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Brave Ike would't be the unit i'd pick for a resplendent hero. He would't even be the first brave unit I would have picked. BIke still has a unique role he can play and its a good one too. For a gen 1 unit he held up remarkably well. Meanwhile Blyn and Broy are having a bit more problems.

I don't mind Ike too much , but I'm starting to get some mega evolution vibes. With Pokemon needing those getting sidelined for the crowd pleasers that did't. If I had my way i'd go with two units each feh pass update. That way they could go with one popular/good unit and a hanger-on unit that needs the extra stats/art upgrade.  Because right now Rebecca will probably never get her eyes fixed and at this rate and chances for units like Sully/Stahl/Raigh/Jacob also seem to be pretty much zero. I don't think even semi popular units like Donnel have much of a shot.

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Are there any other units that require a very specific set up to counter like Midori in the game?  (Where if you don't have a blue mage you might as well reset in my experience, and if that Blue magic is dragon breath, reset anyway because you can't kill her since that still triggers her insane abilities.)


Edited by Samz707
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49 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Are there any other units that require a very specific set up to counter like Midori in the game?  (Where if you don't have a blue mage you might as well reset in my experience, and if that Blue magic is dragon breath, reset anyway because you can't kill her since that still triggers her insane abilities.)


What's wrong with dragon breath?

I don't tend to find Midori too troublesome to deal with. I think the trickiest tank to break through is Brave Ike.

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Midori can be annoying, but you will only know true terror when you have to 1v1 this man:



His arrows WILL indeed find you if he's alone.

And while Brave Ike can never show up in PvE, this tank is very much allowed to run free there:



He traded his axe for the power Seth wished he had in this game. My, how the tables have turned.


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1 hour ago, Samz707 said:

Are there any other units that require a very specific set up to counter like Midori in the game?  (Where if you don't have a blue mage you might as well reset in my experience, and if that Blue magic is dragon breath, reset anyway because you can't kill her since that still triggers her insane abilities.)

Ngl, I have more problems with Shinon than Midori these days.  My CC Zihark was able to chew through an invested refin'd Midori on a AR-O map today. Shinon? He doesn't even have a color advantage to use as a crutch, and he hits like a semi-truck. Shocked I haven't seen him more in AR-D maps.

b!Edelgard is probably the only significant 'i need said CC Zihark an invested tanky-but-fast red sword' especially if she has that god damned noontime / DC build that's everywhere. l!Chrom (self explanatory), Duessel (good luck damaging him without a ranged green), and maybe Freyja (can still destroy reds if you're careless) are right behind.


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Yeah, so I was just getting back to T18 arena after dropping to T17 through laziness and kept getting wrecked even at intermediate difficulty by units I couldn't kill, being Legendary Corrin, various varieties of Edelgard, Braves Dimitri and Claude and Shinon. Can't say Midori was ever a presence or issue though. And all for one orb? Nah, passing on that. I mean, I missed out on several weeks worth of orbs by simply forgetting to do the BHB that just expired after all. Just waiting for the anniversary announcements is wearing me out more than I could have imagined.

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6 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I was reading the notifications recently and noticed that they are already doing a new poll for the next forging bonds revival. Does anyone how that is currently going?

I heard Mystery is doing well, but I haven't been keeping an eye on it since then.

Personally, I'd been hoping for a Mystery rerun a while ago, but Kris's seasonal means now I have all the characters in some form already.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

I heard Mystery is doing well, but I haven't been keeping an eye on it since then.

Personally, I'd been hoping for a Mystery rerun a while ago, but Kris's seasonal means now I have all the characters in some form already.

I see. I'm pretty much content with the New Mystery banner or the Awakening banner winning.

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24 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I was reading the notifications recently and noticed that they are already doing a new poll for the next forging bonds revival. Does anyone how that is currently going?

I believe it's mainly between Mirabilis and "Get Your Spurn Here", with the latter being the likely winner since Mirabilis notably has less support on the Japanese side. Dread Isle, meanwhile, will likely not avoid the axe this time after narrowly doing so last poll.

And Journey Begins.....got cucked by Plegian Bow now existing and thus I will never get those last two Forrest merges.

Edited by Tybrosion
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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I believe it's mainly between Mirabilis and "Get Your Spurn Here", with the latter being the likely winner since Mirabilis notably has less support on the Japanese side. Dread Isle, meanwhile, will likely not avoid the axe this time after narrowly doing so last poll.

I guess Japan must be really liking the premium fodder skills on the New Mystery banner over a sparkable Mythic Hero though I am fine with either winning really. Yeah, I don't see Dread Isle sticking around since there is nothing interesting there and I guess Spendthrift Bow is the only thing keeping the Fates banner afloat.

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So, I blew too many orbs lately (because I should have been saving them in case the mythic banner is incredible) and finally started doing the chain challenges. My team for these maps has been Brave Dimitri, Brave Claude, Flying Micaiah and Eir (literally just to be a healer and do chip damage). Also, Claude and Micaiah are S-Support buddies for the stat bonuses. I forgot how (pardon the old vernacular) "broken" each of these characters are when I made a stupid move and lost Eir and the very first map. To see the other three clear that map and the next nine just reminded me how much difference there is between tiers of characters. And in case you are curious, it was Book 2, Chapters 5&6 with Fallen Robin and the Fire Sisters being the main characters.

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11 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If we're getting a Duo unit on the Valentine banner, would next week's Resonant games give away what's on the banner?

No, because Duos do nothing extra in Resonant Battles. They have to be Harmonized.

So instead, here’s the list of games without a Duo Hero at this point: Thracia 776, Path of Radiance, Awakening, Fates, Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

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I know it got lost under the all the CYL noise, but the March FB revival poll is over and New Mystery won on both polls (though only narrowly on the English one).

Dread Isle placed last on both, so it is out of the running for the next poll.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Dread Isle placed last on both, so it is out of the running for the next poll.

By removing "The Dread Isle" from the next poll, and with the win for "Heroes, Light & Shadow", the next poll should be:

  • Journey Begins (Fates Banner)
  • Mirabilis and More (Awakening Banner, feat. Mirabilis)
  • A New Future (Three Houses / CYL 4 Banner)
  • Despair and Hope (Path of Radiance Banner)

The battle for the first place will be between CYL 4 and PoR banners, with the Fates Banner ranking in 4th in my opinion.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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12 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

By removing "The Dread Isle" from the next poll, and with the win for "Heroes, Light & Shadow", the next poll should be:

  • Journey Begins (Fates Banner)
  • Mirabilis and More (Awakening Banner, feat. Mirabilis)
  • A New Future (Three Houses / CYL 4 Banner)
  • Despair and Hope (Path of Radiance Banner)

The battle for the first place will be between CYL 4 and PoR banners, with the Fates Banner ranking in 4th in my opinion.

Should be an easy win for CYL4. After that, I'd expect Church to win the July poll, then Reginn to win September.

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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

Should be an easy win for CYL4. After that, I'd expect Church to win the July poll, then Reginn to win September.

I am considering to summon in the church rerun, if that happens. I want to finish Seteth as soon as possible, and I didn't have summoned on blue orbs recently, so having him as a 4* focus may help me getting the remaining 4 copies. I hope I get at least one Seteth while going for Seiros in her mythic banner.

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

By removing "The Dread Isle" from the next poll, and with the win for "Heroes, Light & Shadow", the next poll should be:

  • Journey Begins (Fates Banner)
  • Mirabilis and More (Awakening Banner, feat. Mirabilis)
  • A New Future (Three Houses / CYL 4 Banner)
  • Despair and Hope (Path of Radiance Banner)

The battle for the first place will be between CYL 4 and PoR banners, with the Fates Banner ranking in 4th in my opinion.

Honestly, I feel there’s a good chance that CYL4 gets skipped entirely because it’s already going to get re-run for the anniversary anyways.

If that does happen, then the next poll......will still be won by a Three Houses banner (Goddess’s Servants) anyways. Talk about a case of heads I win, tails you lose in TH’s favor.

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Apropos of nothing, I might've accidentally made a near-base Titania that I'm slightly terrified of ....

For context, I've always wanted to low key +10 her eventually but also make it not a waste of resources despite shitty as hell Gen 1 stats (her being +10'd and max Dragonflower'd is apparently almost equal to base Plegian Kris, save for extra res).  Saw a spare ninja hana combat manual (with her axe) Saw Titania's relatively high speed ... thought 'wouldn't it be hilarious if she could quad with this'



'... wouldn't it be hilarious if she had L+D4 to effortlessly quad KO with Luna, Guard to say 'fuck you' to counterattack specials, and savage blow to add insult to injury?

I know I'm excited to see the Mighty Mercenary at +10 now. :3c  In tests, she can even take out PVE Lunatic red swords...

(Pay no mind to the +3 HP seal, it's a temporary until I can grab the ATK/SPD solo that my TT HM grind unit is using right now... tho she's at the point where I actually don't need more attack as much as more def to prevent OHKO counters).

now she shines right along with her girlfriend Petrine <3

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3 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Are we expected to get enough ephemera 1 in order to get both 5* manuals? 

That has been the case in the past, so I assume we should get enough this time around too. There are still 31 days left.

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