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51 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The English calendar is just straight up wrong about the date of the TT+ banner. The Japanese calendar has the 6th as date for the TT+ banner.

Ah thanks!

So it was a Timezone difference/Day-Light Savings thing.

Starting from that point on the calendar, the Japanese's Calendar have events/banners starting one day ahead compared to the English's Calendar.

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On 10/27/2022 at 12:28 AM, Othin said:

IIRC, Skill Inheritance was added at the beginning of March 2017, and Jaffar was added in the middle of March 2017. But it took a while for them to really start accounting for the implications.

Not that it's relevant or anything, but based on the timestamp on this post, Skill Inheritance was added two days after Jaffar's banner (14/03/2017).

EDIT: Jeez, it's wild back there. Apparently Reposition is an inferior Draw Back.

Edited by Seafarer
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1 hour ago, Seafarer said:

EDIT: Jeez, it's wild back there. Apparently Reposition is an inferior Draw Back.

I don't remember Reposition ever being considered inferior to Draw Back, but I do remember that Draw Back was preferred on infantry ranged units since it allows you to keep the targeted unit, which was presumably more capable of tanking, in front. After all, Reposition and Draw Back result in the two units ending up in the same two squares, just with their positions switched.

I believe Reposition gained popularity because it was stronger offensively, and the positioning of the two units when used defensively mattered less after we figured out how broken Reinhardt was, as it no longer mattered which unit was in front because being in range at all meant death.

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Took long enough for Cherche to get literally anything. Matter of fact, it took so long that I don't know if my friend who's a big fan of Cherche even gives a shit about this game anymore.

EDIT: Just realized this, but I'm getting Priam vibes from the non-Cherche silhouette. I hope I'm wrong.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I see Cherche and Priam.  I am one of the few fans of Priam so I hope if I'm right he is free, but I actually hope I am wrong since I am fine with only his base version being in FEH.  I wonder if this will be a duo or harmonic since the last 2 years November has had a duo and the harmonic has been in December?  Well I will find out tomorrow. 

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The gauntlet kind of gives away that that's a Hoshidan Ninja/Master Ninja, so the most likely candidate would be Kaze/Saizo. Which is a shame, because that probably means they're going low-effort and just slapping them in a Master Ninja outfit. At least go for Hoshidan Dread Fighter...
If that is Cherche, it's looking... very not-spiky for someone who wanted to spike Kellam's armor for the sake of cuteness...

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I will not be summoning for the Duo Hero in this banner because it will probably win A Hero Rises Voting Gauntlet next year again, like how it happened in the two previous years. lol

But yeah... I can only see Cherche there. Although, the one on the right looks like to have Kaze/Saizo/Kagero Ninja armor type... so it could be one of the two male characters (I don't think Kagero would get another seasonal alt this year).

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1 hour ago, Sayyyaka said:

So unless they miraculously take over Christmas, no Jugdral seasonals this year?  Thanks FEH...

The first ninja banner had all 5 units come from different games, and the second ninja banner had 4 games represented over 5 units with the two Corrins being the only units that shared a game. I wouldn't count any game out based only on the two units shown in the silhouettes.

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So the first ninja banner had weapons with the Brave effect with a boost in Spd in exchange for reduced defenses, and the second ninja banner had weapons with the Brave effect with a boost in damage based on Spd in exchange for reduced defenses.

I wonder what they'll do with this year's inheritable weapons. The Brave effect is almost a given, and they'll likely still have reduced defenses. Perhaps Canto (1) as their other effect, like Ricard's weapon?


1 hour ago, GrandeRampel said:

I mean if the theme this time is Ninja Wyverns they could pick a wyvern from Jugdral? Eda time?

Since when has this banner had any sub-theme beyond the vague "most of these characters are fast"?

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Since when has this banner had any sub-theme beyond the vague "most of these characters are fast"?

2020 had four Myrmidons / Swordmasters (Lyn, Navarre, Zihark, Hana), and 2021 had three Snipers (Igrene, Shinon, Shamir). It wouldn't be a stretch to think that we're getting a couple Wyvern Riders based on the Cherche silhouette.

Though if we are getting a Jugdral Wyvern Rider, it's 100% going to be Altena rather than Deen or Eda.

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23 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

We got the silhouettes for the next Special Heroes banner tonight. The one on the left definitely looks like Cherche. As for the one on the right, to me it looks like either Kaze or Saizo.

Turns out it wasn't Kaze, Saizo, or Priam. It was...


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15 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Still wrong.

The silhouette on the right is Haar.

I totally knew that see I was just testing you all. Yeah, just testing! The fact that Heath and Haar both ended up on the banner and have similar hairstyles--at least as far as this particular banner's art goes--had nothing to do with it, not a thing, I swear, ha. Haha. Ha.

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Here's the next character tied to the Life & Death TT+ series [SPOILERS]:



It's Ganglot, now properly revealed and our (very likely) next Rearmed Hero.

Full art: https://imgur.com/a/L4fHRSA

I would've posted this earlier had IS not lied about the update time (around 6 pm CST my ass, thanks for nothing Summoner Duels R), but I choose to go to sleep shortly after the reset.

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Oooh! Ganglöt's very pretty. I really like the make up, the scythe, and the overall dark aesthetic. The head piece looks a bit weird, but everything else looks badass. If I was a girl and were to dress up as a witch or dark priestess for Halloween, Ganglöt's basic look is what I will be going for. I really like the eyeshadow, mascara, black lipstick, white hair, pale foundation, and that bold line across the face that just screams "I dare you to try to fuck with me, you little piece of shit!". If the make up was on myself, I would probably remove the horizontal line across the face, and add a very thin vertical triangle under each eye, pointing down reaching across my cheeks so it gives the impression that I am crying ink/black blood, and I would also probably use black contacts with white pupils. But yeah, she looks amazing!

I do not think that will be the final version of Arcane Downfall, since it lacks guaranteed follow-up. Other than that, once the guaranteed follow-up is incorporated, I think it is a pretty decent Weapon. Certainly better than the crap Amelia got.

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30 minutes ago, XRay said:

I do not think that will be the final version of Arcane Downfall, since it lacks guaranteed follow-up. Other than that, once the guaranteed follow-up is incorporated, I think it is a pretty decent Weapon. Certainly better than the crap Amelia got.

That’s probably because: 


Ganglot’s Prf skill will be providing those guaranteed follow-up attacks, since it looks like her Spd will be pretty middling.

Also, they didn’t alter Arcane Eljudnir at all from its appearance on NPC Rearmed Lif. If they didn’t do that then, I don’t see why they’d do it now.

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42 minutes ago, XRay said:

I do not think that will be the final version of Arcane Downfall, since it lacks guaranteed follow-up. Other than that, once the guaranteed follow-up is incorporated, I think it is a pretty decent Weapon. Certainly better than the crap Amelia got.

I was about to comment what @Tybrosion did.

I honestly expect the summonable version to be the same as we see there.

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28 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That’s probably because: 

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Ganglot’s Prf skill will be providing those guaranteed follow-up attacks, since it looks like her Spd will be pretty middling.

Also, they didn’t alter Arcane Eljudnir at all from its appearance on NPC Rearmed Lif. If they didn’t do that then, I don’t see why they’d do it now.

22 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I was about to comment what @Tybrosion did.

I honestly expect the summonable version to be the same as we see there.

Aw, I see. That really sucks then, as it would be a problem for slow axe users who will need to use their B or Sacred Seal slot for that effect. I mean, I guess it is still a decent Weapon, but the lack of guaranteed follow-up really pushes it down a tier.

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7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Here's the next character tied to the Life & Death TT+ series [SPOILERS]:


Apparently, the solution to showing off a lot of boob is to make it all jello. They pulled it off once with Hel, and they're doing the same with Ganglot, and I find it funny. And because it's tangentially related, have a reminder that Thrasir isn't wearing pants. Of any sort. And gets away with it because she's jello.

The outfit is very pretty, though, even if the ruffles on the inside of the shoulder things look a bit absurd. I am quite fond of jackets with lapels. It looks nice with the neck thing (I think it's called a jabot?).


Arcane Downfall looks like an interesting weapon, though it's a bit difficult to find units that want to use it over their default weapon other than Ninja Hana and Ninja Shamir unless you're trying to make an older unit like Amelia or Summer Innes more viable. Since it doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up built in, it's probably best to give it to a unit that's already fast, and pretty much all of the fast axe units are recent enough to have really good default weapons, though being able to get +8 Spd from the refined weapon is still a pretty good draw for the units that don't have a ton of non-stat skill effects on their exclusive weapons.

On the other hand, Ganglot is our first non-beast melee infantry Rearmed Hero, which means we can now duplicate all of the fancy new infantry skills, like Vital Astra, Godlike Reflexes, Velocity, and Atk/Spd Oath 4.


6 hours ago, XRay said:

I do not think that will be the final version of Arcane Downfall, since it lacks guaranteed follow-up.

There's absolutely no reason they'd do so.

The only times they've changed an enemy unit's weapon when the unit was released for players, they replaced the weapon outright with a prefixed version of the weapon. The probability that they'd give the enemy unit an Arcane weapon and then switch it out for a different Arcane weapon with the same name is literally zero. There would've been no reason to make the enemy-only weapon Arcane.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Rather disappointing that they decided to play it safe and make Ganglot "conventionally attractive". Hel was honestly a step in the right direction, since these people are supposed to be dead anyway.

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