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I'm kinda neutral with the Heroes OCs. They aren't the best characters around, but they certainly aren't the worst. But I do think they've kind of taken the story spotlight away from the original concept of "a world where all Fire Emblem worlds converge into one place." I mean, they aren't even trying to explain why the forces of Hel and the Nightmare fairies (forget trying to even spell that name with an English keyboard, let alone remember what they're called) have access to heroes from other worlds. Veronica was never even on their side like she was with Muspell for a while.

It's not like I personally care. I began the FE series with Awakening and never had a chance to go back to older titles, so already I have no attachment to half the units in this game. But at least explain why Shinon, Gatrie, Jill, and Ilyana are perfectly alright with fighting for the forces of eternal nightmares?

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I mean, I like some of the OCs. Alfonse and Veronica are okay. I liked Bruno well enough while he existed. Helbindi, Lif, and Thrasir are also cool. But again ... so many OCs just did not live up to the hype and really didn't need to be in the story. I wanted to like Fjorm and all of her siblings, there were just too much of them and they did too little for me to care about too much. Eir's good as a unit, but I'm still not 100% sure what she really did in book 3. The fairies are just ... ugh. We really didn't need four of them when considering how little they individually contribute to the plot, and all of them seem to have a sob story about having a terrible past -- like IS themselves knew that they weren't gonna be able to do much with them so they tried to make the players care for them with the laziest method ever.

Cutting Mirabilis and Plumeria while focusing on Peony and Triandra (who are apparently sisters), and making them a foil of sorts to Freyja and Freyr as siblings who stand for opposite things, may have been better. And Sharena, who apparently played with these girls, continues to be overshadowed by her brother. Sharena getting the last two chapters to herself, if that happens, won't make up for being neglected for pretty much the majority of all four books.

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6 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Anyone experiencing trouble logging in? I keep getting error code 803-3003 despite trying trying multiple times

Me too, although my error code is 803-3111. I thought it was my ISP (AT&T can go fuck themselves), but I switched to my cellphone's internet and it is not working either.

Never mind, I can log in again now. Maybe it was hiccup or something on Heroes' end.

Edited by XRay
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I've liked the Askr trio of Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna all well enough. I've also liked Fjorm, Ylgr, and Helbindi (Helbindi should have survived). Aside from that, though...yeah, Eir was decent enough, but no one else has made an impression on me whatsoever. I'm not a Veronica fan, honestly, and Bruno is so wasted it isn't even funny. The fairy characters are all BLEH to me, and no one else from any of the books has shined.

Even the small group of Alfonse/Sharena/Anna/Fjorm/Ylgr/Heblindi/Eir would rank WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY way way down on my list of favorite FE characters, below nearly every other playable character in the franchise.

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Takumi is the next resplendent! Not too sold on the look... his face looks adorable (but is that the look he should be going for?!), yet the outfit is meh... 

Well... I was hoping for a 3* in dire need of new art like Rebecca, but oh well!

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Aaah Takumi! This is what finally makes me break down and spend money on this game. I should've known.

His outfit looks great and they are really doubling down on his whole association with death... Which is sad, but also cool.

Also good to finally add a new merge to him.

I don't care if I am the only one that still uses him, this Resplendant is explicitly cartering to me and I couldn't be happier!

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Nice, Takumi honestly needed a Resplendent. Although I couldn't tell that he was supposed to be Hel just by looking at his outfit.

But I find this hilarious because m!Robin and Takumi are the first two Hel Resplendent Heroes, and back in the day I ally supported them 😛

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Just skimmed but it looks like the topics are how much we like the Heroes characters and I guess Takumi's the new resplendent. Not sure where everyone's seeing Takumi.

As for the Heroes-specific characters ("OC's" makes them sound unofficial/fan-made, so I hate the term being applied to them, personally) on the whole, I think them. I'm not as into the latest batch, but even the fairies have interesting, unique elements to their designs. My favorites are the Askrans (minus Anna), the Niflians and those from Hel, though. I also do like Laegjarn, Helbindi, and Bruno, too.

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28 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Just skimmed but it looks like the topics are how much we like the Heroes characters and I guess Takumi's the new resplendent. Not sure where everyone's seeing Takumi.

As for the Heroes-specific characters ("OC's" makes them sound unofficial/fan-made, so I hate the term being applied to them, personally) on the whole, I think them. I'm not as into the latest batch, but even the fairies have interesting, unique elements to their designs. My favorites are the Askrans (minus Anna), the Niflians and those from Hel, though. I also do like Laegjarn, Helbindi, and Bruno, too.

Whenever a Resplendent gets released, they show the following one on the Feh Pass site. The announcement post also lists who they are and links to the site. 

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19 minutes ago, Othin said:

Whenever a Resplendent gets released, they show the following one on the Feh Pass site. The announcement post also lists who they are and links to the site. 

Ah, okay. I was looking here, not on the app. Thanks.

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Don't know what came over me but I dumped way too many orbs trying to get DB!Julia and trying to pull for another copy to fix her Atk bane. Got way too many off focus characters but at least I was able to patch up some banes of my units. Need to get this out of my system so I'm not tempted to pull again. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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On the OCs I like most of them.  Are they my top favs?  No, but the top out some units.  I want frayr from the book IV cast but that is it since I am not a big fan of  the fairy theme.

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11 hours ago, Nanima said:

Aaah Takumi! This is what finally makes me break down and spend money on this game. I should've known.

His outfit looks great and they are really doubling down on his whole association with death... Which is sad, but also cool.

Also good to finally add a new merge to him.

I don't care if I am the only one that still uses him, this Resplendant is explicitly cartering to me and I couldn't be happier!

Congrats! I knew you'd be happy about it~ He'll enjoy those extra stats~

The art is really nice, I think it suits him~

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Just saw Takumi. I guess he's another Hel unit, but...I don't know. Wasn't Hel enough for me. Robin did it better, imo. Takumi has too many colors going on for that aesthetic, I think. Still, that fur ruff he's wearing is a nice addition to the design to reflect Hel.

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Debating if I should give my Naesala his last merge or just leave him at +9. He's already seen a rerun and distributed via a GHB party quest so chances of getting another copy via quests seems low but then there's Aversa who has been given out twice via a GHB party quest. 

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14 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Debating if I should give my Naesala his last merge or just leave him at +9. He's already seen a rerun and distributed via a GHB party quest so chances of getting another copy via quests seems low but then there's Aversa who has been given out twice via a GHB party quest. 

I suggest waiting at least two weeks for the next event calendar. It seems like their pattern with GHB reruns could be changing: Frontline Phalanx was accompanied by party-style reruns for the five GHBs expected to be next for normal reruns, and we didn't get a normal rerun this month. Once we give things a bit more time to settle, we could get a better idea of how they might look in the long term.

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46 minutes ago, Othin said:

I suggest waiting at least two weeks for the next event calendar. It seems like their pattern with GHB reruns could be changing: Frontline Phalanx was accompanied by party-style reruns for the five GHBs expected to be next for normal reruns, and we didn't get a normal rerun this month. Once we give things a bit more time to settle, we could get a better idea of how they might look in the long term.

That's a good point. Thanks for pointing that out. Naesala has gotten the stats he cares about so waiting for the next copy shouldn't be an issue.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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