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On 7/28/2020 at 5:07 AM, Othin said:

Going out of your way to pull a unit from a revival banner costs like 100 orbs, already having them because they were demoted and showed up in your barracks on their own costs 0 orbs. 0 orbs is less than 100 orbs, and also less than 100 grails.

Being a demote basically translates to unlimited copies for free, and you can't do better than free.

As I said, for people actively searching for these units in a timely manner(so without just buying orbs to force the appearance) , it will take an incredibly long time to gain the units they want merged up. And yes, when summoning for other focus units you will pick up demoted units. The percentage chance however will be going down even more when around 45 units are dropped. So for everyone who wants to get these units merged up it is a downgrade and more expensive option. The only people that ‘benefit’ from this proposed idea are people that want a copy of every unit. And in that case grails are more time efficient since both waiting to get them through summoning and grails are f2p.



11 hours ago, daisy jane said:

wait. why isn't nino a top tier unit? she is really good, i've always thought. 

Nino in FEH is a great unit, can’t deny that. With the right skills a formidable unit in Arena, AR and Abyssals. Nino in FE7 though...

11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I believe he's talking about Nino in FE7, given that the year he mentions is 2009. In Heroes, yes, she's pretty good. But I honestly think FE7 Nino is bad because she comes in too late and at lv. 1. So it's too hard to raise her. She might be good if you DO raise her enough, but the fact that it's so hard to when you get Pent who's already pretty good upon recruitment says she's just not worth it.

Yep, right on the money!

8 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The only thing you've done is act like an arrogant narcissist, more than one person has crunched numbers as well and given a different conclusion than what you've drawn, both from this discussion and in the past. There's one just a few scrolls up who replied directly to you.

I hadn’t seen, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’ve replied to them in this post as well.

8 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Not once have I used any such logic, you're just trying to satisfy your own ego because someone isn't agreeing with your own conclusion You've twisted what I've said into something entirely different to satisfy your ego.


You literally said ‘Some people get what they want for 500 orbs and have a much easier time, others take 1,000 and have a harder time’ which proves you don’t get how interpreting chance statistics works. 

‘I think Nino is top tier because mine capped magic and speed!’ Is the same as ‘I got 8 copies of F!Kris in 570 orbs!’

Both can happen, but both are a horrible indicator of the true expected value/cost of a unit/banner. That’s why we use average stats and average costs for units and banners. It’s to show what is the most likely to occur, and what you should expect. The graphs also show the 25th, 75th and 90th percentile, giving and indication of how many orbs you’ll spend when you do get lucky or unlucky. It’s about informing the player, but the 50th percentile is where most players will land. And the amount of orbs for the 50th percentile is significantly lower on revival banners compared to getting them as demotes. 



8 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

This right here? This is the actual definition of flaming. I'll say whatever I please to anyone who talks down to me as if I were an idiot, and I'll happily accept any warning I get for it. You're the kind of condescending, arrogant jerk that shouldn't be on forums until you get over your own ego.

Ah, more real flaming. The only thing I've done is defend myself from more or less being condescended to by the actual smug bastard on his own high horse, which I absolutely take issue with. Get over yourself and maybe try not being so condescendingly arrogant.

I hadn’t addressed you at all in my first post, and you decided it was a wise decision to start spouting insults and trying to pester people into silence only because you disagree. And yet i am the arrogant jerk, I see it all so clearly now, thank you for enlightening me.

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Would be nice if we get a FEH Channel tonight, before the Hel's update. The update will have the data about everything until the version update, so it will have any quest, map or banner that can happen in the Six-Months Anniversary event, that usually starts in the first days of August.

IntSys never cared that much about Datamine leaking stuff, as we know from New Years banner getting leaked every year, but would be nice to know about the event in a FEH Channel instead from datamine.

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15 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

As I said, for people actively searching for these units in a timely manner(so without just buying orbs to force the appearance) , it will take an incredibly long time to gain the units they want merged up. And yes, when summoning for other focus units you will pick up demoted units. The percentage chance however will be going down even more when around 45 units are dropped. So for everyone who wants to get these units merged up it is a downgrade and more expensive option. The only people that ‘benefit’ from this proposed idea are people that want a copy of every unit. And in that case grails are more time efficient since both waiting to get them through summoning and grails are f2p.

And the less you care about timing or merges, the less of an issue any of that is. You might prefer to spend 100 orbs or 100 grails for a unit now, but some of us would rather wait on a decent chance for them to show up later for free. Which means your insistence that your plan is best for everyone does not hold up. 

Personally, I'd certainly like the option to spend grails on an old unit I'm missing, but in practice, if I'm in no hurry and could still get them randomly without grails, it'd be optimal for me to keep putting them off indefinitely in hopes of saving the grails. If they were removed from the summoning pool entirely, it would take care if the issue, but the grail cost to pick them all up sure wouldn't be cheap. It also would make natures inaccessible. 

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2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

I hadn’t addressed you at all in my first post, and you decided it was a wise decision to start spouting insults and trying to pester people into silence only because you disagree. And yet i am the arrogant jerk, I see it all so clearly now, thank you for enlightening me.

Nice revisionist history, there. You inquired why someone would want Book I units demoted, I said why I would, and you proceeded to smugly tell me how objectively wrong I was and continued on to very literally insult my intelligence. The only one trying to pester anyone into silence was, and still is, you.

But yeah, have fun convincing yourself of your revision. Can't risk bruising that ego.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

IntSys never cared that much about Datamine leaking stuff, as we know from New Years banner getting leaked every year, but would be nice to know about the event in a FEH Channel instead from datamine.

It’s kinda funny you say that considering they just gave Hel a new weapon which prevented her from being confirmed in advance via datamine like Lif was.

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28 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

It’s kinda funny you say that considering they just gave Hel a new weapon which prevented her from being confirmed in advance via datamine like Lif was.

Hrid was confirmed in advance in a similar way when new versions of his artwork popped up in a datamine. I think that's what happened with him, anyway. So maybe IS is starting to care more about datamining.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hrid was confirmed in advance in a similar way when new versions of his artwork popped up in a datamine. I think that's what happened with him, anyway. So maybe IS is starting to care more about datamining.

The datamine page on GamePress for the Ylgr and Surtr banner (which was right before Hrid’s addition) said that “some internal data was added relating to Hrid”. It didn’t include any new art but it did add his voiced lines.

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4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Would be nice if we get a FEH Channel tonight, before the Hel's update. The update will have the data about everything until the version update, so it will have any quest, map or banner that can happen in the Six-Months Anniversary event, that usually starts in the first days of August.

I really do hope that's the case. I am really curious to see if Sothis's rerun is linked to the anniversary somehow. 

Also tomorrow we will get the refine announcements right? 

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35 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The datamine page on GamePress for the Ylgr and Surtr banner (which was right before Hrid’s addition) said that “some internal data was added relating to Hrid”. It didn’t include any new art but it did add his voiced lines.

Oh, I see then. My point still stands tho, as it confirmed Hrid as the legendary.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

It’s kinda funny you say that considering they just gave Hel a new weapon which prevented her from being confirmed in advance via datamine like Lif was.

I don't think they gave Hel a new weapon to prevent her to pre confirmed in advance.

They added a new effect to her weapon, which I don't believe they can do... or at least they prefer to not do it. So instead of changing the actual weapon she has and also the data and behavior in Book 3 to make her immune to bow units, they made a new weapon that has the same effect as the Scythe but with extra Iote Shield effect.


37 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

I really do hope that's the case. I am really curious to see if Sothis's rerun is linked to the anniversary somehow. 

Also tomorrow we will get the refine announcements right? 

I still expect Sothis in a Hero Fest type banner. And maybe they are not giving the refinements because it will be part of the Feh Channel? Like... surprise! Prf Staffs! or DC weapons getting refinement! Or even, and more crazy: Surprise! Refinement for Legendary Heroes starting with Fjorm.

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Usually, when there's a Feh Channel, they still announce the refinery update beforehand, they just focus the newspost on that rather than making it a full update notification. 

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We can probably expect a FEH Channel sometime before August 2nd, as there will be both daily orbs maps (titled “Feh’s Summer”) and daily BHB re-runs (with quests) that start on the 2nd.


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41 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


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We can probably expect a FEH Channel sometime before August 2nd, as there will be both daily orbs maps (titled “Feh’s Summer”) and daily BHB re-runs (with quests) that start on the 2nd.



If it starts on the 2nd, I suspect it to be... Thursday night then? That's the day of the week when they usually have taken place, no?


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So, I summoned a duplicate Eir and then Hel after a few more green pulls. I have an awful habit of pulling Peonies when she's the least wanted unit on blue for me. I also pulled a lot of Mirabilis on her debut banner. Have gotten at least one dupe Fjorm, while Ike and Altina have decided to crash my party after becoming freebies. Surtr was my free summon on his debut banner. Never got his daughters, still don't have Thrasir or Lif. Helbindi randomly showed up one day, but took forever to do so.

Apparently, freebies, fairies, and big bads seem to like me. I don't know how to feel about this.

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August/September lineups haven't changed, but past that, it's:

  • October: Ryoma/Marth/Mirabilis, Chrom, Edelgard/Hel, Robin/Alm/Eir
  • November: Eliwood, Azura/Tiki, Lyn
  • December: Peony, Thrasir
  • January: Roy/Ike
  • February: Altina, Fjorm
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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If we do get a Feh Chanel, I hope it gives some indication about what this upcoming Special Heroes banner is, and who's on it.

This would be nice, yeah.

So I got a +Res RD Ike while getting merges for him and I'm thinking about making that the new base for some more mixed tankiness. Should i do this?

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This would be nice, yeah.

So I got a +Res RD Ike while getting merges for him and I'm thinking about making that the new base for some more mixed tankiness. Should i do this?

It could work. This is what I would do if i had a +res Iike


Mirror Stance 3 could be swapped out for Bracing Stance 3 (giving him more def/res on enemy), or Kestral Stance (atk/spd),  - but if you give him the guard effect that works. Swift Stance gives him more spd res on enemy phase, and if you keep him alone -rouse spd/res 3 works very well. Special spiral to get Radiant aether ready to go. but you could also do Lull Atk/Spd, Lull Atk/Def. (I don't know what you have on your ike - i do know people like that "Thanos Ike" build. but that could require a breath to get it down one? (sorry. i don't use ikes (or breaths)so i'm not sure specifically what they do. 

:) hopefully this helps!



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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

It could work. This is what I would do if i had a +res Iike


Mirror Stance 3 could be swapped out for Bracing Stance 3 (giving him more def/res on enemy), or Kestral Stance (atk/spd),  - but if you give him the guard effect that works. Swift Stance gives him more spd res on enemy phase, and if you keep him alone -rouse spd/res 3 works very well. Special spiral to get Radiant aether ready to go. but you could also do Lull Atk/Spd, Lull Atk/Def. (I don't know what you have on your ike - i do know people like that "Thanos Ike" build. but that could require a breath to get it down one? (sorry. i don't use ikes (or breaths)so i'm not sure specifically what they do. 

🙂 hopefully this helps!

Looks good, yeah, but I don't have that kind of fodder right now, unfortunately. I think RD Ike's native Warding Breath is pretty good anyway though, since it adds to his Res. Mine is currently +Def and runs Ragnell, Reposition, Radiant Aether, Warding Breath, Vantage, and Threaten Spd/Def Tactic. I should probably give him some better options at C though, at least. Def Tactic doesn't work on the team I run him the most in which is entirely infantry, and Threaten Spd isn't the best alternative.

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