything, to each their own, of course.

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I got Ylgr in the NY banner, so I can say that I used all 4 Nifl siblings: I have 3 of them, an Hríd I used from a friend in modes like Rival Domains and Grand Conquest.

I can confirm that he is my least favorite of the 4 Nifl siblings. He is just... meh. Without appeal, for me.

The only thing good that I have related to Hríd was that I got 5 Laevateins trying for him in his Legendary Banner, which I thanks Naga that happened. Laevatein is way better unit than him.

And if one day I get a Hríd... he will be DC fodder. Maybe I keep him, but I will not use him.

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1 minute ago, Rinco said:

The only Hrid I got died to give Ares DC.
Ares is just a better unit.

Oh, he is! Ares is a great unit, and better than Hríd.

I +10ed Xander last year... such a good unit he became. He only needs a refinement to shine even more.

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I like Hrid. His kit is fun and I'd make him a Galeforce unit if Roy wasn't my main GF Cav. 

Ylgr is a good unit too, but I always had trouble to make Gunnthrà work. She has to compete with Bladetome Cavs though. 

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I have a +atk,-spd Hrid that I use a lot for clearing maps in CC.  I personally like him, but every other copy of him I have pulled has been DC fodder (though I have only pulled one other copy).

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I don't have regular Hríd, but I got his New Year alt on the Legendary banner he was rerun on (+Atk -Spd), and he's been pretty useful as a flying red physical wall, which there aren't as many of as blue or green ones. He's cool, but I can barely even remember if he did anything at all in the story. I kinda wish they'd use the OCs from previous books as characters in the current story somehow (so characters like Hríd can have a chance to... be a character), but that might require them to take a very different approach to making the story from what they do now and in general just make a lot more text, which I suppose they don't want to.

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About the only thing Hrid did in the story was try to assassinate Surtr all by himself and then show up tired and beat due to that attempt. But honestly, that's so gutsy it's badass by itself. He went and tried to assassinate a king he knew was incredibly powerful and all on his own and he very nearly succeeded. He might have if it wasn't for that rite that was keeping Surtr upright. That is impressive.

The comics have made him a little more endearing too, imo. They present him as a doting big brother. That is adorable. XD Then again, I always find a doting older sibling adorable. And it's a bit more adorable when it's a male sibling because you don't see it as much due to it being more seen as a feminine thing.

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Depends of the point of view... Hrid clearly knows about the existence of the Rite of Frost, because he knows about the sacrifice the rite needs and that it's one of the key elements to kill Surtr.

Knowing about the Rite, and he still went to kill Surtr without it... sounds kinda dumb of his part.

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Rather minimalist update notification. I think the game has hit the point where it doesn't need much in the way of more features, but I do want to know what's the deal with those divine codes. 

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10 minutes ago, Othin said:

Rather minimalist update notification. I think the game has hit the point where it doesn't need much in the way of more features, but I do want to know what's the deal with those divine codes. 

I believe they are hiding info so they can reveal more details in the Feh Channel.

We got Dragonflowers, Heroic Ordeals and AR changes (max cost for each match being 50 aether and no more free aether first match) and more explanation about the nullify flaw/bane with first merge in the 2nd Anniversary Channel.

At least I can see we getting something about Divine Codes.

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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I believe they are hiding info so they can reveal more details in the Feh Channel.

We got Dragonflowers, Heroic Ordeals and AR changes (max cost for each match being 50 aether and no more free aether first match) and more explanation about the nullify flaw/bane with first merge in the 2nd Anniversary Channel.

At least I can see we getting something about Divine Codes.

Thing is, when the update notifications are incomplete because of an upcoming Feh Channel, they just call them weapon refinery updates.

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On 1/28/2020 at 2:43 PM, Rinco said:

The only Hrid I got died to give Ares DC.
Ares is just a better unit.


Every Hrid I ever owned only lasted about 3 minutes in my Barracks save the one I didn't have anyone to fodder to until Nah came out~ Think I've sacked 4 of him at this point~

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34 minutes ago, Landmaster said:


Every Hrid I ever owned only lasted about 3 minutes in my Barracks save the one I didn't have anyone to fodder to until Nah came out~ Think I've sacked 4 of him at this point~


mine is alive probably because i'm nto sure who to murder him for. 
(altena if she demotes)

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Well I am happy Jakob finally is getting a refine (please be good) since I want my favorite butler to be "one hell of a butler".  I have the dew ready and waiting.

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54 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well I am happy Jakob finally is getting a refine (please be good) since I want my favorite butler to be "one hell of a butler".  I have the dew ready and waiting.

Remember to keep one of each nature if you still got any! I have +Atk and +Spd, so I will start keeping any other Asset I get from him from now on. I think it might be okay to send home a +Res copy since that is his lowest stat, but he has pretty balanced stats all around, so I think keeping a +Res copy just to be extra safe is a good idea.

I mean, who freaking knew anyone needed a +HP Virion until his Refinement came out? At that time I kept neutral, +Atk, +Spd, and +Def copies, but I sent home all my +HP and +Res copies. Took me like 3 months to get a +HP one again.

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37 minutes ago, XRay said:

Remember to keep one of each nature if you still got any! I have +Atk and +Spd, so I will start keeping any other Asset I get from him from now on. I think it might be okay to send home a +Res copy since that is his lowest stat, but he has pretty balanced stats all around, so I think keeping a +Res copy just to be extra safe is a good idea.

I mean, who freaking knew anyone needed a +HP Virion until his Refinement came out? At that time I kept neutral, +Atk, +Spd, and +Def copies, but I sent home all my +HP and +Res copies. Took me like 3 months to get a +HP one again.

Yeah I know that is the plan.  I was that one person that actually kept a +hp Virion since I needed that hp boost for something back in the early days.

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funny how Lifs Hero Mythic battle references to Anna Sharena and Bruno

The Lance Infantry unit infront of him Basicly runs Fensalir in his A and B Slot, The Axe Infantry unti basicly  runs Noatun in his B Slot  and the Blue Cav basicly uns Brunos kit.

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