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49 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I didn't expect Summer Eirika to appear in this DSH, and I confess i didn't like it.

Looks like they didn't want Dimitri to have a meh share with Ilyana, so they skipped him and put Eirika instead which took her share with Tana next year... Honestly, that was Three Houses bias acting again, imo.

I was going to just snipe Red and Blue, not because I had anything against pulling Ilyana, but because I'm not excited about pulling another Dimitri. He's fine unmerged with -HP for what I use him for and the fodder is okay. So I guess they baited me into pulling on Green.

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I have no idea what color I want to pull for on this Double Special Heroes banner.

On red, I already have a +10 Edelgard, and the only skill she has that is worth anything to me is Assault Troop, which is not terribly useful, as the only units I can really see myself giving it to are Legendary Edelgard and Fallen Edelgard. Mia is +4, and I don't really think it's worth pulling for her here when she shares a color with Ike on her original banner, which makes it much more attractive to pull for her there instead.

On blue, I already have a +10 Thorr, but she does have decent fodder since she has both Still Water and A/R Far Trace (though most units that want either skill already have it). Lilina is +5, and I do want more copies of her.

On green, I already have a +10 Ilyana, and her skills are completely useless to me. Eirika is +0, and I don't particularly care that much about her as a unit since I already have a ton of offensive ranged fliers that don't have to worry about keeping themselves alive, unlike Eirika.

On colorless, Micaiah is +2, and Henry is +1. I do want more merges for Micaiah. I don't care about merges for Henry, but at least the extra copies won't be sitting there being completely useless.


I think I've talked myself out of pulling red or green, but I'm not sure if I'd rather pull for blue or colorless. I want more copies of Micaiah more than I want more copies of Lilina, but Thorr is a better pity breaker than Henry.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Just popping in after a long while to say rearmed heroes are really freaking neat. Essentially free SI without losing the unit. As soon as I saw Ganglot I immediately knew I was going to give everything of hers to my +10 Ross. I also really wish I had gotten Rearmed Lif to give the sword to Guy as he's another favorite of mine, even if I have a +10 Chrom

However... that made something apparent to me... powercreep has gotten so bad. Stat creep especially. The last time I was playing was when Gonzales dropped and it urked me a bit that he had a significantly better offensive statline than Ross but at least there was some variation and I actually liked him as well so he's a +10 option.

Fast forward to now though and it's depressing how obsolete Ross is objectively. He can be built strong but to be powercreeped by Brigand Boss of all people. Units like Basillio and Gonzales edge him out, speedsters like Pirate Lifis and Ninja Hana/Shamir trade a bit of bulk for a far superior offense (especially Shamir), but the worst offenders are Young Boyd (who I've also +10'ed funnily enough), Brigand Boss and Atlas. 

Atlas is the worst offender by far, being strictly better in every way possible. It's almost disgusting how much better he is than literally every other F2P axe ever that doesn't have a prf or isn't Shamir. When @Ice Dragon said that there was no reason to give the axe to any other unit aside from favoritism I had to see for myself and wow, he's actually right. F!Shez is also probably the most disgusting of them all, but she has a prf so she's not competing with anyone. 

It really disappoints me on one hand, but on the other hand I almost want to build a +10 Atlas out of principle. So many good infantry axe units now. But it also makes me hope that Ross gets a really good refine, but even if it does it's unlikely it'll be better than Ganglot's Arcane weapon which is sad.

On another note, I'm so upset. I caught the HoF with Illyana who I plan to +10 and have 4 forma souls, but I missed both Kiria (who I want) and Erk (who I have +10'ed) and those would have been so amazing to get premium skills for... I actually think I was playing when Erk's HoF was going but I was indifferent at the time, now I regret it.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Atlas is the worst offender by far, being strictly better in every way possible.

Atlas does this because he gets the trainee bonus due to being a Villager, which essentially guarantees that he'll end up being the best slow axe infantry (despite not actually being slow) since no one else will have a higher stat total to distribute across their stats.

There has actually been no stat creep as far as stat totals go ever since CYL 3 (mid-August 2019), as long as you take Dragonflowers into account. All stat creep since then has only been in stat distributions, the fact that you need to spend Dragonflowers to let older units catch up, and the fact that new weapons grant more stats.

The problem with Ross is that even though he got the trainee bonus, at the time, they gave instant demotes stat totals from the previous generation, which counteracted his trainee bonus. As a result, he ends up with the same stat total as all other post-CYL-3 melee infantry (190-193 with max Dragonflowers) instead of having a boosted stat total, and ends up with a mediocre stat spread that allocated too many points into HP and Res. If he weren't an instant demote, he would likely be in a more similar position as Atlas.

Ross is expected to get a refine early next year (he's 4th in line, but they don't always go in order), and the current trend is that 4-star units tend to get a lot of stats in exchange for fewer non-stat skill effects. Python, as the most recent example, gets +29/22 offenses if the opponent has +6 buffs to all stats, though despite the massive stat boost, his viability suffers due to having mediocre defensive stats and no defensive skill effects on his weapon whatsoever. Ross is at least unlikely to get a glass cannon weapon, so his refine should at least be more viable.


1 hour ago, Zeo said:

When @Ice Dragon said that there was no reason to give the axe to any other unit aside from favoritism I had to see for myself and wow, he's actually right.

I mean, the problem with Arcane Downfall isn't the fact that axe units are bad, it's the fact that Arcane Downfall doesn't grant a guaranteed follow-up, which makes it less splashable than Arcane Eljudnir and Arcane Grima. The idea is that you're supposed to also have a slow unit inherit Quick Riposte 4 at the same time as Arcane Downfall, but that doesn't fix the problem that slow units still have no player-phase presence when doing so and still have to give up their B slot just to have a guaranteed follow-up.

In the end, it's due to Arcane Downfall's own shortcomings that there's no reason to actually give it to any unit that isn't already fast (aside from favoritism).

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Did Heroes skip rerunning the ninja banner with the Corrins, Igrene, and Shinon? I don't think I remember seeing that banner, can't recall seeing it on the banner, and it should've come before Ninja Lyn's banner. Right?

It's also possible that it was rerun and I'm just crazy, but I legit don't remember it.

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33 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Did Heroes skip rerunning the ninja banner with the Corrins, Igrene, and Shinon? I don't think I remember seeing that banner, can't recall seeing it on the banner, and it should've come before Ninja Lyn's banner. Right?

It's also possible that it was rerun and I'm just crazy, but I legit don't remember it.

Looks like it's scheduled for rerun on the 28th, as "Special Heroes Revival: Ninja Training". Odd timing, though.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Looks like it's scheduled for rerun on the 28th, as "Special Heroes Revival: Ninja Training". Odd timing, though.

Oh cool, thanks. Not sure why I didn't notice that. My brain's just not been around lately.

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I'm mildly stunned that I've actually pulled 6-7 copies of Atlas since his introduction given my relative inactivity and his new-ness. Yeah, being green helps a lot obviously, but that's still more than I think I have of the likes of Vyland and Balthus. (Still at zero pulls of Shez and Ricken too). I could just make him +5 and give Gangweapon to him right now since I've decided I don't want to give it to Mininerva (refine incoming), Shamir (impractical to merge since I missed her TT) Summer Seth (don't like his face) or Titania (too outdated). Bonus that Atlas' BST won't be surpassed for almost a full year, unless another villager axe comes along, and he's also hotter than Shez. 🙂

Saying that though, there's probably still too much risk of a new horse or flier axe coming along over the course of next year so eh, no reason to commit.


I actually do believe that once we have a good spread of rearmed weapons, the state of powercreep will be better than it has been for 2-3 years. Someone like Valentine's Titania will never get a resplendent, but the fact that there's likely going to be a very real reason to dust her off is something I thought I'd never see before the game closes down for good. No amount of powerful new A/B/C skills or the existence of Dragonflowers, IVcados or Floretes would have convinced me, but a modern Prf-quality weapon is a different kettle of fish.

That said, I haven't given Lifweapon to Palla yet because getting good inheritance synergy isn't yet possible with what I have at my disposal and what's available in the game. If/when Atk/Def Clash 3 becomes available via grails or a demote, and when I pull a spare Ruptured Sky, then I'll be ready. If I can put a better tier-4 B/C slot on him beforehand, even better.

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20 hours ago, Othin said:

Looks like it's scheduled for rerun on the 28th, as "Special Heroes Revival: Ninja Training". Odd timing, though.

It’s not odd timing when you notice that the Voting Gauntlet login bonuses start that same day.

That VG is almost certainly going to be 2022 ninjas vs 2021 ninjas.

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

It’s not odd timing when you notice that the Voting Gauntlet login bonuses start that same day.

That VG is almost certainly going to be 2022 ninjas vs 2021 ninjas.

Oh, that makes sense then.

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I have to say... the Ascended Heroes sharing color with others heroes in this banner made me less tempted for it.

Also, if Astrid was the best pick here, then it shows how weak the green color was at the beginning of this year... at least for New Heroes (Special Heroes had some pretty nice green units).

I wished it was Fallen Gustav there instead, but he is already in the remix so that wouldn't happen.

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52 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I have to say... the Ascended Heroes sharing color with others heroes in this banner made me less tempted for it.

Also, if Astrid was the best pick here, then it shows how weak the green color was at the beginning of this year... at least for New Heroes (Special Heroes had some pretty nice green units).

I wished it was Fallen Gustav there instead, but he is already in the remix so that wouldn't happen.

It's an odd lineup. Looks like the other options from the timeframe in question would be Rennac or Arthur, who don't have prfs, but personally I would have preferred one of them.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I have to say... the Ascended Heroes sharing color with others heroes in this banner made me less tempted for it.

I mean, it's a 6% focus banner, so at the very least, the chances of pulling the focus character you want isn't any lower than a normal banner. The only functional differences are that your pity breakers are locked to only a single unit and that the pity breaker fully resets your pity rate, which, statistically speaking, is not significant enough to actually matter.

At least it's not like the Legendary/Mythic Heroes banners, which actually have a lower chance per focus unit. It would be nice if they'd boost the focus rate on those to 9% to be in line with other banners and so I can spend less money on them


3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Also, if Astrid was the best pick here, then it shows how weak the green color was at the beginning of this year... at least for New Heroes (Special Heroes had some pretty nice green units).

I wished it was Fallen Gustav there instead, but he is already in the remix so that wouldn't happen.

2 hours ago, Othin said:

It's an odd lineup. Looks like the other options from the timeframe in question would be Rennac or Arthur, who don't have prfs, but personally I would have preferred one of them.

I feel like they probably could have gotten away with Letizia. Or even Charlotte.

That said, Astrid isn't actually bad as a unit. Her weapon is quite good. The problem is that, in order to make her not just a copy of Annette, they gave her Rally and Ruse skills that were off-meta in terms of stats (because Annette happens to have both of the versions with on-meta skills). At the very least, they could have given her Rally Atk/Spd+ with Spd/Def Ruse instead to not be an exact copy of Annette while still being on-meta.

(They also missed their chance to make her even more attractive with the "Assist Galeforce" that they put on Sain's weapon.)

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11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I mean, it's a 6% focus banner, so at the very least, the chances of pulling the focus character you want isn't any lower than a normal banner. The only functional differences are that your pity breakers are locked to only a single unit and that the pity breaker fully resets your pity rate, which, statistically speaking, is not significant enough to actually matter.

At least it's not like the Legendary/Mythic Heroes banners, which actually have a lower chance per focus unit. It would be nice if they'd boost the focus rate on those to 9% to be in line with other banners and so I can spend less money on them

Well the other side of the card on Mythic/Legendary banners is that, while you have lower chances of actually getting the specific unit you want, your chances of getting a high quality unit in general are higher over all.

And..uh..you know they're not really invested in you spending less money on banners? Quite the contrary, in fact.

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The next Resplendent Hero is Hel Odin:








His art is amazing, well above average even for Resplendent Heroes. It's a shame his stats are so awful.

I'm visiting family for Thanksgiving right now and have no motivation to type out a long post on mobile, so no analysis. But then it's not like Odin actually needs an analysis of how awful he is, even with the stat boost.

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I can do the analysis:

Odin has the lowest base Atk of any Resplendent unit so far. Therefore the +2 Atk he gains from the Resplendent boost is proportionally the highest increase ever, and given Azama and Merlinus are unlikely to ever receive the same treatment, this means Odin is and will forever be the best value Resplendent unit ever! Buy him now!!!

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

Maybe the Resplendent boosts shouldn't all have had the same distribution.

Honestly, that is the big issue here with Resplendent boosts and the dragonflowers. +5, +8, +10 boosts to stats in a vacuum is great in theory.

It's not that great in practice when all those points get distributed evenly to stats that don't need it. I'm sure my Reinhardt appreciates all those wasted defensive points that he really needs in attack. And Eirika sure wants more HP instead of attack and speed. Oh, and did we mention that Henry could really use more speed? And it kind of sucks since the characters who need the most help in stats also have the oldest and worst refines.

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7 hours ago, Othin said:

Maybe the Resplendent boosts shouldn't all have had the same distribution.

Maybe there should be more skills effects based on HP or Def or Res that arent exklusiv skills. It feels like Atk and Spd are the skills that matter the most unless you are an Armor unit

I would like to see a new HP based 500 SP Special in the form of Vengeance but with an added effect of Auto Follow up built in when the special is charged.

Or Tier 4 Boost skills based on Max HP. Like Earth Boost granting a unit 8 Def and a followup attack if Max hp of unit ist > max hp of opponent

Or Tier 4 Water Boost granting 8 Res and forcing the opponent to target your Res stat for damage calculations unless they run Mystic Boost

List goes on.



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I did a bunch of auto-battle Chain Challenge grinding to get all my remaining characters up to 5* lv40, which resulted in 45 back-to-back lv40 conversations: Matthis, Innes, Atlas, Ninja Haar, Kliff, Cervantes, Ricken, Mia, Kamui, Kjelle, Holst, Scion Lewyn, Jeralt, Colm, Summer Camilla, Brigand Boss, Summer Elincia, Dream Camilla, Guy, Karin, Bride Larum, Bride Cecilia, Scathach, Karel, Marcia, Luthier, Tanith, FE4 Hilda, Cath, Eldigan, Benny, Spring Luthier, Spring Henry, Ewan, Winter Manuela, Erk, Roshea, New Year Lyre, Lugh, Winter Ignatz, Winter Mirabilis, Basilio, Bertram, Halloween Sakura, and Halloween Sophia.

Looks like it's the opposite of the order I obtained them. I'd always been confused by what determined the sequence.

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15 hours ago, Othin said:

I did a bunch of auto-battle Chain Challenge grinding to get all my remaining characters up to 5* lv40, which resulted in 45 back-to-back lv40 conversations: Matthis, Innes, Atlas, Ninja Haar, Kliff, Cervantes, Ricken, Mia, Kamui, Kjelle, Holst, Scion Lewyn, Jeralt, Colm, Summer Camilla, Brigand Boss, Summer Elincia, Dream Camilla, Guy, Karin, Bride Larum, Bride Cecilia, Scathach, Karel, Marcia, Luthier, Tanith, FE4 Hilda, Cath, Eldigan, Benny, Spring Luthier, Spring Henry, Ewan, Winter Manuela, Erk, Roshea, New Year Lyre, Lugh, Winter Ignatz, Winter Mirabilis, Basilio, Bertram, Halloween Sakura, and Halloween Sophia.

Looks like it's the opposite of the order I obtained them. I'd always been confused by what determined the sequence.

Between that and some heavy multi-map battle grinding, I've finally achieved a goal I felt suddenly compelled to do over this long weekend:


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34 minutes ago, Othin said:

Between that and some heavy multi-map battle grinding, I've finally achieved a goal I felt suddenly compelled to do over this long weekend:


Oh wow. Nice. Is that from completing every unit in your barracks that can do Heroic Ordeals, or every unit currently in the game? If it's the former then I'm pretty close to getting that tick myself, if it's the latter then I'll probably never do so, as I'm never going to get even half of the seasonal units they've released.

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14 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Oh wow. Nice. Is that from completing every unit in your barracks that can do Heroic Ordeals, or every unit currently in the game? If it's the former then I'm pretty close to getting that tick myself, if it's the latter then I'll probably never do so, as I'm never going to get even half of the seasonal units they've released.

Every unit in my barracks - 713 at present. I have most of the main pool units, but I'm also missing a lot of seasonals.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Every unit in my barracks - 713 at present. I have most of the main pool units, but I'm also missing a lot of seasonals.

I'm 20 units away from that, most of them being newer units I haven't trained yet (I like to do that at the start of each month when there are actual quests in the training tower, though I've also recently trained one at a time in Forging Bonds). I just have six units on my back log of 2 drgaon flowers. I could do all their forging bonds now by just putting them to level 20 4* and completing them that way, but Forging Bonds is also a good indicator of what units I haven't hit 5* lv 40 yet, and I intend to get every unit in my barracks to that. So only 6 more units I actually have to collect feathers for for that.

I see you've done all the Tactics Drills too. I should get around to that some day as there are quite a few feathers to be gained. I like the idea of Tactics Drills, but I just find the solution to the Gran Master problems too esoteric to be fun to complete without the use of a move reset function (which I believe is one of those quality of life things actually in the subscription that us free to play players are needlessly denied).

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