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10 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I don't think they even did that. There was a voice dialogue where Larcei said Ulster ("I'm Larcei. Ulster is my twin brother. Nice to meet you!"), but they apparently just removed the second sentence and didn't replace it with anything else.

Ah, I must've heard wrong. 

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Two Abyssal semi-F2P strategies -- both used Altina and one used CYL Veronica -- for the recent legendary F!Corrin map using CYL Edelgard is quite interesting. Incidentally, both are from Japanese FEH guide makers: エルマオの横好き and yorotsruuu yorotsruuu. KumaTheta, Pheonixmaster1, and sukwindallinrush are locked in with CYL Dimitri where the latter two held a poll -- I'm not sure if KumaTheta did or not for how he ended up with CYL Dimitri for his guides. Not sure if anyone is using CYL Claude or CYL Lysithea. This also assumes that none of them summoned for another or the remaining three CYL4 units and are keeping them in reserve.

This is the most divided I have seen for a CYL unit being used for strategies. CYL Lyn and CYL Veronica were no-brainers with what they offered at the time and as far as I know, CYL Micaiah was the most agreed upon over CYL Camilla or CYL Alm and CYL Eliwood for that matter. I don't recall seeing any strategies that used the other three CYL3 units, especially CYL Alm and CYL Eliwood.

Edited by Kaden
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Huh, is there no Brammimond battle thread? I couldn't find one in the War Room.

Seems I never beat Brammimond Abyssal last time, but I was able to get through it this time with Aversa/L!Azura/NY!Azura/Mirabilis. Passed on Peony in case I needed a second melee unit, but it didn't turn out necessary. What ultimately worked to weaken Brammimond was having Aversa learn Savage Blow and then blasting all the enemies around him. Four Savage Blow hits took him down to 51 HP, which was within range to kill with Desperation+Glimmer even despite his Lull Atk/Res.

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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

Huh, is there no Brammimond battle thread? I couldn't find one in the War Room.

It’s on the third page.

Did you by any chance try finding it by searching “Brammimond”? If you did, you didn’t find it because you mispelled the name (it’s Bramimond, it only has two “m”s).

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

It’s on the third page.

Did you by any chance try finding it by searching “Brammimond”? If you did, you didn’t find it because you mispelled the name (it’s Bramimond, it only has two “m”s).

That would do it. I looked through the first four pages, but I guess I missed it, then used the search, which would not have helped.

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Oh, danger here. The next set of Ephemera heroes includes Tethys, the last copy I need to get to +10. However this assumes they'll be more generous with Ephemera 9 than they are with the current batch, where we're only due 650 thus making it impossible to get any of the four-star heroes.

(For those who haven't looked at the notifications, it's Quan, Dagger Olivia, Tethys, Norne, Draug, Setsuna, Mae)

Edited by Humanoid
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33 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Oh, danger here. The next set of Ephemera heroes includes Tethys, the last copy I need to get to +10. However this assumes they'll be more generous with Ephemera 9 than they are with the current batch, where we only due 650 and thus making it impossible to get any of the four-star heroes.

(For those who haven't looked at the notifications, it's Quan, Dagger Olivia, Tethys, Norne, Draug, Setsuna, Mae)

I have it even worse. I want Quan for his Rally, Tethys for my +9, Norne for my + 6 and Olivia for whatever. I also rather dislike having to choose between a 5* manual and the elusive Wings of Mercy fodder which I have only ever summoned 5 of.

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Quan! I was hoping for him, I'll feed his Rally skill to one of my Arena units. Maybe Jaffar?

Not sure what I'll want to do with Olivia.

Next month's manuals should be Halloween. I'm guessing Niles will be the 2018 unit, unless they feel like handing out Bold Fighter, Vengeful Fighter+Armor March, or Witchy Wand+Hone Fliers. Any of those would be wonderful, but seems a bit unlikely. For 2017, everyone except Henry is pretty tame.

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That Rally+ is amazing. I don't have currently any unit that can use it so I will save it and use it later on (perhaps OG Edelgard can use it as she is +6 and already has some good scoring skills). Olivia will be useful for DD3 on Cecilia. 

Hopefully the trend of good skills appearing on Ephemera continues (next month we should get an armor skill). 

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46 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I will skip Olivia, since I have no use for her. I will get Quan, Norne and Tethys for sure.

I am kinda surprised that Quan is there. I expected Flora or Nina instead.

I guess IS wants us to finally respect the man xd

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I see a Norne manual. Didn't think they would be jumping to Book 3 characters but I'll take it since I would like another merge on mine. Quan for the dual rally will be a nice pickup as well.

Edited by NSSKG151
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I think this is the first time I have both 5* units so I'll be getting both manuals for a merge. The 4* ones don't look that interesting.

They've given out YS!Robin before so maybe there's a chance they might go with ToD!Sakura. If not then maybe Nowi so I can patch away that bane.

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11 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I see a Norne manual. Didn't think they would be jumping to Book 3 characters but I'll take it since I would like more merges on mine. Quan for the dual rally will be a nice pickup as well.

We are getting Book 3 4* Manuals sometimes since April.

  • April: Python;
  • May: Mercedes;
  • July: Echidna;

This time we got 2, being Norne and Tethys.

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

We are getting Book 3 4* Manuals sometimes since April.

  • April: Python;
  • May: Mercedes;
  • July: Echidna;

This time we got 2, being Norne and Tethys.

Oh, I guess I just haven't really noticed until now. My mistake.

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I don’t know who to give the rally to... my Quan is perfectly neutral so I don’t need to merge. Hmm, maybe Henry? Soren?

Anyway, the Olivia will be a merge. Mine is -Atk from all the way in year one. She doesn’t see use at all, but I really wanna fix that bane.

I am not building up Norne, but reposition is reposition!

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14 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I don’t know who to give the rally to... my Quan is perfectly neutral so I don’t need to merge. Hmm, maybe Henry? Soren?

Anyway, the Olivia will be a merge. Mine is -Atk from all the way in year one. She doesn’t see use at all, but I really wanna fix that bane.

I am not building up Norne, but reposition is reposition!

Rally+ is great for Arena scoring, if you have any regulars there.

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I don't have Quan and hopefully never will, yet I'd be super reluctant to fodder him off anyway in case the worst happens and he turns up needing to be fixed. Dumb I know, but not much at stake I guess since I no longer attempt Arena seriously. I mean I'm also going to merge Olivia even if I probably haven't used her for well over a year.

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This has become very interesting.さるGames did not use a CYL4 unit for Abyssal legendary F!Corrin, instead, using a strategy with Jorge, but did use one for a Resonant Battles strategy and it was CYL Lysithea. I have no idea if さるGames picked or summoned another CYL4 unit for strategies. There was a poll on Twitter where CYL Edelgard won, but it might have been just a fun "Who did you pick?" thing from what Ice Dragon guessed.

FreshPanths is as far as I have seen the only guide maker who has a neutral CYL Claude and it might be temporary since in the comments of the Infernal and Lunatic legendary F!Corrin strategy video, FreshPanths said CYL Claude was free picked because FreshPanths did not want to go through with summoning colorless units.

Considering CYL4 is the first CYL banner to have the 40 summons for a guaranteed 5* pick that can be used up to four times and still has the free pick banner, it seems that at this point guide makers could have two or more CYL4 units and if they want and have time, make strategies with the other CYL4 units. And in the case of someone like Pheonixmaster1 who has a personal account and F2P account, a guide maker could have all four CYL units without spending a lot of orbs at least on their personal account since they can free pick two and do 40 summons on each account for the other two they don't have. While it still requires the player to have an unmerged, neutral CYL4 unit to prevent any changes with AI movement, this opens up for more strategies for players struggling with clearing a map. Unlike before, if a player did not choose the agreed upon CYL unit, there could be a guide maker out there who has the CYL4 unit they picked and is used for a map.

So far, the CYL4 units and the guide maker who has a neutral copy of them are as follows:

CYL Claude: FreshPanths.

CYL Dimitri: FreshPanths, KumaTheta, Pheonixmaster1, and sukwindallinrush. Pheonixmaster1 and sukwindallinrush polled or asked their community and CYL Dimitri won.

CYL Edelgard: エルマオの横好き and yorotsruuu yorotsruuu.

CYL Lysithea: さるGames and KumaTheta. As stated above, さるGames only used her for this week's Resonant Battles. KumaTheta has only used her for Infernal legendary F!Corrin and it seemed more as a demonstration of what it would have been like if she was picked over CYL Dimitri.

I have talked about it before, but I figured with what CYL Claude offered as a flying archer with good sustain and at the moment, the only flying archer with a prf players can guarantee before the CYL4 free pick banner expires, he would have been the CYL4 pick for strategies. It was not so and it's possible he could end up not being used for future strategies as FreshPanths picked him to avoid dealing with summoning from colorless orbs. So, supposing CYL Claude is more of a personal unit while CYL Dimitri is the strategy unit for FreshPanths, if no one else has a neutral copy of him, then he could be the only CYL4 unit not used by any guide maker after legendary F!Corrin.

CYL Edelgard and CYL Lysithea surprised me. CYL Edelgard was more of I didn't see or was able to see much discussion on her, but I did figure with her being able give herself +1 movement and being able to warp that she would be a good contender for possibly being the first CYL armor to be picked for strategies. If it was not CYL Claude or CYL Dimitri, then it would have been her. Two guide makers ended up using her where part of me wonders if they were waiting to see what the next legendary hero would be since CYL Edelgard does pretty well against legendary F!Corrin with her good base resistance over the others which only gets better against dragons, healers, and mages with Distant Ward and enemy phase performance which seems to be the way to go to dealing with legendary F!Corrin if you don't have an anti-dragon unit who can one-shot her.

CYL Lysithea is good as a nuke, but she doesn't offer much more than that unlike Eir who has sustain and healing support, vanguard Ike who has sustain, a refresh unit and of the likes of Peony, and in the past as their free pick banners expired, CYL Lyn being the first cavalry archer and one who can negate counterattacks from axes, lances, and swords and CYL Veronica being the first cavalry healer with a prf along with her being a free Firesweep unit. Regardless, two guide makers have used her for recent strategies and her status is iffy. As noted above, KumaTheta might have only used her as a demonstration thing, so she might be a personal unit for him as he invests in her. さるGames on the other hand, has only used her in Resonant Battles where さるGames has used Tibarn and merged and Resplendent Cordelia for Resonant Battles strategies, merged units in general for Abyssal strategies, and frequently uses Altina even for Infernal and Lunatic maps. But as stated above, I don't know if さるGames has another neutral copy of any of the other CYL4 units and even so, if CYL Lysithea for whatever reason is the guide unit, then she could possibly be a regular for strategies in the future.

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6 hours ago, Kaden said:

the only flying archer with a prf players can guarantee before the CYL4 free pick banner expires

I thought the CYL4 free pick was expected to run for the normal two years. Is that incorrect?

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